Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1363: A city

Generally speaking, when receiving the imperial decree, you need to kneel and bow to worship, but Song Qingshu stood in place like a javelin during the whole process. There was no intention to kneel. The **** who read the imperial decree seemed to be invisible, and did not mention it from beginning to end. After this incident, after reading the imperial decree, he ran up and approached Song Qing's book cover with a smile on his face.

After all, which of these eunuchs in the palace is not a well-informed person. Song Qingshu didn't worship Zhao Gou in the courtroom. He was helpless in all civil and military affairs. How could he be a little **** incomprehensible?

Of course, he can also go back and file a complaint afterwards. After all, according to the rules, if someone disrespects him when accepting an order, he is obliged to report it. However, he has been in the palace for so long and he is not stupid. Even if he knows it, Zhao Gou is helpless. Isn't it annoying to have to block him? The emperor couldn't deal with Song Qingshu. If the fire in his heart couldn't bear the anger and the imperial palace often happened, where would he go?

When he was close to Song Qingshu, Yue Lingshan on the side also showed that Song Qingshu turned her head back and smiled. For a while, she was a little dizzy. When he saw that he was not humble, or even a little arrogant throughout the process, the girl couldn't help but move. Zhui quietly poked Lin Pingzhi: "Xiao Linzi, see if you can, when will you be as proud as Brother Song."

Lin Ping had an embarrassed face and said with a sly smile: "Big Brother Song Tianzong is a talented person, how can I compare to him."

Yue Lingshan twitched her mouth: "Cut, no ambition."

Lin Pingzhi opened his mouth, but couldn't refute anything. Seeing Song Qingshu standing there like a scorching sun, he couldn't help but feel envy and low self-esteem.

In fact, Yue Lingshan didn't have any bad thoughts when she said this. A girl didn't want her sweetheart to be a hero, but the reality was cruel. In the end, few people could become a hero. However, many young girls will subconsciously compare their lover with other men. On the one hand, it will cause their own disappointment, and on the other hand, it will cause the lover to be frustrated.

Thanks to Lin Pingzhi's admiration and admiration for Song Qingshu, maybe the couple would have a big fight because of this.

After sending away the eunuch, Song Qingshu said to Lin Pingzhi and Yue Lingshan: "You should live in the mansion first, take a good rest, and I will introduce Lin Ruhai for you in the evening. I will start arranging the dinner, so I won’t call you. Yes, you can do it yourself."

Yue Lingshan's eyes lit up and said with a grin: "Big Brother Song, you have helped us so much. We just don’t know how to repay you. Why don't we let us help too. I also organized a dinner for all disciples in the Huashan School. Oh."

Song Qing's book wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he nodded and agreed: "Then I will trouble you." Of course, she can only smile at her experience of organizing Huashan banquets. This kind of banquet for court officials is not something she can handle. , But it would be nice to let the two of them supervise for themselves. After all, there are not many confidants in the whole government, but the loyalty of Yue Lingshan and Lin Pingzhi is more reliable.

Song Qingshu then summoned all the servants of the whole government. From those who had been called by Han Tongxuan before, he selected a few experienced mothers, general managers, and the like, and let them handle the matter. Later, the people sent by Chen Youliang helped them. , Lin Pingzhi and Yue Lingshan are the supervisors on the sidelines, reporting real-time news to themselves at any time.

After arranging everything, Song Qingshu returned to the inner house. Chen Yuanyuan had already freshened up and was waiting for him, and couldn't help but look out curiously: "I heard that the house seems to be very lively, what's going on."

"Didn't you tell you that I was named King of Qi? Just now the imperial decree came, and many court officials will come to congratulate me later. Now the mansion is preparing related matters." Song Qingshu explained.

Chen Yuanyuan's face flushed, thinking that you said it in that situation last night, how can I remember. Suddenly she realized something, and said worriedly: "You just said that there are a lot of court officials coming over, and some of them must know me. If I'm recognized, your trouble will be great."

Although Chen Yuanyuan has been in the simple for years, her fame was too high in her early years, and it is difficult to guarantee that she has not seen her. What's more, among the people who came tonight, Han Tong, Chen Ziqiang and others must have known her. One of them was the mother and daughter who had been running them. One of the two who entered the palace was Chen's family.

"Don't worry, I'll change your appearance for you with makeup. When you feel wronged, stay in the house and don't go out. It should be fine." Song Qingshu smiled relaxedly.

"Disguise?" Chen Yuanyuan looked at him in surprise.

"Look at me!" Song Qingshu followed her to the dressing table, took out the materials that had been prepared, and after about half an hour, "open your eyes and see how about it?"

"How did you do it?" Looking at the woman in the mirror, Chen Yuanyuan exclaimed. If she knew in advance, she could still vaguely recognize her shadow from the eyebrows, but without knowing it in advance, she would never be able to see this in the mirror. People connect with her.

"Your man is very capable," Song Qingshu said triumphantly.

"Bah, whoever you are a man." Chen Yuanyuan smiled, and suddenly wanted to touch her cheek nervously. He stretched out his hand halfway but stopped looking like he didn't dare to touch it, "Can I laugh?"

Song Qingshu squeezed her shoulders and turned to herself: "Your smile is so beautiful, why can't you smile?"

Seeing that he didn't understand his worry, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help rolling his eyes: "I'm worried that laughter will ruin your disguise."

