Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1367: Hui Jian Zhan Qingsi

Ren Yingying looked up at him in surprise, her wonderful eyes filled with confusion. She didn't expect the other party to be so generous, and her impression of him improved for a while, recalling the bit by bit the two got along. Can't help but start to reflect on whether he is too harsh on him.

After all, the matchmaker's parents told him that he was already his wife in name. As a result, he designed the engagement contract some time ago, and now he even came to assassinate him.

But when he thought of the other party disassembling himself and Brother Chong, Ren Yingying instantly struggled again.

"Don't worry about me, I know you must have a lot to say to Linghu Chong now, go go." Song Qing said into the secret.

Ren Yingying took a deep look at him, and finally got up and left. She did have a lot to say to Linghuchong. For example, she had promised to marry Song Qing because her father threatened his life, and she married Song Qing before. In order to try to get rid of the marriage contract, the result was a mixed result...

Seeing the shadow of Ren Yingying's departure, Song Qing secretly laughed at herself, but she was getting darker, but the world is not benevolent and everything is a humble dog. He never believes that good is good for evil and evil is rewarded. Of course, many times This sentence is still more in line with the objective law. It is because most people still have a heart for good. Those who do evil break the rules and are naturally easy to be backed by the rules, but this does not mean that good is always rewarded. There must be evil.

Therefore, he sometimes uses little tricks of black abdomen appropriately, and he does not have any psychological burden at all.

He was thinking about finding an opportunity to sneak out and follow Ren Yingying. Although he had made various arrangements, it was not as good as the heavens. If the two of them were still in love, he didn't want to wear any forgiveness hats.

But at this moment, Han Dongzhu pulled him and said, "Qing, brother, I want to wish you double happiness in advance."

"Double happiness?" Song Qing didn't react for a while.

Han Dongzhu laughed: "This first happiness is naturally the title of King Qi. Is this second happiness? It's your marriage to the two emperors."

Thinking of the two cowardly young girls Zhao Hu'er and Zhao Yuanyuan in the Palace of the Kingdom of Kings, Song Qing couldn't help but feel tenderness in her heart.

Jia Sidao on the side also laughed: “Too many things have happened in the capital recently. It’s okay to have such a happy event.” Everyone here agreed, causing Huang Rong on the side to frown slightly, thinking that Ren Dao just now The young lady appeared in the posture of Mrs. Song Qing. These people did not think of her at all. Obviously, although Miss Ren is respected in the world, in the eyes of these court elders, she is still just a woman in the world...and think of herself again. Huang Rong couldn't help but feel sorry for her identity.

Song Qing was sneer secretly. Because of Yue Fei's case, the prestige of the imperial court was greatly affected. At the beginning, he condemned Qin Hui, Wan Tucheng, Zhang Jun and others, but the condemnation became more and more intense. Zhao Gou is now, and Zhao Gou is also clever. He immediately named himself King Qi, and then introduced Di Ji’s marriage to divert the attention of the people. Judging from the current effect, Zhao Gou’s goal is obviously achieved.

But he also understood that with the pissiness of Zhao Gou and the old and cunning ministers of the Southern Song Dynasty, he would never let himself marry the princess home so easily.

Sure enough, Han Dongzhan soon spoke again: "Qing, you know that the two emperors have suffered a lot in the Kingdom of Jin, and their fathers and brothers are also suffering. It is always inappropriate to get married now... It just so happens that we are planning the Northern Expedition. It’s better to wait for the Golden Kingdom to break through, and to give the best gift to the two emperors, then it can also block the world’s leisurely mouth. After all, Qing you already have a wife, and it’s unprecedented to marry two princesses at the same time. Thing."

Song Qing sneered secretly. The Southern Song Dynasty was completely holding the princess as a bargaining chip, in order to coerce him to work hard for the Southern Song Dynasty in the following Northern Expedition, but he was not stupid. How could he use his brain as cannon fodder?

However, Song Qing felt a little funny when he thought that Jin Guo was now under his control. If these people knew that they were the ruler of Jin Guo sitting in front of them, they would not know if their chin would fall off?

"It's so good." Despite the sneer in his heart, Song Qing agreed on the surface. After all, the other party's reasons were very good-sounding, especially since he already had a wife in his family. It is indeed not a good way to marry a princess here.

Seeing his promise, all the ministers present here with a sigh of relief, the atmosphere became relaxed and happy again.

Let’s say that after Ling Hu Chong left the banquet, he walked on the street and staggered. He didn’t know how much he had drunk for a while, but now his drunkenness is surging, and finally he can’t support him. He tripped over a stone. He couldn't keep his balance, and fell to the ground. This fall made his stomach churn, and finally he couldn't help but vomit.

Just as I was feeling uncomfortable, a surprised voice suddenly came from my ear: "Big brother, is that you?"

