Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 138: Before the storm

Chapter 138-Before the Storm

"Amorous love, **** of your mother, you actually asked me to accompany other men..." After Jianning heard this, he couldn't help being furious, picking up the pillow beside him, and smashing it on Wei Xiaobao. She usually lacks control, and she is so vulgar when she scolds.

"It's not for you to really do something with Fu Kang'an," Wei Xiaobao explained while dodging. "Just pretend to make Wu Yingxiong misunderstand. I will bring someone in at a critical moment. You won't It's really taken advantage of."

"Really?" Jianning stopped, his eyes opened wide.

"Well, it's a tortoise **** to lie to you." Wei Xiaobao guiltyly vowed that no matter what he swears, he will make all kinds of opportunistic tricks, so the iron law in the golden book system—the vow is bound to be fulfilled—has never been paid to him. There was a ghost in my heart this time, and I even forgot to make a false vow in a daze, which led to the real fulfillment of this oath in the future. Of course, this is something later, so I won't show it for the time being.

"Well, trust you for the time being," Jianning breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly stared at Wei Xiaobao fiercely: "If you lie to me, I will definitely make you regret it for the rest of your life."

"How can it be," Wei Xiaobao smiled unnaturally, and walked outside after getting dressed, "I have to make arrangements and go now."

"Go, dead ghost." Jianning leaned on the bed and cast a wink at him.

The next day, Ake flushed with shame, and after a group of people chose Fu Kang'an, he ran into the inner hall shyly.

Looking at her graceful back, Wei Xiaobao secretly felt ruthless: "I don't even want the princess for you, you can only be my Wei Xiaobao's woman."

Fukang Anzhi walked over triumphantly, and gave Wei Xiaobao a disdainful look: "What are you, you are worthy of your father..." Suddenly he thought of another meaning of the son, and quickly changed his words, "You are also worthy of his head. The courtyard robs women?"

Wei Xiaobao was trembling with anger, and was about to have a seizure, but Wu Yingxiong stepped in: "The two are guests from afar. The palace has already prepared a banquet, please take a seat."

Fukangan shook his head: "Thank you, Shizi, but the hospital has to go back to prepare to marry Princess Ake. You should use the wine from your house to help someone to relieve their sorrows, hahaha~" Yang Tianchang Laugh and walk away.

Wu Yingxiong's face was embarrassed, but his heart was overwhelmed. He is also a prince and he is naturally closer to Fu Kang'an. What's more, he suffered a lot from Wei Xiaobao before. This time, seeing Fu Kang'an greatly humiliated Wei Xiaobao. Fan, as if he had avenged himself, only felt extremely happy.

Song Qingshu quietly motioned to a guard in the corner, who nodded lightly, and then followed Fu Kang'an.

"Brother Wei, why don't you have a wifeless husband? Come, let's get close to the little prince." Song Qingshu came to Wei Xiaobao's side and patted Wei Xiaobao's shoulder quietly to wake him up from his anger.

Get the hint of Song Qingshu, know that everything is the 138th chapter on the eve of wind and rain

After proceeding as planned, Wei Xiaobao was overjoyed and immediately said with a smile: "That's right, even if you can't be a relative, you can at least be friends. From now on, you will need more attention from King Pingxi and the son. Let's go and drink. "

Wu Yingxiong did not expect Wei Xiaobao to recover so quickly, and he was a little admired, and quickly led Wei Xiaobao and his party to the hall, "Xiao Wang heard that Wei Jue loves to listen to dramas most, so he specially found the most famous drama nearby. Team, still hope Lord Jue will appreciate it?"

Wu Sangui and Wu Yingxiong knew that A Ke would definitely choose Fukang'an, so they prepared a banquet and a gambling game with a singing and dancing troupe early in the morning in order to ease Wei Xiaobao's unhappiness as much as possible, so as to prevent him from arguing about what is right and wrong in front of Kangxi after he returned.

"Well, this lord likes listening to the drama most. By the way, how can there be no gambling when listening to the drama? I wonder if there is a gambling in the house?"

"Some and some, in addition to these, there are gentle and considerate girls with them."

"Hahaha, son, you really understand me."

"Where and where."

