Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1666: Yingying...green

Song Qingshu's expression is so strange because he vaguely remembers that Ruan Xingzhu lived in seclusion near Xiaojing Lake in the original work. Among Duan Zhengchun's lovers, her sense of existence is not too high, not as beautiful as Li Qingluo, and not as good as a knife. Bai Feng's dust, even compared with Qin Hongmian and Gan Baobao, she is not so brilliant.

The most impressive thing is that she is well acquainted with water and is the mother of the Azhu Azi sisters. As for her family background, it is not mentioned. It is just a few words that she is a big family with a strict family tradition. She was unmarried. Under the fear of pregnancy, Aju Azi can only be brought up by others, which directly caused the tragedy of the sisters.

Unexpectedly, in this world, he would become the mistress of Ruan's family, the number one emperor in the world?

Originally Song Qingshu was worried about whether he had guessed wrong, but thinking that Li Qingluo could be the Virgin of White Lotus, Ruan Xingzhu's current identity does not seem surprising.

"According to the development of the plot, Azhu and Azi should have met their mothers?" Song Qingshu was curious, wondering if they knew the identity of their mothers.

"It may also be that I guessed wrong...well, after all, it still has to be verified before it counts." Song Qingshu asked that fairness, "Do they carry passengers on such a big ship?"

Nagong heard what he meant, and shook his head like a rattle: "I am an imperial merchant who is waiting for the best in the world, and he almost has the money to carry passengers? Don't think about it."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I don't think it is necessarily."

While talking, the huge ship had slowly approached the pier, and the surrounding people crowded around with a scream. The man also ignored the two of them, and ran to the shore in a hurry, pushing and shoving each other with other people. Try to occupy a good position one by one.

Song Qingshu roughly guessed what they were doing. Obviously, the huge ship had to dock for replenishment, unloading and loading. It needed the help of the sailor at the dock. Grabbed it.

With the crowds on the shore now surging, Song Qingshu was worried about squeezing into Ren Yingying, so he sat down with her in the shade of a tree. Ren Yingying seemed to see his thoughts and asked, "Qingshu, you plan to board this ship."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, originally I was worried that ordinary boats would have too much wind and waves, and your bones would not be able to withstand the bumps. This huge ship is just right. Living on it must be quite stable."

Ren Yingying's eyebrows frowned: "But the man said that this ship does not carry passengers."

Song Qingshu gently shook her hand: "So what, for my little fairy Yingying, the rules of the sky have to make an exception for me."

How could Ren Yingying withstand his love words, a pretty face flushed with shame, and sipped gently: "It will be greasy."

Although she was pursing her lips and chuckles, there was a hint of worry in her heart. You must know that with Song Qingshu's current fame, she was always a guest when she reported. No matter how good he is, he is the king of Qi by the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty. The emperor, how dare to offend him? It's just that his identity is exposed in this way. In this sensitive period, his trip to Sichuan will cause a series of chain reactions, and all forces will pay attention to him... If it is for his own sake, he will suffer a blow to the lover's career. , That's too...

The two of them hugged each other tightly at this time, Song Qingshu held her hand again, and immediately noticed the change in her emotions. After a little thought, he guessed the outline, and couldn't help but smile: "Yingying, your bones can't stand this now. The toss of Qiqiao Linglongxin, don't worry, it's not what you think."

Seeing that the dock was almost calm at this time, he pulled Ren Yingying and walked towards the giant ship: "Or we make a bet, I can let them send someone to pick me up using your name."

Ren Yingying was startled: "My name?" Then he smiled: "The Sun Moon God Sect is mainly in the north. It is still useful to use my name in the Yellow River area. I am afraid that no one will buy my account in the Yangtze River area, let alone. The Ruan family is also the world's largest emperor merchant."

"Of course not by relying on the name of the Sun Moon God Sect," Song Qingshu shook his head, "It's just your name, the two characters'Yingying'."

"How is this possible?" Ren Yingying pursed her lips and smiled.

"That's why I came to make a bet." Song Qingshu laughed.

"Okay, I bet with you." Ren Yingying's curiosity was also hooked up by him, "What is the bet?"

"Tonight you want..." Song Qingshu leaned into her ear and whispered a few words quietly.

Ren Yingying instantly became so ashamed that she reddened from her earlobe to the base of her neck: "It's ridiculous."

Song Qingshu showed a sly smile: "Don't you think it's impossible for me to win? Don't the dignified Miss Ren even have such confidence?"

Seeing the lover's bright eyes, Ren Yingying couldn't help but feel stunned. At the same time, he was also aroused in her heart with arrogance: "Gamble, gamble, I don't believe you can win."

Song Qingshu secretly compared a V, and took her to the shore.

Not surprisingly, the two were directly stopped by the Ruan family’s general: “The Ruan family’s cargo ship and other people are walking away.” When they were stopped, Ren Yingying was not at all lost, but she took a good time to look at the man next to her. , To see how he ends up.

Song Qingshu arched his hands calmly: "I am your mistress's friend, and now I want to go on the boat to see her."

The house will sneer: "If you want to see our mistress, there are not one thousand or eight hundred. You can see if you see."

The sailors next to her also began to chuckle: "Mrs. Ruan's famous name is far-reaching. Men along the river came up with various reasons to see her. My friend's statement is too old."

The sailors glared fiercely, "Dare to arrange madam, do you want to die?" Although the group of sailors were still smiling hippies, they didn't dare to say anything anymore.

Song Qingshu smiled calmly without arguing with these people, but slowly chanted: "The stars in the sky are shining; eternally splendid and peaceful. The bamboo by the lake is full of green; it is safe and happy." His voice was mixed. In spite of the noisy wharf, this sentence still spread to everyone's ears, and it is different from the overbearing and harsh sound of ordinary martial arts people when mixed with internal power. His voice is as gentle as jade, without a hint of abruptness. Feeling, as if it was a normal conversation between friends, if it weren't for martial arts to reach the top level, otherwise it would not be realized that this is the effect of internal force.

Ren Yingying on the side was stunned, and heard the word "Yingying" in his sentence, thinking that this is what he said that the other party can send someone to greet him with my name?

The sailors on the side laughed loudly. Among them, the happiest smile was the man who explained to them before: "There are countless talents who have tried to meet Mrs. Ruan in these years. Many people have also tried to chant poems and paint, hoping to win the beauty. I laughed, but I have never heard anyone succeed. What's more, isn't this just a nursery rhyme, and it's far worse than the chanting of other talents."

The style of the entire Song Dynasty was unprecedentedly prosperous. Although these sailors did not have much culture, they could roughly distinguish the quality of poetry from the ears and eyes.

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