Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1260: Di Ji as a concubine?

In the Southern Song Dynasty, the two parties agreed on the relationship of uncle and nephew. In theory, every time Jin Guo sent an envoy to deliver the letter of credence, Zhao Gou should respectfully accept the decree. Of course, the theory is one thing, but the actual is another. What happened, every time he encountered such a scene in these years, Zhao Gou pretended to be ill and hid in the palace, and asked several ministers to salute him in place of him, and accept the instructions from the state of Jin. .┡

Although Jin Guo was dissatisfied, Zhao Gou was an emperor after all, and he couldn't really do anything to him. Therefore, this set of rules tacitly tacitly agreed, so Zhao Gou immediately threw away Wan Hao when he saw that the situation was not right. come out.

Hearing Zhao Gou's words, Wan Tongdao's old face immediately turned red, but the emperor had already spoken, how could he refute it?

Han Chuan said gleefully, "Thanks for your hard work, my lord."

Wan Tongmao's eyes rolled round, and he suddenly squeezed out a smile and said to Zhao Gou: "His emperor, since Song Gongzi's status is so noble, coupled with saving so many princesses before, he has a great favor to the court, if only It’s not grand enough for the minister to kneel down by himself. As one of the hundreds of civil and military officials, he suggested that he lead the Manchu civil and military officials to salute Song Gongzi to express the court’s gratitude to him. I wonder what the emperor’s opinion would be?"

He always knows the situation, Jia Sidao and Han Tong have always been at odds with him, and will never let go of the opportunity to fall into the rock. Coupled with the opening of the emperor's golden mouth, it is a foregone conclusion today.

But he knows very well that he is a prime minister, a man of several tens of years old. If he kneels to a young young man, his reputation and prestige will be lost. In that case, it is better to embarrass everyone together, and no one will be ashamed afterwards. And laughed at him.

"This..." In fact, Zhao Gou made Wan Haomai to kneel down just now out of anger. After he calmed down, he secretly regretted it. He knew how serious the consequences of Wan Haomai's kneeling were. The court power he had managed to maintain over the years. I am afraid that the balance of power will be broken immediately.

Whether it's Han Tongxuan or Jia Sidao, the forces behind them are all too large, and any one of them can threaten the emperor's power itself. Therefore, Zhao Gou needs a mad dog like Wan Qiang to help deal with the two huge groups.

Zhao Gou was regretting the impulse just now. Hearing Wan Qian's suggestion, his eyes suddenly brightened: "Alright, you will lead Baiguan to thank Song Gongzi for the court." Take this opportunity to beat Jia Han'er. Regardless of the person, he also gave Song Qing a sufficient amount of writing, so as not to get his mouth open when he took the merits of the Huanyiyuan.

Zhao Gou answered the call too quickly, and suffocated Jia Sidao and Han Tong's words. The two of them looked very pale. They were both masters and were used to it. At this time, a young queen gave birth to kneeling and saluting. , Where does the lower face come.

Jia Sidao gave Han Tong a fierce look, as if reproaching him well why he had slapped Wanzuo, which caused everyone to suffer together.

Han Tong was also extremely depressed. If it weren't for the emperor here, he seemed to be ready to pounce on him and tear him to pieces at any time.

The Manchumen and Martial Arts were staring bitterly at the back of the Big Three, thinking that if you were fighting, we had to suffer as a group of people. We were really shot while lying down.

"If you want to embarrass me, then don't think about your life." Wan Tongmao's eyes were full of anger and he scanned the surrounding circle, and fell on Han Yunxuan and Jia Sidao, with a sullen smile on their faces, "Master Jia , Master Han, please."

After finishing speaking, I came to Song Qing before writing, staring at him bitterly, before his eyes were drooping, and said coldly: "Shang Shu left the servant shot and the servant servant Wan Tusao, to see Song Gongzi, thank you for saving the princesses from the sea of ​​suffering "The left and right sides are just for the convenience of everyone. The official title of the official document is "Shang Shu Zuo Pu shoots at the door and the servant under the door", and the right is "Shang Shu You Pu shoots at the door and the servant of Zhong Shu" in his mouth. .

As if knowing that it is inevitable to kneel down, Wan Cheng was unambiguous, kneeling very simply. The right photo Zhang Jun has always been in the same breath with him. Although he was angry, he had to kneel down. Kneeling, the officials belonging to their faction also knelt down one by one.

About one-third of the people in the entire hall knelt down, and the other officials who were still standing cast their gazes at Jia Sidao and Han Tong for inquiries, and the two of them stood there for an instant and they were extremely conspicuous.

"Why, are Master Jia and Master Han reluctant to share the worries for the court, or do they want to disobey the imperial edict?" Wan Hao's yin and yang voice suddenly resounded through the hall.

Song Qingshu looked on with cold eyes and quietly glanced at Zhao Gou on the dragon chair, only to see that his expression was extremely embarrassing. After all, he was also the emperor of the Qing and Jin Dynasties, Song Qingshu instantly understood Zhao Gou's thoughts.

It turned out that the Manchu dynasty was divided into three distinct factions. The Emperor Mingming had already made an order, but those officials still subconsciously consulted the leaders of the forces, and where did he put the emperor's face aside?

In the eyes of the emperor, he never minded whether you were a corrupt official or an upright official, a loyal official or a treacherous official, but whether you would threaten the emperor's power. Obviously, Zhao Gou felt this threat now by Jia Sidao and Han Tong.

