Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1479: Little witch

"Amitabha~" Shaolin monks clasped their hands together, "The master said it is very true."

Even people like Xiao Yuanshan who hate Shaolin have to admit that the words of the sweeping monk are full of compassion and compassion, and they no longer stick to their opinions.

Xiao Feng hesitated for a long time, but after all he asked, "Please save my dad!"

Xiao Yuanshan's discoloration changed slightly. He and Shaolin had a deep hatred. He was unwilling to ask the Shaolin people for help. However, this sweeping monk was exceptionally detached. In addition, the acupuncture points in his body became more and more severe. In the end, he Still the default.

The sweeping monk replied: "Actually, I have already mentioned the cure method. As long as your father puts down the butcher knife and returns to the back mountain of Shaolin Temple with Lao Na to concentrate on the Dharma, after a few years, you can gradually resolve your hostility and the hidden injuries on your body. Heal without medicine."

Xiao Yuanshan's expression changed suddenly: "I want to imprison me in Shaolin, but there is no door!" Xiao Feng was also surprised, and let him stay in Shaolin because of the grievances between his father and Shaolin. Wouldn't it be that the sheep entered the tiger's mouth? How could he rest assured.

The sweeping monk smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Jushi Xiao misunderstood...hey, that's fine, wait for Jushi Xiao to figure it out by himself, then come to Shaolin to find me."

After answering Xiao Feng's question, the sweeping monk stopped staying, and gradually left with Shaolin and his group.

Looking at their leaving figure, Song Qingshu was a little irritable, thinking that this time he and Shaolin had a complete relationship with Shaolin, and I don't know how they will try to hold me back in the future.

However, because of the kindness of the sweeping monk that day, he always wanted to sell him face, not to mention that it was impossible to kill them all. How to deal with the relationship with Shaolin was really a headache!

"How do you deal with your relationship with Shaolin after a headache?" Zhao Min asked as if he had guessed his troubles.

"Yeah." Song Qingshu said with a wry smile, "Shaolin has a special status in the Central Plains, and it is a Buddhist holy land in many people's hearts. It is really annoying that you can't fight or kill."

"It's not easy yet," Zhao Min raised his mouth slightly. "You can tell which of your enemies in Shaolin are and which can be wooed. When the time comes, you can suppress your enemies, and then support the faction that is inclined to you. "

Song Qingshu was overjoyed: "Minmin, your ideas are similar to those of Taizu!"

"Who is Taizu?" Zhao Min was startled, thinking about which dynasty Taizu would go with him.

Song Qingshu did not explain, but said with a smile, "Minmin, you have solved a huge problem for me, and I really want to kiss you."

Zhao Min's face flushed, only then did he realize that he was still in his arms, and hurriedly pushed him away, and sipped: "You have the ability to talk to me like this in front of Zhiruo."

Song Qingshu's face became stiff, and he smiled sullenly.

"Thank you Brother Song for your help!" Xiao Feng and Xiao Yuanshan walked over and thanked them. "If it weren't for you to make the move today, I'm afraid our father and son will be in disaster."

"Not to mention that the last time the Manchu army went south, the friendship that Brother Xiao came to help boxing is just the indomitable temperament of Brother Xiao, I have always admired it, so naturally I won't stand by." Song Qingshu replied.

"Actually, if the martial arts of Brother Xiao and your father were not hurt, there are many masters in Shaolin, but they can't keep you," Song Qingshu couldn't help but curious. "With the martial arts and alertness of Brother Xiao, why would you suffer so much? Serious injury?"

"It's a long story..." Xiao Feng smiled bitterly. Just halfway through the conversation, he suddenly fainted. Fortunately, Xiao Yuanshan and A Zhu were supporting him, otherwise he might just fall to the ground.

It turned out that he was seriously injured. He used to rely on the heroic spirit in his chest to support him and fight against the masters of Shaolin Temple. He had already overdrawn his energy. Now that he relaxes after the danger, he can't support it naturally.

Song Qingshu took the pulse for him. After a long time, he said to the nervous-looking Azhu and others: "Don't worry, he just lost too much blood, coupled with the forcible movement after a serious injury, which led to fainting, but he is in good health, as long as It’s okay if someone heals him."

At the same time, I secretly admire the talents of the Xiao Feng family that are really against the sky. You must know that there are often some magic methods in the rivers and lakes. For example, methods such as burning blood ** and the disintegration of the gods can improve combat power in a short period of time. Generally, at the critical moment of life and death, you can enter the violent and bloodthirsty mode, martial arts and combat power will be a bit more terrifying than usual.

The group took Xiao Feng, who was in a coma, to stay in a nearby town, and Xiao Yuanshan helped him heal his injuries. Song Qingshu thought that Xiao Yuanshan's inner strength was enough to heal Xiao Feng's injuries, so he didn't join in the fun anymore.

As for Ah Zhu, he was watching tea and sweating on the side, and Zi wanted to help, but Song Qingshu called to his room.

