Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1451: Big misunderstanding

Hearing Huang Yaoshi's words, Song Qingshu blinked at Huang Rong with a weird face. Huang Rong was so ashamed that she almost didn't find a place to get in. Unfortunately, she couldn't refute, so she had to stop looking at him. .

Song Qingshu secretly sighed that it was really pitiful for the world's parents. Huang Yaoshi obviously also appreciates his son-in-law Guo Jing's sentiment for the country and the people intellectually, but as a father, he still feels distressed for his daughter emotionally.

He doesn’t care about his family much, maybe it’s the only black spot for Guo Jing. After all, Huang Rong encountered so many dangers in the original work of "The Sculpture of Gods", and was surrounded by dangers several times. When he needed her husband's protection the most, he was busy with Xiangyang's official affairs, not her. If it weren't for the protagonist Halo and Yang Duofan's rescue, Huang Rong's ending would have been very miserable. This is also a bit slanderous by many Rong'er fans on the forum for later generations.

After Huang Yaoshi said something about his daughter and son-in-law, he began to recall some of the past with his wife, and finally sighed, took out the jade flute and played it, in order to send his lovesickness away.

Song Qingshu secretly sighed that although he was not good at rhythm, he could still hear this melody extraordinary.

After a while, the flute's tone changed, like a small smile, like a whisper, soft and extravagant. Song Qingshu's heart swayed, and he stayed for a while: "This tune seems a bit weird, why is it so good?" He has seen all kinds of classical music and popular music in the past. To be honest, the music of this world has hardly made him feel astonished. This song is an exception.

The sound of the flute is gradually rushing, seeming to urge people to dance. Song Qingshu listened for a while, only feeling red and red, with many pulses, and he couldn't help being shocked, sitting on the ground right now, running his inner breath.

At first, I felt my heart sway, and I wanted to jump up and dance for a few times, but after a while, my mind gradually became calm. Later, my mind would meet with the gods, and my heart would be clear, no dust, let his flute sound again. , He sounded just like the waves in the sea and the wind in the treetops.

Song Qingshu slowly opened his eyes, and understood in his heart that the sound of the flute just now must be the famous Bihai Chaosheng song. In fact, when he reached his realm, it can be said to be non-invading foreign evil spirits, but the Bihai Chaosheng song is very special and is the deepest. At the time, Zhou Botong, who was far more powerful than Guo Jing, couldn't stand the Bihai Chaosheng song. On the contrary, Guo Jing was able to resist it because Zhou Botong tried men and women. At that time, Guo Jing was still a virgin.

Compared with Zhou Botong, Song Qingshu is more enthusiastic about men and women. If he is accidentally motivated, he might be out of control.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu is now stronger than Huang Yaoshi, and he has just aroused his emotions and reacted in time to calm the restlessness in his body.

I was groaning, suddenly I heard a sudden panting sound in my ear, turned my head and looked around, I saw Huang Rong's cheeks flushed, and her eyes seemed to seep water. At this time, the whole person seemed to have melted bones, half-leaning. Lying in his arms.

At this time, the sound of the flute flute was erratic and lingering, it was like a woman sighing, moaning, and softly calling, the tune of the flute was more seductive than that of Shicai.

At this moment, Huang Rong had the scene of the bridal chamber anthuriums in her mind for a while, and then recalled the events of Jin Guo. As the tune of the Dongxiao changed, all that was left in her mind were all the pictures of Jin Guo. After all, it was what made her the most beautiful. The shock is the most exciting and the scariest, so the impression is much deeper than other things, so that the impact of Bihai Chaosheng song seems to have returned to the scene at that time.

Huang Rong’s fair skin has been stained with a blush unknowingly, even if she is not wearing clothes, she is still hot and sweaty, her eyes are full of blurred colors, and she feels the fierce masculinity around her, and she can’t help twisting. When he reached his arms, he couldn't help kissing him at the same time.

Song Qingshu almost didn't get caught up in the madness by her relatives, and finally healed his mind, and hurriedly said, "Rong'er, wake up soon."

It's a pity that Huang Rong seemed to be trapped in devilishness, and didn't respond at all to his call.

Song Qingshu felt that her body was extremely hot, and knew that she had already been ignited by Bihai Chaosheng at this time. If she is not treated immediately, she will suffer a serious illness, or become crazy and even die.

He didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly resisted the temptation with great perseverance, while continuously inputting true energy into her body, so as to calm the aura in her body.

Song Qingshu's skill is so powerful now, plus he has encountered a lot of similar things. Although most women used to encounter aphrodisiac, the effect of Bihai Chaoshengqu is not much different from those medicines. He has already figured out After using a set of solutions to slowly adjust Huang Rong's body with the yin and yang energy, she finally gradually regained consciousness.

Huang Rong slowly opened her eyes and found that she was shrinking in Song Qingshu's arms, and even actively entangled him in various ways. There was no obstacle to the blind date between the two sides, and she almost screamed out of shock.

However, she still has some memories of what happened just now, knowing that it was not Song Qingshu's plot against her, but that she took the initiative to give in. When she realized this, she almost passed out, wishing she wouldn't wake up. At this moment, she didn't know how to face this man.

I subconsciously wanted to stay away from the other party, but she seemed to have exhausted all of her strength just now. At this moment, she was soft and weak, and she fell into Song Qingshu's arms after she just stood up.

