Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1461: The east wind overwhelms the west wind and the east wind?

Song Qingshu outside the door looked even more weird. Zhao Min was born in a Mongolian nobleman and grew up in the grasslands. He drank horse milk from snacks and beef, and the nutrition intake was not comparable to that of Han women, plus he grew up on horseback. Because of regular exercise, the body is very fit, especially with a pair of huge breasts.

Although she has been tightly wrapped in clothes, the plump shape is still extraordinary at first glance. Song Qingshu thought of bumping into her breast several times before. Although she didn't deliberately measure it, it still has D. Up.

"Oh, oh, people who are as poor as their chests are so perverse to be rescued." Zhao Min's voice sounded again, and Song Qingshu heard a black line. This ridicule was really full.

Sure enough, the sound of ping-pong-pong fighting came from the room soon, but it was over soon, and Zhou Zhiruo's voice had a hint of pleasure: "Oh, oh, no matter which one is really big and useless."

Song Qingshu wiped away his cold sweat. Although Zhao Min was resourceful, but Zhou Zhiruo's power difference was too much, after thinking about it, it was better not to go in for the time being.

"You let me go!" Zhao Min said in anger, rather annoyed.

"Don't let go, you have the ability to bite me." Zhou Zhiruo's laughter was full of triumph.

"What are you so proud of on the washboard!" Zhao Min scolded.

Zhou Zhiruo was really furious: "What did you say Fat Pig?"

"Say you are an ugly monster!" Zhao Min didn't seem to care about angering the other party at all.

"Aunty who specializes in milk production!" Zhou Zhiruo's white cheeks flashed with a hint of anger.

Zhao Min immediately sneered at him: "Infant body shape! Wouldn't Song Qingshu feel like a crime when he is pressed on you?"

Song Qingshu outside the door suddenly felt an arrow in his knee, thinking about what it is to do with me. It is true that someone is sitting at home and the pot comes from the sky.

"You dead pig that swelled in the water." Zhou Zhiruo was going crazy by Zhao Min.

"You skeleton whose flesh and blood has been gnawed away by the wolf." Zhao Min was naturally unwilling to show weakness.




The two started to scold each other, Song Qingshu was both funny and admired. I really don't know why there are so many weird words in the minds of these two people.

After spraying, Zhou Zhiruo was not Zhao Min's opponent after all, and she pinched her neck with a bit of irritation: "Believe it or not, I killed you!"

"I don't believe it~" Who knows that Zhao Min didn't take it seriously, and looked at her contemptuously. "For a scheming girl like you who wants to be a queen, you will never do anything to make someone surname Song hate you. It's a matter of fact, especially the surname Song who is bothered, and there are so many talented confidantes around him, all of whom are your powerful opponents."

"My scheming?" Zhou Zhiruo sneered, "You are not much better for a little San'er like you who spends time with someone else's husband all day long."

Zhao Min seemed to be stabbed in the painful foot: "You bitch!"

"What does Bi Chi mean?" Zhou Zhiruo was startled.

"It seems to be from Song Qingshu's hometown, meaning the same as a bitch." Zhao Min said triumphantly, thinking of the words Song Qingshu had taught her back then.

Zhou Zhiruo's face instantly turned black into charcoal: "Little San!"

"Bi Chi!"

"Little San!"


The two women quickly fell into a scolding mode again, leaving Song Qingshu messy outside the door. They couldn't help thinking of the Winter Horse Party and Shelley Party of "White Album 2" on the previous Internet forums.

"Dongma Xiaosan!"

"Shelley Bitcher!"

What is going on with this strong sense of sight? Song Qingshu felt that he could no longer watch the show, otherwise the ghost would know what the consequences would be for these two women.

"Cough cough~" Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Minzheng were in a quarrel, and suddenly heard a strange coughing sound from the door.

The two women looked back and saw the appearance of Song Qingshu. At that moment, the expressions on their faces were very complicated, both joyful and embarrassing, as if they had made an appointment. The two women instantly let go of each other, and at the same time began to quietly sort out because they were fighting And the clothes that appear to be messy.

"Are you back?" Zhou Zhiruo is his wife after all. At this time, she greeted him more from a standpoint, but she couldn't help being embarrassed when he thought that his performance just now must have been seen by him. "Why don't you say it in advance."

"Huh, say it in advance so that you can be ready, and put on a soft and weak white flower?" Zhao Min took the opportunity to grab her aching foot and began to fall into trouble, ran directly to Song Qingshu and began to complain, "You have also seen it. She looks like a tigress. During this period of time, I have been living a hellish life. If you don’t come back, I’m afraid you can only collect the body for me in the future.”

Zhou Zhiruo was itchy with hatred, but now Song Qingshu is here, but it is not convenient for her to use her best force, so she can only stare there.

Zhao Min obviously understood all this, hiding beside Song Qingshu and looking at her triumphantly, she couldn't help but put on a grimace, and almost didn't blow Zhou Zhiruo up.

Song Qingshu heard a black line, and said awkwardly: "It's not so exaggerated, Zhiruo is a typical knife-mouthed tofu heart, don't I think you have no scars on your body?" Zhou Zhiruo is his wife after all, and it is inconvenient to say anything. outsider.

Zhao Min instantly exploded his hair: "What kind of tofu heart, it is clearly a tofu heart! The reason why there are no scars, it is not because of the cleverness of the county owner that the intelligence of the princess and the intelligence of the ice and snow barely managed to keep the peace!"

