Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1543: Mystery mission

Seeing Shen Bijun **** in front of her face, Song Qingshu suddenly became silly. Although he deliberately misled each other for the sake of getting along with each other, she was too eager to take off her clothes in front of her.

However, it is not convenient for him to say it now. After all, after letting her know the truth, it will be troublesome if she becomes angry, but he is not willing to take advantage of this, so he turns around without showing a trace.

After all, the woman's mind needs to be more delicate. Although his movements are slight, Shen Bijun still noticed. He didn't expect him to be such a gentleman. He couldn't help but warm up, and his gaze softened a bit, but he thought that he was sent to the respect. The affairs of the house felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Last night I thought of going to the palace today. I was so nervous that I didn't sleep all night. Today, I experienced the robbing of marriage and the fright of Yelu Hongji just now. At this time, I relaxed. Shen Bijun suddenly felt sleepy, and soon fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but suddenly he noticed someone pushing her by the bed. Shen Bijun woke up in fright and pulled the quilt tightly to cover his chest.

Seeing her like a frightened rabbit, Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "I just want to remind you that Yelu Hongji is about to wake up, and you should prepare in advance."

"It turned out to be you," Shen Bijun gradually came back to his senses, showing a touch of embarrassment, and suddenly noticed the bright sky outside, and couldn't help but wondered, "I slept all night?"

Song Qingshu also looked depressed: "I didn't expect you to sleep for so long. I thought you would take a rest for a while to change my rest, but seeing how you are asleep, I can't bear to call you up."

A lady who does not pay attention to her manners and sleeps like a dead pig, Shen Bijun's face blushes when she thinks of this: "Thank you~" That sleep last night was the most reliable night she slept. You must know that since being kidnapped, She is always worried about being insulted, so when she sleeps a little bit of wind and grass, she will wake up. The feeling of falling asleep until dawn like this has not been experienced for a long time.

"After a while, you can just pretend that you were favored by the emperor last night." Song Qingshu began to ask.

"But I'm worried that if I don't pretend, I'll find the flaws later." Shen Bijun said timidly.

Song Qingshu comforted: "Don't worry, he is fascinated by my illusion, and will not find flaws, but the eunuchs in the palace are a bit troublesome." He has been in the palace for so long, naturally knowing that there are special people who record the emperor's daily life. , Especially the concubines favored by the emperor, have extremely detailed records, worrying about the impure blood of the royal family and being stolen by other people's heirs.

"It's nothing else, just check a piece of red white silk." Song Qingshu pointed out the biggest flaw.

"Ah?" Shen Bijun was immediately dumbfounded. Although this age is extremely poor in physiology knowledge, the woman still knows about it, and her face suddenly flushed red, and said, "This...how can this work, I... "

Seeing her nervous and nervous, Song Qingshu had to sigh that the imagination of people in this world is really poor. If you change it to later generations, anyone who has watched TV knows that it can be done with just a little finger of blood.

"I didn't let you really make the fall," Song Qingshu had no choice but to teach the world's ignorant girls about popular science and hygiene, "just bite your fingers and sprinkle some on the bed."

"Do you... use mine?" Shen Bijun still hadn't recovered, and at the same time admired the other side's wonderful ideas, so easily came up with a solution.

"Do you still use mine?" Song Qingshu rolled his eyes. Although he pityed Xiangyu, he didn't mean to help each other without principle.

"Okay." Shen Bijun was a little aggrieved by him, but he still stretched out his finger tremblingly.

Seeing how she wanted to make her mouth several times, Song Qingshu sighed: "Sure enough, she is a young lady." After speaking, she took her hand and pierced her finger with sword energy.

"Ah~" Shen Bijun exclaimed, but he closed his mouth hurriedly when he realized something, tears were almost leaking from his eyes.

Holding her finger and squeezing a few drops of blood on the bed sheet, Song Qingshu nodded: "That's it."

Shen Bijun retracted his hand, sucked his finger lightly, and said timidly: "You hurt me..."

Being stared at by a stunning young girl with watery eyes, and hearing her speak in this tone again, Song Qingshu was determined and couldn't help but feel stunned.

"The emperor, I'm going to go to court." Song Qingshu didn't dare to delay the voice of the **** from outside the door. He quickly asked Shen Bijun a few words, and then unlocked Yelu Hongji's sleeping acupuncture point and took the opportunity to hide behind the screen. Make sure there are no mistakes in a while.

After all, Shen Bijun came from a family of officials and officials. Although he was a little nervous and jerky at first, he adjusted better and better afterwards, and dealt with the situation without any risk.

Yelu Hongji did not find any flaws. Because of the soul transfer, he thought that he had favored the other party last night, and his desire to conquer was satisfied. His mood instantly improved a bit. He named her a concubine Hui, and then gave a lot of rewards. Things, then I am contented to go up.

Since it was almost dawn, Song Qingshu would naturally not be able to stay in Shen Bijun's bedroom anymore. After all, the maids and grandma would come in later, so after saying goodbye to her, he went all the way back to the yard where he was.

As soon as he returned to the house, there was a knock on the door. Song Qingshu was startled and opened the door to take a look, only to see the tall father-in-law who had rescued him in the respect room standing at the door.

The two casually exchanged a few nonsense nonsense, and the father-in-law Gao realized his intentions: "A palace concert will be held at the Queen's place two days later, and the Sajia will find a way to put you in, but how to attract the Queen next? Note, how to stand out depends on your ability."

"Queen?" Song Qingshu was startled.

"Don't you know your mission?" Father Gao said suspiciously.

Song Qingshu's heart shuddered and nodded hurriedly: "I know, I just thought that when I entered the palace yesterday, I heard that the **** was talking about the empress empress who was shocked to be a human being. I was a little curious for a while."

Gao Gonggong smiled and said: "This is a good argument. The empress women have always been glamorous, and the Sangong and the Sixth House dominated her alone, but now that Concubine Hui has entered the palace, the two empresses will be evenly divided in the future."

After chatting for a few more words, before leaving, Father Gao said half-warning and half-warning: "I want to figure out how to stand out, otherwise King Wei will blame it, and no one can save you."

Song Qingshu was secretly having a headache while agreeing. He didn't know what kind of task Wei Wang had assigned to the real Zhao Weiyi. Up to now, he only has to take one step and look at it. At the same time, he can't help but have a great impact on the beautiful queen. Curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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