Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1565: Unchangeable marriage

The people who entered the palace together this time are all the core figures of the Yelu Yixin Group. They hold important positions and control the important military and political departments of the court. Under normal circumstances, it is very troublesome to get rid of these people. This "coup d'état" is a very good one. Opportunity, after all, killing the king is not known, so in the case of controlling the situation, the less people know the specific situation, the better. Therefore, in the imperial study room, when the power of these big men was the weakest, Song Qingshu was given a chance to cut the mess with a sharp knife. .

Song Qingshu came to the dragon chair, took the face model of Yelu Hongji, and quickly made a vivid mask. It is not that his disguise skills must first take the model on the target face, but it will be more convenient and quicker. some.

After making the mask, he took the mask off his face and put it on Yeluhongji's face, then put Yeluhongji's mask on his face, and then exchanged clothes.

Seeing the **** knife edges on the dragon robe, Song Qingshu frowned, but this just confirmed the tragic coup d'etat. After setting up everything inside, Song Qingshu opened the door and walked out staggeringly.

Earlier, Yelu Hongji shouted for his escort. The reason why there was no guard to take care of him was because the nearby guards were all transferred away by Yelvzha and Saba. After all, one of them was the guardian of the Taibao and the other was the chief attendant. This is also convenient. .

However, if you leave the Imperial Study Room and go outside, you will find the Ouchi guards. No matter how powerful the Yelu Yixin Group is, it is impossible to control the entire palace guards.

Seeing the emperor walking out in blood, the guards were shocked: "The emperor!"

Song Qingshu raised his hand to stop their questioning, but gave a solemn order: "Block the palace gate, no one is allowed to enter or leave without my will; in front of the palace hall, the divisions are in their positions, and you are not allowed to leave the defense zone without permission, otherwise you will kill you without mercy; No one is allowed to approach within ten feet of the Imperial Study Room; in addition, a decree is given to lift the foot restraint of the Prime Minister of the Northern House, and Xiao is an enemy to come to the Imperial Study Room to see me..."

Song Qingshu promulgated a series of measures. This time it went so smoothly thanks to the fact that Xue Yiren severely inflicted Xiao Shiyilang before. Otherwise, Xiao Shiliang, as the chief inspector of the palace, controlled the imperial imperial army and cooperated with Yelu Yixin's operation. It's really troublesome.

Now that the group of dragons has no leader, the guards bought by the Yelu Yixin Group can't respond effectively for a while.

As for calling Xiao Bibi into the palace, there is no other way. After all, although the core figure of the Yelu Yixin Group has been approved, he has been in business for so many years, and there are so many students and officials under his command. If it is not handled properly, wait for one to appear in it. Powerful people, gathering these forces, will be enough for Song Qingshu's headaches.

At that time, Wang Yun killed Dong Zhuo and thought that he would get the Xiliang army. Emperor Xiaozhuang of the Northern Wei Dynasty killed Er Zhurong, who was in power, but he expected that he would soon provoke tragic revenge from the opposing group. Therefore, it is said that the beheading plan is not possible for everyone. It was as successful as Kangxi's capture of Aobai.

To deal with the remaining forces of Yelu Yixin, no one in the current dynasty is more suitable than Xiao. For one thing, he is the prime minister of the Beifu, and he has always fought against Yelu Yixin. He is regarded as a thorn in the enemy; secondly, he is Su Quan's father. , To some extent, it can be regarded as own person.

When Xiao Pidi received the news and rushed to the Imperial Study Room, he was shocked to see the dead body of a house, especially when he saw the faces of several acquaintances.

"No need to read it," Song Qingshu said "weakly", "Yelü Yixin tried to rebel. Fortunately, Yeluhelu, the Great King of the North Yard, and Yeluwu, the Great King of the South Yard, tried their best to protect him. This did not allow his treacherous tricks to succeed. It's a pity. After a turbulent battle, although the Yeluhelu brothers killed the rebels, they were also unfortunately martyred."