Ling Huchong trembled. He thought about this familiar voice day and night. He even dreamed of the happy time in Huashan period countless nights. Could she be able to show up when he was drunk? Would he get drunk more times after that?

Thinking it was just an illusion, Linghu Chong did not answer, and was still spitting out sour water uncomfortably there. Suddenly a soft hand gently patted him on his back: "Big brother, why do you drink so much? "

This time the voice was more real, and with those gentle hands, Linghu Chong raised his head in disbelief, and a beautiful white face appeared in front of him. Who is the younger sister who is not thinking about it?

"Big Brother~" Yue Lingshan called him again, with pity and heartache in her eyes.

Linghu pushed her away violently, and said dryly, "Girl, you have admitted the wrong person." He is now full of alcohol, and there is a lot of dirt on his body that he just vomited. He doesn't want to be so embarrassed by his beloved little one. When the younger sister saw it, she didn't dare to recognize her.

"How could I admit it wrong?" Yue Lingshan sighed quietly, "I actually recognized your swordsmanship at the banquet, but I didn't feel too sure until someone told me..." she Obviously I don't want to explain more on this, and I immediately switched to the topic: "Big brother, is it because you drink so much wine because of Miss Ren?"

Linghu Chong smiled bitterly, and the scenes of the closeness between the little junior sister and Lin Ping kept appearing in his mind, thinking that I drank so much wine, and there was no lack of your credit.

Growing upset in his heart, Linghu Chong struggled to stand up and tried to move on, but at this time he was already so drunk that he couldn't walk straight. He looked crooked and seemed to fall down at any time.

"Big brother, be careful." Yue Lingshan was worried that he would fall, and hurried up to support him. She got under his armpit, with the other hand around his waist. Although the posture was somewhat intimate, she did not. I don't think there is anything right. After all, the two grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and they don't know how to behave like this. In her heart, Ling Hu Chong is no different from her brother.

Feeling the gentleness in the voice of the younger sister, especially when the two are so close, the faint fragrance on the girl's body came from between her nose, and she managed to tell Linghu Chong that his favorite should be Yingying, but his body response should not be faked. His heart was pounding, coupled with the feeling of Yue Lingshan's soft body, he suddenly felt a dizzy sense of happiness.

Because of reluctance to bear this feeling, Linghu Chong did not refuse, so she let her support, and the two people walked cuddling each other on the street. Under the candlelight on both sides, the shadows of the two dragged the old elders. Long, like an intimate couple.

After Ren Yingying left the house, she ran all the way to the direction that Linghu rushed away. He faintly saw the other party's figure, and was about to call him with excitement. Who knew he saw Yue Lingshan beside him.

She swallowed both the words "Chong Ge" when they reached her lips. As she watched the backs of the two holding them tightly together, a layer of water vapor gradually appeared in Ren Yingying's eyes.

She knew that Linghuchong liked Yue Lingshan. At the beginning, Linghuchong in Luzhu Alley in Luoyang mistakenly thought she was a mother-in-law, and she expressed his love for the younger sister in 1510. She also expressed her love for this man because of this. Curiosity arose, and finally developed into admiration.

Because of the understanding of this kind of feeling, Ren Yingying has been showing a great deal in front of Linghu Chong. She respects this pure love, and is not jealous and unreasonable like those fools. Because of this, she gradually wins. Taking the heart of Linghu Chong, while capturing the hearts of a large number of readers, she has become an ideal wife image in the minds of countless people.

But no matter how generous Ren Yingying was, she wouldn't have no bottom line. Seeing the two people hugging each other so intimately, she finally couldn't stand it. At that moment, she felt that all her previous efforts were meaningless.

"Could it be that the matter between me and Song Qing completely broke Brother Chong's heart and brought him back to Junior Sister?" Ren Yingying was always smart, and soon thought of such a possibility, but she shook her head immediately. , Even if it was really like this, it was just a temptation. The favorite in Brother Chong's heart was still his junior sister. He had previously imagined that she might be able to replace Miss Yue. Now it seems that this is just wishful thinking.

Especially now my identity, and the marriage contract with Song Qing...

Ren Yingying took a deep look at Linghu Chong's back, and sighed in sorrow, then turned and left to fully understand this love relationship. Who knows that just a few steps away, the sound of weapon handover came from behind, which was also mixed The girl's charming chicks.

Ren Yingying turned her head subconsciously and found that a group of people in black were besieging Linghuchong and Yue Lingshan. Although the group of people in black had high martial arts, there was no danger at all with Linghuchong's cultivation base, but Linghuchong was drunk at this time. , Walking is a bit difficult, let alone martial arts.

It can be seen that Linghu's rush out of the sword is chaotic, and he even needs Yue Lingshan to rescue him several times. Ren Yingying raised her throat with a heart. Although she has decided to cut off the relationship, seeing Linghuchong is in danger, she can't help it. Feeling of concern, he rushed over with a squeaky cry...

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