Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1217: Little sister-in-law and sister-in-law

During the starry night, Song Qingshu finally arrived in Shanyin on the early morning of the third day, and asked a passer-by to find out that six of them were well-known families in Shanyin, and they could easily find the place. Tian Lai Novels. 2

Let Xiaosi help pass the message, Song Qingshu stood at the door and waited. Originally, he was most worried about coming here and 6 Guanying was not there, so it was a little troublesome. Fortunately, judging from the reaction of the young man, 6 Guanying has returned to the mansion.

Song Qingshu stood at the door and looked at the nearby terrain. He had to feel that the six families were indeed the most prosperous families in Shanyin. Whether it was the location or the size of the six houses, they all existed first-class.

There was a creak of the door behind him. Song Qingshu only assumed that the 6th Guanying had come out, and turned around subconsciously: "I didn't expect you to come out so quickly..."

Seeing the person in front of him clearly, Song Qingshu was also stunned, and saw a white-clothed girl standing in front of her, her complexion was slightly yellowish, but her face with melon seeds was very beautiful and charming.

The morning sun fell on her face through the leaves, and her cheeks were flushed, and her two thin red lips were slightly upturned. Even Song Qingshu, who was accustomed to seeing beauty, secretly admired: What a beauty with bright eyes and white teeth Maiden.

However, he quickly noticed that the other person's legs seemed to be lame from the way she was walking, and he couldn't help but cried out as a pity.

The girl went out happily, but she did not expect a man standing at the door. She was taken aback when she was caught off guard. When she discovered that the other party looked at herself up and down, her aggressive gaze made her feel as if she was not wearing clothes. , Her heart suddenly became unhappy, and when she saw the other person's eyes fall on her lame leg, she couldn't help being furious.

Her lame leg was when she was a child, she tried to pick flowers from a tree and broke her leg. Then she ran into her enemy and came to the door, so that the injured leg was not clean and left the root of the disease. She has always been extremely taboo about this matter, and hates people showing pity. The meaning of pity, because of this matter she didn't know how many people in Shanyin City had conflicts.

"Where is the poppi rascal, looking at your aunt's grandmother here?" the girl cursed fiercely with her hands on her hips.

Song Qingshu frowned, wondering why this little girl had such a temper. Today, he naturally disdains the general knowledge of the other party, smiled faintly, turned his face, and continued to wait for 6 Guanying to come out.

"Are you deaf or mute?" The girl was even more angry when she saw him not answering.

"The little girl is young, and she still has a bit of virtue on her lips, or you will get offended by someone you can't afford, and you will suffer." Song Qingshu turned around and said lightly.

The condescending meaning in the eyes of the other party made the girl even more angry: "How old are you, does grandma need you to teach you? Laifu, how can we allow some cats and dogs at the door of our 6 houses to be in front of the road without blasting me? open?"

Soon several nursing homes at the door were alarmed and ran out to surround Song Qingshu in the middle.

"Miss Seven, this person is here to find the Third Young Master." The person called Laifu took a look at Song Qingshu and quietly said to the girl.

"Looking for the third brother?" The white-clothed girl frowned, and then waved her hand. "It must be someone who came to the third brother to fight the autumn breeze again and blasted me away."

The several nurseries looked at each other and didn’t know what to do for a while. The man in front of him was very powerful, and he was really not like the down-and-out gangsters before. What if he is really a friend of the Third Young Master’s. ? On one side is the Three Young Masters and on the other is the Seventh Miss. Neither can offend anyone. It's really a fight between gods and mortals.

Song Qingshu said coldly: "The reason why I looked at you just now was because I could heal your legs, but now, if you kneel down and beg me, I won't treat you."

Hearing him mention her lameness again, the white-clothed girl was even more furious: "I don't know how many doctors are helpless, you are so brash at your young age. Laifu, what are you doing stupidly, and beat him severely for this lady."

"Yes, Miss Seven!" Even if the three young masters blamed it, it was a matter of the future. After all, a group of nursing homes were still awed by the lewdness in front of them, and they rolled up their sleeves and raised their whistle to surround them.

Song Qingshu stood there calmly, his eyes seemed to be open and closed, as if he hadn't seen the people who were about to surround him.

"Stop it!" At this moment, there was a stern shout from the mansion. Everyone looked back and saw 6 Guanying trot out all the way.

When the Lord came, the group of nursing homes naturally retreated wittily, and the young masters and the young ladies went to fight for the rest.

"My son, are you okay?" 6 Guanying ran to Song Qingshu anxiously without looking at other people.

The white-clothed **** the side showed a different color. Although his third brother is not very popular with the ancestors in the mansion, he has always been arrogant and arrogant. He was on the Taihu Lake back then. I have never seen him show this way... Such a humble look.

Song Qingshu smiled indifferently: "Do you think they hurt me?"

Guanying looked at the situation in the field. Although he didn't see it personally, he guessed what was going on. After all, he has been troubled by the seventh sister in recent years: "Wushuang, come over and apologize to Song Gongzi!"

