Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 134: Secretly Xu

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four

Wei Xiaobao sounded like a beloved concubine, and he was very depressed: it's over, my Akke, how come you have become someone else's wife... No, no, Xiaobao, you must cheer up, I've been in love with you all my life, and I've spent my whole life with you. , Entangled to the end. Even if you have been married eighteen times, you still have to marry Lao Tzu for the nineteenth time.

Song Qingshu is very calm: "I wonder if the prince ever exchanged appointments with Prince Bao?"

Wu Sangui hesitated, but decided to tell the truth: "No." He just had this intention, and Prince Hebao did not formally become in-laws. As soon as I checked this matter, Wu Sangui didn't want to tell lies. If he was caught by someone in the court, although he was not so afraid of the crime of deceiving the emperor, it would be a little troublesome.

"Since there is no ceremonial ritual, the prince may wish to reconsider some of Wei's masters. He has already held important positions at a young age. This time the emperor personally talks to him for his relatives, which can prove his boundless future." Song Qingshu didn't hesitate. With that said, intentionally or unintentionally, Kangxi was used to suppress Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui's skin twitched, and he quickly smiled: "Xiao Wang will consider it carefully, because he has to discuss with his wife. How about replying to the two adults in a few days?"

"That's natural," Song Qingshu held up a glass of wine and toasted, "Come here, let the official respect the prince." The embarrassment and fear during the dinner were wiped out. Everyone sang praises of merit, bragged and slapped their horses, and went away with joy.

Wu Yingxiong sent Wei Xiaobao back to Anfu Garden and sat down in the lobby. Wu Yingxiong offered two brocade boxes in turn with both hands, and said: "Here are some bits and pieces of silver. Please let Jue Wei and General Song have the bits and pieces at hand. When you return home from the north, the father has another heart to reward you two adults. Hard work."

Wei Xiaobao and Song Qingshu looked at each other and laughed: "That's not polite. When I was out of Beijing, the emperor told me to say,'Little Guizi, everyone said that Wu Sangui is a traitorous minister. Let me see with my own eyes whether it is a loyal or a traitor. You have to show me more carefully, don’t let your eyes go.’ I said: “The emperor Wan’an, the slave opened his eyes wide, and he understood it from beginning to end.’ Haha, the little prince, is it a loyal or a traitor? Didn't you say it with one mouth?"

Wu Yingxiong couldn’t help but secretly angry: "Your Daqing’s country was laid for you by my father. After the big event was settled, he was ungrateful and came to inquire whether my father and son were loyal or traitor. In this way, the princess married, also It may not be well-intentioned." Said: "My father and son are loyal, serving the emperor, being a dog and a horse, and I cannot repay the emperor's kindness."

Song Qingshu saw Wu Yingxiong's expression of anger, and sighed in his heart: "Wu Yingxiong looks handsome, walks vigorously, and does have the demeanor of the son of a general, but it is a pity that he is young after all, and he has not cultivated his kung fu at home. Compared to Wu Sangui, he is very angry. Yu's color difference is far away. If he knows that his unmarried wife has been played with various poses by Wei Xiaobao during this period, he wonders if he can bear it?

Wei Xiaobao raised his legs and said, "Yes, I also know that you are the most loyal. If the emperor can't believe in you, he won't make a secret promise.

I'm recruiting you to be my brother-in-law. Little prince, once you become the emperor's brother-in-law, you are so fast that you can rise to eight levels in a row. "Wu Yingxiong said: "That is the mighty emperor's grace." I am also grateful for Mr. Wei's continued dealings. "Wei Xiaobao said heartily:" During this period of time, I can train your wife to be submissive, I wonder if you are grateful? "

They sent Wu Yingxiong out, and the two opened the brocade box and looked at it. There were ten silver bills in it, forty per pin, five hundred taels each, for a total of 200,000 taels of silver. Wei Xiaobao was surprised and delighted. He turned around and said to Song Qingshu: "Big Brother Song, this little turtle egg is very generous, two hundred thousand taels of silver, just for sporadic spending. If I want to spend a lot of money, wouldn’t it? One million, two million?"

Song Qingshu put the brocade box aside and didn't care. Instead, he frowned and said, "Brother Wei, I'm afraid we have the life to take the money and the life to spend it."

Wei Xiaobao was bluffed and recovered from his joy: "Why does Song Big Brother say that?"

