Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 154: Fairyland

Chapter 154: Wonderland on Earth

Song Qingshu uses a wooden sword to pierce human acupuncture points. The person in the stab is forced into the body, and his body is often numb. He instantly loses combat effectiveness without hurting his life. He comes from modern society and he cannot treat human life like a straw. .

Song Qingshu didn’t care about the alarm bells on the mountain. He even went through three iron gates and came to a cliff perpendicular to the ground. He noticed the bamboo basket hanging in mid-air and realized that the top of the cliff was taught by the Sun Moon God. The center has become a De Hall.

Although the bamboo basket had been received in the air because of the alarming work, Song Qingshu was not difficult for it. For him, it is easier to borrow from the earth than the weak and impermanent water.

He lifted Tiyun straight up and jumped up, feeling that his strength was about to be exhausted, so he moved his toes to the cliff a little bit, and he could jump up a lot.

On the way, I could see light clouds drifting above my head, and after a while, I was in the mist, and everyone underneath was no longer in sight.

After breathing four times in the middle, Song Qingshu finally came to the top of the cliff. The first thing that came into view was a huge white marble archway. On the archway, the four golden characters "Ze was born by the common people" glowed golden light in the sun, which was awe-inspiring. Respectfully. Song Qingshu secretly laughed: In the unbeaten ostentation of the East, no one in the martial arts can match it. Shaolin and Songshan are beyond their reach, Huashan and Hengshan are even worse. This shows that she has a lot of ambition in her chest, and she is comparable to the extraordinary head. I don't know how Kangxi would see Dongfang undefeated in his heart when seeing this scene in front of her?

The people at the top of the cliff had been warned long ago, and they were waiting in a tight line. Seeing him coming up, they surrounded him in the middle. Song Qingshu didn't want to fight anymore, and said loudly, "Who is the chief here? Come out and answer."

"The elder Bao Dachu, I don't know what your Excellency has in mind?" A short, fat middle-aged man stood out from the crowd.

Song Qingshu saw that he breathed evenly, his eyes gleaming, and his cultivation might not be under the head of Wuyue. He secretly sighed that the Sun Moon God Sect really hid the dragon and the tiger.

"Let me do it, why don't you come out?" Song Qingshu was trapped in a siege and didn't worry at all.

"Are you the traitor's subordinate to Ren Woxing?" But when the people of Sun Moon God Cult heard about Ren Woxing, their discoloration changed. Bao Dachu stared at Song Qingshu and asked.

Seeing him directly calling Ren Woxing's name, Song Qingshu sighed with relief. It seemed that Ren Woxing and his party hadn't attacked the mountain yet, and suddenly said with a pleasant tone: "It seems to be a misunderstanding. I am a friend of your Eastern leader. Let Elder Bao pass it on."

How dare Bao Dachu believe him, motioned to his subordinates to surround him: "If you want to see the leader, you can catch it first." Song Qingshu was unwilling to fight these undefeated subordinates loyal to the East, and let him go for nothing. Seeing them rushed forward, he jumped quickly. , Jumped to the top of Chengde Hall, took a sharp breath, and the method that carried the lion roar roared: "The East is undefeated, I ran all the way to help you, is this how you greet your friends? If you are not in the hundredth Chapter 54: Wonderland on Earth

I think these disciples and grandchildren are hurt, but I can play with you. "The voice is like Hong Zhong, spreading all over the top of the cliff.

"Bold! How dare you call the name of the leader directly." When he heard him yelling in the temple, the following group of congregants changed their faces and were about to jump on the roof to capture him. A majestic voice came from a distance: "Bao Dachu, Send him to see this seat."

In this way, the Sun Moon God Sect and others put down their weapons one after another, although they were puzzled in their hearts, they did not dare to violate the orders of the leader.

"Prince please!" Bao Dachu has never seen anyone dare to talk to the leader like this, and listening to the voice of the leader does not seem to blame him, is he really a friend of the leader? But I have been teaching God for many years, and I have never heard of this person.

