Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 140: The other side of the princess (below)

Chapter One Hundred and Forty: The Other Side of the Princess (Part 2)

Song Qingshu deliberately or unintentionally controlled the speed, so that Wu Sangui and his party just caught up. The two groups of people and horses didn't say much, and they galloped directly to Anfu Garden.

Not long after they rushed into Anfu Garden, the group was stopped by Fu Kang'an, "Who is here?"

It was indeed Fukang'an's subordinate, Wu Sangui's heart sank, and Ce immediately asked, "Fukang'an is inside?"

Recognizing Wu Sangui's face, Fukang'an was shocked, knowing that he might cause a catastrophe today, and quickly said with a smile: "It turns out that it is Lord Pingxi, the minion will send someone to inform Marshal Fu to come out to meet him." After speaking, he signaled a person next to him and ran inside to report the letter.

"No need!" Song Qingshu shouted in a deep voice, flipped his wrist, and directly sucked the man back and threw it aside, "Tie it up first!"

After hesitating for a long time, looking at the two strong men and horses on the opposite side, Fu Kang'an's men still gave up the armed interception, and had to pray in their hearts that the people inside would get the news and quickly clear up the mess.

Yu Mako and Tian Guinong were sitting in the courtyard making fun of him when he suddenly found a large group of people rushing in and quickly took up arms and guarded the door of the room.

"Yu Zhenzi, Tian Guinong, Fukang Anke is in the house?" Wu Ying's lungs almost exploded when he thought of the princess given to him by the emperor, maybe being humiliated in the house, and he asked.

"Don't get me wrong, the little prince is just drinking and chatting with the princess." Yu Zhenzi quickly explained.

"No! Hmm~" At this moment, there was a crying female voice, that kind of unique gasping sound, and the men present didn't understand what happened?

Song Qingshu's face changed drastically, and he rushed forward. Yu Zhenzi hurriedly reached out to stop him, but Song Qingshu was shocked a few meters away. Kicked open the door, the situation in the room suddenly fell into the eyes of everyone.

Fukangan found that the princess was weak in resistance, and thought she was just pretending to be reserved. Finally, when she heard the cry in her voice, she didn't care much. Thinking of the identity of the other party's Jinzhiyuye, there was a special sense of taboo.

When the door of the room was kicked open, Fukang An was lying on the princess, seeing everyone in the courtyard, his mind suddenly woke up from the confusion, seeing the princess under him clearly, knowing what happened today, absolutely If you continue to stay here, you can't guarantee a small life and you will be gone. As the Marshal of Liaodong's soldiers and horses, Fukangan made a decisive decision and immediately greeted his subordinates to cover himself: "Go!"

After speaking, he jumped out of the window on the other side. Song Qingshu did not stop him. Instead, he quickly pulled up the quilt to cover Jianning's body, "Weichen is too late for help, and I hope the princess will forgive me!"

However, Jianning didn't even look at him. Instead, he kept staring at Wei Xiaobao at the door, his eyes terribly calm.

"Fuck Nima!" Wu Yingxiong, who has always been gentle and elegant, couldn't help but yelled, thinking that his wife who had not been through the door was actually **** by another man, and in front of so many people, I am afraid that he will live first in the rest of his life. Chapter One Hundred and Forty The other side of the princess (below)

In the people's laughter, "Come with me!" After saying hello to the guards, they were ready to chase in the direction of Fu Kang'an escape.

"Come back!" Wu Sangui also had a headache. He thought it was just a play performed by Wei Xiaobao and others, but he didn't expect Fukangan to actually get into the princess's bed.

"Father!" Wu Yingxiong glanced at Wu Sangui anxiously.

Wu Sangui knew that Fu Kang'an had insulted the princess, and he couldn't hide it under the eyes of everyone. It was definitely a capital crime. If you were caught by Wu Yingxiong, you would not kill him yourself, nor would you not kill him.

If you don't kill, the whole world will watch Wu Sangui's jokes. He has hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and his daughter-in-law has been given to him by others. If you kill Fukang'an, you will definitely tear your face with Prince Bao. Fukang'an is Prince Bao's most beloved son. Hongli will definitely revenge for him by then. The three-legged power of the two parties and the court will be completely disintegrated. Under the competition between snipe and clam, the last cheap one was Kangxi in Beijing.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that it was a conspiracy of Kangxi, but seeing is believing, Wu Sangui had to admit that it was also possible that the ghost of Fukangan was fascinated.