Let’s say that after Fu Kang’an on the other side left the Pingxi Palace, suddenly a guard in a yellow jacket ran over and said, “I’d like to tell the little prince, my princess invites you to Anfu Garden.”

"Princess?" Fukang'an was puzzled, and when the other party mentioned Anfu Garden, he realized that it was Princess Jianning, the heroine of Kangxi's marriage.

After receiving the invitation from his subordinates, Fukang An was surprised to see that he looked up as a cousin, and suddenly realized that he and Jianning were indeed distant cousins ​​according to their seniority.

After seeing the content of the invitation, his face became even more weird, and a story emerged in her mind: a royal girl accidentally heard that in the far north, there is a cousin who is similar in age but who can conquer. After that, she tried her best. Inquiring about him from various channels and hearing that he fought one victory after another, I became more and more admired in my heart. Married to Shanhaiguan this time, I accidentally knew that my cousin was nearby, and couldn’t help but want to see the hero in my heart...

Fukangan originally didn’t want to have too much connection with the people from Kangxi, so although I always knew that the princess was in Anfu Garden and never thought of visiting, this letter was filled with deep admiration. Love made him hesitate.

I just got engaged with a princess princess, and Fukang An is proud of the spring breeze. Now he has received a greeting from a princess with golden branches and jade leaves. All of a sudden, her self-confidence is extremely inflated and her head dizzy. He directly ordered his subordinates: "Turn around, go to peace. Fuyuan."

Of course, as the commander-in-chief of the army, Fukang'an still kept the last touch of clarity in his mind. He knows that he and Jianning are both members of the royal family, and they are considered brothers and sisters, and it is not considered a polite to be seen by someone with a heart. What's more, he really wants to see this sister who admires him and see what she looks like in his heart.

"The princess has been waiting for a banquet in the room for a long time, please do it yourself." After entering Anfu Garden, the guards will bless you on the eve of wind and rain.

Kang An led to the princess's room and retreated.

Fukangan hesitated for a moment, signaled Yu Zhenzi and others to stay outside, then opened the door and walked in.

"Little sister Jianning, I've seen Brother Wang." As soon as Fukangan entered the door, she saw a girl in palace clothes not far away and saluted her money.

Fukangan smelled a faint fragrance from her body, moved slightly in her heart, and walked forward. The two of them approached each other, and saw her beautiful face, white and greasy skin, and thought: "This little princess is born so handsome!"

Jianning was originally a beauty, but in order to seduce Fu Kang'an, he even more elaborately dressed up. In the usual days, the seven-point color abruptly mentioned today's 12-point beauty.

"The princess is polite. It is reasonable that Xiao Wang should bow to you." When Fukangan lifted her up, she accidentally touched the skin of her wrist, feeling cold and slippery, thinking that Wu Yingxiong's Yanfu is not shallow.

Jianning's eyes were cold. She was the best at playing tricks on weekdays. She quickly showed a bright smile and quickly concealed the past: "In recent years, brother Wang has shocked Liaodong, making Mongolian soldiers frightened by the news, and the younger sister is weak. I can't bear the bow of Brother Wang. The younger sister prepares booze. I hope Brother Wang can appreciate his face...Take the opportunity to tell me about the battles I have experienced before, such as the Battle of Xiaojinchuan and the Battle of Gurkha. In the past, only the eunuchs and court ladies said hearsay, the little girl has always been very sorry.

Fukangan became famous when he was young, boasting that he was not under any celebrity in history, and he was the most proud of Jianning Naozhong’s life, and he unknowingly sat down in the table... Chapter 139 The other side of the princess ( on)

Picking up the wine glass in front of him, Fukang An hesitated slightly, Jianning guessed what he was thinking, and laughed: "Why, afraid of me being poisoned?"

Although Fukangan knew that the royal family rarely used this simple and rude method unless it was at the last moment, he was familiar with Han culture and knew that "a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall", so he looked at Jianning with a smile.

Jianning stretched out his hand, took the wine glass in his hand, put it to his lips, took a sip, and then returned it to Fu Kang'an: "Brother Wang, you are always relieved now?"

The shallow lip prints on the edge of the wine glass are very bright against Jianning’s white wrists, and Fukang’s heart is shaken. Although he knows that this is a bit wrong, the man’s hormones still make him enjoy the ambiguous atmosphere in the house. .