A purple shirt envoy came out to lead the way, Song Qingshu followed, walked behind Chengde Hall, passed a long corridor, into a garden, and walked into a small stone house in the west. The purple shirt messenger stopped and pushed the left wall. The wall was alive, revealing a door. There was still an iron gate inside, and the messenger in the purple shirt took out a bunch of keys from his side and opened the iron gate. There was a tunnel inside. Song Qingshu followed him all the way down the tunnel. Several oil lamps were lit on both sides of the tunnel, dim like a bean, and a gloomy ground. I couldn't help but be alert: "The old **** said that I had a catastrophe. Could it be that the lady in the East was jealous of what happened last time, and she was so angry that she deceived me into the dungeon and kept me in the dungeon for a lifetime?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized it was possible, Song Qingshu secretly annoyed that he was too careless, and he was hesitating whether to go back the same way, but after turning a few turns, the front suddenly opened up, revealing the sky. Song Qingshu suddenly smelled the fragrance of flowers, and his mind was refreshed. Coming out of the tunnel, he was actually in a very delicate small garden, with red plums, green bamboos, green pines and cypresses, all decorated with ingenuity. Several pairs of mandarin ducks swim in the pond, and there are four white cranes beside the pond.

Unexpectedly, Song Qingshu would see such beautiful scenery, and smiled in his heart: No matter how majestic and majestic the East is, he is still a woman in his bones. Bypassing a pile of rockery, a large flower garden is full of crimson and pink roses, vying for beauty and beauty.

The purple-clothed messenger had already retired, Song Qingshu stared at an elegant little house in the sea of ​​flowers, and smiled: "Oriental girl, I heard that the former teaching director of your teacher, I will come back out of the rivers and lakes, and I am here to help the girl."

"Why stand so far? Why, since I have the courage to trespass into this small wooden house alone?" There was a sneer from the house, but there was a hint of arrogance in the softness of the world.

"The Eastern girl finally agreed to talk to me in her original voice," Song Qingshu was overjoyed and walked forward. "I heard your rough male voice before. Although I knew you were a woman, I still couldn't hold it... ."

"Hey!" Song Qingshu's face changed drastically, and a harrier turned over in a hurry, avoiding the embroidery needles coming from the lasing shot. Before he breathed a sigh of relief, another silver needle seemed to have expected his position, and pierced his chest. Song Qingshu was lying on the ground at this time, nowhere to take advantage of it, but a fairyland of chapter 154 on earth

The lazy donkey rolled and dodged dangerously. However, I just rushed all the way up, and the clothes that the leaf didn't touch his body were now covered with mud. Song Qingshu was annoyed in her heart, and was about to open her mouth angrily. The third embroidery needle was like a tarsal maggot, and it was in front of her eyes in the blink of an eye.

"Huh!" Song Qingshu snorted coldly, closed his eyes, and stood there without evasive.

"Huh?" There was an exclamation from the house, and another silver needle shot out, and the last hair came first. It slammed into the previous embroidery needle and looked at the two embroidery needles inserted in the side of the stone. Song Qingshu's face twitched like a rotten wood.

"With your martial arts, you can obviously hide, why stand still?" Xiao She's curtain was lifted, Dongfang Unbeaten, standing at the door, asked angrily. Chapter 155: Meichuan Nei Cool

At that moment, Song Qingshu's anger disappeared, and he was a little lost, because the Oriental Unbeaten was actually dressed as a lady's dress, wearing a deep red dress with a red continuation. Although knowing that the East is undefeated for decades, the age will certainly not be too small, but the traces of the years are completely undetectable on that pretty face, it looks like...17 or 18 years old, exactly The age of "brilliant sparkle, brow color with Dai".

Song Qingshu looked at it carefully, his hair was like a spring mountain, his cheeks were plump like a hibiscus, his skin was smooth, and he was born with a beautiful and charming appearance.

"If you look at this seat with that kind of lustful eyes, this seat will dig out your eyeballs." Noting Song Qingshu's expression, Dongfang Invincible snorted and turned around and walked into the house.

"I haven't seen you wear women's clothing," Song Qingshu said with joy, following her, "Who would have thought that the unbeaten oriental in the world is such a beautiful and charming girl."

"Put away your tricks of deceiving little girls." Dongfang gave him an unbeaten look and sat down to continue her embroidery business.