Ake on the side with tears in her eyes, covering her mouth and looking at everything in front of her in disbelief. Princess Jianning’s pear blossoms with rain, and the shattered clothes on the ground clearly show that Fu Kang’an has used coercive means, Fu Kang An's brilliant and stalwart image collapsed in her heart.

"I will never marry such a shameless and indecent person!" After a word, Akko ran out crying.

But at this time, no one had the time to control him. Wu Sangui bit his scalp and came out, glanced at the guards in the field with a pair of fierce eyes, touching his nose, and said: "Today's matter, if this king hears something outside Rumors, no matter who revealed it, this king will send all of you to the west."

The guards looked at each other with a cold heart, and quickly replied: "Yes!"

"What does King Pingxi mean?" Song Qingshu had already walked out, with a chill in his voice, "The princess has been so insulted, the prince does not want to bring the murderer to justice, but wants to cover up the truth?"

This time even Wu Yingxiong felt the same way, staring angrily at his father.

"Uh, it's not convenient to talk here. This king has important matters to discuss with the two adults." Wu Sangui twitched, approached Song Wei and the two of them, and whispered quietly.

Song Qingshu looked back at the princess, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, please follow me." After that, he led him to a nearby room.

"Master Song, you have the full authority to handle it. Wei Xiaobao stays, and the palace has something to tell him." At this time, Princess Jianning's voice came over.

Wei Xiaobao murmured secretly, knowing that Jianning would surely ask his guilt after a while, and quickly looked at Song Qingshu with a plea for help.

"The princess is frightened. It's okay for Master Wei to stay and comfort her." Hearing Song Qingshu's voice, Wei Xiaobao was itchy with hatred, and had to stay on the other side of the princess in Chapter 140 in the princess room (below)


"Everyone is going outside. No one is allowed to leave Anfu Garden without me and the prince's instructions." When he walked out of the door, watching the courtyard crowded with people, Song Qingshu frowned and drove the guards out.

Yang Yizhi, the guard of the Pingxi Palace, nodded secretly when he saw Wu Sangui secretly nodded, and hurriedly led his men and the imperial guards, withdrew from the courtyard where the princess was, and waited outside in the Anfu Garden campus.

Song Qingshu took the father and son of King Pingxi to another room, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know what the prince has to say?"

Wu Sangui said: "What shouldn't have happened now has happened. We should think about how to minimize the impact of this incident. If Fukangan is caught with fanfare and spread out, this scandal will inevitably affect the image of the royal family."

"Furthermore, Prince Bao holds hundreds of thousands of troops and has resisted Mongolia for a long time in the north. If we committed suicide in Fukang'an without permission, causing Prince Bao to rebel against the army, it is really not the blessing of my Qing Dynasty. Presumably the emperor does not want to see such a situation. ."

"Could it be that you just let Fukang'an go?" Song Qingshu sneered. "The princess had something wrong with you. We didn't know Fukang'an was in Shanhaiguan beforehand. You can't escape the responsibility of Pingxi Palace."

"Of course I won't let Fukangan go!" When he was questioned for a while, Wu Sangui was full of aggrieved heart, thinking that our father and son are the biggest victims. He really lost his wife and broke down, but he had to explain: " We will stabilize the situation first, and then hand it over to the emperor to make a decision. No matter how he prepares to deal with Fu Kang'an, our Pingxi Palace will definitely stand on the side of the emperor."

Wu Sangui thought: As long as he kicks this hot potato to Kangxi to solve it, he can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. How to stand in line then is not a matter of a word?

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the princess courtyard. Not long after, a guard ran in in a panic: "Princess... she killed Lord Wei and committed suicide by taking poison." Chapter 41 The Truth (Part 1)

The three people in the room were dumbfounded, and fell into a strange silence. In the end, Song Qingshu woke up first and ran outside first.

Wu Sangui and his son looked at each other, and they felt that their heads were so big, they also bite the bullet and followed out.

When he returned to the princess's room, he saw Wei Xiaobao lying on his back on the ground with a large blood stain on his chest, his eyes wide open, and an incredible expression. A musket with blue smoke not far away, combined with the loud noise just now, should be a murder weapon. Although the golden silk soft armor is inaccessible, it is a pity that it can't resist the power of the firearm.

Song Qingshu ran over to touch his carotid artery, and found that there was no movement at all, so he had to continue to run to see the princess.