"Brother Wei knows why I had to falsely pass the holy edict to propose marriage for you during the dinner?" Song Qingshu asked.

"Big Brother Song’s kindness, Xiaobao, will be remembered in his heart. After returning to Yanjing in the future, the brother will naturally carry everything down. The emperor will not blame you." Wei Xiaobao thought he was worried about the false transmission of the edict. In this world, this is a great sin that is disrespectful and should be slain, so when Song Qingshu spoke tonight, even if there was no imperial decree, no one on Wu Sangui's side would doubt it.

"The emperor is wise and martial, as long as I explain the whole story, it will be fine," Song Qingshu didn't care. "I mean another matter. Wu Sangui intends to form a family with Prince Bao."

Wei Xiaobao stood up all of a sudden: "Yes, if it weren't for Song's idea today, the emperor and us would still be kept in the dark."

"I got the news early in the morning, so I deliberately raised this matter in front of Wu Sangui's civil and military officials." Song Qingshu thought in his heart: Although I don't want to see Kangxi clean up Wu Sangui and Hongli so quickly, but I don't want Wu Sangui and Hongli to unite. After Kangxi was cleaned up, only maintaining such a balanced internal friction situation was the most in line with his own interests.

"Just looking at the attitude of the old tortoise Wu Sangui, I am afraid I am unwilling to betroth Akko to me." Although Wei Xiaobao is obsessed, there is still a trace of rationality. There is really no advantage to the lowly **** coming out of the brothel.

Song Qingshu smiled without saying a word, but thought in his heart: I was trying to destroy the political marriage between Fukangan and A Ke. As for Wu Sangui, I can't see what you have to do with me...

In the Pingxi Palace, Wu Sangui was discussing with several confidants.

"The prince, now the emperor has sent someone to get in. Whom will Akko marry?" Wu Sangui's son-in-law Xia Guoxiang said, and Akko's peerless face appeared in his mind, annoyed that it was the daughter of King Pingxi. Why is the one I married so much worse?

"If we secretly promise in Chapter 134

Rejecting Kangxi's meaning, it would be fine if Akko was married to other people, but if he married Prince Bao's elder son, I am afraid that he will completely tear his skin with Kangxi. Now the time is not ripe, I am afraid it will be detrimental to our future career. "Wu Yingxiong said in a deep voice.

"I don't care, anyway, I won't marry that shameless bastard." At this time, Ake pushed in from outside and said bitterly.

"Naughty, who let you in!" Wu Sangui glared at her.

A Ke was a little afraid of her father since she was a child, so she couldn't help but shrank timidly behind her brother Wu Yingxiong. Wu Yingxiong quickly changed the subject and said, "Ake, how did you feel about seeing Fu Kang'an quietly today?"

Thinking of the handsome young man who secretly saw from the cubicle in the afternoon, a red cloud floated on Akko's pretty face, and said with a bit of temptation: "It's so normal, but better than that Wei Xiaobao."

In recent years, King Pingxi and Prince Bao have been fighting against Mongolia together in the north. Akke was born in the north, and he has been touched by his ears. A long time ago, he heard that Prince Bao’s son, Fu Kang’an, was a great war hero, and he had long been fond of admiration. , Just cares about the other side's appearance, has not dared to agree to this marriage. This time I ran away from home, saying that I was going around for a relaxing time. It might not have been quietly going to Shengjing City to see what Fukangan looked like.

Everyone in the field couldn't help but burst into laughter when they heard that it was not an old fritters, making Akko a blushing face. However, Wu Yingxiong's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward and said: "Father, the sons and ministers have a trick. Not only can they form an alliance with Prince Bao, but they will not hurt the face of Kangxi." Chapter 135 Xiaozhong master

"Oh?" Wu Sangui glanced at his son, waiting for his next words.

"If the father makes the decision, no matter who you choose in the end, you will offend either side of Kangxi and Prince Bao, but what if you give the choice to Ake?" Wu Yingxiong said with a smile.

Wu Sangui's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he motioned for him to continue.

"At that time, we only have to declare to the public that the choice of son-in-law will be handed over to A Ke, and Fu Kang'an and Wei Xiaobao will be in the same room, and A Ke will personally choose his husband-in-law." Wu Yingxiong said, the more proud he became, "Although it seems that It's fair, but we know how it is impossible for Ak to choose Wei Xiaobao's little bastard, and in this way, even if Kangxi is dissatisfied with the result, he can't say anything."

