Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1197: As long as the **** is swayed well

Zhao Min was startled when he heard the words, because she was shocked by what happened before her, and Song Qingshu was thinner than her, causing her reaction to be a bit slower than usual. Upon hearing Zhou Zhiruo's words, she instantly realized that she had fallen into it. Great danger. ?

Since Song Qingshu pretended to be Jia Baoyu, then the real Jia Baoyu was obviously dead. Once the impersonation was revealed, Jia Sidao and him would definitely not die. After all, Jia Sidao was the first person in the Southern Song military. Although Song Qingshu’s Golden Snake Camp Vigorous and vigorous, but after all, the foundation is still shallow, and it can't compete with the Southern Song Dynasty. What's more, they are now fighting against Li Kexiu's Jiangnan Green Camp. Once the Southern Song Dynasty officially enters the war, the Golden Snake Camp will only be defeated.

But this is not the most important thing. If it is only to pretend to be Jia Baoyu, Zhao Min is very sure that Song Qingshu may not really do anything to her based on the friendship between the two, but Song Qingshu pretended to be Jia Baoyu, not only deceived himself, but also deceived him. For the people of Lin'an, even Jia Sidao hasn't noticed that his son has been stiffened by Li Daitao, what a magical disguise technique!

The last time I saw him change his face into Tang Kuobian in Jin Guo, it was only a coincidence. After all, Tang Kuobian had a beard and his features were too obvious, so it was easier to disguise, but this time Jia Baoyu is a greasy dude. No beard on his face!

Without the cover of his beard, every inch of skin on his face would be seen by someone familiar with him, but in this way, no one appeared, which proved Song Qingshu's ability to transform into anyone!

If he has this ability to be known to the world, I don’t know how many dignitaries will have trouble sleeping and eating, and will be more likely to become the public enemy of all men in the world. After all, no man wants to be easily treated like his own by another man and be affectionate with his wife...

Before contacting Tang Kuobian of the Kingdom of Jin, Zhao Min suddenly thought that Song Qingshu had assassinated Kangxi of the Qing Kingdom. Before that, she felt that the whole thing was strange. With her understanding of Song Qingshu, how could he act so recklessly? Could it be...

Seeing Zhao Min's face changed, Song Qingshu smiled and said, "It seems that the princess has already figured out a lot of things."

Zhao Min smiled bitterly: "At this moment, I suddenly felt that if I wasn't that smart, it would be fine."

Song Qingshu also sighed: "If it's other things, I can let you go, but this fact is too much involved, and it is also related to the lives of countless people. I must stifle any risks in the cradle."

Zhao Min's face was pale, and he murmured, "Understand, if I change places, I will have the same choice."

Seeing that the two were entangled here, Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help humming: "There is no end, if you can't make it, I will come!" He said that he was going to get the Heavenly Refining Sword in Song Qingshu's hand.

In fact, if it were other women, Zhou Zhiruo was determined not to be so gloomy, but every time she saw Zhao Min's beautiful and flowery face and the proud look between her brows, she was panicked.

Zhao Min pursed her mouth and smiled, "Naughty girl, do you just miss me so much?"

Zhou Zhiruo turned her face away and snorted, "Lest you go to harm others as a fox."

Zhao Min smiled more happily: "You hate me so much, is it because of Zhang Wuji or because you are afraid that I will steal your man again?"

"You!" Zhou Zhiruo was speechless for a while, her pretty face flushed red, she didn't know how to reply to the other party, could it be because of another man in front of her husband? She is not so stupid yet; but to admit the latter reason, doesn't she think she is far less attractive than the other person? She can admit defeat to everyone, but she can't admit defeat to Zhao Min.

"Hmph, this fox, I didn't know what I owed her in my previous life, and now she wants to harm me when she is dying." Zhou Zhiruo thought angrily.

Song Qingshu did not give the sword to Zhou Zhiruo, but raised it to Zhao Min's white Ruyu's neck. The coldness of the sword's edge in the sky stimulated Zhao Min's skin with a thin lump. She looked deeply. He glanced at the man in front of him, then closed his eyes.

With Zhao Min's ingenuity, knowing that she would beg softly, things might turn around, but if she did this, wouldn't she be unable to hold her head up in front of Zhou Zhiruo for a lifetime? But what made her even more disappointed was that Song Qingshu really had a murderous intention towards her, and she suddenly felt that life seemed to have no meaning.

Seeing Zhao Min's slightly raised chin, a silent pride was faintly revealed on his face, Song Qingshu frowned, and the sword couldn't be pierced.

While hesitating, the Crane Bi Weng on the side exclaimed: "Song, you really want to kill the princess? Do you still have a conscience? Do you know that the princess rushed to the south of the Yangtze River after hearing that you had an accident? , And also falsely spread the will of the Great Khan to put pressure on the Southern Song Dynasty..."

"Shut up!" Before he finished speaking, Zhao Min opened his eyes and gave him a fierce look. "We Mongolians only have heroes who died in battle, and we don't have cowards who beg for mercy!"

"Princess, I am not a Mongolian." Seeing that Song Qingshu seemed to be really murderous, the master of King Kong could not sit still, and said hurriedly, "Prince Song, based on the relationship between our princess and you, sooner or later It's all a family, what Liangzi can't solve? Isn't it just a fake Jia Baoyu, and we won't tell other people how could it be so serious?"

His explanation like this is not loyal, but mainly out of his own considerations, because once Zhao Min is killed, where will they have a way to survive?