Fukang An was originally a master of Huaguo, played with the wine glass in his hand, turned it gently, and drank it against the side with Jianning's lip print.

Although Jianning was angry in her heart, for the sake of future happiness, she had to greet her with a smile. Seeing that he had sent enough signals just now, the other party was not angry at all, and his heart was even more imaginative.

After drinking a cup of warm wine, Jianning felt that the whole body was getting warmer and warmer, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious: Why didn't Xiaobao come...

Fukangan's mind also gradually became confused, watching the woman in front of her face steamed by the drunkenness, and she was so red that she felt a trace of heat rising in her lower abdomen, so she stood up and walked towards Jianning.

"Princess, I'm a little drunk, and my words may be a bit unclear. Let's get closer, and I will tell you a strange incident that Xiao Jinchuan encountered." Fu Kangan came to Jianning and sat down. , Took advantage of the situation and hugged her waist.

Jianning subconsciously wanted to refuse, but didn't know why, she was limp, and seemed to lose strength. He pushed the opponent several times without pushing away, and looking at Fukang An Junlang's profile, he didn't seem to be that annoying.

"That's okay, when Wu Yingxiong's tortoise egg comes in and sees it, Fukangan will be justified and unclear." Jianning comforted herself in his heart, and fell into Fukangan's embrace.

Fukangan only felt that the woman in his arms was getting softer and softer. When he thought of the other party's showing that he had been throwing his arms, he couldn't help but feel moved, and hugged her and walked over to the bed.

Jianning was a little panicked now, and while scolding Wei Xiaobao who had been late to come out of his mother, he murmured: "Don't... don't..."

Seeing Jianning's weakness in resistance, Fukangan thought she was pretending to be reserved, smiled in her heart, firmly controlled her hands, and put down the half-hanging gauze tent beside the bed...

Hearing the sound coming from the house, Yu Zhenzi and Tian Guinong looked at each other, thinking that the little prince is too courageous, even Wu Sangui's daughter-in-law who has not yet passed the door dare to touch.

Although they were a little surprised in their hearts, they did not have any doubts. Fukangan has always been chasing flowers and willow scholars. In Shengjing City, he often relies on his noble status and the handsome princess of the 139th chapter. The other side (top)

Picking up the wine glass in front of him, Fukang An hesitated slightly, Jianning guessed what he was thinking, and laughed: "Why, afraid of me being poisoned?"

Although Fukangan knew that the royal family rarely used this simple and rude method unless it was at the last moment, he was familiar with Han culture and knew that "a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall", so he looked at Jianning with a smile.

Jianning stretched out his hand, took the wine glass in his hand, put it to his lips, took a sip, and then returned it to Fu Kang'an: "Brother Wang, you are always relieved now?"

The shallow lip prints on the edge of the wine glass are very bright against Jianning’s white wrists, and Fukang’s heart is shaken. Although he knows that this is a bit wrong, the man’s hormones still make him enjoy the ambiguous atmosphere in the house. .

Fukang An was originally a master of Huaguo, played with the wine glass in his hand, turned it gently, and drank it against the side with Jianning's lip print.

Although Jianning was angry in her heart, for the sake of future happiness, she had to greet her with a smile. Seeing that he had sent enough signals just now, the other party was not angry at all, and his heart was even more imaginative.

After drinking a cup of warm wine, Jianning felt that the whole body was getting warmer and warmer, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious: Why didn't Xiaobao come...

Fukangan's mind also gradually became confused, watching the woman in front of her face steamed by the drunkenness, and she was so red that she felt a trace of heat rising in her lower abdomen, so she stood up and walked towards Jianning.

"Princess, I'm a little drunk, and my words may be a bit unclear. Let's get closer, and I will tell you a strange incident that Xiao Jinchuan encountered." Fu Kangan came to Jianning and sat down. , Took advantage of the situation and hugged her waist.

Jianning subconsciously wanted to refuse, but didn't know why, she was limp, and seemed to lose strength. He pushed the opponent several times without pushing away, and looking at Fukang An Junlang's profile, he didn't seem to be that annoying.

"That's okay, when Wu Yingxiong's tortoise egg comes in and sees it, Fukangan will be justified and unclear." Jianning comforted herself in his heart, and fell into Fukangan's embrace.