Princess Jianning was lying on the table, Song Qingshu hugged her up, and saw that her face was gray and white, and there was still a trace of black blood on her lips. Song Qingshu hurriedly pumped internal force into her body, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea. Hopeless.

Picking up the medicine bottle on the table and smelling it, Song Qingshu's face suddenly turned black, glaring at the palace maid who came after hearing the news: "Where does this poison that can seal the throat come from?"

The lady of the court replied: "The father...the princess likes to play with these... weird things on weekdays, so I sent someone to collect some."

Seeing the tragic situation in the room, Wu Sangui and his son couldn't react for a while. They didn't expect the princess to be so fierce. He chose to burn the jade and stone and took Kangxi's favorite Wei Xiaobao to bury him...

"Could it be that the princess was unwilling to be humiliated and committed suicide in order to show her will. Lord Wei planned to persuade, but was shot and killed by the dazed princess?" Wu Sangui touched his nose, trying to reproduce what had just happened in this house.

I didn’t know Song Qingshu turned around and gave him a fierce look: “It was obviously that Grandpa Wei wanted to prevent Fu Kang’an from violating the princess, and he was so embarrassed that he was beaten to death. The princess Sanzhen and Jiulie saved the last of the royal family through death. dignity."

"Yes, yes, Lord Wei is loyal to protect the lord. He did not expect the Fukangan wolf ambition to be so cruel."

Wu Sangui knew that he was getting angry, even though he knew that the other party was putting gold on Wei Xiaobao's face, he did not pierce it. As Kangxi's favored minister, Wei Xiaobao died on his own turf just like this. Wu Sangui also had a headache. In order to reduce Kangxi's anger a little, he didn't mind putting some money on Wei Xiaobao.

As for the black pot on Fu Kang'an, Wu Sangui's eyes narrowed, and it was enough to save Hongli's life by letting go of his life. It would be nothing to plant one or two charges against him.

"General Song, for today's matter, let's discuss a countermeasure first." A princess who committed suicide in her own territory was enough for Wu Sangui to drink a pot, and now she lost another Wei Xiaobao... Wu Sangui had an impulse to raise troops immediately. , But he knew that the time was far from ripe, so he had to force down that idea, thinking with a bitter expression how to explain it to Kangxi.

"Countermeasures?" Song Qingshu glanced at Wu Sangui, and said coldly, Chapter 141 The Truth (Part 1)

The three people in the room were dumbfounded, and fell into a strange silence. In the end, Song Qingshu woke up first and ran outside first.

Wu Sangui and his son looked at each other, and they felt that their heads were so big, they also bite the bullet and followed out.

When he returned to the princess's room, he saw Wei Xiaobao lying on his back on the ground with a large blood stain on his chest, his eyes wide open, and an incredible expression. A musket with blue smoke not far away, combined with the loud noise just now, should be a murder weapon. Although the golden silk soft armor is inaccessible, it is a pity that it can't resist the power of the firearm.

Song Qingshu ran over to touch his carotid artery, and found that there was no movement at all, so he had to continue to run to see the princess.

Princess Jianning was lying on the table, Song Qingshu hugged her up, and saw that her face was gray and white, and there was still a trace of black blood on her lips. Song Qingshu hurriedly pumped internal force into her body, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea. Hopeless.

Picking up the medicine bottle on the table and smelling it, Song Qingshu's face suddenly turned black, glaring at the palace maid who came after hearing the news: "Where does this poison that can seal the throat come from?"

The lady of the court replied: "The father...the princess likes to play with these... weird things on weekdays, so I sent someone to collect some."

Seeing the tragic situation in the room, Wu Sangui and his son couldn't react for a while. They didn't expect the princess to be so fierce. He chose to burn the jade and stone and took Kangxi's favorite Wei Xiaobao to bury him...

"Could it be that the princess was unwilling to be humiliated and committed suicide in order to show her will. Lord Wei planned to persuade, but was shot and killed by the dazed princess?" Wu Sangui touched his nose, trying to reproduce what had just happened in this house.

I didn’t know Song Qingshu turned around and gave him a fierce look: “It was obviously that Grandpa Wei wanted to prevent Fu Kang’an from violating the princess, and he was so embarrassed that he was beaten to death. The princess Sanzhen and Jiulie saved the last of the royal family through death. dignity."

"Yes, yes, Lord Wei is loyal to protect the lord. He did not expect the Fukangan wolf ambition to be so cruel."