Song Qingshu walked into the door and saw that there were several transparent screens in the room, embroidered with a few ladies with different looks, and embroidered brocade cushions on the chairs. He was amazed, and finally noticed the large placket that was surrounded by the invincible east. He only tightened with a belt, hesitated for a while, and said, "Dongfang girl, the deep clothes of the Han court are really beautiful. They are bright in color and graceful, but they are really inconvenient for fighting. "

"I like it." Dongfang Unbeaten gave him a slanted look, and his attention returned to the picture of the lady on the screen.

"I heard that there were no **** in the deep clothes of the Han Dynasty..." Song Qingshu hesitated for a long time, but decided to swallow this sentence back to his throat. He didn't want to be shot into a hedgehog by Dongfang Undefeated, who became angry and turned into anger.

"Kangxi sent you?" Dongfang asked indifferently.

"Can't I just worry about my friends, come to help?" Song Qingshu felt that it was necessary to make Dongfang Unbeaten feel that he owed him favor, instead of letting Kangxi pick the peaches.

"Are we friends?" Dongfang Unbeaten said disapprovingly.

"Of course it is!" Song Qingshu's face had already been practiced thicker than the city wall, and his eyes widened pretending to be innocent. "Didn't you save me just now."

"I just wanted to suffer a little bit, in order to avenge the last time I was on the outskirts of the capital." Thinking of his embarrassing appearance just now, Dongfang Unbeaten's lips smiled, "Unfortunately you didn't dodge in the end. My pleasure of revenge has diminished too much."

"So you still can't bear to die..." Seeing Dongfang's undefeated face, Song Qingshu suddenly looked at the others, "How is your injury?"

"Last time someone said that they were not embarrassed to be a man in this seat, how dare you not mention it now?" With a flick of Oriental Unbeaten's fingertips, the embroidery needle snapped into the opposite screen. Chapter 155 Umekawa is cool.

At that moment, Song Qingshu's anger disappeared, and he was a little lost, because the Oriental Unbeaten was actually dressed as a lady's dress, wearing a deep red dress with a red continuation. Although knowing that the East is undefeated for decades, the age will certainly not be too small, but the traces of the years are completely undetectable on that pretty face, it looks like...17 or 18 years old, exactly The age of "brilliant sparkle, brow color with Dai".

Song Qingshu looked at it carefully, his hair was like a spring mountain, his cheeks were plump like a hibiscus, his skin was smooth, and he was born with a beautiful and charming appearance.

"If you look at this seat with that kind of lustful eyes, this seat will dig out your eyeballs." Noting Song Qingshu's expression, Dongfang Invincible snorted and turned around and walked into the house.

"I haven't seen you wear women's clothing," Song Qingshu said with joy, following her, "Who would have thought that the unbeaten oriental in the world is such a beautiful and charming girl."

"Put away your tricks of deceiving little girls." Dongfang gave him an unbeaten look and sat down to continue her embroidery business.

Song Qingshu walked into the door and saw that there were several transparent screens in the room, embroidered with a few ladies with different looks, and embroidered brocade cushions on the chairs. He was amazed, and finally noticed the large placket that was surrounded by the invincible east. He only tightened with a belt, hesitated for a while, and said, "Dongfang girl, the deep clothes of the Han court are really beautiful. They are bright in color and graceful, but they are really inconvenient for fighting. "

"I like it." Dongfang Unbeaten gave him a slanted look, and his attention returned to the picture of the lady on the screen.

"I heard that there were no **** in the deep clothes of the Han Dynasty..." Song Qingshu hesitated for a long time, but decided to swallow this sentence back to his throat. He didn't want to be shot into a hedgehog by Dongfang Undefeated, who became angry and turned into anger.

"Kangxi sent you?" Dongfang asked indifferently.

"Can't I just worry about my friends, come to help?" Song Qingshu felt that it was necessary to make Dongfang Unbeaten feel that he owed him favor, instead of letting Kangxi pick the peaches.

"Are we friends?" Dongfang Unbeaten said disapprovingly.

