Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1427: Mother and daughter reunion

?The next morning, Song Qingshu got up and put on makeup for Chen Yuanyuan. Huang Rong and Ren Yingying were amazed. Of course, for the confidentiality of Yi Rongshu, Song Qingshu just dressed Chen Yuanyuan in disguise, not completely disguised her. Someone else.

Originally, Song Qingshu was worried that Huang Chang would take advantage of it after she left, and planned to take Huang Rong to the palace with her. Then she would also put her make-up on her side, but Huang Rong and Ren Yingying rejected this approach.

In their view, Huang Rong was pregnant after all. Even if Yirong could conceal it from ordinary people, she definitely couldn't hide it from Huang Shang, and the palace was Huang Shang's site, and it was obviously in danger of taking her to the trap.

After a night’s rest, Huang Rong’s thoughts became more sober. She analyzed that those inside masters who caught her did not include Huang Shang. Especially when the yellow shirt girl appeared yesterday, Huang Shang still did not come, proving that he was not. How did she get out of the palace, and because of the practice of "Nine Yin Scriptures", she didn't believe that those who wrote such magical secrets would bully the little ones regardless of their status.

Even if the imperial palace really wanted to catch her, at most the masters who had been sent over last time, as long as they stayed in the Qi Palace, those people would have no choice but to take her in broad daylight.

Song Qingshu thought for a while and felt that her analysis was very reasonable, and then some more beggars from Chen Youliang came to protect the Qi Palace, and then asked Ren Yingying and Huang Rong to stay in step with each other. After all, the entire Lin'an city now knows that Ren Yingying is in name. Princess Qi of China would not move her easily. With her on the side to protect Huang Rong, the other party would also cast a rat avoidance.

After everything was arranged, Song Qingshu took Chen Yuanyuan towards the palace. Chen Yuanyuan wanted to say something but stopped. Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile and said, "What does Sister Yuanyuan want to say?"

"It's nothing," Chen Yuanyuan sighed quietly, "I just thought that you were about to leave Lin'an, I suddenly felt a strange feeling."

"Did you suddenly lose your sense of security?" Song Qingshu asked.

Chen Yuanyuan was taken aback, then nodded after a long time: "Yes, that's what it meant."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "You are now helpless in Lin'an City. It's normal to have this feeling. Don't worry. He will protect you when the time comes. You can go to Yingying if you have anything. I have ordered. She has taken care of you from time to time."

Chen Yuanyuan's expression was a little faint: "I see."

Song Qingshu's thoughts are so transparent, and she quickly guessed her thoughts. There is no natural relationship between the same **** and the opposite sex: "Don't worry, I will come back as soon as possible after I finish my business."

Chen Yuanyuan looked at him quietly: "Ake and I will be waiting for you."

Hearing what she said, Song Qingshu couldn't help but startled, Chen Yuanyuan instantly realized that she was ambiguous, and she couldn't help but said blushingly: "I mean waiting for you to come back and save A Ke."

A smile appeared at Song Qingshu's mouth: "I have no misunderstanding, why are you in a hurry."

Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help groaning: "I hate it~"


The two chatted all the way and soon came to the palace. Song Qingshu is now the king of Qi, but he is qualified to bring his entourage into the palace, not to mention that Chen Yuanyuan is still a woman, and the palace guard will not be embarrassed.

Song Qingshu arranged for Chen Yuanyuan to bring a gift. After all, it was King Qi and it was impossible to take things by himself. The two of them were led by the **** and went all the way to the bedroom of the two princesses in the harem.

Zhao Hu'er and Zhao Yuanyuan had been waiting in the palace eagerly, and they stood up excitedly when they saw him coming.

"Ahem, two princesses, please also pay attention to the royal manners." An old maid on the side coughed, and the two princesses stopped abruptly.

Seeing the aggrieved expressions of the two little princesses, Song Qingshu frowned. This mother was really lenient, but she was daring to treat the princess like this by herself. It was obviously a bully.

"It seems that Zhao Gou is not good to those poor sisters." Song Qingshu was thinking, and the mother interrupted him: "As the saying goes, there is a difference between men and women, please don't get closer to King Qi."

Song Qingshu was startled and couldn't help but secretly irritated. Although the emperor had not officially given the two princesses to himself, no one in Lin'an knew about the relationship between the two princesses. Used to domineering and blessing on weekdays.

"I want to talk to the two princesses, you all retreat first." Song Qingshu said lightly.

The other maids in the room looked at each other, and subconsciously looked at the inquisitive gaze at the old mother. The old mother said without a smile: "Return to King Qi, the emperor specially arranged for the old slave to take care of the two princesses here. Dare to leave the job without permission."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu's face sank, and there was an icy breath in the room for an instant. The maids were shivering, but the old mother showed no fear at all.

While the stalemate was still in stalemate, a pleasant voice suddenly came from outside: "What happened?"

Chen Yuanyuan, who was following Song Qingshu, trembled. If she were not afraid of revealing her identity, she might have turned her head immediately.

"See Concubine Wu." A group of court ladies in the room knelt down and saluted, even the old lady.

