Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1230: be terribly upset

Cheng Ying outside the door was stunned and wondered why her cousin was so productive today, but because of the things she was born a few days ago, she was in a trance, and did not think about it, subconsciously replied: "I want to talk to my cousin. ."

Cheng Yaojia pinched Song Qingshu's waist before saying, "I'm already asleep, or I'll talk another day."

There was a silence outside the door. Just as Cheng Yaojia thought that her cousin had gone, Cheng Ying’s voice sounded again: "I also know that it is inappropriate to disturb my cousin so late, but now I am holding back. Can't find anyone to talk to."

It turned out that 6 Wushuang was suffering from excessive pain during the day, which caused a great loss of consciousness. Now she is sleeping and regaining her energy. What's more, Chengying has always been a mature and intimate big sister in 6 Wushuangqianqian. Yaojia is different. She is her older sister, and she has been married for many years. Being a past person can definitely give her a lot of advice.

Cheng Yaojia groaned secretly, and the man on her body seemed to have no worries at all, still running rampant, and finally she was not ready for a fierce attack, so she called out ah.

"Huh?" Cheng Ying outside the door apparently heard the strange voice, and hurriedly asked, "Cousin, are you okay?"

Cheng Yaojia answered deliberately, but now her whole body is trembling uncontrollably, shuddering like a tidal wave. She knows that once she speaks, she might make some embarrassing noises, so she has to close her lips tightly and endure it. .

"Cousin, cousin?" Cheng Ying called out a few times, and there was no response inside. She could only faintly hear some heavy breathing. She couldn't help but frown, "Cousin, I am worried about your accident. Come in."

Hearing the voice of her cousin, Cheng Yaojia became more nervous, but the more nervous she became, the more sensitive her body became. She didn't dare to stop her.

Cheng Ying stretched out her hand and pushed the door. The door was now locked from the inside, but after all, she was Dongxie's closed disciple. She spit out a little bit, then shook the door bolt and looked around with concern: "Cousin, Tang sister?"

At this moment, Cheng Yaojia stretched out his hand and pulled the curtain down, blocking the sight of outsiders.

"Cousin, I'm here." At this moment, Cheng Yaojia had gradually slowed down and was finally able to speak.

Hearing her voice a little hoarse, and like deliberately lowering her voice, Cheng Ying asked in doubt: "Cousin, your voice?"

Cheng Yaojia pulled the quilt to cover the man on her body, and she half-sit up and leaned against the bedside: "It's nothing, it's just a bit of cold."

Song Qingshu in the bed laughed blankly. He didn't expect that Cheng Yaojia, who looked like a good girl who was no better than a girl, could deceive people so badly.

"Wind cold? I have been studying art on Peach Blossom Island for several years, and I am a little familiar with Huang Zhishu, let me see for my cousin." Cheng Ying said and walked over to the bed.

"No!" Cheng Yaojia almost jumped out of her chest, subconsciously exclaiming.

Cheng Ying was also shocked by her fierce reaction, and couldn't help but stop: "Cousin, what's the matter?"

"I...I..." Cheng Yaojia was speechless for a while, but at this moment her reaction seemed to be many times faster than usual, and she quickly thought of the reason, "Uh, my wind and cold are not in the way, and it will take a long time to recover. On the contrary, it’s you. You have to take care of Wushuang personally during this period. If you are infected with the wind chill and hurt Wushuang by that time, it will be bad."

Cheng Ying was startled, thinking that there was some truth in what she said. Now Wushuang has just received bone treatment, and the whole person is in the weakest state. If he brings the cold to her, then the injury will be worse. In trouble.

"In that case, I'll just sit here and talk to my cousin." Cheng Ying moved a stool about one foot away from the head of the bed and sat down against the table.

Cheng Yaojia wanted her to leave immediately, but how could she say such a thing now?

"Since Wushuang was mentioned, one of the main reasons I came here this time was to apologize for Wushuang." Cheng Ying said apologetically.

Feeling that the man on her body is doing evil again, Cheng Yaojia took a deep breath and tried her best to restrain the trembling of her voice: "You...what apologize for her?"

"Everything during the day is Wushuang, young and ignorant, and went to the old lady's place, causing you and brother-in-law to be caught in a dilemma, and when the old lady was on fire, you also suffered a lot." Cheng Ying replied softly. .

"The old lady... is... the elders, let me teach you... teach the younger generations of us, so... it should be." Cheng Yaojia softly wrote on Song Qingshu's chest, begging him not to mess around in this stall. .

Cheng Ying glanced at the bed with some doubts, thinking what happened to the cousin today, why is she so weird? However, she was also very worried at this time, and she didn't have the time to think about it. She continued to ask: "Cousin, I want to ask you about one thing."

"What's the matter?" Cheng Yaojia only asked her to hurry up and finish her question. She could hardly bear the feeling of dancing on the edge of the cliff.

"What happened during the day today..." Cheng Ying paused, seeming to think about how to use his words, and then continued after a long time, "It looks like my brother-in-law is familiar with the golden snake king Song Qingshu?"

"Fine." Cheng Yaojia was surprised in her heart. She never expected that she would ask Song Qingshu. If it weren't for worrying about the action, she really wanted to lower her head and bite the man.

"Oh." Cheng Ying replied, then fell into silence again.