"Wushuang?" Song Qingshu's eyes moved. It turned out that it was her. Although she had faintly guessed just now, she was still not sure. After all, the 6 Wushuang in "Shen Diao" and the 6 Guanying are not related. Unexpectedly, in this world, they belong to the 6th clan of Shanyin.

Hearing 6 Guanying's words, 6 Wushuang looked incredulous: "Third brother, you don't even ask what happened to me, let me apologize to him?"

Guanying said with a sullen face: "Don't ask, you must be wrong."

"You!" Six Wushuang felt wronged and anxious. "Three brothers, how do you help outsiders to bully me." She has been in a close relationship with Six Guanying. At the beginning, she lived in the rivers and lakes and was chased and killed by Li Mochou. She was also sixth. Ying brought her back, and the other party has been taking care of her very much all these years, but she didn't expect that her third brother seemed to be a different person today.

"Quickly apologize!" 6 Guanying's voice became harsher.

6 Wushuang only felt the tears dripping in his eyes, so he had no choice but to walk up to Song Qing's writing, bit his lip and whispered: "I'm sorry."

Song Qingshu didn't notice it, and deliberately moved his ears over: "You speak louder, I can't hear you."

Seeing his rascal who put his ears close to him, 6 Wushuang almost fainted out of breath, stomping and stomping, crying in his voice: "The third brother is bullying me, I will go to my cousin to teach you!"

After that, she ignored 6 Guanying and shouted in the back, trotting all the way, crying and disappearing into the distance.

"The first time the son came to the door, he encountered such a thing, which made the son laugh." 6 Guanying wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, absolutely.

"It's okay." Song Qingshu seemed to ask casually as he walked in, "Is the cousin in Lingmei's name Cheng?"

Guanying's face showed a different color: "Yes, the last name is Cheng, and her single name is in English. She is a closed disciple of Medicine Master Dongxie Huang. This time she just came back to visit relatives. Wushuang went out early in the morning to pick her up."

Song Qingshu seemed to think of something interesting: "Yao Shi Huang's closed disciple? Then you have to call her sister-in-law?" 6 Guanying's father, 6 Chengfeng, is also Huang Yaoshi's disciple, and 6 Guanying is naturally better than Cheng. Ying is a generation shorter.

6 Guanying smiled bitterly: "This is no way. She is obviously much younger than me, but she is my elder. Fortunately, she is a very good person. She doesn't overwhelm me by her seniority on weekdays. She makes a private agreement unless there is The teacher is present, otherwise we don't have to be so formal. By the way, she is not only my sister-in-law, but also my sister-in-law."

Song Qing's writing was strange, and it was a long time before he uttered four words: "Your circle is really messy."

6 Guanying was confused when he was asking about the reason, and explained: "She is Yaojia's cousin, and she has to call me brother-in-law in private."

Only then did Song Qingshu realize that the two women are both surnamed Cheng, so they still have this connection.

The two soon arrived at the other courtyard where 6 Guanying was located. A graceful and feminine young woman leaned against the door, who was not Cheng Yaojia.

She seemed to be waiting for someone, until Song Qingshu appeared in her sight, she showed a sweet smile.

Running all the way, Qiao blushed very sweetly, her eyes filled with excitement, and she yelled, "My son~"

Song Qingshu felt that her whole body was half crisp, thinking that Cheng Yaojia's shy and infinite demeanor was really seductive, and she wanted to hug her soft waist, but this is after all in the 6th house. It's not good after all.

6 Guanying obviously thought of going with him, and couldn't help coughing: "Let's go to the house and talk."

Thinking of the eyes of his wife looking at other men affectionately just now, 6 Guanying's heart was inevitably a little bit sour, but thinking that all this was her own choice, she shook her head and dispelled these negative emotions.

"When I was in Yangzhou, I knew that there was something wrong with the son, and my heart was broken. Fortunately, the son is lucky." After entering the house, Cheng Yaojia couldn't help the excitement in his heart anymore, and she looked eager to tears. .

Song Qingshu felt warm in his heart: "I haven't thanked Brother 6 for helping Yangzhou last time."

6 Guanying said hurriedly: "The son is polite, we are limited by our identity, we can only do that level, and hope that the son will not be offended."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "I want to thank you, but it's too late. How can you be surprised."

"The son is so kind to our husband and wife, what is the point we did." 6 Guanying smiled bitterly, "By the way, the son came to Shanyin at this time and don't know what happened?"

Song Qingshu then gave a rough idea of ​​his intentions. Six Guanying’s eyes lit up: “It turns out that, the son can rest assured. Master Han is thinking about the northern expedition of the Golden Kingdom and the restoration of rivers and mountains. The war at the Golden Snake Camp is the only one that started the war, but the patriarch needs to come forward... Yaojia, you can chat with the son here for a while, I will ask the patriarch." After speaking, he hurriedly left with a look of excitement. .

There were only two people left in the room. Cheng Yaojia suddenly found a heart beating a little faster. Although she didn't look at it, she still knew that Song Qingshu was looking at her. The other person's eyes were as real as they were. Her skin trembled for a while. I don't know why, after being stared at like this for a few times, her body was somewhat melted.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

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