Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1449: Kozuka

"What's wrong?" Song Qingshu was confused.

Huang Rong hurriedly explained: "I haven't lived in Taohua Island for a long time. I have forgotten to watch the weather here. Just now there are a lot of seabirds living on the coast. Under normal circumstances, they should be preying at this time. Maybe a storm is coming?"

Song Qingshu was startled: "That's how you can judge the storm? What if the birds are tired from flying." Although the sky is a bit gloomy, the sea is calm and calm, unlike a typhoon.

Seeing him unmoved, Huang Rong was angry and anxious, and while pulling him back, he said, "Of course it's not only that. Normally, the wind blows from the island to the sea at night, and during the day the wind is from the sea Blowing on the island, but now the wind is in the opposite direction, which proves that a storm is coming soon."

Song Qingshu was startled, thinking that he could only know the geography for the sake of knowing the astronomy and geography. He was too far behind in this aspect. It would be bad if he didn't notice the situation like this in a naval battle in the future.

When I was about to say something, suddenly a violent wind blew so hard that people couldn’t open their eyes. Song Qingshu looked towards the beach, and saw the waves in the sea turbulent, and a group of boundless black clouds approached from the horizon quickly, faintly still. You can see lightning and thunder in it.

Song Qingshu couldn't help being stunned: "This change is too fast, right? It was still sunny."

Huang Rong smiled bitterly: "The weather on the sea is like this, it changes rapidly, but today this change is indeed too abnormal, I am afraid it is a big storm that has not been seen in decades, let's go."

Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue. When he was still in his previous life, he heard all kinds of exaggerated typhoons sweeping along the coast every year.

Huang Rong stopped talking, and took Song Qingshu to her home in the woods. It's a pity that they had walked all the way to the far end of the island, and they would not be able to return for a while.

Song Qingshu's light work is not bad, but this Peach Blossom Island is full of institutions, and he doesn't know the way, and he can't get up soon. He could fly in mid-air, but now the wind is so strong that people are a little unstable. , There is no place to take advantage of flying into the air, he is very worried that he will be directly blown into the sea by this gust of wind.

If he was alone, maybe he would try it out, but now that Huang Rong is together, she is pregnant again, and if she falls in midair, the consequences will be disastrous, so he dare not take risks.

The two of them trot all the way like this, and suddenly Huang Rong stopped, clutching his stomach with an uncomfortable expression.

"What's the matter?" Song Qingshu hurriedly asked, "Did you have fetal gas?"

Huang Rong nodded, and said weakly, "Maybe."

Song Qingshu didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly pushed her palace to invigorate blood, and the true energy was slowly entered into her body. She opened her eyes after a long time.

"It's okay, let's go ahead." Huang Rong said tiredly.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly: "How about I hold you and go, lest you get fetal gas again for a while."

Hearing his words, Huang Rong's face turned red, and she shook her head. Although her voice was a little weak, her tone was firm: "No, I can go by myself."

Song Qingshu knew that she didn't want to have too much physical contact with herself, so she gave a wry smile, and no longer forced her, and walked behind her.

However, after this delay, the storm had already arrived, and then Song Qingshu could be said to have seen what is meant by pouring rain. When the rain came on, the two of them were instantly inferior.

With the strong wind, the visibility was only a few meters. Thanks to Song Qingshu's profound skill, he suddenly had a warning sign and stopped directly in front of Huang Rong, slashing into the air with a palm. At this moment, a big tree fell down and was palmed by him. With a beat, it flew to ten feet away.

"No, it's too dangerous to walk like this. I don't know when a big tree or falling rock falls, and I may not find it every time." Song Qingshu shouted in Huang Rong's ear, as the wind was raging everywhere at this time. It's so close at hand that you can't hear it without shouting.

"I know a place, come with me." Huang Rong apparently agreed with his judgment, and took him to a small road next to her. At this time, she didn't care about whether men and women were giving or receiving intimacy. The visibility was too low. In addition to the puzzle on the island, if the two of them are separated by three to five meters, it is estimated that they will lose the trace of each other in the next second.

Song Qingshu protected her around her, using her body to block most of the gusts of wind, and from time to time she flicked away some broken branches, flying sand and rocks flying in the air from time to time.

"Quickly go in." Huang Rong said suddenly after walking for a while.

Song Qingshu discovered that there was a stone house in front of him. It was very different in style from the houses he had seen before. He couldn't help but secretly wonder: "How can there be such a stone house in this forest with such a strange shape?"

When he walked in, his face suddenly changed. It turned out that he just saw the real thing. What kind of stone house is in front of him. It is obviously a stone tomb. There is a tombstone in front of the grave. It reads "The Fragrance of Peach Blossom Island Mistress Feng's Family". "Mound".

"It seems that this is the resting place of Huang Yaoshi's wife Feng Heng." Song Qingshu didn't expect to walk here, and was a little dazed for a while.

"Come in quickly." Huang Rong opened a door beside the tomb and hurriedly called him in.