This actually aroused Cheng Yaojia's curiosity: "What on earth do you want to inquire about?"

"I wonder if my cousin is familiar with Song Qingshu?" Cheng Ying finally said.

"Uh, it's okay." Cheng Yaojia thought that the man was riding on him now, you said you were not familiar.

Cheng Ying hesitated for a while, and finally asked, "Counselor, can you tell me, who is Song Qingshu?"

Feeling the change in the man's body, Cheng Yaojia took a sip in secret, blushing and snorted: "Why did you suddenly think of asking him?"

"No...no special reason," Cheng Ying replied somewhat unnaturally, thinking of what happened in the afternoon. After such a long time, she still wanted to have a crack in the ground. After healed his leg injury, I was very grateful and inevitably felt a sense of curiosity. I spent most of the years on Peach Blossom Island and was not familiar with things in Central Plains, so I wanted to ask him what kind of person he is. "

"He," felt the masculine and hotness of the man in him, Cheng Yaojia was filled with tenderness in his heart, and replied gently, "He is a martial arts hero who is upholding the world, and he was assassinated for the sake of Han Jiangshan imitating Zhang Liangbolang. Kangxi, then defeated all the masters in the world to become the Golden Snake King, and then called the wind and rain to wipe out the entire army of the Qing Dynasty’s 100,000 troops..."

Hearing her affectionate voice, Song Qingshu was deeply moved. He no longer teased her as before, but made her movements more gentle. Cheng Yaojia obviously felt his reaction, and her voice became more tender and watery.

"It turns out that he is so capable." Cheng Ying heard a pair of beautiful eyes, and she also noticed the charming meaning in Cheng Yaojia's voice, and couldn't help but cover her mouth and smiled, "Listening to my cousin, she seemed to admire that Song Qingshu. , Brother-in-law won’t be jealous if he knows it?"

Cheng Yaojia smiled shyly: "Your brother-in-law won't be jealous."

Cheng Ying looked surprised: "The cousin was so confident in her brother-in-law."

Cheng Yaojia laughed and said nothing, how would outsiders know the relationship between the three of them.

"I... I want to ask my cousin a private question, and I hope my cousin will not be angry." Cheng Ying said suddenly coyly.

"We are sisters. It would be too far-fetched to say this." Cheng Yaojia glanced at her unexpectedly. She knew how elegant and refined her cousin was, and what made her look like this?

Even Song Qingshu in the bed stopped his movements, curiously pricked up his ears to listen to what she would ask.

"Then I asked," Cheng Ying took a deep breath, and then asked faintly, "Did my cousin use my mouth... for my brother-in-law?"

Song Qingshu, who was engrossed and waiting to listen, almost didn’t choke. Cheng Ying’s beauty was always full of moonlight, and there seemed to be a breath of abstinence all over her body. People like her should talk about piano, chess, calligraphy, five elements and gossip. Stuff, who knew that such a violent question was asked.

Even Song Qingshu, a descendant of the world, felt that the scale was large, let alone Cheng Yaojia, a lady in this world, and she was ashamed and angry: "You are a girl, how...how do you ask such questions."

Cheng Ying seemed to be determined, and continued to ask: "Is there any?"

"No," Cheng Yaojia replied categorically, "never."

In fact, for a traditional boudoir girl like her, if she didn’t even understand the question of Cheng Ying before, but with Song Qingshu for so long, she had already tried all kinds of tricks according to his interest, and it would be natural for her to deal with such a question. understand.

Seeing her reaction so strongly, Cheng Ying was in a daze, and muttered: "It turns out that even doing such a thing between a husband and wife is a bit outrageous..."

Cheng Yaojia did not hear her clearly: "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing," Cheng Ying shook her head, then said hesitantly, "If a woman accidentally kisses a man... there..."

Before she finished speaking, Cheng Yaojia exclaimed: "If that's the case, the woman has only two choices, either kill the man or marry the man."

"Huh?" Cheng Ying was dumbfounded and had to emphasize, "but that woman didn't mean it, everything was just an accident."

"Whether she did it on purpose or not," Cheng Yaojia sighed, "This is how this world treats women unfairly. Men are very concerned about women's fame. The former Ming Dynasty Hai Rui was a great upright official who was admired by all people because The daughter accepted a piece of cake from the male servant. He thought it was detrimental to her fame, so she starved her five-year-old daughter to death... If the situation you mentioned, if the woman cannot kill the man or marry him, the consequences will be It will be extremely miserable."

In the bed, Song Qingshu cast aside his lips, thinking that the incident of Hai Rui’s murder of a girl was widely spread in later generations. However, some people have done textual research. This incident is not seen in the official history. It is only recorded in Ming Yao Shilin’s "Seeing Only" and Ming Shen Defu's "Wanli Ye Huo Compilation" and Qing Zhou Lianggong's "Book Shadow", the credibility of these contemporary notes is really doubtful. After all, Hai Rui was upright in the past, and I am afraid that he has offended many people.

Cheng Ying was bluffed outside, her face was extremely pale, and she wanted to use Song Qingshu's martial arts, not to mention herself, even if the master came personally, I'm afraid I can't kill him, can I only marry him?

"Cousin, I'm a little confused, I want to hold you to sleep." Cheng Ying was in a state of confusion, as if she had lost her soul, and walked pitifully to the bed. 8

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