Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1200: Did I say that you believed it on purpose?

In fact, objectively speaking, Zhou Zhiruo is not young, at least above the average level, but the other two women are so talented that she dwarfs her. ??

Zhao Min quickly noticed Zhou Zhiruo’s abnormality. After a little thought, she knew what she was depressed. He couldn't help but moved over and said with a smile: "Sister Zhiruo, do you want me to tell you how to promote breast growth? ?"

"No need." Zhou Zhi refused a few crisply, her face darkened. How could she not know the other party's temper after having been with Zhao Min for so many years.

Zhao Min glanced at her chest, with a faint smile on her face: "It is said that after a woman marries, the place will become more plump. It seems that this rumor is beyond belief."

Zhou Zhiruo abruptly got up and said angrily: "The surname is Zhao, are you still there?"

"Ouch~" Zhao Min patted his chest, pretending to be very scared, and hurriedly hid behind Lan Fenghuang. "They didn't say anything, why are you so angry?"

Zhao Min's insinuation skills are really great. Knowing that he is talking about himself, Zhou Zhiruo is angry but doesn't know how to do it, and he feels extremely uncomfortable.

"Princess, your women on the prairie grew up eating beef and mare milk, and their body nutrition must be better than that of other ethnic groups. Sister Zhou is already pretty good among the Han people." Lan Fenghuang hurriedly said to ease the two. Zhou Zhiruo's expression gradually eased in the tense atmosphere.

Zhao Min knew that a proper teasing of Zhou Zhiruo would be enough. If it really irritates him, he can't beat her: "Master Lan, you shouldn't drink mare's milk from the snack beef, why is it... so spectacular? "

Hearing her question, Zhou Zhiruo on the side also pricked her ears. She couldn't learn Zhao Min's racial superiority. On the contrary, the situation of Blue Phoenix was similar to her. Maybe she could learn from it.

Faced with such a problem of sex, the face of the always coquettish and charming Lan Phoenix also showed a hint of shame: "Actually, I don't know what's going on, it seems...it seems to be born this big."

Zhou Zhiruo, who was waiting to listen to the advanced experience, almost never gave up her breath. Lan Fenghuang's words caused her 9999 critical damage.

She felt that she would be crazy if she stayed with these two women, so she wiped her body hurriedly, got up and put on her clothes and sat aside sulking.

Noting her reaction, Zhao Min showed a smug look in his eyes, deliberately pulling up Blue Phoenix to discuss the topic of his chest. Lan Fenghuang didn't realize that she was telling Zhou Zhiruo on purpose, and discussed it with her unsuspectingly.

Zhou Zhiruo's pretty face was covered with a layer of frost, and she got up and walked outside, thinking about being out of sight or upset, her eyes swept to Zhao Minnae. Her crystal-like jade skin was exposed, and her eyes fluttered in her heart. So he cares about it, and sits back again.

Zhao Min originally saw Zhou Zhiruo swallowing a fly-like expression, and felt extremely happy. Who knew that the other party suddenly regained her peace. She was indifferent to whatever she said to Lan Phoenix. Instead, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, seeming to think of something happy. Laughing.

Zhao Min felt dull, and after chatting with Lan Fenghuang for a few words, he came out of the tub. When he was about to get his clothes, Zhou Zhiruo threw a fragrant pancreas at the right time.

With Zhou Zhiruo's current martial arts throwing hidden weapons, it is accurate, not to mention a mere fragrant pancreas? Xiang Yizi happened to appear on the way Zhao Min was advancing, and was stepped on by her by coincidence.

Zhao Min was unprepared, screamed in fright, and instantly lost her center of gravity, and fell heavily to the ground. Because she was in close contact with the floor without clothes, her tears came out because of the pain, and she couldn't help it. Groaned.

Zhou Zhiruo's anger that had been suffocated all night was finally released, and she wanted to jump up and clap her hands and applaud.

Lan Fenghuang also stood up from the bath tub, leaned out, and asked with concern: "How is the princess?"

Before Zhao Min could answer, suddenly the door of the room was knocked open, and Song Qingshu rushed in like a gust of wind: "What...what happened?"

When he saw the scene in the room clearly, he couldn't help being stunned.

Zhao Min fell to the ground without a strand, every inch of skin on his body unreservedly unfolded in front of him, his skin was crystal clear as jade, because he had just got out of the bath, there were still fine drops of water hanging on his skin, under the light of the light. , Like Ambilight, breathtakingly beautiful. Perhaps because of the pain from the fall, Zhao Min frowned slightly at this time, which made people feel a kind of pity and pity.

Most of the blue phoenix next to him was exposed outside the bath tub. The white flowers were dazzling. Zhao Min's skin was as white as jade. The whiteness of the blue phoenix was closer to the milky white of milk, especially the bulging one. The chest is pressed against the edge of the barrel, and the exaggerated squeezing feeling is very visually impactful.

Song Qingshu only felt that the tip of his nose was hot, and the nosebleeds that had been deliberately suppressed finally flowed out.