"Of course it is!" Song Qingshu's face had already been practiced thicker than the city wall, and his eyes widened pretending to be innocent. "Didn't you save me just now."

"I just wanted to suffer a little bit, in order to avenge the last time I was on the outskirts of the capital." Thinking of his embarrassing appearance just now, Dongfang Unbeaten's lips smiled, "Unfortunately you didn't dodge in the end. My pleasure of revenge has diminished too much."

"So you still can't bear to die..." Seeing Dongfang's undefeated face, Song Qingshu suddenly looked at the others, "How is your injury?"

"Last time someone said that they were not embarrassed to be a man in this seat, how dare you not mention it now?" With a flick of Oriental Unbeaten's fingertips, the embroidery needle snapped into the opposite screen. Chapter 155 Umekawa is cool.

At that moment, Song Qingshu's anger disappeared, and he was a little lost, because the Oriental Unbeaten was actually dressed as a lady's dress, wearing a deep red dress with a red continuation. Although knowing that the East is undefeated for decades, the age will certainly not be too small, but the traces of the years are completely undetectable on that pretty face, it looks like...17 or 18 years old, exactly The age of "brilliant sparkle, brow color with Dai".

Song Qingshu looked at it carefully, his hair was like a spring mountain, his cheeks were plump like a hibiscus, his skin was smooth, and he was born with a beautiful and charming appearance.

"If you look at this seat with that kind of lustful eyes, this seat will dig out your eyeballs." Noting Song Qingshu's expression, Dongfang Invincible snorted and turned around and walked into the house.

"I haven't seen you wear women's clothing," Song Qingshu said with joy, following her, "Who would have thought that the unbeaten oriental in the world is such a beautiful and charming girl."

"Put away your tricks of deceiving little girls." Dongfang gave him an unbeaten look and sat down to continue her embroidery business.

Song Qingshu walked into the door and saw that there were several transparent screens in the room, embroidered with a few ladies with different looks, and embroidered brocade cushions on the chairs. He was amazed, and finally noticed the large placket that was surrounded by the invincible east. He only tightened with a belt, hesitated for a while, and said, "Dongfang girl, the deep clothes of the Han court are really beautiful. They are bright in color and graceful, but they are really inconvenient for fighting. "

"I like it." Dongfang Unbeaten gave him a slanted look, and his attention returned to the picture of the lady on the screen.

"I heard that there were no **** in the deep clothes of the Han Dynasty..." Song Qingshu hesitated for a long time, but decided to swallow this sentence back to his throat. He didn't want to be shot into a hedgehog by Dongfang Undefeated, who became angry and turned into anger.

"Kangxi sent you?" Dongfang asked indifferently.

"Can't I just worry about my friends, come to help?" Song Qingshu felt that it was necessary to make Dongfang Unbeaten feel that he owed him favor, instead of letting Kangxi pick the peaches.

"Are we friends?" Dongfang Unbeaten said disapprovingly.

"Of course it is!" Song Qingshu's face had already been practiced thicker than the city wall, and his eyes widened pretending to be innocent. "Didn't you save me just now."

"I just wanted to suffer a little bit, in order to avenge the last time I was on the outskirts of the capital." Thinking of his embarrassing appearance just now, Dongfang Unbeaten's lips smiled, "Unfortunately you didn't dodge in the end. My pleasure of revenge has diminished too much."

"So you still can't bear to die..." Seeing Dongfang's undefeated face, Song Qingshu suddenly looked at the others, "How is your injury?"

"Last time someone said that they were not embarrassed to be a man in this seat, how dare you not mention it now?" With a flick of Oriental Unbeaten's fingertips, the embroidery needle snapped into the opposite screen. Chapter 155 Umekawa is cool.

At that moment, Song Qingshu's anger disappeared, and he was a little lost, because the Oriental Unbeaten was actually dressed as a lady's dress, wearing a deep red dress with a red continuation. Although knowing that the East is undefeated for decades, the age will certainly not be too small, but the traces of the years are completely undetectable on that pretty face, it looks like...17 or 18 years old, exactly The age of "brilliant sparkle, brow color with Dai".