A Zi's face was hesitant, but it was a pity that Song Qingshu had just shown his power, she didn't dare to disobey his will, so she had to come over with fear.

"Azi, you're so courageous." Song Qingshu held up the teacup and looked at the girl who entered the door with a smile.

Zhao Min next to him was surprised: "Do you know each other?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and before he could answer, Ah Zi ran over very cleverly: "This must be the mistress, I am the master's maid, Azi, and I have seen the mistress."

Zhao Min's face was flushed with shame. Although she is a little bit ambiguous with Song Qingshu, she has not pierced the window paper after all. She was called by outsiders like this, but she was embarrassed and shy, but a faint feeling rose in her heart. Rejoice.

A Zi is best at observing words and colors. She knew her flattery was just right when she glanced at her expression. She squatted down next to Zhao Min and beat her legs while the iron was hot.

Song Qingshu snorted unhappily, "Did you never meet your mistress when you were in the Golden Snake Camp before? Are you here now with your eyes open and talking nonsense?"

Hearing what he said, Zhao Min couldn't help but looked back and gave him a fierce look, which made Song Qingshu realize that he had offended her unintentionally.

"Master, you are handsome and handsome in Yushu, you can be said to be popular among thousands of young girls, and it is not surprising that there are many mistresses." Azi reacted quickly.

Song Qingshu cursed irritably, "Where I learned how to flatter, I don't like this here."

Seeing that although he said that he didn't like it, Ah Zi couldn't help feeling proud. There was still half hesitation, and a lot of exaggerated and gorgeous rhetoric was thrown over, making Song Qingshu dizzy.

Zhao Min on the side looked weird: "Where did you find this flatterer?"

"A Zi just felt it," A Zi said, "I think this girl is like a peach and a rose, especially in her eyebrows, there is a heroic air that is rare in other women, not in the golden snake camp at all. Under the mistress, and the master is just a match made in heaven..."

Zhao Minfang's heart trembled at the words, laughing and cursing.

"Okay, okay," Song Qingshu finally couldn't listen. "Do you think I won't pursue you for running away without permission?"

"I'm wronged, master," Azi's eyes turned round, and he had already thought about his excuses. "I didn't run away, but went out for the protagonist."

Seeing Zhao Min's gradually cold eyes, Song Qingshu hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not a licentious person, why should you look for a beauty?"

"You know everything every day, so naturally you don't have the time to arrange these things, but we who are slaves naturally have to be clever to share the worries for the master." Azi replied quickly, "You are so powerful, and ordinary women can't satisfy you. I have to be busy with official duties and have no time to accompany you, so I volunteered to be a confidant for the main character."

"The more you speak, the less plausible you are." Song Qingshu gave her a fierce look.

Although Zhao Min is active and enthusiastic on weekdays, he is an unmarried girl's house after all. He can't help but flush with shame when he hears that what they seem to be talking about is related to the bedclothes.

Seeing Song Qingshu seemed to be interrupting A Zi's words, Zhao Min suddenly said: "Azi girl, you said that you can be a confidante for your paternal master, have you found it yet?"

Seeing her non-smiling expression, Song Qingshu secretly groaned, thinking that Azi, this girl, is really causing me trouble.

Hearing the unkindness in Zhao Min’s tone and Song Qingshu’s constipated expression, Azi suddenly realized that it was not very wise to say this in front of Zhao Min, her eyes turned sharply, and she was already thinking: "It was originally. I’m still in high spirits, but now I realize that I’m simply overwhelmed and needless."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Min frowned and asked.

"I have been busy for a few months, and all I found are vulgar fans. How can I find Miss Zhao who is so beautiful in the world as the master casually goes out, I am not overpowering, what is it?" Azi deliberately revealed. An extremely frustrated expression.

With Zhao Min's cleverness, it is natural to understand that she was trying to flatter herself on purpose, but these words just scratched her itching, and couldn't help laughing: "You little girl is quite funny."

Song Qingshu has a black line: "It's an excuse to say that looking for a confidante half a day, in fact, you just ran away."

"I'm really looking for you." After seeing his power just now, Azi knew that the other party really wanted to move herself. Xiao Feng and Xiao Yuanshan together could not save her. Moreover, the two might not offend each other for her. She had to say without a word, "I can prove it to you, Azhu...Yes, Azhu is the target I am looking for for you. Although she is not as stunning as Ms. Zhao, she is also outstanding. A beauty, plus she is still my sister, we can serve you together and give you a different feeling..."

"Cough, cough, cough~" Song Qingshu hurriedly interrupted when she heard her talking more and more, "What nonsense, A Zhu is Brother Xiao's confidante!"

"What does it matter? If you use what you used to me last time, won't she just give up on you? And a woman has to grab someone else's to be more exciting and conquer..." Growing up in this kind of place, she naturally did not have the Confucian ethics and shame in her mind. In addition, she was secretly jealous that A Zhu, the sister, had a better life than her in all aspects and was more likable, so she secretly wanted her to do too. Bear what happened to yourself.

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