"Ahem, if Zhiruo is sorry for you during this period, I will apologize for her." Song Qingshu had no choice but to say.

This week Zhiruo stopped doing it in an instant: "Why should I apologize to her? I didn't do anything wrong."

The same Zhao Min did not accept: "Hmph, she apologizes to me if I want to apologize, what is your apology."

Hearing her saying this, Zhou Zhiruo's eyes lit up and she ran directly to Song Qingshu and hugged his arm: "He is my husband. Isn't it right for the husband to apologize for his wife? If you are dissatisfied, you can ask your man for you. Come on."

"You!" Zhao Min was speechless for a moment, this is her biggest weakness now.

"Okay, okay, I have important things to come back this time." Song Qingshu knew that if he was caught in the war between the two women, he might be dead, so he diverted their attention very wisely.

Hearing the business, the two goddesses became serious.

"Let's talk about the situation in Yangzhou during this time." Song Qingshu said to Zhou Zhiruo.

Zhou Zhiruo nodded, and replied slowly: "During this period of time, we have thoroughly cleaned up the Jiangnan Green Camp, and first solved the problem of airspace payment..."

Song Qingshu was startled: "How did you solve it?" You must know that airspace payment is the most common stubborn disease in ancient society. For example, a unit of 10,000 reorganized troops is actually very good with 70% of the personnel, and in many cases there are even 3,000 or 5,000. Of course, the food and salary paid by the imperial court is naturally paid at the fixed amount of 10,000, and the more are naturally divided by the generals and his confidants.

In ancient times, there were very few famous generals who could not pay for airspace, and only a few people like General Yue could achieve the full quota. Even famous generals like Han Shizhong are big players in airspace, but Han Shizhong is okay, although he eats a lot of airspace. It's very good, but he has the ability to keep the army fighting, and it is much better than other generals who only eat empty salaries but have a vegetarian meal.

"On the day of payment, we asked the soldiers to line up to hand them out and register them one by one," Zhou Zhiruo replied.

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up: "A good way, it's just that it's too hard for you."

"It's not hard," Zhou Zhiruo pursed her lips. Seeing Zhao Min pouting on the side, he hesitated and said, "Miss Zhao came from this idea."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu turned his head to look at her, "Well, he is a witty princess."

"Huh~" Zhao Min raised his head proudly, and said to Zhou Zhiruo who was on the side, "It's just that I am here now that you dare not greed for my credit."

"I'm not that mean." Zhou Zhiruo replied coldly.

"Yes~~~~~?" Zhao Min's deliberately prolonged tone and the suspicion in her eyes made Zhou Zhiruo almost crazy again.

"Okay, okay," Song Qingshu hurriedly interrupted seeing the two men beginning to fight again. "By the way, Zhiruo, how many soldiers did Yangzhou settle down in the end?"

Zhou Zhiruo replied: "Li Kexiu previously claimed to have one hundred thousand green camps, but the count is far from that many. The phenomenon of eating empty salaries is extremely serious. In addition, he has fled a lot in previous battles and eliminated some old, weak, sick and disabled people. There are only about 38,000 people, plus the Golden Snake battalion you left behind last time. At the same time, I recruited some new recruits. Now there are only 50,000 people at full capacity."

"It's a lot, no matter how good the army is." Unlike Zhou Zhiruo's frustration, Song Qingshu is more satisfied with this result, not to mention that he is very clear that victory or defeat has nothing to do with the number of troops, like the Song Dynasty sitting on a million forbidden troops. Known for being weak? Being beaten by tens of thousands of Jurchen soldiers, he cried and cried.

What's more, too many soldiers are also a big problem. The Ming Dynasty was more and more expensive because of the war with the Manchu and Qing Dynasty, but it could only increase taxes on the poor peasants, which further detonated the domestic peasant uprising, and finally died in internal worries. foreign aggression.

Zhao Min obviously agrees with his view: "Yes, there are not many soldiers. In the past few westward marches in Mongolia, I swept the Eastern European plains with a team of tens of thousands of people. In the past few years, I fought against Jin Guo's wild fox mountain. What about the opponent's 300,000 army, it was finally wiped out by the entire army, and the world's first power was surrendered." Speaking of the glory of the Great Mongol Empire, Zhao Min had a very proud look on his face.

"Yes, yes, you Mongolia is great, Chongqing Mountain City, Xiangyang City, you can not do without the'heroic' of Mongolia." Zhou Zhiruo said in a weird tone. After several years of heavy losses, Zhou Zhiruo said this, obviously deliberately ridiculing Zhao Min.

Zhao Min was really stimulated and said angrily: "The surname Zhou, are you deliberately having trouble with me?"

Zhou Zhiruo spread out her hands and said with an innocent look: "I'm just telling the truth. To be honest, I can't get along with you? Why is your mind so small?"

Seeing Zhao Min’s pretty face flushed with anger and ready to explode at any time, Song Qingshu felt that he was really in the asura field: "Okay, let’s say a few words for one person. 50000 soldiers are enough, but it’s necessary. Completely disrupt their organization, and at the same time put our own hands in the middle and lower-level officers."

"Huh, some people can't think of this at all," Zhao Min looked at Zhou Zhiruo provocatively, and finally pulled a city back. "But with this princess, these things will of course be resolved."


Thank you Bai Hailang for your support~

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