Fukangan only felt that the woman in his arms was getting softer and softer. When he thought of the other party's showing that he had been throwing his arms, he couldn't help but feel moved, and hugged her and walked over to the bed.

Jianning was a little panicked now, and while scolding Wei Xiaobao who had been late to come out of his mother, he murmured: "Don't... don't..."

Seeing Jianning's weakness in resistance, Fukangan thought she was pretending to be reserved, smiled in her heart, firmly controlled her hands, and put down the half-hanging gauze tent beside the bed...

Hearing the sound coming from the house, Yu Zhenzi and Tian Guinong looked at each other, thinking that the little prince is too courageous, even Wu Sangui's daughter-in-law who has not yet passed the door dare to touch.

Although they were a little surprised in their hearts, they did not have any doubts. Fukangan has always been chasing flowers and willow scholars. In Shengjing City, he often relies on his noble status and the handsome princess of the 139th chapter. The other side (top)

Picking up the wine glass in front of him, Fukang An hesitated slightly, Jianning guessed what he was thinking, and laughed: "Why, afraid of me being poisoned?"

Although Fukangan knew that the royal family rarely used this simple and rude method unless it was at the last moment, he was familiar with Han culture and knew that "a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall", so he looked at Jianning with a smile.

Jianning stretched out his hand, took the wine glass in his hand, put it to his lips, took a sip, and then returned it to Fu Kang'an: "Brother Wang, you are always relieved now?"

The shallow lip prints on the edge of the wine glass are very bright against Jianning’s white wrists, and Fukang’s heart is shaken. Although he knows that this is a bit wrong, the man’s hormones still make him enjoy the ambiguous atmosphere in the house. .

Fukang An was originally a master of Huaguo, played with the wine glass in his hand, turned it gently, and drank it against the side with Jianning's lip print.

Although Jianning was angry in her heart, for the sake of future happiness, she had to greet her with a smile. Seeing that he had sent enough signals just now, the other party was not angry at all, and his heart was even more imaginative.

After drinking a cup of warm wine, Jianning felt that the whole body was getting warmer and warmer, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious: Why didn't Xiaobao come...

Fukangan's mind also gradually became confused, watching the woman in front of her face steamed by the drunkenness, and she was so red that she felt a trace of heat rising in her lower abdomen, so she stood up and walked towards Jianning.

"Princess, I'm a little drunk, and my words may be a bit unclear. Let's get closer, and I will tell you a strange incident that Xiao Jinchuan encountered." Fu Kangan came to Jianning and sat down. , Took advantage of the situation and hugged her waist.

Jianning subconsciously wanted to refuse, but didn't know why, she was limp, and seemed to lose strength. He pushed the opponent several times without pushing away, and looking at Fukang An Junlang's profile, he didn't seem to be that annoying.

"That's okay, when Wu Yingxiong's tortoise egg comes in and sees it, Fukangan will be justified and unclear." Jianning comforted herself in his heart, and fell into Fukangan's embrace.

Fukangan only felt that the woman in his arms was getting softer and softer. When he thought of the other party's showing that he had been throwing his arms, he couldn't help but feel moved, and hugged her and walked over to the bed.

Jianning was a little panicked now, and while scolding Wei Xiaobao who had been late to come out of his mother, he murmured: "Don't... don't..."

Seeing Jianning's weakness in resistance, Fukangan thought she was pretending to be reserved, smiled in her heart, firmly controlled her hands, and put down the half-hanging gauze tent beside the bed...

Hearing the sound coming from the house, Yu Zhenzi and Tian Guinong looked at each other, thinking that the little prince is too courageous, even Wu Sangui's daughter-in-law who has not yet passed the door dare to touch.

Although they were a little surprised in their hearts, they did not have any doubts. Fukangan has always been chasing flowers and willow scholars. In Shengjing City, he often relies on his noble status and the handsome princess of the 139th chapter. The other side (top)

Picking up the wine glass in front of him, Fukang An hesitated slightly, Jianning guessed what he was thinking, and laughed: "Why, afraid of me being poisoned?"

Although Fukangan knew that the royal family rarely used this simple and rude method unless it was at the last moment, he was familiar with Han culture and knew that "a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall", so he looked at Jianning with a smile.