Song Qingshu knew that ordinary people’s tombs had only one focus, but some emperors and generals’ tombs were made like palaces, with a huge space inside. Although Huang Yaoshi couldn’t use as much manpower and material resources as the emperor, it was obviously not enough. Like ordinary people, the space inside is still quite large.

After entering the door, Huang Rong closed the Shimen easily. The violent storm that had been raging before was instantly isolated outside. Song Qingshu had to sigh. It is no wonder that the primitive people in the early days wanted to build houses, and they really felt more secure inside the house.

Song Qingshu looked around, and his attention was quickly attracted by the coffin in the center, knowing that Feng Heng should be lying there.

I saw Huang Rong walk over, knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Mother, my daughter is back to see you." In the early days, she cried like a tearful person every time she came back here. Now, as she grows older, she can bear it. A little bit, but his face is still full of sadness.

Suddenly she heard two bangs, and saw Song Qingshu kneeling beside her and kowtow. She was dumbfounded: "What are you doing with kowtow?"

"You kowtow, of course I have to kowtow." Song Qingshu said solemnly.

Huang Rong's face turned red in an instant, and she was ashamed and angry at once: "Naughty!" If you know that there is only her husband in this world, her man will follow her to kowtow to her mother. Song Qingshu's behavior made her feel like she doesn't know what to do. Is good.

"Rong'er, you don't have to think too much," Song Qingshu smiled slightly, "I have heard of Lingtang's deeds a long time ago, and I am full of admiration for her. As a junior, I should pay a visit to her."

Huang Rong snorted, she couldn't get angry, and her eyes softened when she saw his respect for his mother.

After paying homage to his mother, Huang Rong walked to the door, gently opened the Shimen, looked at the stormy scene outside, and couldn't help but look worried: "I don't know when the storm will stop."

"You grew up by the sea, don't you have a general guess?" Song Qingshu also walked over.

Huang Rong shook her head: "It's impossible to say, sometimes a day will pass, sometimes it might last for about ten days, and it's just a matter of fate."

As the door opened, Huang Rong shuddered involuntarily as the wind from outside blew in.

It turned out that the heavy rain was pouring down just now. Although the two of them were running wildly, they were still drenched in soup. They just fell in the wind and rain. Now that they are free, they find that their clothes have been tightly attached to their bodies. When the wind blows, It is the bone-chilling cold.

Seeing Huang Rong's body trembling a little, Song Qingshu planned to put her coat on her, but looking at the wet clothes, he couldn't help but smile and gave up.

"I don't know when the wind and rain will stop. It seems that I can't get out for a while. Mr. Fire will dry the clothes." Song Qingshu said.

"Light a fire here?" Huang Rong hesitated, after all, this is her mother's tomb.

Song Qingshu persuaded: "You are pregnant now, and your body resistance is not good. If you accidentally contract the cold, not only you, but also the children in your stomach will be in danger. Let the hall be alive in the sky, surely. Don't want your daughter and grandson to be in danger."

If she was the only one, Huang Rong might really be strong, but when she thought of the child in her belly, her maternal instinct made her finally agree.

Song Qingshu began to collect materials. The wind and rain were so heavy outside, the branches and wood would have been soaked and they would definitely not be usable. Fortunately, there are still a lot of things collected in the tomb.

Originally, Song Qingshu hit his idea on the incense case in front of the coffin, but Huang Rong categorically rejected it. Fortunately, some of the wood collected from other places was enough, so he didn't insist on it anymore.

The fire soon started, and the two suddenly felt a little warm.

"Take off your clothes and bake them. Putting wet clothes on your body makes you sick easily." Song Qingshu said.

"Huh?" Huang Rong couldn't help but looked at him in surprise.

Song Qingshu couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Isn't it the same when you were outside of Shanyin City two days ago? Your own thoughts are not pure."

Huang Rong was almost suffocated to death, who is impure? Not enough to his proposal, I couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"Don't worry, I won't peek at you, I am a gentleman and gentleman." Song Qingshu knew her scruples and added.

Huang Rong gave him an angry look, wondering which kind of gentleman are you? However, he has been very polite to herself during this period of time, and she hesitated thinking about the outskirts of Shanyin, and finally nodded: "Then you go over there, don't look back."

Song Qing's book stall spread his hands: "Don't worry." He walked around to the other side of the coffin, as if disappearing.

Huang Rong breathed a sigh of relief. Xixi Suosuo began to take off her clothes. While holding her skirt in front of her, she carefully looked to the other side. Seeing that he hadn't peeked, she began to warm up with confidence.

"Bake my clothes by the way." At this moment, a ball of clothes was thrown from the other side.

Huang Rong instinctively grabbed it in her hand and looked intently. She couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry: "You also took off your clothes?"


This chapter happened to be writing about terrifying storms, and as a result, there was an earthquake in reality...

When the monk coded, he suddenly found his head dizzy, and then felt that the whole building was shaking and rushed out. Later, I learned that there was a big earthquake in Jiuzhaigou and the aftermath affected us here. Finally, I hope that the earthquake did not cause any casualties. In the face of natural disasters, human strength is too small.

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