Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1481: Drinking mishap

Before he had time to think about this question, Xiao Feng was shocked when he thought about it now.

"That thief is really vicious, he wants to kill someone with a knife!" Xiao Yuanshan became angry when he thought that his son was almost killed in Shaolin.

"Lord Xiao, think about it carefully, do you have any enemies that would kill you like this?" Zhao Min reminded.

Xiao Feng frowned and thought: "Ms. Ma must be one who wants to kill me, and Quan Guanqing is also one, but they don't need to do anything extra."

"Could it be Murong Bo's dog thief?" Xiao Yuanshan gritted his teeth and said, thinking that he had been talking with his enemies so happily over the years, and pointed him to martial arts several times, making him furious.

"Probably not," Song Qingshu said at this time. "Murong Bo's purpose is to rejuvenate the country of Yan. If he can provoke war between the two countries, he will naturally spare no effort, but now Liao has been crippled by the Kingdom of Jin, which is not what it used to be. In addition, Shaolin is in the Kingdom of Jin. Even if you have something to do in Shaolin, Liao will probably not dare to trouble the Kingdom of Jin; more importantly, I happened to deal with Murong Bo some time ago, and he might not have the chance. Appeared in Dali thousands of miles away."

"Who would it be?" Xiao Yuanshan looked mad. Although his martial arts is high, he is really bad at where he needs to use his brain.

"Could it be your political enemy in the country?" Zhao Min suddenly looked at Xiao Feng and asked.

"It is indeed possible." Xiao Feng's eyes moved, and there were obviously several speculations. "But even though he was unpredictable, I still have to thank him. After all, to some extent, it is because of him that I did not make a big mistake. Stuffed cattle and sheep to make an appointment.” While talking, looking at Ah Zhu beside him, the tiger's eyes were full of tenderness.

Zhao Min quietly poked Song Qingshu, leaning over and whispering in his ear: "I see, although Xiao Feng is inferior to you in many places, you are far inferior to him in terms of specialization."

"That's true." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, unable to explain anything.

"By the way, the princess and the second brother are you coming to Jin Country this time for the Southern Song and Northern Expeditions?" Seeing Zhao Min and Song Qingshu's demeanor, Xiao Feng couldn't help but smile, thinking that his second brother's charm is really great. Even Mongolia's first beauty has caught up.

Xiao Feng is not good at being a female, what's more, there is only A Zhu in his heart now, so there is only blessing in his heart for the two of them walking together.

"Yes," Zhao Min smiled sweetly, "I didn't expect King Xiao to be far away from the center now, and the news is still so clear."

"I was passing through the territory of the Song Dynasty and found that soldiers and horses were frequently mobilized. Obviously they were preparing for the Northern Expedition. It is not difficult to guess." Xiao Feng laughed. "At that time, the Southern Song Dynasty, Mongolia, Jinsheying and our Liao State will fight together. The energy is like a broken bamboo, hahaha~"

He was a Khitanese after all. Before the Jin Kingdom almost destroyed the Liao, the two countries had forged an indelible hatred. He was naturally very excited when he heard the news of the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Zhao Min glanced at Song Qingshu with a smile, and said, "Okay, we will join forces to destroy the Kingdom of Jin by then."

Song Qingshu gave her a fierce look. Zhao Min knew that he was Tang Kuobian, and naturally understood that he would not let the Kingdom of Jin be destroyed. Such saying was obviously intentional.

"Well, let's not talk about national affairs today. Our brothers have a good meal." Song Qingshu worried that it would be easy to reveal flaws if he continued to talk, so he raised a bowl of wine and toasted Xiao Feng.

"Looking at the gentleman of my second brother, I didn't expect it to be so bold." As the saying goes, there are less than a thousand cups of wine every confidant, Xiao Feng is overjoyed, picking up the wine bowl and having a big bowl with him.

Xiao Yuanshan is also a drunkard. He was suffocated by hiding in Shaolin these years. Now father and son meet again and escape from the dead. After learning the news of their enemies, they can’t help being addicted to alcohol. Three men, you have a bowl of me. A bowl quickly drank into darkness.

The Xiao family's father and son were born with different talents, and the amount of alcohol was amazing. Song Qingshu had experienced the baptism of high-purity liquor in later generations. Naturally, he was not afraid of the wine of this world. Bowl after bowl was dried, and he quickly drank dozens of altars, attracting the surrounding diners. Look sideways.

Later, Azhu finally couldn't stand it anymore, worried that Xiao Feng would drink something wrong before he was seriously injured, and insisted on interrupting their drinking session.

Song Qingshu and the others were also dizzy and drunk, so they ended the wine bar. A Zhu called to the shop's second child to help him and Xiao family back to the room.

Azi originally planned to help Song Qingshu to show her performance, but when she saw Zhao Min stretch out her hand, she rolled her eyes and retracted her hand naturally. She wouldn't touch the mistress's brow at this time.

Besides, Song Qingshu was already so drunk that he couldn't walk steadily. Zhao Min put one of his hands on his shoulders and said angrily: "I don't know what to do with so much alcohol!"

Song Qingshu chirped a few times and couldn't hear what he was talking about.

Zhao Min was angry and funny, and she really didn't see the embarrassed appearance of this bastard... Thinking about this, she suddenly realized that the alcohol on his body seemed to smell good.

