Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1622: Electra complex

Song Qingshu was startled, and then he remembered that he had actually ordered Daiqisi before. After all, he is now the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin in name, but in fact he is not visible, and it is difficult to use state power such as Jin and Qing as he pleases.

After being influenced by the theory of "Government from the barrel of a gun" in the previous life, he plans to re-establish an army, an elite of the elite, and an army that only obeys his commands.

But after all, this was a matter of digging into the corner of the Kingdom of Jin. He couldn't let the Gebi sisters do it, so he arranged Dai Qisi to be responsible, and Qiu Qianren assisted. Qiu Qianren used to be the leader of a gang, and he built the unknown Iron Palm Gang into a well-known gang in the martial arts, and his leadership is evident.

Originally, Song Qingshu intended to let Ouyang Feng watch from the sidelines, but he had no interest in these worldly trivial matters, only indulging in martial arts and researching poisons.

"I'll ask you about this after I get back." Song Qingshu glanced at Gebi. He had forgotten about it because he was busy dealing with the Southern Song and Northern Expeditions, but now he said it in front of her. These ones.

"Oh~" Daiqisi was a little depressed. In fact, the reason why she suppressed this incident was to use this incident to lead him out of the palace, so as not to let him indulge in the gentle homeland of Sister Gobi.

Of course, if she is fighting for favor, it doesn't count, it's just a woman's instinct. After all, getting closer to Song Qingshu will help convince him to send troops to Mongolia as soon as possible in the future.

Seeing that he hadn't been persuaded, Daiqisi made her last effort: "I have a list of middle and lower-level officers. The point is that the commander of this army has never found a good candidate, and you need to check it out."

Song Qingshu pondered for a while and replied: "Okay, I will pay attention to see if there is a suitable candidate."

Seeing that he still didn't mean to go with her, Dai Qisi curled her lips secretly, but she had already said enough just now, and she was inconvenient to behave too urgently.

After the Wanyan Chong Festival, I stood aside and said with a smile, "Are you talking about national affairs? Don't worry about me, go ahead. I'll just stand here and wait for my uncle."

Gebi is extremely depressed, thinking how can we talk with you here? Especially when she thinks that Song Qingshu is about to be taken away by another woman, she becomes even more depressed. Unfortunately, her current identity is not easy to retain, so she waved her hand irritably, and said, "What I said just now. It's almost done, you and your uncle will go ahead first."

Song Qingshu was curious about what Pucha Alihu was looking for, and nodded when he heard the words: "Okay, I will go back. The things I just said are troublesome... trouble the emperor and his wife to worry about it."

Hearing what he said, Wan Yan Chongji's face showed joy, and he happily bowed to Gebi: "Chongji also retired." After speaking, the two of them took Song Qingshu's arm and left the royal study room together.

Witnessing the two leaving intimately, Daiqisi glanced at Gobi with a faint smile: "Does the madam watch her husband being abducted by another woman?"

Gebi sighed: "He is not my husband, he can go wherever he likes to go!"

Let’s say that Song Qingshu and Wanyan Chongjie were walking in the palace, feeling that the girl’s delicate and lusty body was almost half hung on them, Song Qingshu said with a smile, "You are a girl, don’t you know the truth about whether men and women give or receive marriage? What"

Wan Yan Chongjie raised his head and glanced at him, and said dismissively: "You are my uncle, and what do you care about with your elders?"

Suddenly her expression changed and she showed a strange expression: "You don't have any nasty thoughts about my niece, do you?"

Song Qingshu heard a black line: "You know I am not your uncle." Wan Yan Zhongjie had already known that he was pretending to be Tang Kuobian.

"I don't care, you will be my uncle anyway." Wan Yan Zhongjie snorted, revealing the girl's unique charm.

"I have never seen you and Tang Kuobian be so affectionate before." Song Qingshu's face showed a faint smile, which directly exposed her careful thoughts.

After Wanyan Chongjie, his face blushed, but his chin quickly raised: "It used to be before, now is now. Don't you know that a girl's heart is the most fickle in the world?"

Song Qingshu smiled, and did not intend to continue quarreling with the girl, but instead asked: "Why did you know that I'm back so soon?"

"Because I have been sending people to stare at the Du Marshal's Mansion. I just saw Tang Kuo pleading out today, and there was a Mrs. Peach Blossom next to him. Who else is there if you are back?" Wan Yan Zhongjie didn't say anything, but the meaning was Obviously, Daiqisi is pretending to be Tang Kuozheng on weekdays. Now Daiqisi is back in women's clothing, and there is Tang Kuozheng beside her, and it is naturally that he, the master, has returned.

"What's the matter with your mother looking for me?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking, if nothing happened, he wouldn't send someone to stare at Tang Kuo's Mansion.

"I don't know either." Wan Yan Zhongjie blinked, with a dazed and innocent look, "Maybe it's my mother who missed you."

Song Qingshu has a black line: "How can you make a joke about Mother's Day like this in the world, you just want to find yourself a godfather?"

"I naturally don't want other people to be this girl's godfather," Wan Yan Zhongjie said while looking up and down Song Qingshu, "but if you want to be, I would barely mind."

Song Qingshu couldn't bear it anymore: "You are called Electra complex with us."

"Electra complex?" Wan Yan Zhongjie blinked, not only did not get angry at all, but instead held Song Qingshu tighter. "People have no father since they were young, even if Electra is normal."

Song Qingshu was finally defeated by her, and then simply watched her ears, noses, noses, noses and minds, and stopped paying attention to her. At this time, the two of them had arrived at the gate of the palace. The carriage on board also waited there.

However, Wan Yan Chongjie obviously had no plans to return to his carriage, and got directly into the car of Tang Kuo Mansion, but was stopped by the guards at the door. "Hey, what are you doing? I want to ride in a car with my uncle." Being stopped by the guards, Wan Yan Zhongjie suddenly became dissatisfied.

Song Qingshu glanced at her lightly, and finally waved his hand to signal the guard to retreat and let her in. Wan Yan Zhong gave the guard a triumphant glance, and then got into the car like a clever fox.

"Let's go." Now he is the first person in the Jin Guochaotang. Naturally, he is in front and back. A large number of guards are accompanying to protect safety. It is also extremely prestigious. If Song Qingshu would have been intoxicated by this feeling a few years ago, But since he woke up from the devil in the Manchu Palace, his mentality has been calm.

"Do you know that this will bring a lot of rumors." The carriage drove for a while, and Song Qingshu opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful girl beside him. Tang Kuobian's special carriage was naturally luxurious and had a lot of space inside. It can be regarded as the Rolls-Royce of this world to a degree, but the other party is still sitting tightly beside him.

Wan Yan Chongjie looked surprised: "You are now in power, and you are afraid that people will chew your tongue."

Song Qingshu snorted: "Of course I'm not afraid, mainly because your mother and daughter have no scruples?"

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