Jianning stretched out his hand, took the wine glass in his hand, put it to his lips, took a sip, and then returned it to Fu Kang'an: "Brother Wang, you are always relieved now?"

The shallow lip prints on the edge of the wine glass are very bright against Jianning’s white wrists, and Fukang’s heart is shaken. Although he knows that this is a bit wrong, the man’s hormones still make him enjoy the ambiguous atmosphere in the house. .

Fukang An was originally a master of Huaguo, played with the wine glass in his hand, turned it gently, and drank it against the side with Jianning's lip print.

Although Jianning was angry in her heart, for the sake of future happiness, she had to greet her with a smile. Seeing that he had sent enough signals just now, the other party was not angry at all, and his heart was even more imaginative.

After drinking a cup of warm wine, Jianning felt that the whole body was getting warmer and warmer, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious: Why didn't Xiaobao come...

Fukangan's mind also gradually became confused, watching the woman in front of her face steamed by the drunkenness, and she was so red that she felt a trace of heat rising in her lower abdomen, so she stood up and walked towards Jianning.

"Princess, I'm a little drunk, and my words may be a bit unclear. Let's get closer, and I will tell you a strange incident that Xiao Jinchuan encountered." Fu Kangan came to Jianning and sat down. , Took advantage of the situation and hugged her waist.

Jianning subconsciously wanted to refuse, but didn't know why, she was limp, and seemed to lose strength. He pushed the opponent several times without pushing away, and looking at Fukang An Junlang's profile, he didn't seem to be that annoying.

"That's okay, when Wu Yingxiong's tortoise egg comes in and sees it, Fukangan will be justified and unclear." Jianning comforted herself in his heart, and fell into Fukangan's embrace.

Fukangan only felt that the woman in his arms was getting softer and softer. When he thought of the other party's showing that he had been throwing his arms, he couldn't help but feel moved, and hugged her and walked over to the bed.

Jianning was a little panicked now, and while scolding Wei Xiaobao who had been late to come out of his mother, he murmured: "Don't... don't..."

Seeing Jianning's weakness in resistance, Fukangan thought she was pretending to be reserved, smiled in her heart, firmly controlled her hands, and put down the half-hanging gauze tent beside the bed...

Hearing the sound coming from the house, Yu Zhenzi and Tian Guinong looked at each other, thinking that the little prince is too courageous, even Wu Sangui's daughter-in-law who has not yet passed the door dare to touch.

Although they were a little surprised in their hearts, they did not have any doubts. Fukangan has always been chasing flowers and willow scholars. In Shengjing City, he often relies on his noble status and the handsome princess of the 139th chapter. The other side (top)

Picking up the wine glass in front of him, Fukang An hesitated slightly, Jianning guessed what he was thinking, and laughed: "Why, afraid of me being poisoned?"

Although Fukangan knew that the royal family rarely used this simple and rude method unless it was at the last moment, he was familiar with Han culture and knew that "a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall", so he looked at Jianning with a smile.

Jianning stretched out his hand, took the wine glass in his hand, put it to his lips, took a sip, and then returned it to Fu Kang'an: "Brother Wang, you are always relieved now?"

The shallow lip prints on the edge of the wine glass are very bright against Jianning’s white wrists, and Fukang’s heart is shaken. Although he knows that this is a bit wrong, the man’s hormones still make him enjoy the ambiguous atmosphere in the house. .

Fukang An was originally a master of Huaguo, played with the wine glass in his hand, turned it gently, and drank it against the side with Jianning's lip print.

Although Jianning was angry in her heart, for the sake of future happiness, she had to greet her with a smile. Seeing that he had sent enough signals just now, the other party was not angry at all, and his heart was even more imaginative.

After drinking a cup of warm wine, Jianning felt that the whole body was getting warmer and warmer, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious: Why didn't Xiaobao come...

Fukangan's mind also gradually became confused, watching the woman in front of her face steamed by the drunkenness, and she was so red that she felt a trace of heat rising in her lower abdomen, so she stood up and walked towards Jianning.

"Princess, I'm a little drunk, and my words may be a bit unclear. Let's get closer, and I will tell you a strange incident that Xiao Jinchuan encountered." Fu Kangan came to Jianning and sat down. , Took advantage of the situation and hugged her waist.