"Don't worry, my disguise is not so easy to destroy." Song Qingshu laughed.

The two stayed warm for a while, because there were so many things outside, Song Qingshu had to go out to help deal with it, unknowingly night gradually fell.

The officials from the imperial court also began to arrive one after another. Many small officials came earlier, and Song Qingshu couldn’t remember the names of those people. Anyway, he said some useless polite words and gave them to the housekeeper to receive them. After a while, some big names gradually started to appear.

The first heavyweight official to arrive was Han Dongxuan and his party. After all, now both sides are in the honeymoon period, Han Dongxuan can be said to have noticed every detail in order to gain a good impression.

Chen Ziqiang, Wu Qian and others came with Han Tongxuan. They were basically seen in Han Fuzhong last time, and everyone was considered acquaintance, but they didn't have much politeness.

What is surprising is that Linghuchong actually came with them this time. Song Qingshu said with a smile: "I didn't expect that brothers Ling Tiande would also come to enjoy their faces. It is really brilliant."

Linghu stunned a face and whispered: "You thought I wanted to come. I wouldn't bother to see you if it wasn't for Han Xiang's face."

Song Qingshu was also not angry: "Actually, you should be glad that you are here today."

"Really?" Linghu smiled coldly.

Song Qingshu took his shoulders: "Because today there is a person you are thinking about."

Linghu's heart jumped, followed his gaze and saw Yue Lingshan standing not far away beautifully, her whole body stiffened, and her breathing was a little short.

Noting his reaction, Song Qingshu secretly shook his head. Although Ling Huchong has always claimed that he now likes Ren Yingying, he can deceive anyone, but he can't deceive himself. Seeing the most instinctive physical reaction of the two has already explained. all.

Song Qingshu understands Linghu Chong very well. Everyone has such a person in his life. Reason makes you try to forget her, but she is the most special existence.

"Brother Song!" A loud voice came, and Song Qingshu turned around and saw Guo Jing approaching with a smile on his face, "Congratulations."

"Brother Guo!" Song Qingshu hurriedly responded, but his gaze shifted involuntarily. Fortunately, he didn't let him down. A glamorous young woman followed, who was not Huang Rong?

When Song Qingshu was looking at Huang Rong, Huang Rong was also looking at him, sighing in her heart. When he saw him in Jingzhou City, he was just an ordinary person. I didn't expect that in the past two years, he was not only famous in the world, but now he is also the King of Qi. But what she didn't even expect was that something like that would happen to him.

When the two looked at each other, it seemed that there was an inexplicable atmosphere in the air. Fortunately, Song Qingshu was sane enough to withdraw his gaze at the right time and change the subject: "You two are here at the right time. Come here. I will introduce you to you."

Talking about Linghu Chong, who was in a daze, he said, "This is Wu Xi and Wu Tiande, who is equipped with imperial weapons in the imperial palace today, and is capable of swordsmanship. These two are the famous couples of Guo Jing and Huang Rong."

When they heard the name of the other party, whether it was Linghu Chong or Guo Jing Huang Rong, their eyes condensed. After all, the two sides already knew about the battle, and knew that the other party was the enemy they were about to face.

The two sides exchanged greetings with each other. Huang Rong on the side rolled her eyes, pursed her lips and asked with a smile: "General Wu, some time ago, I also heard about the general's great power in Fujian to defeat the masters of the Songshan faction, and then saved them. Master Han, relying on a superb swordsmanship, I don't know what the general's swordsmanship is called?"

Linghu Chong apologized: "I hope Mrs. Guo will forgive me. It's not that I intentionally concealed it. It's just that the predecessors who promised to pass on my swordsmanship back then cannot tell other people the origins of this set of swordsmanship."

"It is true that many seniors in the martial arts have such rules." Huang Rong smiled and expressed his understanding, but secretly gritted his teeth in his heart. This little fox is honest and honest on the surface, but in fact he is very cunning. He has to find a chance to remind Brother Jing. Avoid getting a dark loss when you get it.

Song Qingshu secretly smiled while watching, Huang Rong did not let go of every opportunity to listen to information for Guo Jing, but it was a pity that she really misunderstood Linghu Chong. Linghu Chong did not deliberately conceal it, but agreed to Feng Qingyang not to tell the story about the sword.

Linghu Chong's mind was all on Yue Lingshan not far away. After chatting with the couple a few words, he ran to Yue Lingshan's neighborhood. He even wanted to say a word to the little junior girl who was thinking about it despite his disguised identity. Who knows Lin Ping Suddenly appeared beside her, Yue Lingshan immediately showed a sweet smile, and took out a handkerchief from his arms to wipe his sweat.

Seeing this scene, Linghu Chong felt as if he had suffered 9999 points of critical damage, and his whole body was lost all at once.

Song Qingshu shook his head secretly. Just as he sighed, Jia Sidao also walked in with a group of people. The accompanying people were vaguely impressed. They had met in the court before, the governor Xue Ji!

Seeing how the two talked happily along the way, they really deserved to be Jia Sidao's loyal ally, but it was the girl who followed Xue Ji that caught Song Qingshu's attention. Her lips were red and her eyebrows were not drawn but her face was green. Silver basin, eyes like water apricots, even though she didn't know anything about her, Song Qingshu couldn't help but secretly admired: What a woman with good character and beautiful appearance. (.)

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