Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1329: The Secret of the Perks

"I..." Tang Saier opened her mouth, her expression struggling, she knew that once Li Qingluo misunderstood that she was a child of Tianshan, the horse would face great danger, but when she thought of the secret in her heart, the two phases were weighed, and finally Still didn't say it.

Li Qingluo sneered again and again: "Do you think that there will be some martial arts of the old temptress, can you escape today?" She has obviously moved to murder, no matter why the other party will step slightly, obviously she is an enemy or a friend, it is better Resolve the troubles as soon as possible.

"Don't dare." Tang Saier secretly guarded as she spoke. After staying under Li Qingluo for so long, she understood her temperament long ago and naturally knew that the other party had already acted murderously.

Seeing that the battle between the two was on the verge of breaking out, Song Qingshu interrupted and said, "Do you really want to fight until the fish die? Tang Xiaoniu, if you die, who will save Ruolan?" He has used the Three Corpse Brain Pill to control It will be very useful in the future, so naturally I don't want her to die for no reason.

Tang Saier's face changed slightly, the other party's words just poked her in the underbelly, and she hesitated immediately.

Song Qingshu strikes while the iron is hot: "Tell me about your relationship. If it can move me, maybe I can release Wei Ruolan."

Li Qingluo frowned, but after all she didn't say anything. As for the little dragon girl, her face was indifferent throughout, as if she hadn't seen what happened in the house.

Tang Saier struggled for a long time, but in the end it was Song Qingshu's paintings that moved her, and finally said, "Wei Ruolan... is my brother."

"Brother?" Song Qingshu was stunned. He didn't expect that they would be in this relationship. A promising champion man and a demon girl of the White Lotus Cult, no matter how you look at it, it is a relationship that can't be beaten.

"Brother?" Li Qingluo also frowned and asked.

"Well," Tang Saier nodded, "Brother."

"As far as I know, your real name is Fu Minyi, isn't Wei Ruolan also surnamed Fu?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking.

Tang Saier shook his head: "Actually, I don't believe in Fu, but the last name is Chai."

"Chai?" Song Qingshu didn't react for a while, "This surname is rare."

"Chai Rong's Chai." Tang Saier's Zhu lips lightly opened, and the people in the room were shocked by just a few words.

"Are you a descendant of the Chai family?" Song Qingshu was shocked, knowing that he prefers the character of Chai Rong compared to the two brothers Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi. It is a pity that Tian was jealous of the talent, and died of illness when he was only in his thirties.

Tang Saier did not answer him, but looked at Li Qingluo: "Master, you are also a member of the Xiaoyao School, do you know who the Patriarch of this school is?"

"Naturally, Xiaoyao son Pan Lang." Li Qingluo replied.

"Pan Lang?" Song Qingshu knew this person, a famous hermit and person in the early Northern Song Dynasty. His poetry style was similar to that of Jia Dao and Mengjiao, and was similar to other people in the Song Dynasty. He also had an individual name called Xiaoyaozi.

Song Qing's book thought he was just a desperate person, a mad hermit, and now I heard Tang Saier say that he was both unexpected and reasonable, Xiaoyaozi, Xiaoyao faction, it doesn't matter how it is possible...

"Does the master know the origin of the patriarch of this school?" Tang Saier asked.

Li Qingluo shook her head: "The ancestor of this school is pedantic, martial arts high, but has always been mysterious. Even the Xiaoyao school of Jianghu people don't know much about the ancestor, let alone the ancestor."

Tang Saier said in a sighing tone: "After the death of Emperor Rui Wuxiao..."

At this moment, the little dragon **** the side suddenly said, "Who is Emperor Rui Wuxiao?"

Song Qingshu is also in the clouds. Although he knows most people as a traverser, he can't remember these complicated posthumous names in ancient times.

Fortunately, there is also Li Qingluo from a family next to her. She explained: "Emperor Rui Wuxiao is Zhou Shizong Chai Rong."