It is a pity that they are not as smart as Zhao Min, and they have not even realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Shut up!" Unexpectedly, Zhao Min couldn't help being ashamed and angry. He couldn't help but sew the mouths of these **** with a needle. He glanced at the expressions of Song Qingshu and others from the corner of his eyes. Zhang Qiao's face was a bit redder than Rose.

The corners of Song Qingshu’s lips rose slightly and put away the Heavenly Sword. The King Kong Sect Master just breathed a sigh of relief, but the Heavenly Sword appeared on their throats instantly: "Since you are so loyal to the Lord, then kill you first. Let you first go to Huangquan Road to explore the way for your master."

Feeling the murderous aura on the tip of the sword, the King Kong Sect Master felt his head straightened in an instant. Although he has been bald for decades without a single head on his head, he just felt a straight head: "Master Song, Daxia Song , I did offend you in the past. Your lord has a lot of things. If you don’t look at the face of the monk, look at the face of the Buddha. Let’s see on the face of the princess and spare us.

Although he is a master of the generation, he has traveled to the Western Regions and abides by the code of conduct of respecting the strong. Unlike the masters of the Central Plains, he cherishes wings and does not hesitate to beg for mercy.

Zhao Min said in embarrassment, "If you ask for mercy, why do you hold me up!" But even though she said that, she opened her hands to protect them and said to Song Qingshu, "They are my subordinates. Kill them, kill me first!"

Song Qingshu raised her chin with the tip of the sword, and said coldly, "Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Zhao Min bit his lip and said faintly: "You are a great hero, is there anyone you dare not kill in this world?"

Song Qingshu was silent for a while before he said: "They don't know why I want to kill you, but you should understand that I can't let you go."

"I know." Zhao Min expressionless.

Only then did the King Kong Sect Master and Xuan Ming realize that Song Qingshu really had a murderous heart, rather than a small conflict between their lovers, and they couldn't help being shocked.

"Song Daxia, if you have something to say, as long as you let us go, we can do things for you from now on. Although...Although our martial arts are far inferior to you, we are still so-so in the arena. There is always something useful." Xuan Elder Ming rushed to say.

Zhao Min, who saw the two of them so servile and who knew their character so well, was not surprised, and said nothing during the whole process with a stern face.

"It's a pity that I can't believe you." Song Qingshu said coldly.

Hearing his tone loosened, the two elders Xuan Ming were not surprised and rejoiced: "I don't know how the son can believe our two brothers."

Song Qingshu took out two red elixirs and stretched them in front of them: "With the knowledge of the two, I must have heard of the name of these three corpse brain gods. After eating them, I may spare your life."

The two elders Xuanming glanced at each other and both saw the fear in each other’s eyes. They had been in the rivers and lakes for many years, how could they not know what the Three Corpse Brain God Pill is? This thing can be solved by the poisoner itself, other people basically Unable to remove it, even Zhao Min Tang Tang, the princess lord, was hit by this, and the power of the entire Ruyang Palace had not been found.

Once he eats these three corpse brain gods pills, he can only follow Song Qing's words in the future, otherwise he will not give the antidote, and the corpse worms will eat the brain, which is really worse than death.

Unfortunately, now they have no other choice but to swallow the pill with a bitter expression.

"Very good," Song Qingshu nodded in satisfaction, "look into my eyes."

The two elders Xuan Ming raised their heads subconsciously, only feeling that they were plunged into darkness. Song Qingshu felt uneasy about asking them to subdue the three-corpse brain **** Tang, so they imprinted their souls, so that they didn't dare to betray themselves subconsciously.

"The great method of moving souls!" With the master's cultivation and knowledge of the Vajra Sect, I have naturally heard this method in the Jiuyin Scriptures. Seeing Song Qingshu easily moved the souls of the two masters, I was shocked and frightened.

Song Qingshu said faintly: "The master has two ways to go. Either die right away or let the happy **** be the same as them." The master of the king Kong is far from comparable to the two elders of Xuan Ming, and now he has defenses and shifts to him. Soul Dafa carries a lot of risk. Of course, Song Qingshu's current skill will not be backlashed, but it is likely that his consciousness will be completely destroyed because of the resistance of the King Kong Sect Master. Song Qingshu does not want multiple idiots.

The face of the King Kong sect master changed, and the pride of the clan made him unwilling to be driven like this from now on, but the nostalgia for the Huahua world made him unwilling to die like this. After a long time, he finally let out a foul breath: "Come on. ."

Seeing him with grief and anger on his face, as if a young girl was about to endure the humiliation of a big man, Song Qingshu couldn't help being speechless, and forced his nausea to use the soul-changing method on him.

Perhaps it was the scene where Song Qingshu killed eighteen top masters in seconds before. The King Kong Sect master was very knowledgeable about current affairs and had no desire to resist. The whole process went smoothly.

After Song Qingshu gave him the Three Corpse Brain Pills, he said to them: "You go back to Mongolia first, how to make a business. I just told you about it. Everything else remains the same. I will inform you when I need it in the future. "

"Yes, son!" The three of them looked at each other, feeling that there seemed to be no change in their whole body, but faintly felt that there was something in their minds, gave Zhao Min a sullen look, and then turned away sullenly.

"Digging the corner in front of me, have you ever considered my feelings as a master?" Zhao Min watched the whole process coldly, and said only now.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "You can still order them as usual, but they will still listen to me in the end."

Zhao Min's expression changed: "I advise you to kill me. I want to control me like you control them. There is no door!" After speaking, he resolutely slammed into the tip of the Yitian sword in his hand. 8

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