"Where is the rat, get out of me!" At this moment, Huang Yaoshi's violent shout suddenly came.

It turned out that at first he missed his deceased wife, but he didn’t find anyone in the tomb. But when he played the Bihai Chaosheng tune, recalling the past of the love and affection with his wife, the sound of the flute accidentally stirred Huang Rong’s love, and she became heavy breathing. Naturally, I can't hide the eyes and ears of Huang Yaoshi.

When he realized that there was someone in the tomb, Huang Yaoshi was furious, but because he was paying homage to his wife, he didn't want to interrupt the song, and planned to find that person to settle the account after the song ended.

However, he didn't intend to make the person feel better. Later, he deliberately deepened his skills and tried to disturb his mind with the blue sea tide. After all, he broke into his wife's grave and disturbed her rest. He had already touched his negative scales, even if he was not lost by the song. He also had to dig his eyes and cut his tongue, and cut off his hands and feet to relieve his hatred.

Yaoshi Huang did not suspect that the other party was Huang Rong. After all, Huang Rong and Guo Jing are inseparable. They have not been back to Peach Blossom Island for many years, and if it is really Huang Rong, the other party will come out to recognize each other when he first came in. He concealed his head and showed his tail, so he took a cruel hand without mercy at all.

However, what Huang Yaoshi didn't expect was that the person was already a little unable to support him. Who knew that after a while, the situation suddenly calmed down, and even if he used his skills later, he still couldn't affect the other party at all. At the same time, the anger in his heart became more and more raging, and he couldn't help but attack the man in the dark after the end of the song.

Hearing the sound of breaking the sky, Song Qingshu secretly screamed, knowing that it had been discovered by Huang Yaoshi, and no longer concealed his appearance, he directly grabbed a side of the clothes and wrapped them around Huang Rong's body, and at the same time pulled his own clothes around his waist.

At this time, Medicine Master Huang had already slashed over with a palm, Song Qingshu had no choice but to raise his palm to greet him. There was a loud bang, and the whole tomb seemed to sway.

"Why is there another person?" At this moment, Huang Yaoshi's eyes had already caught sight of another person's figure, but he didn't see Huang Rong's appearance clearly, but this was so shocking to him, because he had only felt it just now. One person, why is there an extra person out of thin air? Is this person proficient in the technique of concealing breath or is his skill superior to himself.

Song Qingshu took advantage of this effort to explain in a hurry: "Huangdao Master, in fact, all this is a misunderstanding..." When he watched TV series before, he couldn't help but complain about why the people in the drama didn't say the key points, but it was useless to say something. Nonsense. It wasn't until I was on the scene that I realized that the tension was an instinctive reaction.

After the initial shock, Huang Yaoshi had recognized Huang Rong at this moment, and after a slight astonishment, his eyes fell on her bare shoulders, and she could see that she was just hurriedly blocking her clothes on her chest...

Seeing that Song Qingshu was licking his upper body and lower body at this time...there was also a piece of clothing hastily surrounding him, Huang Yaoshi instantly became angry and mad: "The thief will die!"

After speaking, he rushed to Song Qingshu, and a shot was the most powerful killer move. Song Qingshu's expression shrank, facing one of the five must attack with all his strength, he did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to face it.

When the two of you came, I fought dozens of moves, and even made it dangerous several times. Huang Rong on the side looked ashamed and worried: "Don't fight~"

"Rong'er, this thief dares to bully you, I will cut him a thousand times today." Huang Yaoshi is still in a state of anger, only when his daughter is insulted by this man, there is no half of his chic demeanor on weekdays.

After speaking, he took the jade flute in his hand and went to Song Qingshu's acupuncture points. The posture was elegant, as if dancing lightly. Although the sword style was chic and handsome, it was full of murderousness at this moment. If he was hit by it, he would be seriously injured.

Song Qingshu also secretly complained. At this time, he pulled his "apron" to cover his lower body, and only one hand confronted the enemy. Because the pants were not well worn, his quick body skills were difficult to show. Of course, if Song Qingshu was shameless enough, it was fine. He was rushing all over the field, but when he thought of such a bare butt, Huang Rong and Huang Yaoshi would not see him. He felt a chill, so he only dodged in a square inch and guarded the door.

Huang Yaoshi has been famous for many years, and it is easy to follow him, and the jade flute swordsmanship has been immersed for many years. At this time, it is no less than the top swordsmanship in the world.

It was also a headache for Rao to deal with the realm of Song Qingshu. He fought dozens of strokes and finally saw a chance, and used his sword energy to cut off the small half of the jade flute.

Yaoshi Huang was slightly taken aback, but his decades of experience in the rivers and lakes were easy and easy to match. He instantly displayed the magical skill of his finger and hit the small half of the jade flute that fell, and the half of the jade flute was instantly hit like an arrow from the string. Song Qingshu's legs were bent.

Song Qingshu suffers from the inconvenience of moving the bottom plate, and it is too late to hide. He just feels that his legs are numb and the whole person can't help but stagger. Huang Yaoshi will not let go of such a good opportunity, and instantly hit his heavenly spirit with a palm. He thought of the scene just now. Thinking that Song Qingshu had violently abused her daughter, he took it with a grudge and showed no mercy at all.


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