"Ake, what do you think?" Wu Sangui turned to look at Ake and asked.

"All depends on the father." Ake's cheeks were flushed, and after speaking in a low voice, he ran out all the way.

Early the next morning, King Pingxi sent people to Anfu Garden to invite Song Qingshu and Wei Xiaobao to the palace.

Wei Xiaobao was very excited along the way, and imagined in his heart that he would not be the subordinate officer at all in the future, and find a place to live in seclusion with Ake Shuang'er and do some shameful things with Ake every day...

But when the two approached Pingxi Palace, the smile on Wei Xiaobao's face couldn't help but freeze.

In the hall of the Pingxi Palace, a young man sits first to the left of Wu Sangui, his face is like a crown jade, he is handsome, and Rong Zhijunya, about ten years old, wearing a royal blue robe, a small cap with melon skin, and a hat sewn in the middle. A piece of beautiful jade with a square inch.

"Your grandfather, do you want to be so handsome and handsome? I hate people who are more handsome than me in my life. There is already a handsome Song Qingshu by his side, and there is a little white face. The faces of passersby are very stressed." Wei Xiaobao's mouth twitched, slandering in his heart.

Song Qingshu was staring at the precious jade on his hat. After such a distance, he could see the beautiful jade shining brightly. Knowing that it was a valuable treasure, he couldn't help but laughed in his heart: "There is such a valuable piece on his head. I am not afraid of being cut off by a thief in the middle of the night."

"Wei Jue, Lord Song, this king will introduce to you, this is Prince Bao's elder son Fu Kang Anfu, these two are the emperor's marrying envoy Wei Jue, and the married general Song adults." Wu Sangui Station Get up and introduce it to both sides.

"It's no wonder that Lao Tzu was not pleasing to your eyes at first sight. It turned out to be a **** who snatched his wife from Lao Tzu." Wei Xiaobao cursed secretly in his heart, arched his hands, and said casually: "Look up for a long time."

Fukang'an didn't respond, put down the tea cup slowly, and said lightly: "I'm still trying to capture what hero will be. It turned out to be just a child who is still young. It seems that the rumors are really unbelievable."

"Take your mother!" Since Wei Xiaobao became the favored minister of Kangxi, even the ministers of the princes and princes have been respectful when they see him, so dare to be a master of Xiaozhong in Chapter 135

"Oh?" Wu Sangui glanced at his son, waiting for his next words.

"If the father makes the decision, no matter who you choose in the end, you will offend either side of Kangxi and Prince Bao, but what if you give the choice to Ake?" Wu Yingxiong said with a smile.

Wu Sangui's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he motioned for him to continue.

"At that time, we only have to declare to the public that the choice of son-in-law will be handed over to A Ke, and Fu Kang'an and Wei Xiaobao will be in the same room, and A Ke will personally choose his husband-in-law." Wu Yingxiong said, the more proud he became, "Although it seems that It's fair, but we know how it is impossible for Ak to choose Wei Xiaobao's little bastard, and in this way, even if Kangxi is dissatisfied with the result, he can't say anything."

"Ake, what do you think?" Wu Sangui turned to look at Ake and asked.

"All depends on the father." Ake's cheeks were flushed, and after speaking in a low voice, he ran out all the way.

Early the next morning, King Pingxi sent people to Anfu Garden to invite Song Qingshu and Wei Xiaobao to the palace.

Wei Xiaobao was very excited along the way, and imagined in his heart that he would not be the subordinate officer at all in the future, and find a place to live in seclusion with Ake Shuang'er and do some shameful things with Ake every day...

But when the two approached Pingxi Palace, the smile on Wei Xiaobao's face couldn't help but freeze.

In the hall of the Pingxi Palace, a young man sits first to the left of Wu Sangui, his face is like a crown jade, he is handsome, and Rong Zhijunya, about ten years old, wearing a royal blue robe, a small cap with melon skin, and a hat sewn in the middle. A piece of beautiful jade with a square inch.

"Your grandfather, do you want to be so handsome and handsome? I hate people who are more handsome than me in my life. There is already a handsome Song Qingshu by his side, and there is a little white face. The faces of passersby are very stressed." Wei Xiaobao's mouth twitched, slandering in his heart.

Song Qingshu was staring at the precious jade on his hat. After such a distance, he could see the beautiful jade shining brightly. Knowing that it was a valuable treasure, he couldn't help but laughed in his heart: "There is such a valuable piece on his head. I am not afraid of being cut off by a thief in the middle of the night."

