Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1185: Little vixen and old fox

Wan Yan Chongjie was shocked and hurriedly grabbed the clothes to cover her chest, but Song Qingshu patted her hand to comfort her: "Don't worry, it's just for food delivery. Advertisement"

He had already heard someone approaching this room, and the reason why he didn't understand the sound and color was because he had heard that the other party was the boy before.

"My son, supper is ready." That said.

"I see, let's put it outside first." Song Qingshu responded. Now there is a full face and disheveled appearance in the house, so I can't let him in.

The little servant happily carried a plate of delicacies. He thought that the son-in-law would be happy to reward him or something, but who knew that the other party would not let him in even the door.

"Oh, the little one left the thing at the door." After putting it away, the young man had to leave with a sad face. After leaving the garden, he mumbled: "This young master has really changed his temper. On weekdays, It’s all clothes that stretch out their hands and open their mouths. How can they take them by themselves"

"What did you say?" At this moment, a deep voice came from my ear.

The young man looked back and saw that Jia Sidao was standing not far away frowning and looking at him. He was so frightened that he was frightened: "Master", he thought this was over. The young master is the master’s heart, so he listened to him. When he talks about the young master behind his back, he will peel off even if he doesn't die.

"Just now you said what happened to the young master" Jia Sidao asked.

The little boy's feet softened, and he immediately fell to the ground and knocked his head like garlic: "The little one has a lot of mouth, and the little one will never dare anymore."

"Shut up" Jia Sidao gave a low voice, "Take what you said just now."

Xiao Si was startled. Seeing that the other party didn't seem to blame him, he hurriedly replied with surprise: "That's it, the young master asked me to prepare supper, and then" he even said what happened just now.

After hearing Xiao Si's answer, Jia Sidao frowned deeper, and then asked the guard behind him: "I heard that there was an assassin in the mansion just now."

"Yes, although the guard in the palace wounded the assassin, it was a pity that they didn't catch him." The guard replied.

Jia Sidao's face finally changed, and he hurried to the study, "Come with me."

In the study room, Song Qingshu was teasing Yan Chongjie with the exquisite snacks from Jia's house, arousing the girl's anger. He couldn't help sighing, no wonder the two-dimensional animations in the former world were so concerned about the cast stalks, and there really was a pleasant sense of accomplishment.

While the two were making fun of them, Song Qingshu's expression suddenly changed: "Oh, someone is here."

In his original expectation, Jia Sidao did not come back so quickly, and even if he came back, there was still a distance from the entrance of the garden to the study room, enough for him to react.

But this time I don't know what's wrong, Jia Sidao almost trot all the way from the gate of the yard, and he has no time to send Wanyan Chongjie out.

"What to do?" Wan Yan Chongjie also realized the seriousness of the problem. Before Song Qingshu had a mental arithmetic and unintentional, she brought her in after an attack on the West, but now there is no time for her work.

"Don't panic, listen to my instructions, wait a while." Song Qingshu dressed her clothes while whispering in her ear.

Before long, the door of the study was kicked open from the outside, and a group of guards surrounded Jia Sidao filed in. After seeing the situation in the room, Jia Sidao's face became more gloomy.

I saw that in addition to Jia Baoyu, there was another girl who was too beautiful to speak. Unfortunately, Jia Sidao had no time to pay attention to her beauty at this time, because she was hiding behind Jia Baoyu with a shimmering dagger. On his neck.

Jia Sidao is very knowledgeable, and at a glance, he can see that the dagger is a sword that blows off the hair. As long as a little bit of force, it will instantly cut off his son's neck. It is really impossible to treat him if he has the ability to reach the sky.

"Who is the girl? It was Han Yunxuan who sent you to Wan Tuyu." Jia Sidao waved his hand to stop the guards' actions, and said in a deep voice. With his current power, there are not many who dare to come to Jia Mansion to make trouble. Adding to the things happening in the palace today, he subconsciously believes that the opponent was sent by the two political opponents, and the possibility of Wan Chengmao is even greater.

"You don't care where this girl came from, let me go," Wan Yan said again, pressing the knife gently, "Don't let Kai Xiu blame this girl."

Feeling the cold on Jian Feng, the skin on Song Qingshu's neck got goose bumps, and he lay down behind him, the soft touch suddenly became much more comfortable.

"Xiao Nizi, don't slip your hands." Song Qingshu passed the sound into the secret path, and while talking, he secretly placed the body protector on his neck, sighing in his heart that he is still not as open-minded as Guo Jing. In the original work, Guo Jing and Yang Guo Sleeping together, unprepared, if Yang Guo were really cruel to avenge him, he would have seen the King of Yama long ago.

"Now I know I'm afraid, why didn't I know that I was afraid when I spanked me just now and took off my clothes." Wan Yan Zhongjie used Song Qingshu's body to block other people and bit his ear.

"If Baoyu loses one of its heads, the old man will make you unable to survive or die." Jia Si said angrily.

