Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1194: Unexpected situation

Seeing his dignified face, the two women calmed down and listened carefully. Zhou Zhiruo has now achieved a small success in practicing the Jiuyin Scripture, and her skill has also improved by leaps and bounds. Unfortunately, the rain outside is too loud, and she can only vaguely hear breathing inside. Sheng, as to how many people there are, or even whether there are anyone, she is not sure. Tian Lai Novels. 2

As for Lan Fenghuang, she was even more unbearable. She didn't have enough skill. She pricked her ears up and listened for half a day, except for the patter of rain, she heard nothing.

Although the two women didn’t know the situation inside, it’s not easy for Song Qingshu’s current cultivation level to be called a top expert. Zhou Zhiruo looked worried: “The people inside don’t know if it’s an enemy or a friend, so it’s better for us. Other places, lest there be conflicts."

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "I don't care, but it's so heavy outside. Once your girls' clothes are soaked, it's almost as if you don't wear clothes. Are you willing?"

The faces of the two women were reddened. Just now, the dresses and skirts of the two women were a little wet. If Song Qingshu hadn’t done so lightly and Gao Juexun had brought them here, the dresses of the two of them would have been tightly attached to the skin. Up.

The two women are from the martial arts, so don’t worry about the wind and cold. The most worried thing is happy happiness. Although Lan Fenghuang has a cheerful and bold personality, Song Qingshu is not her lover after all, so how can she show her body unreservedly in front of him; Zhou Zhiruo is quiet and shy, and naturally doesn't want to be so embarrassed.

Seeing the embarrassment of the two women, Song Qingshu said with a smile: "Don't worry, you can go to the Tiger's Den in Longtan even if you are with me."

Only then did Zhou Zhiruo and Lan Fenghuang react. With Song Qingshu's current martial arts, only others retreat. How can they retreat?

Song Qingshu took the two women into the ruined temple. When he opened the door of the temple, he suddenly hesitated and took out a silver-white iron mask to cover his face. When he came out of the tea room just now, he had recovered to his original state. Appearance, but this place is still in the Southern Song Dynasty after all, if someone guessed that he was Jia Baoyu, it would be really troublesome.

After entering the door, the three of them all had a pause and stopped. It turned out that a bonfire was lit in the ruined temple, and there were eighteen people in black with masks scattered around. They noticed the movement at the door. , They looked over here sharply.

Feeling the faint killing intent in the eyes of the other party, Zhou Zhiruo and Lan Fenghuang both felt a little uncomfortable, and they couldn't help but leaned against Song Qingshu, feeling that his breath gradually calmed down.

"We are here to hide from the rain, and we will leave in a while." Song Qingshu smiled as if not aware of it. After speaking, he dragged Zhou Zhiruo and Lan Fenghuang to a corner and sat down.

The masked and black people in the temple couldn’t help looking at each other. Originally in their hearts, those who came in saw the situation inside the temple and would leave wisely. They had something to do, and they didn’t want to have more troubles. That’s how it happened. Passed.

Who knew that the man and the woman walked straight in, which was beyond their expectation.

Is it the boldness of the art masters?

This was the first thought that came to the minds of all masked people, but it was quickly rejected by them. Among the group of three, there was only a girl with a higher level of martial arts, and the other woman could not enter the eyes of their magic with martial arts. The man didn't have any fluctuations in his true energy, and he was directly ignored by them.

The group of people in black exchanged eyes for a while, and finally no one spoke. They just sent someone to close the temple door again, and then sat cross-legged.

Except for the sound of wood burning in the bonfire, there was no sound in the temple. In addition, the eyes of the black-clothed people swept at Song Qingshu and the others from time to time, so the atmosphere seemed extremely strange.

Song Qingshu also secretly frowned. These people in black have long auras and introverted spirits. I am afraid that they are not under Qiu Qianren's cultivation. They should be famous figures in the rivers and lakes. But if he racks his brains, he cannot guess these people Identity.

You must know that Qiu Qianren's martial arts is only second to Wujue, and there are actually eighteen Qiu Qianren's masters of the same level in this temple, and one or two of them even have a vague cultivation base of Wujue. What a powerful force this is. Why is it unknown in the arena?

Because it was uncomfortable with rainwater, Lan Fenghuang collected some weeds and firewood nearby and started a fire. Because there were so many strange men in the temple, she and Zhou Zhiruo were naturally inconvenient to take off their coats and set fire to the fire. Can get as close to the flame as possible, trying to dry the clothes just like that.

The heat of the flame gradually dissipated the coldness on his body, Zhou Zhiruo glanced unconsciously towards the shrine, saw the few figures faintly exposed behind the tattered curtain, and couldn't help being shocked.

Song Qingshu was meditating, Zhou Zhiruo quietly stabbed him in the waist, her pretty face was full of shock.

Following her gaze, Song Qingshu was also stunned. It turned out that there were several people **** in the far corner. They were the two elders of the King Kong Sect Master and Xuan Ming. Their heads were scattered and bloodstained. Apparently they had gone through a great battle, and now their eyes were closed tightly.