"Wei Jue, Lord Song, this king will introduce to you, this is Prince Bao's elder son Fu Kang Anfu, these two are the emperor's marrying envoy Wei Jue, and the married general Song adults." Wu Sangui Station Get up and introduce it to both sides.

"It's no wonder that Lao Tzu was not pleasing to your eyes at first sight. It turned out to be a **** who snatched his wife from Lao Tzu." Wei Xiaobao cursed secretly in his heart, arched his hands, and said casually: "Look up for a long time."

Fukang'an didn't respond, put down the tea cup slowly, and said lightly: "I'm still trying to capture what hero will be. It turned out to be just a child who is still young. It seems that the rumors are really unbelievable."

"Take your mother!" Since Wei Xiaobao became the favored minister of Kangxi, even the ministers of the princes and princes have been respectful when they see him, so dare to be a master of Xiaozhong in Chapter 135

"Oh?" Wu Sangui glanced at his son, waiting for his next words.

"If the father makes the decision, no matter who you choose in the end, you will offend either side of Kangxi and Prince Bao, but what if you give the choice to Ake?" Wu Yingxiong said with a smile.

Wu Sangui's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he motioned for him to continue.

"At that time, we only have to declare to the public that the choice of son-in-law will be handed over to A Ke, and Fu Kang'an and Wei Xiaobao will be in the same room, and A Ke will personally choose his husband-in-law." Wu Yingxiong said, the more proud he became, "Although it seems that It's fair, but we know how it is impossible for Ak to choose Wei Xiaobao's little bastard, and in this way, even if Kangxi is dissatisfied with the result, he can't say anything."

"Ake, what do you think?" Wu Sangui turned to look at Ake and asked.

"All depends on the father." Ake's cheeks were flushed, and after speaking in a low voice, he ran out all the way.

Early the next morning, King Pingxi sent people to Anfu Garden to invite Song Qingshu and Wei Xiaobao to the palace.

Wei Xiaobao was very excited along the way, and imagined in his heart that he would not be the subordinate officer at all in the future, and find a place to live in seclusion with Ake Shuang'er and do some shameful things with Ake every day...

But when the two approached Pingxi Palace, the smile on Wei Xiaobao's face couldn't help but freeze.

In the hall of the Pingxi Palace, a young man sits first to the left of Wu Sangui, his face is like a crown jade, he is handsome, and Rong Zhijunya, about ten years old, wearing a royal blue robe, a small cap with melon skin, and a hat sewn in the middle. A piece of beautiful jade with a square inch.

"Your grandfather, do you want to be so handsome and handsome? I hate people who are more handsome than me in my life. There is already a handsome Song Qingshu by his side, and there is a little white face. The faces of passersby are very stressed." Wei Xiaobao's mouth twitched, slandering in his heart.

Song Qingshu was staring at the precious jade on his hat. After such a distance, he could see the beautiful jade shining brightly. Knowing that it was a valuable treasure, he couldn't help but laughed in his heart: "There is such a valuable piece on his head. I am not afraid of being cut off by a thief in the middle of the night."

"Wei Jue, Lord Song, this king will introduce to you, this is Prince Bao's elder son Fu Kang Anfu, these two are the emperor's marrying envoy Wei Jue, and the married general Song adults." Wu Sangui Station Get up and introduce it to both sides.

"It's no wonder that Lao Tzu was not pleasing to your eyes at first sight. It turned out to be a **** who snatched his wife from Lao Tzu." Wei Xiaobao cursed secretly in his heart, arched his hands, and said casually: "Look up for a long time."

Fukang'an didn't respond, put down the tea cup slowly, and said lightly: "I'm still trying to capture what hero will be. It turned out to be just a child who is still young. It seems that the rumors are really unbelievable."

"Take your mother!" Since Wei Xiaobao became the favored minister of Kangxi, even the ministers of the princes and princes have been respectful when they see him, so dare to be a master of Xiaozhong in Chapter 135

"Oh?" Wu Sangui glanced at his son, waiting for his next words.

"If the father makes the decision, no matter who you choose in the end, you will offend either side of Kangxi and Prince Bao, but what if you give the choice to Ake?" Wu Yingxiong said with a smile.

Wu Sangui's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he motioned for him to continue.

