Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1588: Let you use it

"Let you use it." The burly old man said lightly.

Shen Bijun turned Huarong pale when he heard it, biting his lip and screaming: "Indecent and shameless!"

The burly old man was startled, and then he realized that there was ambiguity in his words, which made the other party misunderstood. However, he was obviously not interested in explaining, and he forced the other party directly: "Cooperate with the old man obediently, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

"Dreaming!" As a woman, especially a woman who is born into trouble, Shen Bijun is naturally very sensitive to this aspect of things, and subconsciously thinks of that aspect of things, especially when he thinks of the innocence that he has been working so hard. To be lost in the hands of this old man, she was so depressed that she was about to vomit blood.

It’s better to give Zhao Weiyi to Zhao Weiyi instead of being harmed by this bad old man... At this time, Shen Bijun’s mind suddenly appeared like Zhao Weiyi. I don’t know why, she has a special affection for Zhao Weiyi, perhaps because he is there. When I needed it the most, I was there to help myself, or because he was the person my father entrusted before his death...

It's a pity that he was sent to the respect room...Shen Bijun's face flushed, she didn't know why she still had the time to think about these messy things at this time.

Seeing the old man getting closer and closer, Shen Bijun suddenly revealed a trace of determination, summoned all the strength and slammed into the side pillar. At this time, she had given up the idea of ​​revenge, after all, with Yeluyi With the downfall of Xin and Xiao Xiamo, it is inevitable for her to fall out of favor. If she is humiliated by this old man again...

She has her own pride. She is the eldest lady of the Shen family, a well-known and beautiful and talented woman, and the crown prince of the empire. She can bear the burden of humiliation for revenge, but when there is no hope for revenge, she cannot betray her innocence for surviving. .

She believes that when she sees her parents and the ancestors of the Shen family under Jiuquan, they will not blame herself, she has tried her best...

After making the decision, she suddenly relaxed. During this period of time, she was constantly tensing her nerves. How many days have she not slept peacefully? From now on, I should be able to sleep well.

However, the imaginary pain did not come. Instead, she fell into a warm embrace. She subconsciously looked up and saw a man looking down at her. Although he was wearing a mask on his face, he could tell from his hair and eyes. He is a fairly young man.

Feeling the masculine breath of the whole body, Shen Bijun flushed with shame. Although it was a critical moment of life and death, years of deep boudoir education had penetrated into her bones, and she was about to push it away, but heard the other person’s voice: "What is this? take things too hard?"

"It's you!" Shen Bijun's eyes blurred in an instant, because she had already recognized the voice of the other party, which was what she had been worried about all this time-Zhao Weiyi!

"Who are you?" The burly old man frowned, stopped, and did not continue. He just saw that Shen Bijun wanted to commit suicide, but he also planned to stop him. Who knows that someone is faster than him, and he won't be too soon. Knowing how the other party appeared, and how could make him unwilling to raise his guard.

"It doesn't matter who I am. On the contrary, it's your Excellency, a person who has been famous for a long time, but came to bully a little girl who has no power to bind a chicken. Isn't he ashamed?" Song Qingshu is naturally the person here, and he has just arrived. Here I saw the scene of Shen Bijun hitting the pillar, and he hurried to rescue him, naturally he didn't have a good impression of the culprit.

He recognized this burly old man from the beginning. It was Xiao Yuanshan, the father of Xiao Feng. He had previously served as a check-in for the front office. However, Yelu Yixin took advantage of the incident of Xiao Zhonghui and Yuan Chengzhi's "stealth" and had to take the blame and resign. After Xiao Feng was imprisoned, Yelu Hongji worried that Xiao Yuanshan's martial arts was a disaster, and sent someone to arrest him, but he escaped and disappeared without a trace.

Except for one later attempt to save Xiao Feng by robbing the prison, it’s a pity that Yelu Hongji had already made preparations. Not only did he send heavy troops to guard, he also arranged many masters, so that he returned without success. Of course, with Xiao Yuanshan’s martial arts, those people wanted to keep it. He is also difficult.

"Those who make big things don't stick to the trivial, and fame is nothing but a cloud for the old man." Xiao Yuanshan stared at Shen Bijun in his arms, "The old man needs to use her to change someone, and it won't hurt her."