He helped him back to the room and laid him on the bed gently. At this time, A Zi was very considerate and brought a basin of water. Zhao Min was about to ask her to wipe Song Qingshu. Who knew that A Zi stuck out his tongue at her: " Azi won't bother the master and mistress." After speaking, she showed a knowing smile and trot out, closing the door thoughtfully.

Zhao Min was startled and couldn't help crying and laughing: "This bastard, the girls I found are all ordinary strange spirits." She knew that Zi had misunderstood the relationship between the two, but for some reason, she did not explain.

Looking at the man sleeping like a dead pig on the bed, Zhao Min snorted: "This princess has grown up so old in this life and hasn't served anyone before. It's really cheap for you."

While talking, he took off the shoes on his feet. I thought it would be very smelly. After all, when I was a child, I accidentally touched my father's shoes and almost didn't smoke her to death. This incident left her with lingering fears now.

"Hey, it doesn't taste much?" Zhao Min carefully let go of her pinched nose and muttered strangely.

How did she know that Song Qingshu's skill has now reached the point where the body’s true energy is constantly growing, and the essence of the body has long been washed to remove the toxins in the human body, although it cannot reach the level of the fragrance of the body in the cultivation novels. To the point, it's not much worse.

After putting his legs on the bed, Zhao Min moistened the towel and gently wiped Song Qingshu's forehead and neck. Looking at his fiery red skin, he couldn't help but snorted: "Drinking like this is not afraid of being killed by the enemy."

Although she said that, she has always been top masters since she was a child. Naturally, she knows that martial arts has reached a certain level, and her body will actively respond to external dangers. If she shows murderous aura at this time, even if the other party is still drunk, she will definitely Launch a thunderous counterattack.

Gentlely wiped off the wine stains on Song Qingshu, Zhao Min squatted on the side of the bed with his cheeks in his hands, and looked at the man in front of him quietly, as if he was reminiscing and muttering to himself: "The world is really unpredictable. When I saw you for the first time, you were just a poor follower behind Zhou Zhiruo. The princess didn't even look at you at all. How could he have thought that he would take the initiative to wipe your body now..."

On weekdays, Song Qingshu’s eyes were too bright and aggressive. She seldom looked at him closely at this close range. Thinking of his wicked and hateful appearance, Zhao Min couldn’t help being mischievous when she saw him sleeping like a baby now. , And gently touched the tip of his nose with his hair.

"Yeah~" Song Qingshu wrinkled her nose like a dream, but she didn't seem to wake up.

The corners of Zhao Min's mouth rose, and she continued to sweep with the tips of her hair. Song Qingshu subconsciously reached out to touch her nose, but she was precautionary, and instantly removed her hair, so that the other party felt empty, rubbed a few times and then put her hand off. go back.

"It's stupid~" There was a smile between Zhao Min's eyebrows, it was hard to see him so stupid, and he continued to move forward and tease each other.

"Don't make trouble~" It is estimated that the last time I touched the sky, Song Qingshu's speed was much faster this time than before, and when he turned over, he hugged her in his arms.

Zhao Min was startled, then blushed instantly, and reached out to push him: "Let go of me!"

"Stop making trouble," Song Qingshu turned over, and Zhao Min was immediately carried to the bed by him, "Well, you smell so good~"

While talking, he sniffed at Zhao Min, making her itchy and shy again.

"Are you really drunk or pretending to be drunk!" Zhao Min pinched him severely and said a little angrily.

After being pinched, Song Qingshu didn’t respond, and she continued to lean on her body, and was sprayed on her skin by his hot breath, Zhao Min suddenly trembled in her heart, and she was in a trance. When she reacted, the other party had kissed her lips. .

Zhao Min's eyes went wide open instantly, and he hurriedly tried to push him away, but unfortunately the other party pressed her on her body and sank like a pig, leaving her with no resistance at all.

"This bastard!" Thinking that she thought he was sleeping quietly like a baby, Zhao Min couldn't wait to slap herself, but when the other party knocked her teeth and drove straight in, her body suddenly softened.

Bits and pieces from the two people's acquaintance emerged in his mind, Zhao Min's pretty face became more and more red, and finally reached out his hand to hug the man, and began to recall tenderly.

I don't know how long it took, Song Qingshu suddenly said in a puzzled manner: "Zhiruo, how come your **** have become so big?"

Zhao Min's whole body stiffened, and the sweetness disappeared in an instant. He looked at the man in front of him incredulously. It turned out that this **** had always mistakenly thought he was Zhou Zhiruo!

Without knowing where his strength was, he instantly knocked out the Lushan Claws he placed on his chest. Zhao Min pushed him away and jumped out of the bed. While tidying up his messy clothes, he stared at him fiercely: " Song Qingshu, you are a bastard!"

After stomping, he ran away without looking back. Song Qingshu reached out to keep her, but he was so drunk that he instantly lost his weight and fell off the bed.

Hearing loud noises behind him, Zhao Min subconsciously turned his head back and paused when he saw him fall to the ground, but he still snorted and didn't go back.

"Mother, what are you doing?" I just ran into Azi at the top of the stairs, and the other party asked suspiciously.

"No...nothing," Zhao Min covered his clothes with a guilty conscience, "By the way, your host was so drunk that he fell to the ground, please take care of him."

After all, she was still worried about Song Qingshu, but she didn't want to go back by herself, so she looked for the girl in front of her.

"Okay." Azi promised with a smile, thinking that Song Qingshu was so drunk at this moment, a cold light flashed in her eyes with her head down.

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