"At that time, we only have to declare to the public that the choice of son-in-law will be handed over to A Ke, and Fu Kang'an and Wei Xiaobao will be in the same room, and A Ke will personally choose his husband-in-law." Wu Yingxiong said, the more proud he became, "Although it seems that It's fair, but we know how it is impossible for Ak to choose Wei Xiaobao's little bastard, and in this way, even if Kangxi is dissatisfied with the result, he can't say anything."

"Ake, what do you think?" Wu Sangui turned to look at Ake and asked.

"All depends on the father." Ake's cheeks were flushed, and after speaking in a low voice, he ran out all the way.

Early the next morning, King Pingxi sent people to Anfu Garden to invite Song Qingshu and Wei Xiaobao to the palace.

Wei Xiaobao was very excited along the way, and imagined in his heart that he would not be the subordinate officer at all in the future, and find a place to live in seclusion with Ake Shuang'er and do some shameful things with Ake every day...

But when the two approached Pingxi Palace, the smile on Wei Xiaobao's face couldn't help but freeze.

In the hall of the Pingxi Palace, a young man sits first to the left of Wu Sangui, his face is like a crown jade, he is handsome, and Rong Zhijunya, about ten years old, wearing a royal blue robe, a small cap with melon skin, and a hat sewn in the middle. A piece of beautiful jade with a square inch.

"Your grandfather, do you want to be so handsome and handsome? I hate people who are more handsome than me in my life. There is already a handsome Song Qingshu by his side, and there is a little white face. The faces of passersby are very stressed." Wei Xiaobao's mouth twitched, slandering in his heart.

Song Qingshu was staring at the precious jade on his hat. After such a distance, he could see the beautiful jade shining brightly. Knowing that it was a valuable treasure, he couldn't help but laughed in his heart: "There is such a valuable piece on his head. I am not afraid of being cut off by a thief in the middle of the night."

"Wei Jue, Lord Song, this king will introduce to you, this is Prince Bao's elder son Fu Kang Anfu, these two are the emperor's marrying envoy Wei Jue, and the married general Song adults." Wu Sangui Station Get up and introduce it to both sides.

"It's no wonder that Lao Tzu was not pleasing to your eyes at first sight. It turned out to be a **** who snatched his wife from Lao Tzu." Wei Xiaobao cursed secretly in his heart, arched his hands, and said casually: "Look up for a long time."

Fukang'an didn't respond, put down the tea cup slowly, and said lightly: "I'm still trying to capture what hero will be. It turned out to be just a child who is still young. It seems that the rumors are really unbelievable."

"Take your mother!" Since Wei Xiaobao became the favored minister of Kangxi, even the ministers of the princes and princes have been respectful when they see him, so dare to be a master of Xiaozhong in Chapter 135

"Oh?" Wu Sangui glanced at his son, waiting for his next words.

"If the father makes the decision, no matter who you choose in the end, you will offend either side of Kangxi and Prince Bao, but what if you give the choice to Ake?" Wu Yingxiong said with a smile.

Wu Sangui's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he motioned for him to continue.

"At that time, we only have to declare to the public that the choice of son-in-law will be handed over to A Ke, and Fu Kang'an and Wei Xiaobao will be in the same room, and A Ke will personally choose his husband-in-law." Wu Yingxiong said, the more proud he became, "Although it seems that It's fair, but we know how it is impossible for Ak to choose Wei Xiaobao's little bastard, and in this way, even if Kangxi is dissatisfied with the result, he can't say anything."

"Ake, what do you think?" Wu Sangui turned to look at Ake and asked.

"All depends on the father." Ake's cheeks were flushed, and after speaking in a low voice, he ran out all the way.

Early the next morning, King Pingxi sent people to Anfu Garden to invite Song Qingshu and Wei Xiaobao to the palace.

Wei Xiaobao was very excited along the way, and imagined in his heart that he would not be the subordinate officer at all in the future, and find a place to live in seclusion with Ake Shuang'er and do some shameful things with Ake every day...

But when the two approached Pingxi Palace, the smile on Wei Xiaobao's face couldn't help but freeze.

In the hall of the Pingxi Palace, a young man sits first to the left of Wu Sangui, his face is like a crown jade, he is handsome, and Rong Zhijunya, about ten years old, wearing a royal blue robe, a small cap with melon skin, and a hat sewn in the middle. A piece of beautiful jade with a square inch.