Song Qingshu noticed that his figure swayed slightly, obviously intending to make a move, but unfortunately he was not sure about it, so he finally stopped.

"Really?" Wan Yan sneered, and tore a handful of heads directly from Song Qing's head. "He has lost so many heads, what can you do?"

Song Qingshu didn't expect her to come so suddenly, he couldn't help taking a breath, and while pretending to face Jia Sidao with a weeping face, he sent a vicious voice into the secret: "Well, you little girl, watch me wait. What will I do with you later."

Wan Yan Zhongjie was indifferent, and he tore off a few heads easily, and smiled and blew a clear breath in his ear: "If you say one more thing, I will pull it once, until you don't say it."

Song Qingshu couldn't laugh or cry. It was a feng shui turn. Just now he threatened her with a spanking, but he didn't expect to retaliate so soon.

From Jia Sidao's perspective, only Wanyan Zhongjie seemed to be talking to Jia Baoyu. Unfortunately, because the other party was talking directly to his ears, he couldn't hear what they were talking about.

However, seeing Wan Yan Zhongjie tearing off Jia Baoyu's head one after another, Jia Sidao's face twitched terribly. I just said that if she lost a head, she would not be able to survive, but she could not expect to die, but she would come back directly with a face. In his impression, it has been a long time since he was in a high position that no one dared to confront him like this.

"Don't be fooling around, get out first." Song Qingshu had a headache. Wan Yan Chongjie was so bold that he actually started fooling around at this juncture.

After Wanyan Zhongjie, she became very playful. The excitement of dancing on the tip of a knife made her excited. She knew that at other times, she had only to listen to Song Qingshu obediently, and finally had an exchange position to let the other party listen to her obediently. The opportunity to speak, how can I waste it in vain?

"You released Baoyu, and the old man pledged you to leave safely with the reputation of the Secret Envoy of the court." The sword on Jia Baoyu's neck was so dazzling that Jia Sidao finally couldn't help but speak.

"Cut, you are my three-year-old child. With this life-saving talisman, there is no way for this girl to survive" Wan Yan Zhongjie said, "Keep out of the way. When this girl is in a safe place, naturally let him go."

Jia Sidao's pupils shrank slightly, and he waved his hand after hesitating for a while, motioning for the guard to get out of the way.

Wan Yan Zhongjie smiled triumphantly, and walked out with Song Qingshu. Song Qingshu also pretended to inadvertently block some of her blind spots along the way, so that the master hidden in the dark could not attack her.

In this way, he reached the gate, Wan Yan Zhongjie angrily said: "Why are you not ready for the steed that I asked you to prepare before?"

Jia Sidao sneered again and again: "The steed can be delivered at any time, but if you don't let them go first, how could I let you take him away like this"

"If I let people go, can I still go?" Wan Yan Chongjie also sneered.

"Then let's stay in a stalemate like this for now, to see who can consume the other." Jia Sidao closed his eyes after speaking, as if an old monk entered concentration.

Now it was Wanyan Zhongjie's turn to be dumbfounded, and quietly asked: "Big Brother Song, what should I do now"

Song Qingshu glanced at Jia Sidao and admired him. How could this old fox, who was overwhelming in politics, be led by a young girl by his nose? He would definitely try to get out of the other party's rules and act according to his own rules.

In fact, the trick to break Jia Sidao is simple. It's just to see who is more ruthless. If the real Jia Baoyu is held hostage by Wanyan Chongjie, he will cut off one of his fingers at this time, and give him some blood if it doesn't help. , Jia Sidao naturally couldn't sit still.

It is a pity that this Jia Baoyu is a Xibei goods, Song Qingshu is not willing to cut his finger or something.

While hesitating, Jia Sidao suddenly opened his eyes, and Chen Jian, who was next to him, seemed to have a heart-to-heart. Suddenly, he was in trouble. A sharp knife light slashed over Wanyan Zhongjie's head, and the knife was fast and accurate. The two sides are clearly separated by a distance of one to two feet, but just as he saw him draw the knife, the knife had already smashed over like Mount Tai.

Song Qingshu was shocked, wondering why Jia Sidao dared to take such a risk but reacted in the next second. Jia Sidao said just now that he was waiting to see Yan Chongjie's reaction. Who knew that Wan Yan Chongjie had no idea for a while. He caught the opponent's inner weakness in an instant, and this allowed his master soldiers to take a dangerous move, betting that they made the wrong choice when the flashes were flashed.

Song Qingshu wanted to remind her that it was too late. As expected, Jia Sidao did not expect that the other party would disregard Jia Baoyu’s life. Originally it was the best choice to block the knife with Song Qingshu, but at that moment Wan Yan Chongjie didn't think about the serious relationship, and subconsciously worried that Song Qingshu would be hurt, so he chose to dodge himself.

The martial arts of Wanyan Zhongjie was good, and she escaped Chen Jian’s domineering knife in time, but it was a pity that she had lost control of the hostages at this moment. Wanyan was surrounded by a heavy festival. 8

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