Wu Sangui knew that he was getting angry, even though he knew that the other party was putting gold on Wei Xiaobao's face, he did not pierce it. As Kangxi's favored minister, Wei Xiaobao died on his own turf just like this. Wu Sangui also had a headache. In order to reduce Kangxi's anger a little, he didn't mind putting some money on Wei Xiaobao.

As for the black pot on Fu Kang'an, Wu Sangui's eyes narrowed, and it was enough to save Hongli's life by letting go of his life. It would be nothing to plant one or two charges against him.

"General Song, for today's matter, let's discuss a countermeasure first." A princess who committed suicide in her own territory was enough for Wu Sangui to drink a pot, and now she lost another Wei Xiaobao... Wu Sangui had an impulse to raise troops immediately. , But he knew that the time was far from ripe, so he had to force down that idea, thinking with a bitter expression how to explain it to Kangxi.

"Countermeasures?" Song Qingshu glanced at Wu Sangui, and said coldly, Chapter 141 The Truth (Part 1)

The three people in the room were dumbfounded, and fell into a strange silence. In the end, Song Qingshu woke up first and ran outside first.

Wu Sangui and his son looked at each other, and they felt that their heads were so big, they also bite the bullet and followed out.

When he returned to the princess's room, he saw Wei Xiaobao lying on his back on the ground with a large blood stain on his chest, his eyes wide open, and an incredible expression. A musket with blue smoke not far away, combined with the loud noise just now, should be a murder weapon. Although the golden silk soft armor is inaccessible, it is a pity that it can't resist the power of the firearm.

Song Qingshu ran over to touch his carotid artery, and found that there was no movement at all, so he had to continue to run to see the princess.

Princess Jianning was lying on the table, Song Qingshu hugged her up, and saw that her face was gray and white, and there was still a trace of black blood on her lips. Song Qingshu hurriedly pumped internal force into her body, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea. Hopeless.

Picking up the medicine bottle on the table and smelling it, Song Qingshu's face suddenly turned black, glaring at the palace maid who came after hearing the news: "Where does this poison that can seal the throat come from?"

The lady of the court replied: "The father...the princess likes to play with these... weird things on weekdays, so I sent someone to collect some."

Seeing the tragic situation in the room, Wu Sangui and his son couldn't react for a while. They didn't expect the princess to be so fierce. He chose to burn the jade and stone and took Kangxi's favorite Wei Xiaobao to bury him...

"Could it be that the princess was unwilling to be humiliated and committed suicide in order to show her will. Lord Wei planned to persuade, but was shot and killed by the dazed princess?" Wu Sangui touched his nose, trying to reproduce what had just happened in this house.

I didn’t know Song Qingshu turned around and gave him a fierce look: “It was obviously that Grandpa Wei wanted to prevent Fu Kang’an from violating the princess, and he was so embarrassed that he was beaten to death. The princess Sanzhen and Jiulie saved the last of the royal family through death. dignity."

"Yes, yes, Lord Wei is loyal to protect the lord. He did not expect the Fukangan wolf ambition to be so cruel."

Wu Sangui knew that he was getting angry, even though he knew that the other party was putting gold on Wei Xiaobao's face, he did not pierce it. As Kangxi's favored minister, Wei Xiaobao died on his own turf just like this. Wu Sangui also had a headache. In order to reduce Kangxi's anger a little, he didn't mind putting some money on Wei Xiaobao.

As for the black pot on Fu Kang'an, Wu Sangui's eyes narrowed, and it was enough to save Hongli's life by letting go of his life. It would be nothing to plant one or two charges against him.

"General Song, for today's matter, let's discuss a countermeasure first." A princess who committed suicide in her own territory was enough for Wu Sangui to drink a pot, and now she lost another Wei Xiaobao... Wu Sangui had an impulse to raise troops immediately. , But he knew that the time was far from ripe, so he had to force down that idea, thinking with a bitter expression how to explain it to Kangxi.

"Countermeasures?" Song Qingshu glanced at Wu Sangui, and said coldly, Chapter 141 The Truth (Part 1)

The three people in the room were dumbfounded, and fell into a strange silence. In the end, Song Qingshu woke up first and ran outside first.

Wu Sangui and his son looked at each other, and they felt that their heads were so big, they also bite the bullet and followed out.