Song Qingshu looked at it carefully, his hair was like a spring mountain, his cheeks were plump like a hibiscus, his skin was smooth, and he was born with a beautiful and charming appearance.

"If you look at this seat with that kind of lustful eyes, this seat will dig out your eyeballs." Noting Song Qingshu's expression, Dongfang Invincible snorted and turned around and walked into the house.

"I haven't seen you wear women's clothing," Song Qingshu said with joy, following her, "Who would have thought that the unbeaten oriental in the world is such a beautiful and charming girl."

"Put away your tricks of deceiving little girls." Dongfang gave him an unbeaten look and sat down to continue her embroidery business.

Song Qingshu walked into the door and saw that there were several transparent screens in the room, embroidered with a few ladies with different looks, and embroidered brocade cushions on the chairs. He was amazed, and finally noticed the large placket that was surrounded by the invincible east. He only tightened with a belt, hesitated for a while, and said, "Dongfang girl, the deep clothes of the Han court are really beautiful. They are bright in color and graceful, but they are really inconvenient for fighting. "

"I like it." Dongfang Unbeaten gave him a slanted look, and his attention returned to the picture of the lady on the screen.

"I heard that there were no **** in the deep clothes of the Han Dynasty..." Song Qingshu hesitated for a long time, but decided to swallow this sentence back to his throat. He didn't want to be shot into a hedgehog by Dongfang Undefeated, who became angry and turned into anger.

"Kangxi sent you?" Dongfang asked indifferently.

"Can't I just worry about my friends, come to help?" Song Qingshu felt that it was necessary to make Dongfang Unbeaten feel that he owed him favor, instead of letting Kangxi pick the peaches.

"Are we friends?" Dongfang Unbeaten said disapprovingly.

"Of course it is!" Song Qingshu's face had already been practiced thicker than the city wall, and his eyes widened pretending to be innocent. "Didn't you save me just now."

"I just wanted to suffer a little bit, in order to avenge the last time I was on the outskirts of the capital." Thinking of his embarrassing appearance just now, Dongfang Unbeaten's lips smiled, "Unfortunately you didn't dodge in the end. My pleasure of revenge has diminished too much."

"So you still can't bear to die..." Seeing Dongfang's undefeated face, Song Qingshu suddenly looked at the others, "How is your injury?"

"Last time someone said that they were not embarrassed to be a man in this seat, how dare you not mention it now?" With a flick of Oriental Unbeaten's fingertips, the embroidery needle snapped into the opposite screen. Chapter 155 Umekawa is cool.

At that moment, Song Qingshu's anger disappeared, and he was a little lost, because the Oriental Unbeaten was actually dressed as a lady's dress, wearing a deep red dress with a red continuation. Although knowing that the East is undefeated for decades, the age will certainly not be too small, but the traces of the years are completely undetectable on that pretty face, it looks like...17 or 18 years old, exactly The age of "brilliant sparkle, brow color with Dai".

Song Qingshu looked at it carefully, his hair was like a spring mountain, his cheeks were plump like a hibiscus, his skin was smooth, and he was born with a beautiful and charming appearance.

"If you look at this seat with that kind of lustful eyes, this seat will dig out your eyeballs." Noting Song Qingshu's expression, Dongfang Invincible snorted and turned around and walked into the house.

"I haven't seen you wear women's clothing," Song Qingshu said with joy, following her, "Who would have thought that the unbeaten oriental in the world is such a beautiful and charming girl."

"Put away your tricks of deceiving little girls." Dongfang gave him an unbeaten look and sat down to continue her embroidery business.

Song Qingshu walked into the door and saw that there were several transparent screens in the room, embroidered with a few ladies with different looks, and embroidered brocade cushions on the chairs. He was amazed, and finally noticed the large placket that was surrounded by the invincible east. He only tightened with a belt, hesitated for a while, and said, "Dongfang girl, the deep clothes of the Han court are really beautiful. They are bright in color and graceful, but they are really inconvenient for fighting. "

"I like it." Dongfang Unbeaten gave him a slanted look, and his attention returned to the picture of the lady on the screen.

