Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1532: Dowry

In the next few days, the two of them taught the customs of the South one by one, and the other studied it earnestly. Because Song Qingshu understands the Shanyin dialect, and he has a better understanding of the customs of the South, he learned quickly, of course, in the eyes of Shen Bijun. He just doesn't know how to pretend to understand.

Until two days later, Yelu Yixin suddenly showed up and asked Song Qingshu how he learned.

Shen Bijun deliberately praised him again, saying that he now has a good knowledge of the customs of the south, and many Jiangnan people can't compare him.

Song Qingshu was still a little stunned at first. He didn't understand why Shen Bijun suddenly helped herself to speak, but she quickly realized that she deliberately lifted herself to the sky in this way, raising Yelu Yixin's expectations, and then she was exposed to the higher praise. After that, the heavier the fall.

Sure enough, the scheming Yelu Yixin was obviously not satisfied to listen to her one-sided words, and instead personally tested Song Qingshu's some southern customs. After all, this is related to a very crucial plan...

The questions he asked were all kinds of questions. Song Qingshu secretly surprised Yelvyixin, a Khitanese who knows so much about Han culture. However, when I think about the advanced culture of Han people today, these nomads in the north will have a certain degree of sinicization after entering the Central Plains, even the emperor and queen. They all learned to reciting poems and painting by Han Chinese, and it is not surprising that a nobleman understood these.

Song Qingshu was just astonished, but Shen Bijun on the side was startled. You must know that Yelu Yixin's many questions are relatively unfamiliar, and she doesn't even know how to answer. Who knows that the man answered ingeniously.

After the test, Yelu Yixin was very satisfied with the result: "Miss Shen is indeed a famous and talented woman, and she can be taught this way in just two or three days." Of course, he would not think that this ordinary luthier is talented, subconsciously. It boils down to Shen Bijun.

Shen Bijun looked embarrassed and didn't know how to respond to him. He quietly glanced at Song Qingshu next to him. Seeing that his expression was light and bland, he didn't show any indifference, and he didn't mean to complain to Yelv Yixin, and he secretly relaxed. He breathed, and then became even more curious: He didn't lie to me, but how could he understand Shanyin dialect?

"By the way, coming here today is to inform you that you will be sent to the palace tomorrow morning." Yelu Yixin suddenly said.

"We?" Song Qingshu was startled.

"Yes, as a violinist, as a dowry, Miss Xiao will enter the palace with Shen... ahem." Yelu Yixin temporarily changed his words. Naturally, Shen Bijun is no longer the Shen family from the south of the Yangtze River, but has a new one. Xiao Tansi, the younger sister of Ma Xiaoxiamo.

Song Qingshu glanced at Shen Bijun, and saw that she was expressionless, without the slightest excitement and surprise, obviously Yelu Yixin passed her anger in advance.

"Why, do you have a problem?" Yelv Yixin's eyes flashed sharply.

"No problem." Song Qingshu grinned reluctantly, thinking that he had to find a chance to discuss with Zhao Min. After all, he was lurking in the Wei Palace to investigate the whereabouts of Murong Jingyue. Now he has not found anything but will be transferred. The palace, doesn't it mean that all previous efforts have been abandoned.

"That's good," Yelu Yixin said lightly, "Miss Xiao, you go back to the room and rest first, I have something to ask Mr. Zhao." He didn't actually mean to consult Shen Bijun, and the maid who had just left his voice helped him. Shen Bijun left.

However, when Shen Bijun left, he took a deep look at Song Qingshu, thinking that it was indeed Yelv Yixin's person, and the slight apology and curiosity that had just risen before vanished in an instant.

After Shen Bijun left, Yelu Yixin suddenly lowered his face: "What are you going to do after entering the palace, I think you should also be clear."

Song Qingshu was shocked, thinking I know what a fart, but I didn't expect Zhao Min to choose someone to pretend to be, so he could trigger the hidden plot?

Seeing him hesitating, Yelu Yixin sneered: "I know what you are worried about. Today I am here to tell you that your parents, wife and children have been arranged by me to a safe place to protect them, as long as you follow them obediently. They will have no problems with my instructions."

"Yes." Song Qingshu lowered his head slightly and took the opportunity to hide his shocked eyes. In his heart, he wondered what task Yelv Yixin had given Zhao Weiyi. It seemed that Zhao Weiyi was the chosen candidate long ago, even if he didn't. Shen Bijun's melancholy was aroused by super-level performance, and it is estimated that he was the final candidate.

After the night was over, Song Qingshu secretly found an opportunity to sneak out and return to the Xiaonan Tower, telling Zhao Min and Bing Xueer what happened today.

Hearing that he was going to be sent to the palace as a dowry, the two women laughed unkindly, making Song Qingshu's face even darker.

After laughing, Zhao Min said, "It's okay to take this opportunity to enter the palace and investigate. I suspect that Murong Jingyue's other hiding place is in the palace."

"But what about the Wei Palace?" Song Qingshu frowned.

"In order to meet you, I have sent a few people into the Palace of Wei through other rushes, and let them be in charge of the investigation when the time comes." Zhao Min continued, "Also, depending on the situation, Yelvyixin is very conspiring. If you don’t care about it, it may endanger our interests at that time. You will follow the trend and move things in the direction that is beneficial to us at the critical moment."