When he returned to the princess's room, he saw Wei Xiaobao lying on his back on the ground with a large blood stain on his chest, his eyes wide open, and an incredible expression. A musket with blue smoke not far away, combined with the loud noise just now, should be a murder weapon. Although the golden silk soft armor is inaccessible, it is a pity that it can't resist the power of the firearm.

Song Qingshu ran over to touch his carotid artery, and found that there was no movement at all, so he had to continue to run to see the princess.

Princess Jianning was lying on the table, Song Qingshu hugged her up, and saw that her face was gray and white, and there was still a trace of black blood on her lips. Song Qingshu hurriedly pumped internal force into her body, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea. Hopeless.

Picking up the medicine bottle on the table and smelling it, Song Qingshu's face suddenly turned black, glaring at the palace maid who came after hearing the news: "Where does this poison that can seal the throat come from?"

The lady of the court replied: "The father...the princess likes to play with these... weird things on weekdays, so I sent someone to collect some."

Seeing the tragic situation in the room, Wu Sangui and his son couldn't react for a while. They didn't expect the princess to be so fierce. He chose to burn the jade and stone and took Kangxi's favorite Wei Xiaobao to bury him...

"Could it be that the princess was unwilling to be humiliated and committed suicide in order to show her will. Lord Wei planned to persuade, but was shot and killed by the dazed princess?" Wu Sangui touched his nose, trying to reproduce what had just happened in this house.

I didn’t know Song Qingshu turned around and gave him a fierce look: “It was obviously that Grandpa Wei wanted to prevent Fu Kang’an from violating the princess, and he was so embarrassed that he was beaten to death. The princess Sanzhen and Jiulie saved the last of the royal family through death. dignity."

"Yes, yes, Lord Wei is loyal to protect the lord. He did not expect the Fukangan wolf ambition to be so cruel."

Wu Sangui knew that he was getting angry, even though he knew that the other party was putting gold on Wei Xiaobao's face, he did not pierce it. As Kangxi's favored minister, Wei Xiaobao died on his own turf just like this. Wu Sangui also had a headache. In order to reduce Kangxi's anger a little, he didn't mind putting some money on Wei Xiaobao.

As for the black pot on Fu Kang'an, Wu Sangui's eyes narrowed, and it was enough to save Hongli's life by letting go of his life. It would be nothing to plant one or two charges against him.

"General Song, for today's matter, let's discuss a countermeasure first." A princess who committed suicide in her own territory was enough for Wu Sangui to drink a pot, and now she lost another Wei Xiaobao... Wu Sangui had an impulse to raise troops immediately. , But he knew that the time was far from ripe, so he had to force down that idea, thinking with a bitter expression how to explain it to Kangxi.

"Countermeasures?" Song Qingshu glanced at Wu Sangui, and said coldly, Chapter 141 The Truth (Part 1)

The three people in the room were dumbfounded, and fell into a strange silence. In the end, Song Qingshu woke up first and ran outside first.

Wu Sangui and his son looked at each other, and they felt that their heads were so big, they also bite the bullet and followed out.

When he returned to the princess's room, he saw Wei Xiaobao lying on his back on the ground with a large blood stain on his chest, his eyes wide open, and an incredible expression. A musket with blue smoke not far away, combined with the loud noise just now, should be a murder weapon. Although the golden silk soft armor is inaccessible, it is a pity that it can't resist the power of the firearm.

Song Qingshu ran over to touch his carotid artery, and found that there was no movement at all, so he had to continue to run to see the princess.

Princess Jianning was lying on the table, Song Qingshu hugged her up, and saw that her face was gray and white, and there was still a trace of black blood on her lips. Song Qingshu hurriedly pumped internal force into her body, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea. Hopeless.

Picking up the medicine bottle on the table and smelling it, Song Qingshu's face suddenly turned black, glaring at the palace maid who came after hearing the news: "Where does this poison that can seal the throat come from?"

The lady of the court replied: "The father...the princess likes to play with these... weird things on weekdays, so I sent someone to collect some."

Seeing the tragic situation in the room, Wu Sangui and his son couldn't react for a while. They didn't expect the princess to be so fierce. He chose to burn the jade and stone and took Kangxi's favorite Wei Xiaobao to bury him...

"Could it be that the princess was unwilling to be humiliated and committed suicide in order to show her will. Lord Wei planned to persuade, but was shot and killed by the dazed princess?" Wu Sangui touched his nose, trying to reproduce what had just happened in this house.