Song Qingshu turned around now, Akko was still beautifully overwhelmed. Under the background of a palace outfit, she added a touch of nobility: "I have seen a mother."

Seeing his eyes curled like crescent moons, there was a smile inside him: "King Qi, don't be polite." Then she fell on Chen Yuanyuan, who was on the side. Although her appearance was disguised, she recognized it at a glance. other side.

If it had been a few years ago, Akke might have ran over with excitement, but it has not been a short time since I came to the Southern Song Palace. I have gone through so many intrigues. No matter how much I think I have grown up, I naturally looked away. He walked straight over and held the hands of the two princesses: "The palace recently got a few new gadgets and used them to play a trick on the two princesses."

"Xie Niangniang." Zhao Hu'er and Zhao Yuanyuan looked at each other and hurriedly replied.

"Between you and my aunts, why be so polite." Ake hurriedly held the two princesses and said with a smile.

Then they chatted for a while, and Akko suddenly remembered something: "Oh, this palace has forgotten that this is the day when King Qi came to visit you, so I won't bother you young couple."

As he got up, he beckoned to the old lady: "My palace rarely comes here. Rong, you take my palace around?"

"Mother Rong?" Song Qingshu had a weird expression, thinking that the mother named Rong seemed so annoying.

"This..." The old mother showed hesitation, and Akko instantly sank her face: "Why, can't my palace call you to move?"

"Old slaves don't dare." The mother Rong no longer had the arrogant color she had before, and hurried to lead the way. Concubine Wu is now the most favored in the palace, she dare not offend the other party, in case someone directly asks her If he beat himself to death, it is estimated that the emperor would not care about it.

When passing by Song Qingshu, Song Qingshu suddenly said: "Mother, have you had nightmares every night during this period of time?"

"No..." The old mother thought to herself that she was full of food and sleep. There is no nightmare, but she just raised her head and touched Song Qingshu's eyes. Suddenly, her mind was completely blank, and some mechanical nodded, "Yes. I often have nightmares."

"After that, you should be nice to the two princesses, or you will have a lifelong nightmare." Song Qingshu wrapped her voice internally and sent it to her ears alone, so the maids next to her didn't know what had happened.

At this time, Ake stood beside her mother, resisting the excitement in her heart: "You also accompany me out, let them speak selfishly."

"Yes~" Chen Yuanyuan was so excited that there was no reason to answer her, and her voice trembled a little.

The old maid finally couldn't help it: "Manny, the emperor ordered the servants..."

Akko interrupted her directly: "What's the problem? My palace is responsible for it!"

"Yes!" Noting her impatient eyes, the old mother hurriedly closed her mouth.

Ake left with a group of people, and soon there were only three people, Song Qingshu, Zhao Hu'er and Zhao Yuanyuan no longer had any scruples, and threw directly into his arms: "Big Brother Song~"

"Hu'er, Yuanyuan~" Song Qingshu hugged the soft bodies of the two girls, but felt a little guilty in his heart. After saving them from the Kingdom of Jin, he never saw them again, even though the palace had been in and out so many times.

After all, I still lack enough love for them. I and them just came together by mistake in the sinister environment of the Kingdom of Jin...

Song Qingshu understands all this in his heart, but he hasn't gotten enough to let them go to find true love. After all, this world is different from later generations. To some extent, they already have skin relatives with them, so how can they look for them again? Other men?

He has always despised Duan Zhengchun's true love all the time, but he still appreciates Wei Xiaobao's attitude of not necessarily having true love but being responsible for the behavior of those confidantes who always give up indiscriminately.

"It's all my fault, I should come to see you soon." Song Qingshu put his arms around the two girls and said apologetically.

Zhao Hu'er pursed her mouth, and said with a bit of resentment: "I really want to see that little dragon girl. See how such an overwhelming country she is, so you don't even want your life for him."

Zhao Yuanyuan hurriedly pulled her sleeves: "Hu'er~"

Song Qingshu understood in an instant. When Zhao Gou was about to give a marriage, a little dragon girl appeared out of the sky. In order to save her, Song Qingshu had to temporarily give up giving her marriage. Although the two girls were not at the scene, they could listen more or less. Some news will inevitably make me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Your brother wouldn't be so easy to betroth you to me." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "He has always used you as a bargaining chip, and he needs to force me to cooperate with the court to attack the Kingdom of Gold, so even if there is no Little Dragon Girl, he would do it at the beginning. Find other reasons to refuse the marriage."

"Brother Nine is really annoying!" Zhao Hu'er stomped and said with some dissatisfaction, "Before we were locked in Jin Country, he didn't come to save us, but now we finally escaped, he defended from left and right."

"Hu'er speak carefully!" Zhao Yuanyuan hurriedly held her mouth.

"There are no outsiders here!" Zhao Hu'er said with a dissatisfaction, brushing away her hand, "not to mention that I didn't tell lies. Since we returned to the palace, Brother Nine arranged for some vicious mothers to take care of this and that. , Even going out for a walk requires that mother's answer, and I don't know who is the princess. It's really annoying."

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