Song Qingshu nodded: "That's fine." In connection with the previous framing of Xiao Ban and Yelvqi, he also vaguely felt that Yelv Yixin was weaving a big net, but he didn't know who the last big net would live on.

I found that I couldn't see through Yelu Yixin. In the future, the two sides will probably be hostile due to different positions. Then how to face Yelu Nanxian will be a big problem.

"That Miss Shen is also a pitiful person, Qingshu, if you can, help her." Bing Xueer heard Zhao Min's experience of Shen Bijun in the past two days. She couldn't help feeling sympathy for Dasheng, and she couldn't help persuading her with a kind heart. Song Qingshu comes.

Song Qingshu hasn’t answered yet, but Zhao Min chuckles and laughs: "Sister, don’t worry. Even if you don’t say that he is pitiful and pitiful, you won’t be aggrieved by Ms. Shen. What am I talking about? Grand Master Song?"

Song Qingshu hurriedly said with a serious face: "Of course it is the duty of the righteous people of my generation to **** the strong and help the weak!"

"Cut, it sounds nice," Zhao Min snorted contemptuously, "Why don't you help the stray beggars on the side of the road?"

At this time Bing Xueer also pursed her lips and smiled: "I heard that Miss Shen is known as the first beauty in Shanyin City, and she must be very beautiful."

"It's not just the first beauty in Shanyin City. If she didn't leave the house and her reputation was not obvious, it would probably be okay to compete for the first beauty in Jiangnan," Zhao Min recalled the scene when she saw her and couldn't help but sigh. , "Then I see the pitiful appearance, even a woman of me can't help but be moved, let alone some playboys."

Song Qingshu sweated profusely: "When did you two get in such a tacit understanding, join forces to make fun of me."

Zhao Min raised her chin like a jade, "It's just to remind you not to be confused by beauty."

Song Qingshu couldn't stand the repeated bombings of the two women. He hurriedly said goodbye because he had slipped out for too long for fear of being discovered by the people of the Wei Palace. He heard the silver bell-like laughter of the two women in the room behind him, and he couldn't help feeling. The emperor would let the women in the harem fight with each other, otherwise, if those women were happy and unified, they would be ruined against the men.

When he returned to the Palace of the Wei Dynasty, Song Qingshu's eyes suddenly felt a shadow of a person. He looked back and just saw a dark shadow flying into the mansion from a remote place.

"Huh, how brilliant is Qinggong?" Song Qingshu was startled. The Qinggong that could be recognized by him is definitely among the best in the arena. His expression suddenly became weird. In the rivers and lakes, the trivial skills of the flower thieves are often good. And he doesn't look like a good person sneaky, if the idea hits Yelu Nanxian, it would be bad.

With this thought, the worry in his heart could no longer be restrained, and he hurriedly followed up quietly. The black body is very delicate, and the person is also very alert. From time to time, he looks back to see if anyone is following him. Thanks to Song Qingshu's light work now has reached a point where he can shock the ancients and the modern, otherwise he would really be able to find out.

Seeing that he did not go to the inner house where Yelu Nanxian was, but all the way to the west yard, Song Qingshu was relieved. It seems that he was not looking for Yelu Nanxian. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that Yelu Nanxian was the last few days. Nan Xian was not at home, so she worried about it for nothing.

But soon his expression became serious again, because he found that the direction the man in black was going was a bit familiar, and it was exactly where he lived during this time.

Of course, Song Qingshu would not think that this person had spent a lot of time to sneak into the Palace of the Wei Dynasty to find a down-and-out piano master, obviously for a more attractive goal.

Sure enough, the black-clothed man turned left and turned right, and finally came to Shen Bijun's yard. The guards arranged in the yard were killed by him before he could even react.

It can be said that in the blink of an eye, the black-clothed man's hand has an extra cold light, and the speed of the sword is uncommon in the world.

"Xue Yiren?" Song Qingshu had recognized his identity when he saw the other party's action. When Yelu Nanxian's brother was killed in prison, he also wondered if it was Xue Yiren's hand, so he went to Qin Keqing on purpose. They, but when he arrived at the stronghold of the Southern Song Dynasty and his party, people had gone to the building there, and he could see that he had experienced a fierce fight.

"I don't know what happened to Qin Keqing?" As the so-called one night husband and wife hundred days of grace, Qin Keqing's boneless body and endless tenderness and charm are still something Song Qingshu will never forget.

Recognizing the identity of the other party, Song Qingshu was not in a hurry to show up. After all, Xue Yiren was from Huangchengsi. He had been investigating the whereabouts of Shen Bijun some time ago, and now he might have come to rescue her.

Xue Yiren entered the room, and two muffled hums soon sounded. Obviously the maid serving Shen Bijun was knocked out. He noticed that a man in black came in, and Shen Bijun subconsciously wanted to exclaim. Xue Yiren has quickly said: "Miss Shen, I'm from Huangcheng Division."

Outside the window, Song Qingshu frowned. Xue Yiren actually called her Miss Shen instead of the prince, but it is easy to understand after thinking about it. Even if Shen Bijun is still innocent, the Southern Song royal family cannot let her be the prince. Concubine.


In the past two days, the university tutors came here to play and want to receive them, so the update is a bit unstable...

In addition, the recent chapter mentioned Shen Bijun. Yesterday, on a whim, I wrote a picture and text about Shen Bijun and posted it on the official account. Friends who are interested can add the official account: Liu Ru monk, see what the first beauty of martial arts looks like.

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