Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1365: Abnormal change

Song Qing never expected that Zhao Shicheng was the King of Beijing in the Dream of Red Mansions, but he was relieved soon after thinking about it. After all, Zhao Shicheng is a royal family, and it is normal to be named a county king.

"The King of Beijing, the King of Beijing..." Song Qing was amazed at the bottom of his heart. After all, King Beijing is a famously perfect male **** in the Red Mansion. Some red scholars even speculated that Lin Daiyu finally married Beijing based on the previous foreshadowings. Jing Wang.

Looking at Zhao Shicheng, and then at Lin Daiyu, who couldn't be far away, she was soft and weak. Song Qing shook her head and laughed: At least in this world, the two should have nothing to do with each other.

"It turns out that Brother Zhao is the King of Beijing. I really didn't know Mount Tai last time in Shenyuan." Song Qing said with a smile, and at the same time wondered, why would he marry a second-married woman? Could this be the true love in the legend?

"Brother Song, why don't you see outsiders like this..." Zhao Shicheng couldn't help being greatly appreciated when he heard the other party's address, and his tone became affectionate.

A few people stood together and chatted for a while, and Song Qing led them into the house. After all, all the big figures in the court should come, and no one else needs him to stand here to greet them.

While chatting with the group of people, Huang Rong suddenly passed by his side and said to him in a low voice, "I have something to say to you."

Song Qing looked up and saw that Huang Rong had already walked away on his own, and there was no strangeness in her body. If he was not convinced of his hearing, he would have thought he had misheard.

Looking for an opportunity, Song Qing left the crowd, cautiously chasing in the direction Huang Rong had just left, wondering what she had to say to herself, could it be to relive the old dream with herself?

Thinking of the excitement, he couldn't help but smirk, but quickly shook his head, knowing that this was absolutely impossible, it only existed in himself.

Coming to a secluded place in the garden, a graceful young woman was standing in a daze in front of a bush of roses. The faint moonlight was like a layer of veil on her face. She was really more charming than a flower.

"Rong'er~" Song Qing walked over and cried out uncontrollably.

The graceful young woman is naturally Huang Rong. When he heard his voice, she turned her head and answered indifferently: "I still hope that the king of Qi will respect himself."

Song Qing couldn't help smiling wryly: "I don't know what the Huang Gang master is asking for me?"

Huang Rong did not answer directly. Instead, she looked around curiously: "Why didn't that sister Xing see me last time?" The beautiful woman last time left a very deep impression on her. She has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years. She has seen a lot of beautiful women, but it is the first time she has seen such a beautiful woman.

Thinking of Song Qing's side with such an alluring woman, the relationship between the two seemed quite close. For some reason, Huang Rong was extremely upset in her heart. She was indeed a greedy and lustful protégé.

"She has something to leave temporarily for a few days," Song Qing couldn't help but laughed, "The leader of the Huang Gang specifically called me out just to ask this?"

Huang Rong's face was reddened: "Of course not!" After hesitating for a while, she said: "Can I ask you something?"

Song Qing was taken aback, and then a little flattered, and said with a wry smile: "Why do you have to be so dismissive? Given the relationship between the two of us, what would I not agree to?"

Huang Rong couldn't help but sipped: "Who has anything to do with you!"

Song Qing glanced around her body, and then shrugged: "If you don't have it, then there won't be."

The other party's sight seemed to be real. Huang Rong only felt a little hot all over, and some scenes that happened in Jin Guo couldn't help appearing in her mind. She finally stopped her mind: "I want you not to do anything unfavorable to Brother Jing. "

Song Qing was startled: "Why did you suddenly think of saying this?"

"Don't worry about it," Huang Rong bit her lip. "Can you agree?"

Song Qing was silent for a while and nodded: "Guo Daxia is a great hero for the country and the people, and everyone in the world admires him. How can I hurt him frantically."

"Thank you." Hearing his sincere tone, Huang Rong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why she came to Song Qing for this promise was because she had learned about the battle against the military from Jia Sidao before. She keenly analyzed that whether it was Jia Sidao or Han Tong, in order to ensure that the tense was stable, she would never let the two. People compete fairly.

She doesn’t care about what Jia Sidao wants to do here, anyway, it’s good for Brother Jing. She is never a silly mother, and she will not pedantically refuse Jia Sidao’s secret help; but Han Tong will have to. Stopped, Huang Rong thought about it, and was most worried that Han Tong would ask Song Qing, who was close to him, to take action. Although Brother Jing's martial arts is very powerful, he still has a gap with Song Qing's non-human being.

Although he didn't want to have any more intersection with Song Qing, Huang Rong bit his head and came to him. Now that he got his promise, Huang Rong's heart has finally landed. As long as Song Qing does not join in, he can add to the martial arts of brother Jing. His own ingenuity, Han Tong's off-board tricks are destined to be useless.

