Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1571: Just don't go in

Zhao Min was startled at first, and then came to understand. He couldn't help being ashamed and angry: "I didn't mean that, I mean I would use some rogue tricks if I didn't promise you...I..."

Song Qingshu smiled and looked at the princess who Zhizhu was holding on weekdays, but at this moment, she was like a shy lady, Cheng Yaojia, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, he smirked at himself. Zhao Min couldn't help being a little hairy, and said angrily with his hands on his hips: "Why are you smiling, like a fool."

"If you can marry the princess, why not be a fool?" Song Qingshu said hehe.

"Who said I'm going to marry you?" Zhao Min said angrily.

Song Qingshu directly grabbed her by the waist and hugged her in his arms: "Now you have two choices, one, promise my marriage proposal and marry me happily; or if I use strong, then you will be happy. marry me."

Zhao Min twisted her body a few times, but it was a pity that her hands were like iron tongs. She had no choice but to give up: "If you force me, I will still marry you happy?"

Song Qingshu leaned close to her neck and took a deep breath of the fragrance on her body, revealing an intoxicated look: "I don't care, you can only be happy anyway."

Feeling the other person's breath spraying on his skin, Zhao Min felt that his whole soul trembled a few times: "How come you are so overbearing!"

Listening to her voice like a sweet and annoying, Song Qingshu couldn't help but hug her tightly, leaning into her ear and saying softly: "Princess, marry me, okay?"

Zhao Min, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, almost buried his head in his chest at this time. After a long time, he replied inaudibly: "Yeah~"

Although the voice is very small, if you don't pay attention to it, you will even ignore it, but Song Qingshu is so cultivated that he can't help but be ecstatic when he gets the response from the other party.

"Quickly let me down!" Zhao Min couldn't help but pale, and quickly said while tapping his chest, "You take off the mask now, if you bring the maid **** to see it, it must be another trouble. "

Song Qingshu stopped when he heard this, but still held her in his arms and was reluctant to let go.

"Hey, didn't you say that you don't need to bring a sword with your current cultivation base?" Zhao Min was holding him, and her face was blushing, but she suddenly felt a little knocked and asked with a frown.

"I didn't bring a sword?" Song Qingshu was also blank, wondering why she asked such a question.

"Then what's in your arms is sticking at me?" Zhao Min subconsciously wanted to catch it, and suddenly her heart jumped. She was not the kind of silly little girl, just because she agreed to his marriage proposal, there was still something in her mind. He was dizzy, now that he was a little calm and still couldn't reflect what it was.

"Xiaoyan-thief~" Zhao Min retracted her hand like an electric shock, couldn't help taking a sip, her pretty face seemed to be covered with rouge, red and bleeding quickly.

Song Qingshu chuckled and said, "Sao Rui, Sao Rui, natural reaction, natural reaction."

"You're pestering... Proposing to me, why don't you always feel that your sincerity is not enough," Zhao Min was a little flustered by him, and hurriedly said, "Just let me go."

Song Qingshu will not let it go now, holding her beautiful body directly, kissing her egg-white-tender cheeks: "This just shows my sincerity. Look at me whether it's my heart or my body. I like you so much."

Zhao Min smiled back in anger, turned around and glared at him: "You are always so domineering."

Song Qingshu didn't say anything. Instead, he reached out and hooked her chin, and kissed her gorgeous red lips. Zhao Min obviously did not expect his sudden attack and instinctively wanted to push him away, but tried a few times. Found it was useless this time, the hand that was beating his chest had to be put down.


After a long time, Zhao Min lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "It's getting late, you go home."

Song Qingshu leaned into her ear: "I won't leave tonight."

"Sure enough, it's a small thief, and his mind is full of dirty thoughts." Zhao Min poked his chest with a finger and looked at him with a smile.

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "I don't have any nasty thoughts, I just want to get up with you."

Zhao Min was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted to the meaning of the other party's words. He couldn't help but squeezed his pink fist and punched his chest: "You're such a bastard."

Song Qingshu laughed, and when he waved the door, he was closed by an invisible spirit, and he hugged Zhao Min and walked to the bed.

Zhao Min finally panicked: "Hey, what do you want to do, I'm not ready yet."

"Where did you think about it, I just sleep with you and don't do other things." Song Qingshu looked at her narrowly.

Zhao Min didn't expect him to slap him upside down, and he couldn't help making a blushing face: "The greasy mouth is slippery, it looks like a bad match."

Song Qingshu moved his mouth directly: "Is my mouth very oily? You will try it again."

"Rogue~" Zhao Min laughed and cursed, but he couldn't help but rolled onto the bed while being hugged by him.

Song Qingshu hugged her tightly in her arms and said with a drooling face: "Did I come to look for it today, or should I call the maid to prepare hot water, let's go take a bath now?"

"Bah!" Zhao Min took a sip, "When I look at you, I feel uneasy, who will wash with you, not to mention that I have already washed it."

"Really?" Song Qingshu leaned to her neckline and sniffed, "No wonder it smells so fragrant."

Zhao Min pushed him away, and said sternly, "You said it was OK beforehand, you just sleep and don't do anything else."

"Fine, just sleep and don't do anything else." After Song Qingshu finished speaking, in order to increase persuasiveness, he closed his eyes and started snoring.

"Rogue~" Zhao Min scolded with a stern face, but soon chuckled out again.

The room continued to reverberate with Song Qingshu’s snoring, but Zhao Min couldn’t fall asleep. First, he just agreed to the other party’s proposal, and has not recovered from that complicated emotion until now; second, he was hugged by the other party. The quilt is full of men's masculine aura, so that her heartbeat will inevitably speed up. How can she sleep?

Suddenly she felt something strange on her chest, and she lowered her head involuntarily and was ashamed and angry: "What are your hands doing?"

"I'm worried that we will have no milk to drink in the future, so take a measurement in advance." Song Qingshu started talking nonsense.

"Our child..." After all, a woman is a sentimental creature, subconsciously thinking of the future life, when thinking of the child, Zhao Min's lips can't help but rise slightly.

But she soon realized that it was wrong, and angrily pinched the man behind her: "Have you touched it enough?"

"No," Song Qingshu shook his head, "it won't be enough for a lifetime."

If another man was so nonsense in front of Zhao Min, she would definitely let the master of Ruyang Palace cut off the other's tongue, but from Song Qingshu's mouth, she found that she was not so angry.

But then the other party's actions made her feel completely uncomfortable: "You... don't rub."

"Don't worry, I won't go in." Song Qingshu responded with a famous quote from a previous life.

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