Tang Saier nodded and continued: "Emperor Rui Wuxiao had seven children. Unfortunately, the first three children died at the hands of Liu Chengyou in the later Han Dynasty. After his death, the remaining four children were the oldest. Years old, it was not long before Zhao Kuangyin was forced to abdicate by the dog thief."

"Chai Zongxun..." Song Qingshu also knows a little about this period of history. Thinking of it, he was embarrassed. The Song Dynasty had always been guarded against military commanders because of the improper establishment of the country. The state policy of placing emphasis on military affairs caused the Song Dynasty to remain weak and be bullied by foreigners.

"Yes," Tang Saier's eyes flashed with hatred, "The remaining four sons of Emperor Rui Wuxiao are the fourth old Chai Zongxun, the old fifth Chai Xirang, the old sixth Chai Xijin, and the old seven Chai Xizhi."

"After Zhao Kuangyin usurped the throne, he demoted Chai Zongxun to King Zheng. The fifth old Chai Xirang disappeared in the chaos. The old six Chai Xijin and the old seven Chai Xizhen couldn’t escape because they were young. Thanks to the founding general Lu Yan risking his life to persuade him. At that time, he said, "Yao and Shun don’t give up Zhu Jun, and I won’t be saved by Zhou Chan today?" At this time, General Pan Mei also stepped forward, he said. ,'How dare the minister think that it is impossible! But Yu Li hasn't settled.' This saved the lives of the two young princes."

Song Qing's heart moved, and Pan Mei was a famous general in history and a strong man, but unfortunately, she was dazzled in the Yang family.

"Pan Mei and Lu Yan each took a young prince home for adoption. Pan Mei took Chai Xijin, and Lu Yan took Chai Xigui. In order to avoid potential danger, the two princes were adopted as adoptive sons, Chai. Xi Jiao changed his surname to Lu and named Lu Duoxun. Chai Xijin followed Pan Mei's surname to Pan and changed his name to Pan Lang." Tang Saier's tone was flat, but he seemed to have thrown a blockbuster into the room.

"The Xiaoyao Patriarch is actually a descendant of Chai Rong!" Not to mention Song Qingshu, even Li Qingluo, a disciple of the Xiaoyao School, was shocked.

"After the two princes grew up, they wanted to take revenge and restore the great Zhou Jiangshan. At that time, Zhao Kuangyin died in the shadow of a candlelight and axe. Zhao Guangyi declared that it was the death of his brother and the brother's last brother. But this gave birth to one. The problem is that their third brother, Zhao Tingmei, has the legal right to succeed to the throne. The two princes felt that this was a great opportunity, so they quietly took refuge in Zhao Tingmei, the king of Qin, and encouraged Zhao Tingmei to fight with Zhao Guangyi, so they could find a chance to recover the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"It's a pity that people are not as good as the sky. In the end, Zhao Tingmei was sent to another place and died of fear; Lu Duoxun was sent to Yazhou, and Pan Lang fleeed to the world."

Song Qingshu was shocked. He also knew a little about the incident back then. Lu Duoxun assisted Zhao Tingmei, and was finally defeated by the old fox Zhao Guangyi and Zhao Pu. He didn't expect Pan Lang to participate in it.

Tang Saier finally calmed down the turbulent mood, and then said: "After that failure, the two princes realized that Zhao Song was not exhausted, so they decided to keep a low profile and wait for the right time. Lu Duoxun carefully taught his descendants in Yazhou, Pan Lang founded the Xiaoyao School in Jianghu and started his grand layout..."

Note 1: History Chai Xi would like to change his name to Pan Weiji, and Chai Xijia to change his name to Lu Xuan. Here the images of Pan Lang and Lu Duoxun are grafted to them.

Note 2: Historical Pan Lang and Lu Duoxun really assisted Zhao Tingmei in rebellion. After failure, one became a hermit and the other was demoted to Yazhou.

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