Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1618: Inviolable holiness

There was a carriage in front of the door ready to wait for the two of them. After getting in the car, Song Qingshu asked curiously: "Where are Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren, why didn't they see them this time?"

"Qiu Qianren is now the head of the guards in the palace. As for Ouyang Feng recently, it seems that he was studying some new poison and went to gather medicine nearby." Speaking of Ouyang Feng, Dai Qisi couldn't help flashing a trace of fear in her eyes.

Song Qingshu was also a little hairy, even though he is now invincible, but the new poison developed by Xidu with great concentration, how can it be a common product.

On the next journey, Song Qingshu was no longer as aggressive as before, and did not even have physical contact with the other party. Daiqisi couldn't help but feel good, and at the same time secretly annoyed that she was useless. How could she have a good impression?

"By the way, is there any news about Xiao Zhao?" Song Qingshu asked suddenly.

Dai Qisi woke up from her thoughts and shook her head slightly: "The two places are thousands of miles apart, not to mention that there is a war there. Where did the exact news come. I used the information network of the coat-in-the-clothing institute to learn about Mongolia. A lot of victories have been fought in a period of time, and I am afraid the situation on the general altar side is not good.

"Mongolia is now at the peak of its combat power. Facing the enemy, I am afraid that no army is its opponent." Song Qingshu's heart is extremely heavy. One day he has to face this terrible enemy. Then how can he defeat the Mongolian cavalry in the field?

With the experience of later generations, Song Qingshu knows that only when the opponent can be defeated in a field battle can he have the initiative in the war. The Ming Dynasty was unable to defeat the Manchu in a field battle, and was finally dragged to its destruction in internal and external troubles; the Southern Song Dynasty was also dragged by Mongolia and caused an economic collapse, and finally Yashan drained the last drop of blood...

The advancement of guns and artillery in history has allowed the cavalry to completely withdraw from the stage, but the firearms of this era are still in a relatively primitive stage, and there are no crossbows used. It is really unrealistic to use firearms against Mongolia.

"By the way, I recently received an information. It seems that the General Altar had organized an unprecedentedly rigorous assassination, but in the end Temujin was safe and sound." Daiqisi said suddenly.

Song Qingshu frowned: "As far as I know, the Ming Jiao altar has organized countless assassinations against Temuzhen. The master altar is like a cloud, not to mention the Assassin faction who is very good at assassinations under his command. Well, why didn't Temujin even suffer any injuries?"

Daiqisi was also surprised: "You mean..."

"It seems that Temujin should also be a super master." Song Qingshu thought like electricity. If he could catch the thief first, he would directly fix Temujin. With the urinary nature of Mongolia's love of infighting in history, maybe it can really solve this problem that has been troubled. My own confidant is suffering.

But he also knew that a Ruyang Palace was already a master, and almost finished the entire Central Plains martial arts. As a sweaty Temujin, there would only be more masters around him. Moreover, he is protected by thousands of troops and horses at any time, and he is an unfathomable super master. If he wants to catch the thief first, how easy is it to say?

"Qingshu, can you promise me that we must deal with Mongolia as soon as possible?" Daiqisi suddenly pleaded, her voice weaker than ever. In fact, she didn't care much about the life and death of Persian Mingjiao before, and the only thing she cared about was her daughter's little girl. Zhao’s safety is nothing more than that, but during this period of time, he has been the first person of the Jin Kingdom's civil and military officials for so long, and he has thoroughly tasted the beauty of power. Suddenly, he was a little reluctant to bear the Persian religion. The Mingjiao was destroyed by Mongolia, and the mother and daughter no longer have any support, and they have no capital to negotiate with others. With the stunning beauty of their mother and daughter, it will bring them endless in this troubled world. Disaster.

"Don't worry, Mongolia has always been the number one enemy in my heart." Song Qingshu nodded and replied in a deep voice.

Daiqisi nodded, she also knew the current situation of Jin Guo, knowing that urging was useless, and she could only solve the immediate problem first.

The two of them arrived at the palace in this way. Now Tang Kuo has the power to defend himself. Many palace guards are his confidantes. Therefore, he can be said to be as convenient as going home to the palace, even if he has an extra woman with him. The guard dared to cross-examine.

After questioning the guards on duty, they learned that the "emperor" was now reviewing the memorials in the imperial study room, and the two went all the way to the imperial study room.

When he arrived at the periphery of the Yushufang, he found that there were many guards here and the guards were tight. The two were quickly stopped. Song Qingshu frowned, "Even me?"

The guard leader smiled bitterly and said: "I hope the Marshal will forgive me. The emperor has made a special order that no one can enter. If the Marshal is here, you can send someone in to report it first."

"What the **** are you doing?" Song Qingshu frowned and waved his hand to inform him.

Daiqisi pursed her lips and leaned into his ears and said: "Women always love beauty. After all, it is uncomfortable to hold a man's face all over the sky. Most of them are because Gobi removed her makeup at this time. It would be troublesome so no one sees.

"Oh?" Song Qingshu was startled.

Soon someone ran out: "The emperor invites the marshal to go in."

Song Qingshu nodded, and was about to take Daiqisi in with her, but the guard reached out and stopped Daiqisi, and said with a look of embarrassment: "The emperor specially ordered to see only Marshal Du, and I hope you will forgive me."

Song Qingshu also reacted at this moment. Gobi removed his mask at this time and naturally could not be seen by outsiders, so only Tang Kuobian was seen.

Daiqisi was stopped and didn't feel disgusted at all: "You go in first, I'll just stand here for a while." After speaking, she stood aside and admired the scenery in the garden, leaving an infinitely beautiful back. It caused the surrounding guards to look away from time to time.

Song Qingshu laughed blankly. Whether it was the Purple Shirt Dragon King or Mrs. Peach Blossom, this charm really reversed the existence of sentient beings.

He didn't delay, and directly followed the palace lady into the imperial study room. When he arrived near the imperial study room, the imperial lady made a gesture of asking, and then he quietly retreated.

Song Qingshu opened the door, only to see a beautiful woman with an alluring beauty sitting on the side of the book table, flipping the memorial on the table with her white jade-like cat.

The long hair is like a waterfall, the snowy skin is like fat, the corners of the mouth evoke an elegant smile, the slightly raised pink jade lips are like fresh petals, and the curved eyebrows faintly reveal a faintly charming meaning, making people just After a glance, he shook his mind.

There are no lack of coquettish women in this world, but the simple coquettish coquettishness is always a little overwhelming, and can only seduce some ordinary crude and lustful Lu men; but some women have a dignified and graceful temperament, and they have an inviolable sense of holiness. , And then occasionally show a few charms, that is the most deadly temptation for men, even the gods can't help but move Fan's heart!

Obviously Gebi belongs to the latter, which is why she can be recognized as the number one beauty in the Kingdom of Jin, and she is beautifully overwhelming.

Suddenly, Song Qingshu was a little grateful. If it weren't for his conspiracy, Tang Kuobian would not die, and Tang Kuobian would not die, he would not have the blessing to inherit his sweet wife...

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