Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1433: Provocative invitation

Originally, Xue Baochai was embarrassed and embarrassed by a man with his waist in his arms, but the other party was her savior, so she couldn't say anything. No ads.

In addition, Song Qingshu had been talking to Xixia woman, and she couldn't find a chance to let him put herself down, who knew that Xixia people would be the first to scream.

However, Song Qingshu's face was much thicker than her, and he didn't care when he heard the words: "Who made the princess's grief and breeze too strong? My friend was poisoned and couldn't stand firm. I can only help her."

This reasonable explanation made Xue Baochai feel much better, but she had to look weird as she looked at the bodies of the two closely attached to each other. Now that the two of them look like this, it is more appropriate to hold them together.

After all, she was a top spy from the Imperial City Division. Although she was a little embarrassed now, she didn't yell and influence Song Qingshu like an ordinary woman, but silently endured this embarrassment by herself.

"Prince Song is really as romantic as a rumor, even the woman from the Imperial City Division is your friend," Princess Xixia smiled, "but that's right, this girl is so beautiful, I would want to be her friend if I were a man. of."

Xue Baochai's time has slowed down at this moment, and he sneered at the words: "Looking at the princess's figure, although she is covered, she must be a beauty out of a million, and she will definitely become a good friend of King Qi."

Princess Xixia didn't expect that she would counterattack. For a moment, she couldn't help but froze there. Song Qingshu secretly laughed. Xue Baochai was indeed an extremely transparent character. How could she be confused by the other party's words?

"The princess hasn't answered my question." Song Qingshu took the opportunity to say.

Princess Xixia smiled faintly: "It is rumored that Song Gongzi is an immortal in the world, and he knows astronomy and geography from the top, and he knows the astronomy and geography. How can he not even know my name?"

"Don't tell me the princess, in fact, I can guess one or two." Song Qingshu looked at her long and charming eyes, and said confidently, "Presumably you are the Yinchuan princess who made young talents from all over the world want to marry. Right."

Hearing his words, the people in Xixia Yipintang looked at the girl in amazement. The girl saw that their reaction had exposed her identity, and there was no need to hide her identity: "Yes, the son really has good eyesight."

Song Qingshu said in amazement: "When Xixia recruited relatives, the princes and grandsons of all countries in the world rub their shoulders to hug the beauties. If they know that they want to marry a dangerous female spy, don't know what their expressions are?"

Princess Yinchuan is naturally the dream girl who made Xuzhu think about it in the original work, and also made countless readers and audience yy's dream girl. Song Qingshu had to sigh that Li Qiushui’s genes are really against the sky. Daughter Li Qingluo and grandson Queen Yuyan will not talk about it. The girl with a graceful figure and wavy eyes in front of her.

I don’t know if it’s because of the butterfly effect caused by my participation or the influence of this chaotic world. In the original work, Menggu fell in love with the man who had bad faith in her virginity because she had done several times with a strange man in the ice cellar. I tried my best to recruit a relative to find each other, no matter how it looked like a patient with Sködelmer's syndrome, or a severe one.

In this world, Meng Gu, who was conquered by men's bed kung fu, turned into a high-level figure in Yipin Tang. Whether it was martial arts or character, she was completely different from the woman in her impression.

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, Princess Yinchuan did not get angry at all, but looked at him with scorching eyes: "I don't know if these kings and grandchildren who want to marry me include the famous Golden Snake King?"

Xue Baochai sipped inwardly, thinking that the prairie girl was really...really bold and direct.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "It's a pity that I already have a wife in my next home. Of course, if the princess doesn't mind being a kid, I don't mind putting you in the house."



The remaining masters of Yipintang screamed, but this does not include the four villains. They have suffered under Song Qingshu. When they heard the scolding from their peers, they couldn't help but screamed secretly, but it was too late to stop it at this time. .

"Huh?" Song Qingshu looked cold and just snorted casually. Those Xixia people who were scolding vigorously bleeded from their ears and noses, and fell to the ground one by one.

Xue Yiren, who had been secretly observing from a distance, was stunned, and the unremarkable cold snort actually had such a lethal power, which proved that Song Qingshu deliberately controlled the target of internal force, so those Xixia people called scolding were severely injured. These people next to them But it had no effect at all.

Princess Yinchuan glanced at her unknown hand, frowned slightly, but did not express anything.

"The princess won't blame me," Song Qingshu said with a faint smile.

Princess Yinchuan’s voice was very cold: “I don’t have eyesight. Interrupt when you shouldn’t, and you deserve it if you die.”

"The princess is really reasonable," Song Qingshu smiled, "Well, I wasted so much time with you, so give me the antidote." After saying that, he spread his hand in front of her, as if it were something that couldn't be more natural. Things are so-so.

Princess Yinchuan did not take out the antidote, but smiled and said: "If it is a friend who saves the son, I am naturally obliged to do so, but are these secret agents of the imperial city secretary also a friend of the son?"