The three girls in the room were dumbfounded. Zhou Zhiruo originally only wanted to rectify Zhao Min's disgust in her heart, but when she fell down, she screamed so exaggeratedly. Song Qingshu, who was guarding outside the room, thought something was wrong in the room and hurried. Broke in.

Although on the surface it was Zhao Minchun's loss that she suffered, but Zhou Zhiruo always felt sour in her heart, and it seemed that she was the one who suffered.

Zhao Min stared at the man in front of him blankly, and his mind was blank. You must know that although she and Song Qingshu had an ambiguous relationship before, there was no lack of physical contact, but how could she show it in front of him without guarding like this?

She wanted to scream subconsciously, but quickly thought of what screaming could make up for? Because she was too smart, countless thoughts flooded in her mind at this moment, and an extremely complex feeling filled her body, and the whole person stayed where she was in despair.

It was the blue phoenix who had experienced strong winds and waves. Although the whole body was almost completely seen, but after the initial astonishment, he clutched his chest and retracted into the water. He soon calmed down and noticed that Song Qingshu and Zhao Min were there with big eyes. At the small eyes, he couldn't help but chuckle: "Master Song, is it so good-looking? I still can't bear to remove my eyes after watching it for so long?"

Song Qingshu only then came to his senses, and said in a whisper, "If I said it wasn't on purpose, do you believe it?"

Lan Fenghuang grinned and said, "The young man said yes."

Zhou Zhiruo snorted with a dark face, but she also understood that her husband was so regretful that she knew that Zhao Min shouldn't be tricky like this.

Zhao Min finally recovered from the state of despair, and found that he had no intention of avoiding it. He couldn't help but feel ashamed and annoyed: "You are a dead thief, stinky thief, you still watch it now?"

Song Qingshu smiled frankly: "Anyway, I've seen it all, and if I look at it more and less, what is the difference."

Zhao Min almost fainted, wondering how could there be such a brazen person in the world. Although she has always been unclear about the relationship between Song Qingshu and Song Qingshu, she has not yet reached the point where she can be sincerely opposed.

I struggled to think about it, but it was a pity that I fell too hard just now. The bones all over my body seemed to fall apart, and I couldn't get up after several attempts.

Noting the Xiangyizi on the ground, after looking at Zhou Zhiruo on the side, Song Qingshu roughly guessed what was happening in the house just now. He couldn't help but laughed bitterly, stretched out his hand to **** the quilt on the bed into his hand, and walked in front of Zhao Min, gentle The ground covered her body: "Don't get excited, I'll help you." As soon as the voice fell, she hugged her.

Zhao Min did not expect that he dared to hold himself in his arms in front of the other two women, especially one of them was Zhou Zhiruo. Feeling the strong masculine aura, her whole person is dumbfounded. She is completely blank in her mind at the moment, she can only hear thumping heartbeats. She can't tell whether this is the other party or it. my own.

Seeing everything in front of her, Lan Fenghuang's red lips opened wide enough to lay an egg, looked at Zhou Zhiruo on the side, and then at Song Qingshu, she couldn't help but admire her.

Zhou Zhiruo finally couldn't stand it, and Huo Ran got up: "What are you doing, Qingshu?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "It's not for you to deal with the aftermath." As he said, he gestured to the doorway. It turned out that the nearby guests had already been alarmed by the movement here. Someone had already probed their heads and tried to see what was happening in the house. Naturally, he couldn't make Zhao Min immaculate. His carcass was seen by others.

Zhou Zhiruo bit her lip and appeared at the door in a flash, her beautiful eyes glared at the people nearby: "Fuck me!" She was also extremely depressed at the moment, she was in pain when she lifted a rock to hit her own foot. I couldn't tell anyone, but turned into a cruel nine-yin white claw, grabbed five deep finger holes from the pillar on the side to vent the distress in my heart.

Frightened by her move, those onlookers outside dared to stay nearby, rushing to escape.

Song Qingshu in the room had already put Zhao Min on the bed in his arms. It was rare to see the other side showing such a pitiful expression. He couldn't help but leaned forward and kissed her delicate red lips gently. .

Zhao Min had a pair of apricot eyes wide-eyed, subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her lips, her face was unbelievable, and she said in a low voice, "Are you crazy?" She subconsciously glanced towards the door, and saw that the eyes of the other two women were all covered by Song Qingshu's figure. Blocked, didn't see what was happening here, just breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, I'm crazy." Song Qing Shuzhan smiled, and then lowered his head and kissed him.

Zhao Min stared at everything in front of her stunned, until the other knocked her teeth, she finally woke up and bit her teeth under the shame and anger.

Song Qingshu seemed to have expected her to have such a trick, so he pulled away in time and looked at her with a smile like that.

Zhao Min flushed and said bitterly, "Song, you are getting more and more asshole."

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Zhiruo came over now.

Song Qingshu sat up in a timely manner, widened the distance from Zhao Min, and said without changing his face: "Miss Zhao is thanking me for helping me." 8

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