Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1620: Drive a tiger and devour a wolf

"Don't worry about the Red Coat Army. I will find ways to use the Liao Kingdom to hold them back so that they can't participate in the Northern Expedition of the Southern Song Dynasty." Song Qingshu replied, "The most troublesome thing is in Western Shu."

The fighting power of the Kingdom of Jin is stronger than that of the Southern Song Dynasty, but the economic strength of the Southern Song Dynasty is even stronger. If the Three Routes of the Southern Song Dynasty are allowed to attack at the same time, the Kingdom of Jin will probably lose sight of the other, especially in the Western Shu. Failure, the entire barrier will be dangerous, and that will really shake the foundation of the country.

"Didn't Xishu just hand it back from Mongolia to the Southern Song Dynasty? After a few months, they can integrate and expedition to the north?" This is the most incredible point for Song Qingshu.

Wan Yanping explained: "Although Xishu has been war-torn for a long time, it is a country of abundance after all, and its foundation is still there. What's more, the Southern Song Dynasty court also spent great efforts on blood transfusion to the west this time. This time, Wu Xi, the military leader of Xishu, is a rare talent. In just a few months, he trained the army of Xishu to be strong and strong. Therefore, he was originally stationed in Xingzhou to control the former army, and was later directly appointed by the imperial court. He was the deputy envoy of Xuanfu in Sichuan, and at the same time continued to control the armies of Xishu."

Song Qingshu was horrified. You must know that Xuanfu envoys and Xuanfu deputy envoys have always been qualified to serve as officials of Xuanfu and Xuanfu deputy envoys. Only those who are in charge of the leadership team are qualified to serve as Wu Xi. In these troubled times, the first person in the military and the second person in the political party can be used more frequently. In a sense, he is now the first person in Xishu. As for the nominal leader Xuanfu, Cheng. Song, just put it there to represent the face of the court.

"More than that," Dai Qisi added, "Song Dynasty's practice is that the prince of the clan has always led the Shu Di Caifu, and the relevant books are handed over to the Xuanfu Division, so that the head of the Caifu and the Xuanfu Division are evenly matched and restrain each other. . And Han Yu’s ambassador Caifu is subordinate to Xuanfu Division, and Xuanfu Deputy Envoy can control the inspection. Now Wu Xi controls the military, politics, and finances of Xishu, and is worthy of the name of the country."

"The news just got, the imperial court has also issued an order to let Wu Xi concurrently serve as the solicitor of Shaanxi and Hedong. Now Wu Xi is very popular." Gebi muttered to herself questioningly, "I don't know why Han Dongzuo believes in him so much. Isn't it afraid? Is he wrong?"

Song Qingshu knows that with Linghu Chong's character, how can there be any ambiguity? The reason why Han Zhang did this is probably because the people of the Jia Sidao clique secretly caused Wu Xi to hinder Wu Xi and affect his plan for the Northern Expedition. It seems that he is determined to win this Northern Expedition, and in a sense it can be said to be a success. The desperate move, after all, has been able to overcome all opinions and promoted so many cronies. It must have touched the interests of a large number of people. If he succeeded in the Northern Expedition, it would be good to say, in case of failure... I am afraid that what awaits him is the abyss.

"The imperial court has just gone through a civil turmoil, and now its vitality has not recovered. I am afraid that it can only cope with the two attacks on the south side. The morale of Xishu is now winning. If they send troops, I am afraid it will be dangerous." Daiqisi has been serving for this period of time. Tang Kuo's role in the defense of Shang Shuling is very clear about the current situation of Jin Guo, and her tone can not help but feel a little worried. She is not worried about Jin Guo, but worried that Jin Guo will not be able to deal with Mongolia after its failure.

"Now that the Southern Song Dynasty has taken back Sichuan, it has already bordered Tubo and Xixia. How about using these two countries to see if Sichuan can be contained?" Gebi suddenly proposed.

Wan Yanping on the side shook her head: “According to the information of the Huanyiyuan, Tubo’s politics and religion are now chaotic, and imperial power and religion compete for the actual rule of the country. The Jincheng princess was married to Tubo, so they had the extra energy to help Song attack us."

History The Southern Song Dynasty lost the north, the ideology after the prevalence of ethics, plus the shame of Jingkang countless clan women were robbed of the northern coat of clothing, so the Song Dynasty was very taboo on the topic of marriage, they think this is a great humiliation, if anyone If you dare to propose a marriage, you will definitely be drowned in the saliva of the military officials.

On the contrary, the more powerful Han and Tang Dynasties didn’t mind at all about getting married, because they were able to get along with each other in the posture of a strong man, not to offer their daughters for glory. Although they sacrificed a woman’s happiness, they didn’t know how many soldiers were spared from the horse leather shroud, indirectly. To prevent more women from the pain of losing their husbands, they have completely different views on marriage with different mentalities.

But this world doesn't know why, the Song Dynasty actually sent a princess to marry Tubo...

After hearing Yan Ping talk about Princess Jincheng, Song Qingshu couldn't help thinking that when she went to Tubo to learn Huanxi Zen, she seemed to have a relationship with her on the road, but she was in the carriage at the time and did not see the other side clearly. .

Wan Yanping’s words quickly brought him back to reality. Song Qingshu knew that this was not the time for random thinking, and hurriedly listened to her to continue: “As for Xixia, they were interested in making peace with the Liao State not long ago. Princess Cheng’an, the daughter of Yeluyixin from the ruling and opposition parties, would definitely not help us after Xixia and Liao were married, but Yeluyixin’s conspiracy was recently killed. This has made the marriage between the two countries more variable. We can try Start with this."

Song Qingshu said with a headache: "How to start, can't we also send a princess to make peace with Xixia? Now you are the only princess of the right age in China..."

"Bah!" Gebi on the side suddenly became angry, "You can't play Ping'er's idea."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said: "Don't worry, she is willing to marry and I still can't bear to let her marry."

"That's the best." Gebi snorted, and his expression eased.

Seeing Song Qingshu's deflated appearance, Dai Qisi couldn't help but feel a little complicated. Because of the flowers in the greenhouse like Xianggebi, she was born in Jianghu and understands Song Qingshu's energy at this time. If any man has his martial arts and power, It's monstrous, it will only be women trembling in front of him, how can there be such a blessing to "bully" him?

"This man is really different from other men in this world. Although he sometimes pretends to be fierce, he can't conceal the tenderness in his bones. He seems to really treat women as equal beings..." Thought blankly.

"Did the Dragon King think of something?" Song Qingshu asked kindly, noticing the appearance of him in a daze.

Daiqisi came back to her senses, her face blushed and disappeared: "I thought of an idea, I don't know if it is feasible or not."

"What way?" The other three people looked at her nicely.

Dai Qisi said slowly: “It’s better to let the Liao country’s marrying team pass through the Shaanxi-Gansu border and create the illusion of being hijacked by the Sichuan army. Now the whole world knows that the Liao’s Cheng’an princess is Xixia’s quasi-prince. , The prince concubine falls into the hands of other men, how can Xixia give up?"

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