Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1490: Violent

"Feeling?" Song Qingshu's eyes moved, "I like the word you use."

Dai Qisi's face flushed, and Song Qingshu was stunned by the glamorous beauty in her eyes. She thought she was a female demon who caused harm to the country and the people. It is no wonder that the Mingjiao people were overwhelmed, and the bright right envoy Fan Yao was trapped in the devil for a lifetime. .

After clearing her throat, Dai Qisi snorted softly: "Don't be the other way around. The reason I promised... With you is to use your strength to help Xiao Zhao. If you can't send troops as soon as possible, I will quietly Choose to leave you."

"You are still poisoned by me. I will chase you back when I run to the end of the world." Song Qingshu said domineeringly, but when she saw Dai Qisi's expression on her face, she hurriedly changed her words. After all, controlling people with poison is not a long-term solution. It's better to let it go.

"Don't worry, after dealing with this crisis and integrating the Kingdom of Jin into a monolithic piece, I will send troops to Mongolia to share the pressure on Xiaozhao's side." Song Qingshu's heart was covered with a haze, in fact, he has been fighting all the time. It was the idea of ​​using the Persian Mingjiao to consume the vital power of Mongolia and buy time for the Central Plains. It is really not a wise move to face the Mongolian soldiers so early under the undecided situation of the Central Plains, but these words cannot be said to Daiqisming.

"I thank you for Xiao Zhao." Daiqisi owed a bow.

Song Qingshu hurriedly supported her: "Why it's all a family, and I can assure you that even if I take 10,000 steps, I can at least protect Xiao Zhao's thoroughness."

When she heard the "family" in his mouth, Dai Qisi's expression was a bit strange. At this moment, it was as if she and her husband Han Qianye were talking about her daughter, and she did not notice the subtext in his words for a while.

"It's late, you have to hurry tomorrow, I won't bother you to rest." There are only two of them in the big palace, and the candlelights of lone men and women seem to have an extra layer of ambiguity, Dai Qi Suddenly, Si seemed to be back in Girls' Generation, and suddenly became a little nervous.

Song Qingshu grabbed her hand and said with a smile, "You leave me here alone?"

Dai Qisi's face became more and more ruddy, and she really lived up to the name of Mrs. Peach Blossom of the Yanguan Daxing Mansion at the time: "If you need it, I will call Huiyue Envoy back to serve you, or find some concubines of Wanyan. They have been looking forward to the emperor's rain and dew."

Song Qingshu used her hand to pull her into her arms: "You should know that I don't want them."

Being embraced by him, Dai Qisi couldn't help but reflect in her mind the exquisite style of going to the Chongyang Palace with him before, and she couldn't help but come back in house: "Gebi and Ping'er will be back in a while."

Holding on to his lap, feeling the amazing elasticity of this peerless stunner, Song Qingshu took a deep breath and smelled the faint fragrance of the other party's body. A trace of fascination and drunkenness appeared: "Don't worry, they have a hand. There are a lot of things to deal with, and I won’t come back for a while."

Daiqisi’s heart beats wildly. She thinks she loves her deceased husband at all. She doesn’t love the man in front of her at all. But I don’t know why, but this young man can lift up the flames of her body to the greatest extent. A beloved husband is incomparable.

Feeling her tender body, Song Qingshu hugged her and said with emotion: "The grandsons of Daxing Mansion call you Mrs. Peach Blossom. I think another nickname is more suitable for you."

"What's the nickname?" Dai Qisi exuded a lazy amorous feelings all over her body at this time, and her usual cold voice was faintly sweetened by three points.

"Mrs. Cotton." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Daiqisi didn't react for a while.

Song Qingshu squeezed her gently: "Because your body is softer than Cotton, but other people can only look at you, not touch you, so they only know the appearance of your Madam Peach Blossom, but don't know the essence of your Madam Cotton. "

Daiqisi was ashamed for an instant, and she stretched out her pink fist to beat his chest: "You guy, why are you so innocent."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "Madam, this little daughter's attitude is really rare. Didn't you find that people who are with me will be younger?"

Daiqisi snorted, turned her face away and decided not to ignore him.

Song Qingshu didn't care either. He walked to the dragon bed with her and put it on the bed, leaning into her ear and said, "Did you just stubbornly feign to me? Come now."

Daiqisi's heart jumped, and she instantly understood what he meant, and gave him a shameful look: "My husband didn't violate me like that back then."

Song Qingshu shrugged: "That's because he doesn't know how to enjoy. Actually, I noticed it when I was with you before. Although you look mature and beautiful, you are as jerky as a little girl in your boudoir. You can only say Han Qian. It is really a violent thing for Ye to keep such a woeful wife at home."

"Don't talk about him!" When she heard this man arrange her husband, Dai Qisi couldn't help being a little angry, but she had to admit that he had a bit of truth when she was angry. Back then, her husband injured her lungs and invaded cold poison in the clear water and cold pool of Guangmingding. After that, I kept coughing and needed medicine for many years.

