Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1222: Little Dragon Girl's Man

Lu Wushuang and Li Mochou have a **** feud, how can she kneel down to the enemy's friend?

Song Qingshu was startled, and then smiled: "Almost forgot the grievances between you, in fact, besides Li Mochou's relationship, I still have an identity. Well, I don't know how you would call me in that relationship. In short, I am the man of your uncle, and I am a figure of your uncle's generation, so you should kowtow to me."

In this way, not to mention Lu Wushuang, even Cheng Ying's face changed: "You are Dragon Girl's...man?"

Song Qingshu originally referred to Bing Xueer, who knew that Lu Wushuang and Cheng Ying only knew that Li Mochou had a younger sister, and subconsciously thought it was the little dragon girl. He thought for a while and didn't correct the other party. After all, Bing Xueer's identity is special, and she needs a lot of explanation to say it. The other party may think that she is nonsense: "In a sense, yes."

Anyway, he and Xiaolongnv had already faced each other sincerely, and they had almost touched her whole body, possessive in their hearts, where would she be allowed to marry another man again.

After getting his confirmation again, Cheng Ying exclaimed: "How is this possible, Girl Long loves Big Brother Yang so much..."

"There is nothing impossible in this world," Song Qingshu replied lightly, "not to mention that Yang Guo now has his own fiancée."

"What?" Lu Wushuang clutched his chest, as though his whole body had been hit hard, Cheng Ying was also shocked.

"I don't know who is Big Brother Yang's fiancée?" Cheng Ying asked if he recovered first, barely cheering up.

Song Qingshu did not answer. Instead, he said, "I came to Lu Mansion today to discuss business matters with Lu Shibo and the others..." He didn't finish his words, but the meaning was obvious. He didn't have so much time to chat with them.

"Okay, I'll kowtow to you, you are free to tell us about the idiot." Lu Wushuang pushed Cheng Ying away, went directly to Song Qing and knelt down before writing, and then squatted heavily.

Song Qingshu was also depressed. After thinking of so many ways, she couldn't convince her, but when she heard Yang Guo's name, she seemed to lose her soul.


Maybe it was because he was holding his breath in his heart, or because he heard that Yang Guo had a fiancée and his heart was ashamed. Every time Lu Wushuang knocked his head, he knocked heavily on the ground.

After a few knocks, Song Qingshu's eyes condensed, and he noticed the dark red blood stains on the floor, and he couldn't help but said in a deep voice, "Okay, no more knocks."

Who knows that Lu Wushuang stubbornly refused: "No, 30 if you say 30!"

"Cousin!" Cheng Ying knew that she might be frustrated because she heard that Yang Guo had a fiancée, and she was a little bit self-deprecating. She really made her continue to knock down like this, and she might have broken her head. He hurriedly tried to reach out to pull her, but she shook it away.

"I said that enough is enough." Without seeing Song Qingshu's actions, Lu Wushuang felt that there was an invisible wall of air supporting her, and she could not knock down anymore with all the power she used.

"Miss Cheng, take her down to rest." Lu Wushuang seemed to be lifted up from the ground by a pair of invisible big hands and stuffed into Cheng Ying's arms.

Because of Lu Wushuang's excessive force just now, and the blood on his forehead, his whole body was dizzy, and the whole person was crumbling. Cheng Ying hurriedly hugged her in his arms: "Thank you Song Gongzi~"

How could she not see that Song Qingshu's subordinates were merciful, and at the same time she was extremely shocked by the cultivation level he showed.

"Madam will also go to rest in the house, we have to discuss things." After Cheng Ying helped Lu Wushuang go out, Lu Zai also said to Mrs. Tang. He has lived such a long time, how can he not see the atmosphere in the house. Anomaly, thinking about his wife's daily domineering style, he has already guessed what's going on. Worried about what happens to her if she continues to stay here, she simply took the opportunity to send her away.

"Yes, sir." During this period of time, Mrs. Tang had been on her back, wishing to flee for a long time, and seeing that she didn't hesitate, she led the maid and hurried away.

"The concubine has also resigned." Cheng Yaojia was naturally inconvenient to stay here, owed everyone, and quit in a soft voice.

"I don't know what is it for Song Gong to come to the palace this time?" After a few small words, Lu Zai finally couldn't calm down.

Song Qingshu faintly smiled: "Without him, it is to thank Wuguan brother and Guanying for his last rescue in Yangzhou." Then he took out a set of scrolls and handed it to Lu You: "Song knows that Wuguan brother is a gentleman, ordinary I definitely can't look down on the silver objects. I just got a copy of Zhang Xu's "Belly Pain Tie" recently, and I gave it to Brother Wuguan by offering flowers to the Buddha."

Not to mention Lu You, even Lu Zai couldn’t help being moved. Their Lu family was well-known for its rich collection of books. The Shuangqing Hall of the mansion house had many original works that the world didn’t know. Zhang Xu’s "Belody Pain Tie" just scratched their itch. .

However, Lu You still declined: "This...this "Belly Pain Tie" is too precious, so please take it back."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: “No matter how precious it is, it’s not as precious as Brother Wuguan’s last rescue in Yangzhou. Song is not able to understand the writing and writing. This thing is a violent thing in my hands.”

Before accepting Li Kexiu's site, he naturally laughed at the rare treasures in the Admiral's Mansion. Although "Belly Pain Post" was precious, he did not feel sorry for the generosity of others.

"That way, Lu is disrespectful." Lu You did like this gift, hesitated and accepted it after all.

Song Qingshu nodded, turned to Lu Guanying who was aside, and smiled: "As for Guanying, don't you have to be so polite with our relationship."

"That's natural." Without a gift, Lu Guanying was not only not angry but happier, because he knew that this was Song Qingshu deliberately revealing closeness to him, raising his status in the family.

Sure enough, after hearing Song Qingshu's words, Lu Zai and Lu You looked at each other, showing thoughtful expressions.

After that, Song Qingshu didn't suggest anything about peace. It was purely chatting with a few people there. Lu You and his son knocked on the side, but they couldn't get the slightest information.

After lunch, Song Qingshu laughed and said: "It has long been known that there are countless books in Shuangqingtang of the Shuangqing Hall of your residence. There were a lot of missing books in the Imperial Palace of the Southern Song Dynasty. Go for a look?"

"Of course there is no problem," Lu Zai hurriedly replied, "Guanying, let you take Song Gongzi to Shuangqingtang."

Song Qingshu shook his head and said: "That's not necessary, I just go around alone."

"This..." Lu Zai was worried about neglecting him, but he was not happy to accompany him, "Then we won't bother the son."

Song Qingshu nodded, and walked out leisurely.

After he left, Lu Zai motioned to Lu You to close the door, then pulled Lu Guanying over and asked, "Guanying, do you know what Song Qingshu was going southward during this trip?"

Lu Guanying looked blank: "I don't know, he just talked about Jiangnan to relax."

"Relieve?" Lu You just heard it after closing the door, and looked weird. "Now that the court and the Golden Snake Camp have hundreds of thousands of soldiers along the Yangtze River, the war is about to start. He will come to Jiangnan to relax?"

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