Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1610: Old man in southern dynasty

"Yue Zhang can understand this way." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, thinking that the human brain in this world is still not big enough. Not only can he influence the decision-making of the Liao State to a certain extent, but the entire Liao State is under his control.

Of course, the most confidential thing is not to tell them now, since they have their own understanding, then let them continue to misunderstand this way.

Song Qingshu went on to say: "So next I want to invite Brother Yelu to return to the Liao Kingdom and take control of the military power of the Liao Kingdom... It may be necessary to use Brother Yelu's place."

After the fall of Yeluyixin, although the emperor and empress are his own, Xiao Bidi is already the leader of the court. Although there is Su Quan's relationship, he can't fully believe in him, otherwise he will cultivate another Yeluyi. Xin. So in the end, after discussing with Zhao Min and Su Quan, he decided to transfer Yelvqi back to the Liao country to check and balance Xiao Pidi, because regardless of age, seniority, or resourcefulness, Yelvqi was inferior to Xiao Pidi, and Yelvqi had to be close to the emperor. Only when the queen gets closer can he gain a firm foothold, so that the political situation in the Liao Kingdom is truly stable.

Yelvqi suddenly couldn't help asking: "Who am I listening to then?"

"All the palaces are deployed. This official position is the emperor's confidant. You naturally listen to the emperor." Song Qingshu smiled faintly.

Yelvqi looked at him thoughtfully: "What if the emperor orders me to do things that are not conducive to the Golden Snake Camp?"

"Don't worry, the emperor won't give such an order." Song Qingshu laughed unpredictably.

Yelvqi and his son were shocked. They looked at each other and were a little shocked by the huge amount of information behind this sentence, but no matter how they guessed, they couldn't guess that the current emperor was actually from Song Qingshu.

"I am young after all, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for a person to deal with the old foxes in the court. It is better to let my father go with him." Yelvqi continued.

Song Qingshu hasn't answered yet, but Yelv Chucai shook his head first and said: "It is because of your young emperor that you dare to re-enable you. It is because you lack the experience and qualifications, so I can only rely on him closely. On the contrary, our father and son are in danger. What's more, I'm dealing with the government affairs of the Golden Snake Camp. There are still a lot of things to be dealt with just now on the right track.

If Yelv Chucai glanced at his son deeply, he couldn't say something clearly. Qi'er was still a bit too tender and couldn't see the doorway. If he could go back, what Song Qingshu just gave out was not an appointment. There are two copies of the edict. Now that the relationship between the two parties is not completely stable, how can Song Qingshu feel relieved that our father and son will leave at the same time?

What's more, how can there be no checks and balances when you arrange a position with such great power? Nothing is enough for a single Yan'er. Obviously, I need to stay here as a "hostage" with her in order to have control over you.

Yelu Chucai has been in the political arena for so many years, and has long been proficient in this set of rules of the game. Therefore, although he has seen everything, he has no dislike at all, but a touch of comfort.

After all, as Yan'er married Song Qingshu, his family has been completely tied to him. The more powerful he is, the brighter his methods will be, and the brighter the future of the family will be. If he has no force but no wrist, then he can only be a charge and defender. General, it is difficult to be the lord, because the family is really dangerous.

Song Qingshu took a meaningful look at Yelu Chucai, and obviously guessed that he understood his intentions: "Yes, this is now completely inseparable from the prime minister, Yue Zhang, and there are still many things to trouble Yue Zhang." and a smart man. Speaking is pleasant, otherwise many things can easily hurt feelings.

After explaining to their father and son about returning to Liao, he chatted for a while before he got up and left.

When she returned to her room, Ye Luyan was no longer in bed. Song Qingshu asked the maid and learned that she had gone to the nine princesses after getting up and washing up, so she turned around and walked towards Ah Jiu.

When I arrived at Ah Jiu, I just saw Ye Luyan offering tea to Ah Jiu. Song Qingshu couldn't help but fail: "Is this the rhythm of the bride offering tea to the old lady?"

Ah Jiu also smiled wryly: "I said that our sisters are very easy-going, and we don't need to do this, but sister Yan'er has to respect it."

Ye Luyan glanced at Song Qingshu, and the scene of him playing with his legs last night appeared in her mind, and her cheeks flushed: "This is what my father told me to do."

Song Qingshu and Ah Jiu looked at each other, and understood that this was the gesture that Yelv Chucai asked her daughter to make. On the one hand, he showed that he had no intention of fighting with Ah Jiu, and on the other hand, it was equivalent to a call for fame to narrow the relationship with Ah Jiu. After a cup of tea, the two sides can be regarded as one camp.

"Since it is Yue Zhang's kindness, don't refuse Ajiu." Song Qingshu knew that if Ajiu didn't drink it, it would easily arouse the suspicion of the Yelu family.

Ah Jiu obviously thought of going with him, took the tea and took a sip: "Thank you, Sister Yan'er, then."

Song Qingshu walked over and held the two women in his arms one by one: "Okay, well, from now on we will be a family. There are no rules in our house, Yan'er, you don't have to be so nervous."

"Yes, Sister Ajiu has always been very good to me." Ye Luyan said blushing.

Ah Jiu pushed him away unhappily: "It's not good for people to see in broad daylight."

"So what if we see it, let's make friends with each other, the king and I can't control it." Song Qingshu said proudly.

Ye Luyan blinked her eyes and felt that her husband was a bit unusual, but the girls on the grassland liked this kind of man who bravely expressed her love.

Ah Jiu was deeply influenced by Confucian education. Even though he had been with him for so long, he still couldn't stand his boldness, and blushed and sipped: "You are talking nonsense again, stop making trouble, the envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty is here."

"Envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty?" Song Qingshu frowned. He knew what the Envoy of the Southern Song Dynasty was doing without asking. He just urged the Golden Snake Camp to send troops to attack the Kingdom of the Golden State with the Southern Song Dynasty.

The most difficult thing is that the two sides are now an alliance, and they have agreed to send troops together before, so it is difficult to refuse.

"In fact, several waves of envoys have already arrived in the Southern Song Dynasty. I have dismissed them in various ways. This time another envoy came. Obviously, the Southern Song Dynasty is also a little impatient." Ah Jiu also had a headache. "Oh yes. Now, when this messenger heard that you came back, he wanted to see you and said it was your acquaintance."

"My acquaintance?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, wondering who was coming from, "Then call him to the study, and I will go over immediately."

Ye Luyan hesitated and said, "Then I will go back first."

Hearing her timid words, Song Qingshu laughed blankly and grabbed her hand: "You are my woman now, so why should you avoid it? Walk over."

Ah Jiu also noticed that Ye Luyan was a little bit like walking on thin ice because of her new family attachment. He also stepped forward and grabbed her with her other hand and said, "Let’s go together. You must know that Song Lang’s women are not so good, all the sisters. You have to help him deal with political affairs. You can start from now on."

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