Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1638: Power by war

I lost by five to one. Several deputy commanders wanted to sew in. Of course, some were unconvinced. For example, Tang Kuo Shengrong mumbled: "What kind of ability is brute force, if I have a bow and arrow in my hand, take a few breaths." Can shoot you into a hedgehog."

Although the others did not speak, their unconvincing eyes were still very obvious. Many people thought that if they had a weapon in their hands, they would not necessarily lose to the other side.

Song Qingshu said at the right time: "Man, if you lose, you lose. There are so many reasons. Will the enemy on the battlefield tell you the reason?"

Because the other party was from Tang Kuo's family, he didn't worry about anything during the training, and took the opportunity to beat other people.

Sure enough, after hearing his reprimand, the faces of several other people showed shame, and of course they still had dissatisfaction, such as Pu San Feihan: "The general is not just relying on brute force. Everyone in the Loyalty Army They are all elites. If you don't know how to lead soldiers to fight, whoever will obey him should be in charge."

Monk Wanyan Chen finally spoke: "You were in charge of the offensive side when you drilled on the school field before."

"So what?" A hint of pride flashed across Pu San Feihan's face. Although he had just lost, he had already grasped the rhythm of the offensive. He was confident that he had encountered Tang Kuo Hongda in actual combat, and he must win in the end. he.

"Unfortunately, I still lost." Wanyan Chen said lightly.

"That's because there are various restraint rules in the exercise. The offensive party with the same strength is already at a loss. Do you understand?" The professional field was questioned, and Pu San Feihan was instantly angry.

At this moment, Song Qingshu's eyes also had a hint of curiosity. I saw Monk Wanyan Chen calmly saying: "Just now, your command is regularly to be found. Wave after wave of attacks, although the offensive is higher than the wave. A wave, but it also made the defense psychologically prepared. If it were my command, I would never increase it level by level, but let the offensive be strong for a while and weak for a while, making the defense psychologically unpredictable. Suddenly, he was given a blow to break the boat and sink the boat. The fist, only when it is retracted and then punched out will it hurt..."

His remarks made everyone on the court shine. Although there was no actual training, the people on the court were all veterans on the battlefield. Naturally, he knew that the attacking rhythm he described was more useful and could probably break the defensive camp.

Song Qingshu secretly nodded his head, as expected to be a famous general in history. It is indeed extraordinary: "Now it seems that everyone should have no objection to the prosecution of Wanyan Chen and Ren Zhongyi's army?"

Several deputy commanders looked at each other, although they were still unconvinced in their hearts, they were much more acceptable than they were at the beginning: "Yes~"

"By the way, I also want to introduce you to another deputy commander, Pu Chazhen, who defeated Song Jun several times at the border and made meritorious services." Song Qingshu beckoned out of the account, a man with a tired expression but piercing eyes. When I walked in, it turned out that the guards had brought Pu Chazhen over after a few people competed with Monk Wanyanchen. After all, he had just come out of prison, and his appearance would inevitably be a little frustrated.

"Have heard of his name..." Unlike Monk Wanyan Chen, Pu Chazhen stationed in the south a few years ago, and was considered a small name in the army. Several other deputy commanders have heard of his name more or less. head.

"I've seen you all," Pu Chazhen arched his hands, and saw a few people one by one, before finally saluting Song Qingshu, "Criminal minister Pu Chazhen, pay homage to the marshal."

Song Qingshu stepped forward and helped him up: "You are just being implicated by the innocent. What's the crime? Don't mention the previous things again. In the future, I will do a good job in the Loyalty Army, and I will let you out. ."

"Thank you Marshal!" Looking at the man in front of him, Pu Chazhen's emotions were extremely complicated. The reason why he was in jail was because of the other party's gift, but he also understood that this kind of thing could not be blamed on the other party, who would do it again. Originally, he thought that he would spend his entire life in prison, but he did not expect that today a decree would suddenly come down, which not only pardoned his guilt, but also promoted him to become the deputy commander of the Loyalty Army!

Who in the capital doesn't know that the Loyalty Army is the hottest army now, and how many princes and nobles want to cram their children in and become ordinary soldiers, let alone the position of deputy commander?

Although he is a member of the Pucha family, he has not enjoyed the slightest favor of the patriarch in these years, but he was finally implicated by him. Now Tang Kuo argues that he is promoted regardless of previous suspicions, and he has given him an extremely bright future. Everything makes him Like falling into a dream, there is a feeling of death as a confidant.

Seeing his excitement, Song Qingshu patted him on the shoulder and smiled and said to the others: "After all, he is a newcomer, and he has just gone through jail. In the future, please help him with the Loyalty Army. a bit."

A group of people responded, Song Qingshu then continued, "I just mentioned that there are two things that have come here. Now I will introduce you to the second thing. During this period of time, the loyal army will lead the highest salary in the army. , Eating the best meat every day, countless people in the army have expressed dissatisfaction with this commander. Why can you enjoy the best treatment? So now you need to prove your worth!"

Several deputy commanders had been suffocated by the previous loss to Monk Wanyan Chen, and now they are so excited again, all of them are excited: "As long as the marshal says a word, go through water and fire, you will not hesitate!"

Song Qingshu nodded with satisfaction: "Now that the Southern Song Dynasty is about to expedition to the North, there is no need to worry about the right deputy marshal and the privy envoy in the south. Monk Yuan, has broken the gate of Sichuan to Shu!"

"Must not insult your life!" A group of people who have been in ruins in the officialdom for so long have long been thinking about making contributions, and now they are all like wolf cubs who are extremely hungry.

Song Qingshu was satisfied with their enthusiasm, and then went on to say: "The establishment of the Loyalty Army is too short to do too much training. We can only practice on the battlefield. The difficulties can only be overcome by everyone's concerted efforts."

Several commanders nodded solemnly one after another. They were also aware of the huge risks involved. If their subordinates were ordinary soldiers, they would have long since heard of the need to use battle for power training. After all, they have only been out for thousands of years. With such a freak as Han Xin, a mob of peasants can be trained into elite soldiers in the war in a short time, but now the Loyalty Army is the elite selected from the various armies, and they barely have the confidence to give it a try.

Song Qingshu returned to the position of the coach and sat down and slowly said: "This coach has never interfered in the daily training of the Loyalty Army, but there is only one principle. You must do it."

"Marshal, please!" Several deputy commanders held their heads tall and stood straight.

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