Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1580: Set fire

Ah Zhu didn't answer directly, but looked at the eunuchs and palace ladies around, showing an expression that hesitated to speak.

Song Qingshu waved his hand knowingly, signaled these people to retreat first, and then said with great interest: "Ms. Azhu can talk now, right?"

A Zhu's face was hesitant, and after a long silence, he suddenly took a deep breath, as if he had made his final determination, and knelt down again: "Please forgive A Zhu's death."

Song Qingshu frowned slightly: "If you have any capital crimes that need to be forgiven, get up quickly."

"The emperor does not forgive A Zhu's death, and A Zhu dare not get up." A Zhu still respectfully knelt on the ground, as if he had done a big mistake.

"Okay, I forgive you for not guilty," Song Qingshu naturally knew that this was her way of retreating, but in order to know the secret she was talking about, she didn't mind cooperating with her.

Ah Zhu raised his head, but didn't stand up: "Tell the emperor, Minnu wants to make a deal with the emperor."

"Deal, you are quite brave." Song Qingshu snorted nonchalantly.

Ah Zhu said calmly: "The emperor just promised to forgive me for not guilty."

Song Qingshu also secretly admired A Zhu's composure. If you know that even a big man in this world may be trembling when he sees the emperor suddenly, it is really rare for a young girl to be able to talk about the conditions so calmly.

"You are a good calculation," Song Qingshu snorted pretendingly, "What do you want to trade?"

"I want to beg the emperor to release Big Brother Xiao." A Zhu said crisply, his voice was tender, but it was full of firmness.

Song Qingshu secretly said so: "Xiao Feng is very guilty and wants to let him go? What bargaining chip can you give to a female stream?"

Aju Yang raised his clean chin, his face was bright: "Is the emperor's life enough?"

Song Qingshu's eyes condensed, Huo Ran sat up straight and stared at her, and A Zhu stared at him without showing shyness. After a long time, Song Qingshu curled his lips disdainfully: "If A Zhu has Xiao Feng's skill, I still believe in three points. , But you are a weak woman, what is your ability to use my life as a bargaining chip?"

In the face of the other's stern tone, Ah Zhu calmly explained: "I naturally don't have this ability, but what about the emperor's side?"

Song Qingshu frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Ah Zhu shook his head: "If I speak too clearly, I will have no bargaining chips. As long as the emperor agrees to release Big Brother Xiao after listening, I will tell this existence that threatens the emperor’s life. As the saying goes, you have no joking, I believe As long as I confirm what I said, the emperor will not break his promise afterwards."

"Well, I promise you, as long as it is exactly what you said, how about I let Xiao Feng go?" Song Qingshu was very curious about her bargaining chip. In fact, he had a vague guess in his heart, but he needed to confirm it at last.

As for agreeing to release Xiao Feng... Negotiation is a game between two existences of equal strength, and how can a sheep have the qualifications to sit at a negotiating table with a lion?

Seeing his agreement, Ah Zhu breathed a sigh of relief and stood up and said: "This matter is confidential. To prevent the wall from having ears, please allow me to speak closer."

Song Qingshu was startled, thinking that Ah Zhu was not planning to follow Jing Ke's assassination of Qin, he couldn't help but replied with a smile, "Okay~" With his current cultivation base, even if Ah Zhu wanted to count him, he would not be hurt at all. Root vellus hair.

Ah Zhu brought up the skirt and came over. When he came to him, he bent down and leaned over his ear and whispered, "The emperor, the last time I was summoned to the palace to give a banquet, I accidentally found that the queen seemed..."

Song Qingshu's heart moved: "What happened to the queen?"

After waiting for a long time without seeing the other party reply, Song Qingshu couldn't help raising his head curiously, and found that Ah Zhu was opening his mouth with a look of shock.

"What's the matter with you?" Song Qingshu frowned.

"No...nothing..." A panic flashed in A Zhu's eyes, he hurriedly stood up, and said nervously, "I suddenly remembered that there is something to do in the mansion, so I will leave first, and I hope...I hope the emperor will forgive me. ."

"Aren't you going to trade secrets with me?" Song Qingshu said lightly, "I mentioned the queen just now, what happened to the queen?"

"No...what, I want to say that the queen is very beautiful." Azhu backed down subconsciously. Although she pretended to be calm, the flustered language and the answer from the bull's head to Mazui deeply betrayed her chaotic mood at the moment.

After answering, Ah Zhu lowered his head and wanted to go out, but when he walked to the door, he suddenly saw a corner of the dragon robe appeared in front of him, and had to stop: "I wonder what else the emperor has ordered?"

Keenly felt the trembling of her voice, and even noticed that her body under the dress was trembling involuntarily, Song Qingshu's voice became more and more indifferent: "Are you scared?"

"No... I'm not afraid." A Zhu hurriedly responded, but it's a pity that her words now match her expression, I am afraid that even a three-year-old child would not believe her.

In fact, Aju was not such a restless person, but it was a pity that she suddenly discovered a secret that shocked the world this time. No matter how calm and calm she was, she couldn't do nothing at all at this time.

"No fear, but I feel your body is trembling?" Song Qingshu said as he lifted a strand of hair between her temples, "Look, even the hair is shaking a little."

"The emperor is worrying too much." A Zhu grinned reluctantly, if the usual behavior of crossing the line with such intimacy would have changed the color of A Zhu Boran, but now she can't care about it at all, just want to leave the palace safely.

"You mentioned the queen just now," Song Qing booked in front of her, without any intention of giving way. "Did you find that she is not the real queen?"

Ah Zhu's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said: "The emperor is joking, how can the queen not be the real queen."

Noting her expression, Song Qingshu knew that she had not guessed wrong as expected: "I heard that girl Azhu is a master of disguise. I think there must be a way to tell if other people are disguise. Am I right?"

A Zhu looked shocked, and subconsciously retorted: "A Zhu just likes to play tricks in disguise, so he can be regarded as a master of disguise, let alone see if other people are disguised."

"Really?" Song Qingshu smiled, noncommittal, "You suddenly changed your expression just now, did you see any flaws in my face?"

Hearing what he said, Al-Zhu only felt a chill rise from the bottom of her heart, her legs were soft, and her whole body was a little unsteady, but she was still making the last effort: "The emperor... , How can I... why don't I understand anything?"

Song Qingshu stretched out her hand and raised her chin, looked at the flustered pretty face, and couldn't help sighing quietly: "Girl Azhu should know that smart people in this world often don't live long..."


After a day of walking, I am tired and paralyzed. I feel that I can fall asleep on the bed at any time. I just turned on the TV and found some amazing programs. You can watch it for 1,000 yen for a day. Would you like me to honor the editor?

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