"I'm not kind anymore." Song Qingshu was not angry about her attitude, but instead apologized.

Dai Qisi was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect his tone to be so sincere, and it would be hard to continue to blame for a while.

"Well, let's not talk about him, let's go back to our business, didn't you say that you want to... stubbornly?" Song Qingshu's next sentence sprouted solidly.

Daiqisi gave him an angry glance, and she wanted to refuse, but who knew that when she came to her mouth, she swallowed it back with a horror, and her body couldn't help but lie down.

"That's pretty good." Looking at the exaggerated and graceful curve between her waist and hips, Song Qing couldn't help but slap her slap on top of her, causing Dai Qisi to look back at him, but she couldn't help but slap her. But the eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of water-moist mist.

"What a peculiar favor!" Song Qingshu swallowed, then climbed up...

Even though Gebi and Wan Yanping wanted to come back to see their lover that night, it was a pity that Pucha Ahu’s rebellion was too much involved, and they couldn’t separate themselves. They interrogated the main figures of Pucha’s family overnight and excluded those who participated Forcing the palace plan, which is completely innocent, the officials of the entire Daxing Mansion are shrouded in an atmosphere of panic. For fear that they will be involved in a conspiracy case, no one can sleep well, except in the palace. Someone heartbroken.

When Gebi and Wan Yanping came to bid farewell to Song Qingshu the next day, there was a sharp contrast between the two women. Although the two women were beautiful, but they stayed up all night, they were inevitably full of exhaustion, a little dark eye circles, etc. Song Qingshu was refreshed, and his spirits were extremely good.

"It was really hard for you last night." Song Qingshu said apologetically. With his cheeky, he couldn't help but despise him a little, and let the woman go away and busy, but he enjoyed the gentleness in the palace, which is really not kind; but he Then I thought about it, letting so many smart and beautiful women work for me is another ability to be proud of.

"Aren't those male lions only responsible for eating, fighting, and mating all day long, are the female lions doing the specific work?" Song Qingshu felt more calm when he thought about it this way.

Given the identities of Gebi and Wan Yanping at this time, it was naturally inconvenient to send him out of the city openly. The few people were reluctant to give up in the palace for a long time, and it was finally time to part with each other.

"I will come back as soon as possible to settle the affairs of Liao." Before leaving, Song Qingshu solemnly promised.

With a gold medal bestowed by the emperor, Song Qingshu slightly changed his attire. When he walked out of the palace in broad daylight, it did not attract anyone's attention. On the way to the inn where Zhao Min was located, Song Qingshu secretly pondered: from the situation of communicating with Daiqisi last night. Look, the Persian side may not be able to support it for long. I have to put aside the love of my children a little bit, and integrate the resources of the Central Plains as soon as possible to face Mongolia.

When he came to the inn, he found that Zhao Min was slowly eating breakfast by the bed on the second floor. In order to avoid trouble, Zhao Min chose to disguise himself as a woman. However, this still attracted the attention of the surrounding diners. , I thought of where the son Pian Pianjia came from, with red lips and white teeth, three points more handsome than a woman.

"The princess is so dazzling everywhere." Song Qingshu walked over and said with a smile.

"Go away, don't let the powdery gas on my clothes affect my appetite." Who knew that Zhao Min's expression was extremely cold after seeing him, and his tone was even talking to a stranger.

"Is there powdery air?" Song Qingshu raised his sleeves and smelled it, and replied subconsciously, "I even took a bath and changed my clothes."

As soon as he said this, he knew that he was in the game. Looking at Zhao Min's frosty expression, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow, you deliberately lied to me!"

Zhao Min gave him a white glance: "Do you still use idioms? Someone here calls the cheap wife of Jin Guo's first beauty. After coming back from your character, won't you go to her for a while?"

Song Qingshu hurriedly said, "I didn't really have anything to do with Gobi last night." Because it was Daiqisi who accompanied him last night, of course he wouldn't be so stupid to say the following sentence.

Seeing that Zhao Min didn't mean to believe at all, he swears hurriedly: "If I had anything to do with Gobi yesterday, let me... just let me..." For a while, there was a bit of a word, he didn't know what kind of oath to swear That's good.

"Just let you do something, don't you have anything to say." Zhao Min said sarcastically.

Song Qingshu's inspiration came to light: "I won't be able to marry you in my life!"

Zhao Min was startled, his cheeks even whiter than Yu red instantly, picked up the fan in his hand and smashed him into his arms: "You bastard, what are you doing to me!"

"That way you should believe it." Song Qingshu leaned over with a smile.

Although Zhao Min was upset in her heart, this vow really convinced her, but she refused to admit defeat: "I'm too lazy to pay attention to you, does it mean that I can leave for Beijing now?"

"Of course!" Song Qingshu raised the corner of his mouth, looking at the mountains and rivers in the north, a moment of infinite lofty ambition surged.

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