"Your grandfather, do you want to be so handsome and handsome? I hate people who are more handsome than me in my life. There is already a handsome Song Qingshu by his side, and there is a little white face. The faces of passersby are very stressed." Wei Xiaobao's mouth twitched, slandering in his heart.

Song Qingshu was staring at the precious jade on his hat. After such a distance, he could see the beautiful jade shining brightly. Knowing that it was a valuable treasure, he couldn't help but laughed in his heart: "There is such a valuable piece on his head. I am not afraid of being cut off by a thief in the middle of the night."

"Wei Jue, Lord Song, this king will introduce to you, this is Prince Bao's elder son Fu Kang Anfu, these two are the emperor's marrying envoy Wei Jue, and the married general Song adults." Wu Sangui Station Get up and introduce it to both sides.

"It's no wonder that Lao Tzu was not pleasing to your eyes at first sight. It turned out to be a **** who snatched his wife from Lao Tzu." Wei Xiaobao cursed secretly in his heart, arched his hands, and said casually: "Look up for a long time."

Fukang'an didn't respond, put down the tea cup slowly, and said lightly: "I'm still trying to capture what hero will be. It turned out to be just a child who is still young. It seems that the rumors are really unbelievable."

"Take your mother!" Since Wei Xiaobao became the favored minister of Kangxi, even the ministers of the princes and princes have been respectful when they see him, so dare to be a master of Xiaozhong in Chapter 135

"Oh?" Wu Sangui glanced at his son, waiting for his next words.

"If the father makes the decision, no matter who you choose in the end, you will offend either side of Kangxi and Prince Bao, but what if you give the choice to Ake?" Wu Yingxiong said with a smile.

Wu Sangui's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he motioned for him to continue.

"At that time, we only have to declare to the public that the choice of son-in-law will be handed over to A Ke, and Fu Kang'an and Wei Xiaobao will be in the same room, and A Ke will personally choose his husband-in-law." Wu Yingxiong said, the more proud he became, "Although it seems that It's fair, but we know how it is impossible for Ak to choose Wei Xiaobao's little bastard, and in this way, even if Kangxi is dissatisfied with the result, he can't say anything."

"Ake, what do you think?" Wu Sangui turned to look at Ake and asked.

"All depends on the father." Ake's cheeks were flushed, and after speaking in a low voice, he ran out all the way.

Early the next morning, King Pingxi sent people to Anfu Garden to invite Song Qingshu and Wei Xiaobao to the palace.

Wei Xiaobao was very excited along the way, and imagined in his heart that he would not be the subordinate officer at all in the future, and find a place to live in seclusion with Ake Shuang'er and do some shameful things with Ake every day...

But when the two approached Pingxi Palace, the smile on Wei Xiaobao's face couldn't help but freeze.

In the hall of the Pingxi Palace, a young man sits first to the left of Wu Sangui, his face is like a crown jade, he is handsome, and Rong Zhijunya, about ten years old, wearing a royal blue robe, a small cap with melon skin, and a hat sewn in the middle. A piece of beautiful jade with a square inch.

"Your grandfather, do you want to be so handsome and handsome? I hate people who are more handsome than me in my life. There is already a handsome Song Qingshu by his side, and there is a little white face. The faces of passersby are very stressed." Wei Xiaobao's mouth twitched, slandering in his heart.

Song Qingshu was staring at the precious jade on his hat. After such a distance, he could see the beautiful jade shining brightly. Knowing that it was a valuable treasure, he couldn't help but laughed in his heart: "There is such a valuable piece on his head. I am not afraid of being cut off by a thief in the middle of the night."

"Wei Jue, Lord Song, this king will introduce to you, this is Prince Bao's elder son Fu Kang Anfu, these two are the emperor's marrying envoy Wei Jue, and the married general Song adults." Wu Sangui Station Get up and introduce it to both sides.

"It's no wonder that Lao Tzu was not pleasing to your eyes at first sight. It turned out to be a **** who snatched his wife from Lao Tzu." Wei Xiaobao cursed secretly in his heart, arched his hands, and said casually: "Look up for a long time."

Fukang'an didn't respond, put down the tea cup slowly, and said lightly: "I'm still trying to capture what hero will be. It turned out to be just a child who is still young. It seems that the rumors are really unbelievable."

"Taking your mother!" Since Wei Xiaobao became the favorite of Kangxi, even the ministers of the princes and princes have been respectful when they see him.

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