After thanking him, Huang Rong turned and left, Song Qing subconsciously grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing?" Huang Rong felt ashamed and angry when she felt the heat in the other's palm.

Song Qing said depressedly, "Rong'er, why are you so unfeeling? We have done more intimate things before, so what's the matter with a hand?"

Hearing him talk about Jin Guo, Huang Rong's heart jumped and her breathing became a little short, but now she has already gained the upper hand in reason: "Let go, there are so many people here today, if anyone sees us, none of us can help. Be a man."

"What does it matter? The big deal is that I, King Qi, won't do it." Song Qing smiled and looked at her, but still didn't mean to let go.

"You are shameless, I want it!" Huang Rong tweeted with a blushing face. Although the other person's attitude of abandoning everything for her made her a little touched, it was nothing more. There is no ending for the two, not to mention that her favorite in her heart is still Brother Jing. The man in front of her is just a bottle...a bottle of sweet poison.

"Don't worry, since my martial arts only has people around me, I will know in advance." Song Qing comforted.

Huang Rong glared at her: "You said before that you would no longer disturb my life. How can a manly man speak unimportantly? Don't let me look down on you!"

Seeing her resolute attitude, Song Qing also knew that she couldn't force it, so she smiled bitterly: "You answer one of my questions first, and I'll let you go."

"What's the problem?" Huang Rong pursed her mouth. She was worried that she would continue to be entangled here and be seen. As long as she could get rid of him as soon as possible, she would not say one question, even ten questions she would answer quickly.

Song Qing's eyes fell on her slightly raised belly: "The child in your belly..."

Huang Rong interrupted him immediately: "Don't think about it, it's not yours."

A trace of loneliness flashed across Song Qing's face, as she let go of her hand, she said: "I just want to ask how you are now, whether the pregnancy reaction is severe, and whether you like to eat sour food? I will send someone to you when the time comes. Bring some plums here..."

Seeing that his mother-in-law is more verbose than the old one, Huang Rong's grievances in her heart have been lightened a little bit, and her tone is softer than before: "Don't worry, I am a martial artist after all, not those delicate daughters. I am in good health. Very...you don't have to send plums, you always have to avoid suspicion..."

Feeling that her tone was not as blunt as before, Song Qing was overjoyed, and the two chatted casually. The communication was much more normal than before. Although not much intimate, at least it was not as deliberately alienated as it was not long ago.

It is estimated that the banquet is about to begin, and the two have just returned to the hall quietly one after another.

Song Qing didn’t make any deliberate arrangements, but everyone seemed to be able to find their place. Except for Song Qing himself, King Yi and King Beijing must be sitting at the main table. Several other ministers at the dominance level are also at the main table. Sitting here, such as participating in the political affairs of Han Yan, the privy envoy Jia Sidao, planning to Chen Ziqiang, serving the censorship is far away.

Several other heavyweights, such as Wu Qian, Xue Ji and others, all automatically sat at the deputy table. Although their positions are the same as Han Tong, Han Tong is ranked first among many participating political affairs. Both are much older than the two.

Surprisingly, Guo Jing, Huang Rong and his wife, and Ling Huchong were actually dragged by them to sit at the main table. Firstly, their reputation is very high. Secondly, everyone knows that they are the protagonists in the next competition. People have no objection at all.

Beginning with Han Tongxuan, a group of people toasted Song Qing to congratulate him on his promotion to the King of Qi. Then there was a staggering, a group of people drank a little bit drunk.

At this time, a group of maids began to serve a new round of dishes. Looking at one of the slender maids, Huang Rong kept her lips secretly. Song Qing was really a lecherous embryo. Even the maids in the house were so outstanding, although she couldn't see the appearance of the maids. But with this slender and attractive figure, she must be very handsome.

Seeing the maid lowered her head and carried a dish from Song Qing's side, Huang Rong suddenly frowned. Song Qing is now sitting on the master seat. How can a maid serve dishes from the side of the master seat so ignorant?

Song Qing was chatting with the people nearby, and obviously everyone hadn't noticed anything unusual. Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and the maid suddenly drew a dagger from under the saucer and stabbed Song Qing's chest fiercely.

"Be careful!" Because Huang Rong was suspicious from the beginning, she was also the first to react. She subconsciously grabbed a wine glass and shot it with magical powers. Although her skill was not as good as Huang Yaoshi, the shot glass was powerful. Still not to be underestimated.

When the wine glass hit the hand of the maid, the maid's movements could not help but stop, and then continued to stab Song Qing. But Song Qing looked at the maid, as if she hadn't reacted to the shock, she hadn't made any defensive actions...


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