Jianning subconsciously wanted to refuse, but didn't know why, she was limp, and seemed to lose strength. He pushed the opponent several times without pushing away, and looking at Fukang An Junlang's profile, he didn't seem to be that annoying.

"That's okay, when Wu Yingxiong's tortoise egg comes in and sees it, Fukangan will be justified and unclear." Jianning comforted herself in his heart, and fell into Fukangan's embrace.

Fukangan only felt that the woman in his arms was getting softer and softer. When he thought of the other party's showing that he had been throwing his arms, he couldn't help but feel moved, and hugged her and walked over to the bed.

Jianning was a little panicked now, and while scolding Wei Xiaobao who had been late to come out of his mother, he murmured: "Don't... don't..."

Seeing Jianning's weakness in resistance, Fukangan thought she was pretending to be reserved, smiled in her heart, firmly controlled her hands, and put down the half-hanging gauze tent beside the bed...

Hearing the sound coming from the house, Yu Zhenzi and Tian Guinong looked at each other, thinking that the little prince is too courageous, even Wu Sangui's daughter-in-law who has not yet passed the door dare to touch.

Although they were a little surprised in their hearts, they did not have any doubts. Fukangan has always been chasing flowers and willow scholars. In Shengjing City, he often relies on his noble status and the handsome princess of the 139th chapter. The other side (top)

Picking up the wine glass in front of him, Fukang An hesitated slightly, Jianning guessed what he was thinking, and laughed: "Why, afraid of me being poisoned?"

Although Fukangan knew that the royal family rarely used this simple and rude method unless it was at the last moment, he was familiar with Han culture and knew that "a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall", so he looked at Jianning with a smile.

Jianning stretched out his hand, took the wine glass in his hand, put it to his lips, took a sip, and then returned it to Fu Kang'an: "Brother Wang, you are always relieved now?"

The shallow lip prints on the edge of the wine glass are very bright against Jianning’s white wrists, and Fukang’s heart is shaken. Although he knows that this is a bit wrong, the man’s hormones still make him enjoy the ambiguous atmosphere in the house. .

Fukang An was originally a master of Huaguo, played with the wine glass in his hand, turned it gently, and drank it against the side with Jianning's lip print.

Although Jianning was angry in her heart, for the sake of future happiness, she had to greet her with a smile. Seeing that he had sent enough signals just now, the other party was not angry at all, and his heart was even more imaginative.

After drinking a cup of warm wine, Jianning felt that the whole body was getting warmer and warmer, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious: Why didn't Xiaobao come...

Fukangan's mind also gradually became confused, watching the woman in front of her face steamed by the drunkenness, and she was so red that she felt a trace of heat rising in her lower abdomen, so she stood up and walked towards Jianning.

"Princess, I'm a little drunk, and my words may be a bit unclear. Let's get closer, and I will tell you a strange incident that Xiao Jinchuan encountered." Fu Kangan came to Jianning and sat down. , Took advantage of the situation and hugged her waist.

Jianning subconsciously wanted to refuse, but didn't know why, she was limp, and seemed to lose strength. He pushed the opponent several times without pushing away, and looking at Fukang An Junlang's profile, he didn't seem to be that annoying.

"That's okay, when Wu Yingxiong's tortoise egg comes in and sees it, Fukangan will be justified and unclear." Jianning comforted herself in his heart, and fell into Fukangan's embrace.

Fukangan only felt that the woman in his arms was getting softer and softer. When he thought of the other party's showing that he had been throwing his arms, he couldn't help but feel moved, and hugged her and walked over to the bed.

Jianning was a little panicked now, and while scolding Wei Xiaobao who had been late to come out of his mother, he murmured: "Don't... don't..."

Seeing Jianning's weakness in resistance, Fukangan thought she was pretending to be reserved, smiled in her heart, firmly controlled her hands, and put down the half-hanging gauze tent beside the bed...

Hearing the sound coming from the house, Yu Zhenzi and Tian Guinong looked at each other, thinking that the little prince is too courageous, even Wu Sangui's daughter-in-law who has not yet passed the door dare to touch.

Although they were a little surprised in their hearts, they did not have any doubts. Fukangan has always been chasing flowers and chasing willows. In Shengjing City, he often relied on his noble identity and handsome appearance.

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