Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1540: Pour the country and the city and the beauty of the country

Yelu Hongji snorted and interrupted Xiao Feng's words: "Jin Snake Ying knew that the alliance with our Daliao was imminent, but accepted Yelvqi's rebel minister, it is really shameful!"

"Even if the Golden Snake Camp is unpredictable, now is not a good time to inquire about crimes. After we have defeated the Golden State together, we will invite other countries to attack them together. ......" Xiao Feng still persuaded with all his heart.

Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief outside the window. Fortunately, Xiao Feng is not in power in Liao State, otherwise it would be really a confidant. By the way, Xiao Feng is really the servant. He saved him time and time again, but he actually calculated us like this.

Of course, he also knew that his blame was unreasonable. After all, this was an official business. If Xiao Feng didn't consider his country, it would not be Xiao Feng. As the saying goes, everyone is the owner, and there is nothing to blame.

Unexpectedly by Song Qingshu, Yelu Hongji inside did not refute, but suddenly nodded and said: "The righteous brother also makes sense. I have worked hard a few days ago..."

Next came the scene where the monarch and his subjects were enjoying themselves. Song Qingshu was in a daze outside the window, thinking that Yelu Hongji was really moved by him. After Xiao Feng left, Yelu Hongji instantly put away his smile: "Wang Wei, I didn't expect you to get it right!"

"Your Majesty, wise~" Yelu Yixin walked out from behind the screen. He had just hid very well, and his aura was completely covered up. Xiao Feng did not find him.

Song Qingshu realized that Yelu Hongji’s performance just now was all acting, and he had to feel that he still underestimated the wisdom of the ancients. Although Yelu Hongji is a famous mediocre in history, he has also been the emperor for so long. , There are still some cities and methods that should be.

"I'm so angry that I have shared Jiangshan with him, and he is hiding the evil heart!" Yelu Hongji became more and more angry, and smashed another teacup.

Yelu Yixin said at the right time: "The emperor, please calm down. It just so happened that Xiao Xiamo's sister entered the palace today. The emperor can go and see."

"Huh, Xiao Xiamo colluded with Yelu to rebel. I haven't asked him to settle the account yet, but he was clever and took the initiative to offer his sister for glory." Yelu Hongji could naturally see what his calculations were.

"It's rare for a husband to be lost, and the sister of the husband is famous for her national beauty. Hearing that his brother has committed a crime, she is willing to forgive her brother. If your Majesty wants to punish, it is better to send all your anger on that beauty, isn't it? Beautiful.” Yelu Yixin said in a pun, and Song Qingshu outside the door was dumbfounded, thinking that these countries on the grassland should be much more open in this respect. How dare those courtiers of the Han Dynasty discuss this with the emperor?

Yelu Hongji was really moved: "Hmph, I will go and see what this legendary beauty who is full of the country and the city looks like. If you have a lie, then I will convict you and Xiao Xiamo together!"

Yelu Yixin hurriedly salivated his face and said, "How dare the minister deceive the emperor, and the emperor is satisfied." Song Qingshu outside the door frowned when she heard it, and wondered why Yelu Nanxian's father was so virtuous, and she didn't know how to give birth to her. Fresh and refined daughter's.

Soon Yelu Yixin bid farewell to the emperor, looking at his leaving back, Song Qingshuben wanted to take this opportunity to follow him to test him, but at this time Yelu Hongji also drove to the palace where Shen Bijun was, he couldn't help but After hesitating, he still followed Yelu Hongji.

It would be fine if he didn't know Shen Bijun, but the two had been together for so long after all. She had just ventured to visit her "wounded" herself, not to mention that she had promised her father when she was in Shen Yuan to help him save Shen Bijun from the sea of ​​suffering.

Taking out the jade bracelet from his arms, Song Qingshu sighed, and finally decided to help her first.

Besides, Shen Bijun is feeling anxious in the palace. She hasn't seen the emperor's face since she has been in the palace for so long. She doesn't know how to survive in the palace in the future.

Thinking of herself trying to avenge the Shen family, she couldn't help but flash in a daze. Is it really wise for her to choose this way? Although she is an eldest lady who stays at home, she is the home of officials after all. She knows that today's Liao Kingdom is already in decline, and self-preservation is a bit difficult. Is she really capable of helping him get revenge?

But she has no other way. Now even the people of the Southern Song Dynasty have to kill her. It is destined that she has been abandoned by the country. Now the only thing that can be counted on is the Liao Kingdom.

At this time, the sound of a glimpse that night suddenly appeared in her mind, but she was extinguished by her reason as soon as the expectation rose: "Song Qingshu and I are not relatives, why are you risking such a big risk to help me, and I heard that he recently became the King of Qi in the Song Dynasty. How could he offend a country for me as a woman?"

If she used to be a bit conceited about her appearance when she was in Shanyin, the experience during this time shattered all her pride to nothing and made her realize that in the eyes of those in power, beauty is Such things are so worthless, you can sacrifice her without hesitation for power, fame and so on.

When she was feeling sad and passing away, she suddenly heard the voice of "Long live the emperor" one after another outside, and she couldn't help standing up nervously, her heart pounding hard, she didn't know how to face it and wait for a moment to come in. Of this man.

I don't know why, she suddenly retreated, feeling that it was too sloppy to agree to Yelu Yixin's entry into the palace, but she also knew that there was still room for regret.

Soon Yelu Hongji walked into the bedroom, and Shen Bijun also bowed and bowed in the same manner as the court ladies around him, nervously afraid to look at each other at all, only dared to stare at his feet on the ground.

"Look up." Seeing Shen Bijun's beautiful image, Yelu Hongji was satisfied with seven points in his heart, and wanted to see Fangrong. He is the emperor, so naturally he doesn't need any euphemisms, just give orders directly.

A trace of humiliation flashed in Shen Bijun's heart. You must know that she was a well-known beauty in Shanyin City back then. All the kings and grandsons had to work hard to see her, but now she has to actively raise her head like a cargo for a man to examine.

But she had no other choice, so she slowly raised her head, revealing a pretty face of Yi Jiao Yi, and Yelu Hongji's breathing became a bit heavy in an instant.

He had heard Xiao Xiamo, Yelu Yixin and others describe how adoring her country was before, but he didn't really care too much. After all, as the Ninth Five-Year Lord, what kind of woman hasn't seen her? Especially his queen is a beauty who is all over the country, he does not believe that this woman is more beautiful than his own queen.

But when Shen Bijun raised his head, Yelu Hongji instantly understood that he was wrong. This woman was more beautiful than all the women he had seen before, and even his beautiful queen was slightly inferior based on her appearance alone. , Of course, the queen's natural fascination is far from the young girl in front of her. In general, the two of them are better at winning.

"You all retreat!" Yelu Hongji instantly raised a ball of flames in his belly, and waved directly to the **** and maid in the house.

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