With his usual personality, he didn't even bother to explain so much, but he was a little surprised by the other party's just revealed body style, and he was jealous, so he had to communicate with the other party in a deliberate tone.

"Replacement?" Song Qingshu was startled at first, and then immediately reacted. The other party was mostly planning to use Shen Bijun as a hostage to exchange for Xiao Feng. Thinking of this, he had to sigh with emotion. It really deserves to be one of the two famous pitfalls in "Dragon Babu". The brain circuit is really amazing. You know that now everyone knows that Shen Bijun was sent into the palace by a member of Yelu Yixin's line. Yelu Yixin fell. She fell out of favor almost inevitable. As a result, Xiao Yuanshan tried to replace a person destined to be beaten into the cold palace for the king of the South Court. come out?

Was your brain kicked by a donkey?

But this is really because Song Qingshu misunderstood him. When Xiao Yuanshan was the inspector of the palace, he knew that the new concubine Hui, who was overwhelmed by the country, was in a fight against the queen, although the fall of Yelu Yixin caused her backing to disappear. But her most useful beauty is still there. Yelu Hongji is a lustful woman. No man is willing to give up such an enchanting woman, so you can use her to gamble. Anyway, it doesn’t matter if you lose the gambling, and he has nothing to lose. .

Xiao Yuanshan had no choice but to make this decision. The last time he robbed the prison and frightened the snakes, now the place where Xiao Feng is detained is almost a copper wall and iron wall, and a fly can't get in. It is impossible for him to save people directly. On Shen Bijun.

If Song Qingshu knew his true thoughts, I am afraid he would still laugh at him. It was so naive at an age. For the emperor, no matter how beautiful a woman was, she was just a woman, but Xiao Feng could affect his safety and the existence of the throne. How can you let the tiger go back to the mountain because of a woman? Let alone an emperor who has been educated in the way of the emperor since he was a child, even an official who has been up and down in the political arena for several years can make a choice without hesitation.

"She is my person, how can she give it to you." Song Qingshu grabbed Shen Bijun's slender waist and refused Xiao Yuanshan without hesitation.

Hearing the other party saying that he was his person, Shen Bijun instantly Xiafei had both cheeks, wondering how could such a thing be said nonsense? In case it spreads out of her own name... But she quickly reacted, to the point where she is now, how can she still be qualified to consider some famous things.

Seeing the tall figure of the man in front of her, she suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of security: "This seems...not bad..."

Rejected mercilessly, Xiao Yuanshan's face sank instantly, and a sullen expression appeared in his eyes: "Hmph, toast and not eat or drink fine wine!" Although the opponent's light skill is high, martial arts may not necessarily be high, let alone look at the world's masters. He Xiao Yuanshan really didn't have many fears.

As soon as the voice fell, a black long whip in his hand burst out in an instant, and the distance of several meters was almost instantaneous, covering Shen Bijun's whole body, obviously intending to take her away by surprise.

In Shen Bijun’s eyes, the whip shadow could not be clearly seen, only a roaring black dragon pounced at her. At that moment, there seemed to be a natural tremor of the soul. She only felt that her hands and feet were cold, and she couldn’t move her body. Don't mention avoiding it.

"King Kong Fu Demon Circle?" Song Qingshu sneered, raised his hand and pointed forward. The roaring black dragon instantly collapsed, turning into a small soft snake and falling on the ground.

Xiao Yuanshan's complexion changed drastically. King Kong's magic circle was the box-pressing skill he had cultivated in the past decades of sneaking into Shaolin, but he was actually broken by one move?

Just now, the other party's finger seemed to be an unknown prophet to point to the weakest point of the internal force conversion of his whip-you must know that before this, he himself did not realize that this trick still has this flaw!

Wugong is so high that he is still so young... Xiao Yuanshan's brain flashed, so he put away his whip, and said, "It turned out to be the Golden Snake King, a misunderstanding."


Thank you to all the book friends who have been rewarding during this time, because the annual meeting has been outside for a week, and this month’s double monthly pass will not explode...Uh, how do you feel that the word eruption seems so ridiculous? ?

Well, the monk intends to collect and collect manuscripts during this time, and to see if there is a chance to break out next month, he can only say as much as he can, but I can't guarantee...

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