Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1546: Fragrant

Obviously, the meaning in the words is normal, but the sound in my ears makes my heart beat faster and my face is flushed. It really can be called a show-charming.

Song Qingshu secretly wondered, wondering if this queen knows how to fascinate, it's no wonder that there are three thousand pets in one body, and what makes him a little strange is that this voice sounds a bit familiar, but after thinking carefully, he can't remember who it is. the sound of.

Looking up curiously, I saw a beautiful woman lying on the side of the Hu chair behind the layers of veils, especially the exaggerated and beautiful lines between the waist and the hips, enough to make any man go crazy.

"It's a pity that you can't see your face." Song Qingshu regrets that although his skill is profound, he can't see through after all. If there is only a layer of veil, he may be able to see clearly, but the layers of veil are enough to stop him. Gaze.

"I heard that you are a luthier in the new palace?" After the single palace lady went down, the queen spoke again.

Song Qingshu's heart jumped when she heard it. The voice was so sassy. Meishiyan did not act like the queen of the world, but like the oiran on the Qinhuai River.

"Hui Niangniang, I just entered the palace two days ago." Song Qingshu's heart suddenly shuddered, and he is considered to be used to seeing stunning beauties. Why is he a little bit disheartened now that he hasn't even seen the other side? He wrinkled his nose, smelling the sweet smell in the air, he couldn't help thinking.

As soon as he entered the room, he felt that the scent in the air was a little too sweet. Now, after thinking about it carefully, I’m afraid there is a certain fascination-medicine component in this scent. Although his skills are so high that he is almost non-toxic, but this kind of fascination medicine. It's not a poison, it just evokes some thoughts in people's hearts, so even he can't help but get caught.

"This queen is really getting more and more mysterious." Song Qingshu became more and more curious about her.

"I heard someone say that your piano skills are good, so let's play a piece on the spot." Behind the veil came the queen's lazy but charming voice again.

Song Qingshu's thoughts were fluttering. Listening to the meaning of the queen's words, someone suggested to her secretly. The person who recommended him was obviously not well-intentioned. Not surprisingly, it should be Yelv Yixin's person.

It seems that they really intend to let Zhao Weiyi hook up with the queen, and don't know where the confidence comes from? Although Song Qingshu prided herself on her charm, she was not so arrogant that she could conquer the world of her mother with her status as an ordinary luthier. What's more, how could he really do such a thing for Yelv Yixin?

But now that the showdown is not yet time, what should be dealt with has to be dealt with. Now that the queen asks him to play the piano, he can't turn around and leave.

After a glance, he found that a guqin had been prepared next to him. Song Qing Shuduan sat down and began to think about what to play for her, but he had learned it in a crash course, so it’s hard to come by like a real master. , So I had to play a song that I was most familiar with.

After playing, Song Qingshu also blushed a little. He felt that he did not play very well this time, and he could only be regarded as quite satisfactory. The queen might be disappointed, but that's fine. The main thing is how to interact with Yeluyi next time. Xin confessed over there?

However, to his surprise, the queen did not show any disappointment, but instead asked: "I heard that you are from the south of the Yangtze River?"

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was surprised. The queen obviously didn't really care about piano skills and the like. No wonder Yelv Yixin asked Shen Bijun to teach him the customs of the south, which seemed to be prepared to deal with the queen.

"It is indeed from Jiangnan." Song Qingshu was also a little curious, why she, a queen of the Liao Kingdom, would be so interested in news from Jiangnan.

"What major events have happened in Jiangnan recently, please tell me." The queen moved, obviously adjusting her posture.

Song Qingshu was stunned. She didn't expect that she didn't ask him about the customs of the south. It seemed that all the preparations made by Yelu Yixin were in vain, but this didn't bother him, because he had just left Jiangnan not long ago.

"If you want to talk about the major event, it is Song Mengyihe. Mongolia returned the land of Sichuan to the Song State. Then the Song court decided to decide who the Sichuan military power should go to. There was a martial arts contest. In the end, Wu Tiande of the Wu family in Deshun defeated Gusu. Murong's Murong Fu got this position; another major event was the quasi-prince of the Southern Song Dynasty, the daughter of the Shen family was robbed, and her whereabouts are now unknown, and the Shen family of Shanyin was also destroyed overnight..." Song Qingshu thought about it. Looking at the major events that happened not long ago, I picked up the most dramatic events and told them. I thought that the queen was in the deep palace and should be curious about this kind of thing after all. Of course, he instinctively skipped his own affairs.

Who knows that after he finished speaking again, the queen inside was noncommittal, and only after a long time did she speak: "I heard that the golden snake king Song Qingshu also arrived in Jiangnan some time ago and was also named King Qi, right?"

Unexpectedly, she would take the initiative to inquire about her affairs. Song Qingshu was dumbfounded. No matter how narcissistic he is, he will not be so narcissistic that he can make the heart of the dignified queen full of narcissism. He really doesn’t know what the other party’s intentions are. .

"Song Qingshu was indeed named King of Qi, because he saved dozens of princesses from the Kingdom of Song before, and at the same time contributed to the return of Mongolia to Sichuan, so..."

Before he finished speaking, the queen interrupted him and asked: "I heard that he is still married to two of the princesses he rescued?"

Song Qingshu was startled, and replied: "Yes, he has entered into a marriage contract with Princess Chengde and Princess Roufu of the Southern Song Dynasty."

Only heard the queen sneer: "Huh, two princesses, the emperor of the Southern Dynasty is quite willing."

Song Qingshu chuckled, couldn't figure out the other party's context, and didn't know how to answer.

The queen asked again: "Then what Princess Chengde and Princess Roufu are beautiful?"

"It's pretty," Song Qingshu just wanted to answer, and suddenly remembered Zhao Weiyi's identity, and hurriedly changed his words, "The two princesses are aloft, and the little grassroots, how can you see the true faces of the two princesses."

"What's high above? Isn't it just from the coat yard?" The queen snorted, her tone obviously a little unfair.

"How does this queen feel jealous?" Song Qingshu quickly threw this idea out of his mind, it was ridiculous.

At this moment, the eunuch's shrill voice of "the emperor is coming" suddenly came from a distance. Song Qingshu was taken aback. He didn't want to meet Yelu Hongji at this time. After all, the superior was temperamental. Now Zhao Weiyi's status is low, just in case. Pushed down and chopped off by him, he had to reveal his identity.

"Niang Niang, the subordinates retired first." Song Qingshu said hurriedly.

The queen behind the veil suddenly sat upright, and her voice was a little less lazy than before, and a little more anxious: "It's too late, you hide in the house."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu couldn't believe her ears. Now she went out and met the emperor at most being reprimanded. If she was found hiding in the queen's palace, it would be really yellow mud falling out of her crotch, not **** or shit.

Although he was an **** on the surface, there was never a lack of the emptiness and loneliness of the maids and even the concubines in the palace. If he were to be treated by Yelu Hongji as the queen's target, it would be over, not to mention that he was not a real eunuch.

"What are you doing stupidly?" Suddenly, the fragrant wind smelled, and it turned out that the queen had walked out of the veil quickly, and walked in with his hand.

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