Song Qingshu looked at Xue Yiren and shook his head slowly: "Not only is it not a friend, but an enemy to a certain extent." Not to mention that Xue Yiren had to compete with him at the time, so he said that the Xue family was Jia. The faithful ally of the Tao is destined to be different from him.

"If this is the case, let me take care of these enemies for you." Princess Yinchuan said with a grin, but the content was cruel.

Song Qingshu still shook his head: "Although Xue Yiren is not my friend, he is a true swordsman. If he died on the battlefield or in a fair duel, I wouldn't say a word, but he was poisoned and died. The hand of the villain is not the ending that a real swordsman should have."

Xue Yiren's eyebrows moved, and he actually didn't expect Song Qingshu to save himself. After all, the two did not have any friendship, and there was still a grievance. But at this time, hearing these words, he instantly felt a sense of confidant.

Song Qingshu then took a look at Xue Baochai, who was holding her arm around him: "What's more, I've been with Miss Xue Jia for a long time, so how can I let her fall into the hands of a foreigner and suffer humiliation?"

Xue Baochai is the top secret agent trained in the Imperial City Division. He is usually shown as a lady, not only gentle and decent, elegant manners, but also knowledgeable. I don’t know how many of Wang and Sun’s dream lovers are because of this relationship. She can discover the secrets of the big families that are not known to outsiders.

Sometimes she doesn't know which side is the real herself, the well-knowing Miss Xue family, or the frosty imperial spy?

Pretending to be too long, once he regains his spy status in private, he will become ruthless.

But at this time, I heard Song Qingshu saying that she had been with her for a long time. I don’t know why, she seemed to have changed back to that lady, Miss Xue, with a heart beating: I only met him twice in total, and said No more than three sentences, why would he...

This can't help her react like this. Nowadays, various stories about Song Qingshu's deeds have spread all over the streets, and sometimes even sound like myths. People are not only handsome and handsome, but also martial arts, and there are less than 10,000 people. The above King Qi...For ordinary women, he has too many dreamlike auras on him, just like a male god. Thanks to Xue Baochai, who was born in a wealthy family, coupled with his determination, he has taken the initiative to take the initiative to change into an ordinary woman. Sent a hug.

The Xue Yiren not far away almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. He was born in the Xue family and he was in the Imperial City Division. He would naturally know more news, not to mention Miss Ren from Lin'an City, and the emperor very much. The two princesses who might have married, Song Qingshu still knows how many women there are at Jinsheying! How can he rest assured that his sister will be infected with such a person?

"When my skills are restored, I must fight him well and warn him to stay away from my sister!" Xue Yiren's eyes seemed to ignite a thick flame.

Princess Yinchuan was also surprised when she heard Song Qingshu's words, a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes, but she quickly concealed the past: "Hehe, the son is really romantic and suave."

Song Qingshu was startled, and then he realized that his words had misunderstood them. The so-called spiritual friendship for a long time was only because of the image in China, not the meaning they understood for a long time.

It's a pity that there is no way to explain this matter. Could you tell these people again? Since there is no way to explain it, let's not explain it. Song Qingshu directly looked at the other party and said, "Is the princess not going to give an antidote?"

Princess Yinchuan shook her head: "If the son wants the antidote for his companions alone, I will naturally give it with both hands. If I want the antidote for these people from the Imperial City Secretary, if I give it, we will still have life when they are detoxified. Are you there?"

"Give me the antidote, and I can guarantee that you can leave safely." Song Qingshu did not lie. Whether it is for Li Qingluo's face or planning for the future, there is no need to make a wedding dress for the Southern Song Dynasty and leave her here.

It's a pity that Princess Yinchuan has stayed in the first product hall for too long. She is used to intrigue and subconsciously rejected his proposal: "Rather than trusting others, people like us are still accustomed to taking our destiny in our own hands."

Song Qingshu said lightly: "Since the princess doesn't give it, then I will take it myself." He said that his figure appeared in front of Yunzhonghe not far away.

Although Yunzhonghe is only a second- and third-rate master in the arena, his light work is definitely the best in the arena. Unfortunately, in front of Song Qingshu's movements, he can't even react in time, so he is restrained.

Song Qingshu grabbed him and returned to the place where Xue Baochai was crumbling, and he hugged her waist again.

All this happened between the lightning and the fire, and Xixia and his party had no time to react. Yunzhonghe had already half-kneeled in front of Song Qingshu.

"Bring the antidote!" Naturally, you are not polite to a thief like Yun Zhonghe, Song Qingshu, with a hard hand, his sore beads of sweat leaked out.

"No...no, some time ago, the princess reorganized the Yipintang and put the sad and crisp breeze and the antidote into her own management." Yun Zhonghe couldn't help eating, and said everything like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

Princess Yinchuan gave him an angry look. If it weren't for Duan Yanqing and the others, this guy would have been executed by her a long time ago. Seeing Song Qingshu's inquiring gaze, she smiled coquettishly: "The antidote is on me. If the son has the ability, he can take it by himself."

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