"I heard that there were no **** in the deep clothes of the Han Dynasty..." Song Qingshu hesitated for a long time, but decided to swallow this sentence back to his throat. He didn't want to be shot into a hedgehog by Dongfang Undefeated, who became angry and turned into anger.

"Kangxi sent you?" Dongfang asked indifferently.

"Can't I just worry about my friends, come to help?" Song Qingshu felt that it was necessary to make Dongfang Unbeaten feel that he owed him favor, instead of letting Kangxi pick the peaches.

"Are we friends?" Dongfang Unbeaten said disapprovingly.

"Of course it is!" Song Qingshu's face had already been practiced thicker than the city wall, and his eyes widened pretending to be innocent. "Didn't you save me just now."

"I just wanted to suffer a little bit, in order to avenge the last time I was on the outskirts of the capital." Thinking of his embarrassing appearance just now, Dongfang Unbeaten's lips smiled, "Unfortunately you didn't dodge in the end. My pleasure of revenge has diminished too much."

"So you still can't bear to die..." Seeing Dongfang's undefeated face, Song Qingshu suddenly looked at the others, "How is your injury?"

"Last time someone said that they were not embarrassed to be a man in this seat, how dare you not mention it now?" With a flick of Oriental Unbeaten's fingertips, the embroidery needle snapped into the opposite screen. Chapter 155 Umekawa is cool.

At that moment, Song Qingshu's anger disappeared, and he was a little lost, because the Oriental Unbeaten was actually dressed as a lady's dress, wearing a deep red dress with a red continuation. Although knowing that the East is undefeated for decades, the age will certainly not be too small, but the traces of the years are completely undetectable on that pretty face, it looks like...17 or 18 years old, exactly The age of "brilliant sparkle, brow color with Dai".

Song Qingshu looked at it carefully, his hair was like a spring mountain, his cheeks were plump like a hibiscus, his skin was smooth, and he was born with a beautiful and charming appearance.

"If you look at this seat with that kind of lustful eyes, this seat will dig out your eyeballs." Noting Song Qingshu's expression, Dongfang Invincible snorted and turned around and walked into the house.

"I haven't seen you wear women's clothing," Song Qingshu said with joy, following her, "Who would have thought that the unbeaten oriental in the world is such a beautiful and charming girl."

"Put away your tricks of deceiving little girls." Dongfang gave him an unbeaten look and sat down to continue her embroidery business.

Song Qingshu walked into the door and saw that there were several transparent screens in the room, embroidered with a few ladies with different looks, and embroidered brocade cushions on the chairs. He was amazed, and finally noticed the large placket that was surrounded by the invincible east. He only tightened with a belt, hesitated for a while, and said, "Dongfang girl, the deep clothes of the Han court are really beautiful. They are bright in color and graceful, but they are really inconvenient for fighting. "

"I like it." Dongfang Unbeaten gave him a slanted look, and his attention returned to the picture of the lady on the screen.

"I heard that there were no **** in the deep clothes of the Han Dynasty..." Song Qingshu hesitated for a long time, but decided to swallow this sentence back to his throat. He didn't want to be shot into a hedgehog by Dongfang Undefeated, who became angry and turned into anger.

"Kangxi sent you?" Dongfang asked indifferently.

"Can't I just worry about my friends, come to help?" Song Qingshu felt that it was necessary to make Dongfang Unbeaten feel that he owed him favor, instead of letting Kangxi pick the peaches.

"Are we friends?" Dongfang Unbeaten said disapprovingly.

"Of course it is!" Song Qingshu's face had already been practiced thicker than the city wall, and his eyes widened pretending to be innocent. "Didn't you save me just now."

"I just wanted to suffer a little bit, in order to avenge the last time I was on the outskirts of the capital." Thinking of his embarrassing appearance just now, Dongfang Unbeaten's lips smiled, "Unfortunately you didn't dodge in the end. My pleasure of revenge has diminished too much."

"So you still can't bear to die..." Seeing Dongfang's undefeated face, Song Qingshu suddenly looked at the others, "How is your injury?"

"Last time someone said that they were not embarrassed to be a man in this seat, but now they dare not mention it?" Oriental Unbeaten flicked his fingertips, and the embroidery needle snapped into the opposite screen.

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