The reason why he picked out the Yeluhelu brothers is largely because the scene cannot be explained. It can't be said that Yelu Hongji is a hidden martial arts master. He suddenly took trouble to fix these rebellions, right? What's more, the Peking University Royal Court has always been strong in the Liao Kingdom. If the King of the North Court was killed for rebellion, his men would rebel in fear in order to protect themselves. Now this has not only pacified the Peking University Royal Court, but also divorced the relationship between the Peking University Royal Court and Yelvyixin's lineage, allowing both parties to seek revenge and kill each other, and hurt both sides.

Xiao Pidi took a quick glance at the scene and sneered secretly in his heart: "The Yeluhelu brothers have always been closely related to Yelu Yixin, and they will advance and retreat together at this critical moment? If I don’t understand martial arts, I will really believe your nonsense. These people were clearly killed by a master knife."

Although he saw the flaw, he did not say it. After all, everyone in this position is an old fox, and he also understands that it is easier to deal with the Yelu Yixin remnant group in this way, but he secretly watched when he exited the Imperial Study Room. After taking a look at the emperor, he suddenly felt that the faint emperor who had been despised before seemed to become a little unpredictable. For example, this time he calmly fixed Yelu Yixin, and he didn't know what kind of trump cards he had hidden.

However, their family has always been a royalist, and it can be said that they are tied to the royal interests, but they are not disturbed by this.

In the next few days, the case of Yeluyixin’s conspiracy was announced to the world. A series of related people were executed. The Wei Palace was also ransacked and sealed. The rebellion was originally a crime of the Jiu Clan. However, Yelusui, Yeluyixin’s only son, had also been in Yi not long ago. He died in the prison of Biyuan, but his daughter Yelu Nanxian didn't know where he ended up. The other relatives were sent from the palace. Because Yelu Nanxian still had the mission of making peace with Xixia, so they were not implicated temporarily.

Song Qingshu can't do anything about this. After all, Yelu Yixin is Murong Jingyue's fake, so I can't really give them to the Zhu Nine Clan. In the future, if Yelu Nanxian knows the truth, doesn't he want to die with him?

However, such things as rebellion have been a serious sin for the Jiu Clan in the past dynasties. Even as an emperor, it is impossible to forgive his sins out of nothing. Wouldn’t it encourage everyone to rebel? Anyway, the crime can be pardoned in the end, which will shake the foundation of the ruling, and other ministers will never agree.

The higher a person's status is, the more he can't help himself. In the end, Song Qingshu had no choice but to use the marriage of the two countries as an excuse to hold onto the lives of Yelu Yixin's relatives.

After dealing with Yelu Yixin’s family, Song Qingshu decreed to restore the reputation of Empress Xiao Guanyin, saying that the previous case of "Hui Xin Yuan Ci" was all Yelu Yixin’s conspiracy. In order to bring down the Beifu Prime Minister’s family, he was conspired to condemn him. Clear the road. A series of personnel in this case were executed, such as the court lady Dan Deng and Jiaofang Zhu crowned crane. At the same time, she took the opportunity to clean a large number of court lady eunuchs beside the emperor and empress, so as not to realize that Yelu Hongji had changed people.

The court guards also carried out a major exchange of blood. The first to bear the brunt was the confidant of Yelu Yixin, the chief inspector Xiao Shiyilang. However, because of the influence of the original work, Song Qingshu hesitated and did not kill him, but took him. Throw into the jail, and wait until you think about how to deal with him in the future.

As for the military, the Great King Yeluhelu of the Beiyuan and the other palaces deployed Yeluta. After the death of the people, there was also a vacuum in power. Song Qingshu hadn't decided on the candidate to take over for a while. After all, it was impossible to hand it all over to the Beifu. Prime Minister Xiao rivals, no matter how loyal a person is, if he combines military, political and financial power, it is difficult to guarantee that he or his men will not have any disagreements.

When Song Qingshu was holding the memorial and had a headache, Empress Xiao Guanyin came behind him with a scent of fragrance, and gently pinched his shoulders: "Song Lang, you should go and see Miss Zhao. She has been looking bad these days. , I'm afraid something will happen to her."

(End of this chapter)

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