"These people are all in trouble, what about Zhao Min?" Song Qingshu was startled and hurriedly looked to the side, just when a young girl heard the movement and looked suspiciously, who was it not Zhao Min!

Zhao Min was also tied to the pillar with his backhand. The silk was a bit messy, no longer the usual flamboyant and noble air, but a bit more pitiful.

The clothes on her body are intact, there is no blood, obviously there is no injury, but from the eyes you can see that she is quite frightened.

Zhao Min also recognized Zhou Zhiruo and Lan Fenghuang at this moment. As for Song Qingshu, she subconsciously regarded her as Jia Baoyu, and thought that Zhou Zhiruo had put on a mask on him in order to hide.

Seeing an acquaintance, Zhao Min's face showed joy at first, but soon thought of something, and hurriedly winked at Zhou Zhiruo and signaled her to leave quickly.

Zhou Zhiruo's heart trembled. Although she could not feel the specific strength of these men in black like Song Qingshu, she knew the martial arts of the two elders Xuanming and King Kong sect master. She must know that the three of them are all top masters, plus There are also many warriors in the Mongolian mission, and this kind of strength is also captured by this group of black clothes. The opponent's strength is really terrible.

No other Mongolian warriors were seen in the temple, and they must have been killed and thrown into the wilderness.

Song Qingshu and the three of them looked at each other, and they obviously saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

"Who are these people and why did they attack the Mongolian group?" Song Qingshu was full of doubts.

The two elders Xuan Ming had drooped their heads with a sullen expression. At this time, there was movement and they looked up. When they saw Zhou Zhiruo and the others, they couldn’t help but smile and shouted: "I just told you that Jia Baoyu has been killed. Did you take it away? You don't believe it. No, the one who robbed him is right in front of you." The two voices were hoarse, their breaths were incomparably scattered, and they were obviously seriously injured.

Now that the two elders Xuanming looked over there, Zhao Min knew that it was going to be bad, and before he could stop them, they blurted out, both irritated and guilty.

Although the relationship between her and Zhou Zhiruo is not good, and there is no good impression, but it is limited to the dispute between gentlemen, she has never wanted to kill each other.

If there is not much difference between the two sides, Zhao Min might even break Zhou Zhiruo’s identity and come up with a plan to drive tigers and wolves, but this group of people in black don’t know where the top masters came from, even the group of King Kong sect masters. The entire army was wiped out. Although Zhou Zhiruo's martial arts was high, she was at most equal to the second elder Xuan Ming. If her identity was broken at this time, it would not be driving the tiger and the wolf, but the white rabbit.

More importantly, as long as these people in black did not find Jia Baoyu for a day, she would be safe. And as long as Zhou Zhiruo left here, Zhao Min believed that the other party would definitely try to save himself.

Zhao Min didn't know why she had such self-confidence. It is reasonable to say that Zhou Zhiruo should hate her for being so boned. However, the two of them have been fighting secretly over the years, and gradually felt a sense of sympathy. She asked herself if she was in a different place, she would definitely find ways to save each other. of.

Of course, all of this must be based on Zhou Zhiruo's safe departure. Now she was caught off guard by encountering these masters, and even if she wanted to save her, she couldn't do anything. Zhao Min knew that with Zhou Zhiruo's ingenuity, he could definitely analyze how powerful these people in black were through their current tragic situation. He would not act rashly, but would go back and notify other masters, such as Ouyang Feng, or...Song Qingshu.

It's a pity that all of this was destroyed by the two rice buckets of the two elders Xuanming. Zhao Min's face was pale, and he hurriedly stopped and said: "You two are dizzy, how can you catch someone screaming casually!"

The two elders Xuan Ming was taken aback, did not understand the other party's suggestion at all, and blurted out: "Zhou Zhiruo is as beautiful as a god, and the blue phoenix is ​​so charming, how can we admit mistakes?"

Zhao Min couldn't help closing his eyes, and sighed in his heart: These two guys who succeeded less than failed!

Zhou Zhiruo Bingxue was smart, and she soon understood that Zhao Min was protecting her identity. When she thought that the other party's life was hanging by a thread, she was actually trying to save herself, and she suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

The group of people in black was quickly disturbed by the voices of the two elders Xuan Ming, and stood up one after another, and said with a smile for that person: "It turns out that it is the head of Emei Sect Zhou and the leader of the Five Poison Sect Lan. I really don't know Taishan. "Although he said so, his tone was joking, and he obviously didn't take the two women seriously.

Song Qingshu noticed that their gazes were running more towards themselves, and their scalp numb. These people are not perverted, right? The two charming and charming beauties next to them don't care, they just look at themselves.

But he quickly realized that these people regarded him as Jia Baoyu.

Reminiscing about Jia Sidao's words before leaving, Song Qingshu finally understood what his arrangement was and guessed the identity of the group of masked men in black.

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