I didn’t know Song Qingshu turned around and gave him a fierce look: “It was obviously that Grandpa Wei wanted to prevent Fu Kang’an from violating the princess, and he was so embarrassed that he was beaten to death. The princess Sanzhen and Jiulie saved the last of the royal family through death. dignity."

"Yes, yes, Lord Wei is loyal to protect the lord. He did not expect the Fukangan wolf ambition to be so cruel."

Wu Sangui knew that he was getting angry, even though he knew that the other party was putting gold on Wei Xiaobao's face, he did not pierce it. As Kangxi's favored minister, Wei Xiaobao died on his own turf just like this. Wu Sangui also had a headache. In order to reduce Kangxi's anger a little, he didn't mind putting some money on Wei Xiaobao.

As for the black pot on Fu Kang'an, Wu Sangui's eyes narrowed, and it was enough to save Hongli's life by letting go of his life. It would be nothing to plant one or two charges against him.

"General Song, for today's matter, let's discuss a countermeasure first." A princess who committed suicide in her own territory was enough for Wu Sangui to drink a pot, and now she lost another Wei Xiaobao... Wu Sangui had an impulse to raise troops immediately. , But he knew that the time was far from ripe, so he had to force down that idea, thinking with a bitter expression how to explain it to Kangxi.

"Countermeasures?" Song Qingshu glanced at Wu Sangui, and said coldly, Chapter 141 The Truth (Part 1)

The three people in the room were dumbfounded, and fell into a strange silence. In the end, Song Qingshu woke up first and ran outside first.

Wu Sangui and his son looked at each other, and they felt that their heads were so big, they also bite the bullet and followed out.

When he returned to the princess's room, he saw Wei Xiaobao lying on his back on the ground with a large blood stain on his chest, his eyes wide open, and an incredible expression. A musket with blue smoke not far away, combined with the loud noise just now, should be a murder weapon. Although the golden silk soft armor is inaccessible, it is a pity that it can't resist the power of the firearm.

Song Qingshu ran over to touch his carotid artery, and found that there was no movement at all, so he had to continue to run to see the princess.

Princess Jianning was lying on the table, Song Qingshu hugged her up, and saw that her face was gray and white, and there was still a trace of black blood on her lips. Song Qingshu hurriedly pumped internal force into her body, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea. Hopeless.

Picking up the medicine bottle on the table and smelling it, Song Qingshu's face suddenly turned black, glaring at the palace maid who came after hearing the news: "Where does this poison that can seal the throat come from?"

The lady of the court replied: "The father...the princess likes to play with these... weird things on weekdays, so I sent someone to collect some."

Seeing the tragic situation in the room, Wu Sangui and his son couldn't react for a while. They didn't expect the princess to be so fierce. He chose to burn the jade and stone and took Kangxi's favorite Wei Xiaobao to bury him...

"Could it be that the princess was unwilling to be humiliated and committed suicide in order to show her will. Lord Wei planned to persuade, but was shot and killed by the dazed princess?" Wu Sangui touched his nose, trying to reproduce what had just happened in this house.

I didn’t know Song Qingshu turned around and gave him a fierce look: “It was obviously that Grandpa Wei wanted to prevent Fu Kang’an from violating the princess, and he was so embarrassed that he was beaten to death. The princess Sanzhen and Jiulie saved the last of the royal family through death. dignity."

"Yes, yes, Lord Wei is loyal to protect the lord. He did not expect the Fukangan wolf ambition to be so cruel."

Wu Sangui knew that he was getting angry, even though he knew that the other party was putting gold on Wei Xiaobao's face, he did not pierce it. As Kangxi's favored minister, Wei Xiaobao died on his own turf just like this. Wu Sangui also had a headache. In order to reduce Kangxi's anger a little, he didn't mind putting some money on Wei Xiaobao.

As for the black pot on Fu Kang'an, Wu Sangui's eyes narrowed, and it was enough to save Hongli's life by letting go of his life. It would be nothing to plant one or two charges against him.

"General Song, for today's matter, let's discuss a countermeasure first." A princess who committed suicide in her own territory was enough for Wu Sangui to drink a pot, and now she lost another Wei Xiaobao... Wu Sangui had an impulse to raise troops immediately. , But he knew that the time was far from ripe, so he had to force down that idea, thinking with a bitter expression how to explain it to Kangxi.

"Countermeasures?" Song Qingshu glanced at Wu Sangui and said coldly

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