Jia Sidao and Han Dongxun also had Zhao Gou's expressions, and the two were shocked. They had been in politics for many years, and they could be described as proficient in contemplating the emperor's mind. They quickly came to the same conclusion in their hearts.

Compared with face, the two care about the emperor's attitude more, and in desperation they have to kneel down: "Well, see Gongzi Song." In their hearts, they both extended their warmest greetings to the female figures of the eighteenth generation of the ancestor of Wan Tao.

"Meet Young Master Song~" They were all subdued. Naturally, no one insisted on the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty. The followers knelt down, and their voices resounded throughout the hall.

Chao Wenwu knelt in front of him, among them there were many famous treacherous ministers and ministers in history. The feeling at that moment was so trance and... beautiful, Song Qingshu was silent for a moment deliberately, and after everyone knelt for a while, he said, "Ping...cough. Cough, everyone, please."

When he was used to the emperors of the Qing Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, he almost made a flat body by mistake. That was embarrassing.

The Manchu civil servants suddenly stood up angrily, and the atmosphere in the hall was extremely embarrassing.

Zhao Gou coughed and took the initiative to break the calm: "I don't know why Song Qing's family went south during this busy trip?" Although Han Tong had already passed his breath and knew the purpose of his coming, he still had to follow the procedure. of.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and replied: "Song came here to visit the princesses rescued last time, and secondly, he came to propose marriage."

As soon as this remark came out, the Manchu dynasty's civil and military officials talked a lot. After all, there were only a few people who knew the inside story in advance. In most eyes, the situation is extremely tense in the Jin Snake Camp and the Southern Song Dynasty Chen Bingjiang. The war is imminent, and it is unexpected that he will Come to propose marriage at this threshold. Some smart people have faintly guessed that this is a precursor to the peace talks, but most of them are still in the mist, looking at Zhao Gou one after another, waiting for any reaction.

Zhao Gou replied with a smile: "Thanks to Song Qing’s righteous deeds last time, the emperors were able to return to their hometowns. After they came back, they often praised you in my ears. Many emperors have a great affection for the Qing family. I don’t know which Di Ji that the Qing family wants to propose this time to?"

Most of the princesses rescued by the Huanyiyuan were the daughters of Song Huizong, who was also Zhao Gou’s sister. Zhao Gou has always paid attention to filial piety, but his father and brother have been suffering in the Kingdom of Jin, and he did not find a way to bring them back. , Has received a lot of criticism among the people, and now he just has the opportunity to show through these sisters, he naturally seems more concerned.

"Going back to the emperor, Song wants to ask Chengde Diji and Roufu Diji." Chengde Diji is Zhao Hu'er's title, Roufu Diji is Zhao Yuanyuan's title. At the beginning, two little girls in the Golden State Palace did it for Pei Man. The Queen’s plan had already become intimate with Song Qingshu. Although it hadn't reached the last step, everything that should and shouldn't be done was almost done. Song Qingshu naturally did not want to hurt any of them because the two girls paid so much for their love. So even though he knew that this would be troublesome, he still said it without hesitation, as the saying goes.

As soon as Song Qingshu said this, the whole hall suddenly felt like a drop of water dripping into a hot oil pan. If you know that it is a great blessing to marry a princess in the past dynasties, who would dare to marry two lions at the same time?

Zhao Gou also frowned and glared at Han Tong subconsciously, indicating why he didn't say that before.

Han Dongxuan also secretly complained, chatting with Song Qingshu before, knowing that he asked for a kiss, but how did he think that he was planning to marry two princesses? So I didn't ask specifically, and now there is such a big mistake.

Wan Tongsao was suffocated by what happened just now. Hearing what he said, it was difficult to take advantage of the opportunity: "So courageous, there is no reason to marry two princesses in this world. The surname is Song. You know you just now. With these words, has committed a crime of disrespect?"

Song Qingshu stared at him coldly: "Wan Tongmao, please pay attention to your tone, do you want to kneel again?"


Some people in the crowd couldn't help but laugh. Obviously, Wan Cheng's various difficulties before finally made him kneel down, and these people couldn't help but laugh.

Wan Tongmao's face was blue, and he was choked to speak for a while.

Song Qingshu said: "Song also knows that it is not compliant to marry two princesses at the same time..."

"It's not just non-compliance, it's just nonsense." Han Dongzuo thought angrily.

"But we are in a special situation," Song Qingshu said loudly. "During the time of the Kingdom of Jin, the dangers were all around us. I have experienced so many things together with the two princesses. We have been in love with each other. No one can do without anyone, no matter who we leave behind. , Will hurt another person, so at that time we had privately decided for life and agreed to live together for the rest of our life. If the emperor doesn’t believe it, we can send someone to the palace to ask the two princesses."

Zhao Gou was so sure when he heard what he said, knowing that it was mostly like this, he couldn't help frowning, and didn't know what to do for a while. To be honest, if he can negotiate with the Golden Snake Camp, he doesn't mind if the other party marries one or two princesses. Anyway, these princesses are not his daughters, plus they are talking about saving his father and the emperor brother every day. Let Song Qingshu take all these people away and get close to each other. However, the court must always pay attention to face, if it loses the royal majesty and becomes a people's laughing stock, it will not be worth the loss.

Wan Tongmao on the side seized the opportunity and sneered: "As far as I know, you have an original wife, Zhou Zhiruo, the head of the Emei school. Now you are asking for a kiss. Are you planning to marry the two princesses and go back to be children? Do you know this? Committed the crime of deceiving the king!"/br/br Great butt, plump and charming body! WeChat public: me female meng22 (long press for three seconds to copy) You know and I know!

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