Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 169: Hand sinking and sinking iron hook

Chapter 169 The Fibrous Hand Sinks the Iron Hook

"Hey, hey, what is my strength to seduce women?" Song Qingshu said with a black line, "Who am I seduce?"

"That little widow of the Yuan family, how long has it been since her husband died, she was put in bed by you... And Miss Ren, who has always been graceful and calm, also made her face flushed by a few words..." Dongfang Muxue pulled her finger up. , Counted them one by one for him.

"Okay, okay..." Song Qingshu wisely gave up on arguing with her about this issue, "Let's think of a way to get out of the valley first. If they find us, they will be a tragedy."

"Are you unable to use your internal force now, nor can you perform light work?" Dongfang Muxue thought that there was no way out of the valley, only climbing out of the cliffs on both sides, and couldn't help but feel a headache.

Seeing Song Qingshu nodded, Dongfang Muxue stretched out her hand and flew outside while holding his belt.

"The waist is broken and the waist is broken..." Song Qingshu was lifted in midair by him, watching as he was getting further and further away from the ground, taking a breath, and clinging around with his hands and feet.

Dongfang Muxue just felt that his thigh was being held by him, and before he could scold him, the other's hands and feet were already entangled, and her legs were held tightly like an octopus. She only felt her body sank, and quickly pulled Song Qingshu into her arms, and said coldly: "You hugged my legs, are you trying to cause both of us to fall to death?" There are many varieties, but even if you are as light as a swallow, you still cannot escape and need to use your feet.

"I knew that, you should have held me just now." Song Qingshu just breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that everything he touched was soft. After a daze, he was overjoyed and immediately reacted and put his head on Dongfang Muxue's shoulders.

"Stay away from my body, you are not my favorite male, don't be such a woman." Dongfang Muxue only felt a thin layer of lumps on the skin around her neck, and hurriedly hid back.

"Sister, or consider accepting me as a male pet." Song Qingshu's eyes lit up upon hearing this.

Dongfang Muxue was angry and funny, and glared at him: "If you talk nonsense, I'll throw you down...er..." It turned out that she was halfway through her words, and only felt that the hands holding her waist became tighter, as if There was also a trace of heat coming from him, so he had to swallow the second half of the sentence back, speeding up and flying out of the valley.

"Have you not enough? Get off." Dongfang Muxue saw that he hadn't let go when he landed, and Yun Qi was lightly shocked. Song Qingshu only felt his hands numb, and he had been pushed three feet away.

"Let's talk about how to learn Qingchen Yaqin." Noting Dongfang Muxue's black face, Song Qingshu quickly changed the subject with a smile.

Dongfang Muxue snorted coldly, turned around and walked south, "Hey, wait for me..." Song Qingshu hurriedly chased after him, and the two figures, one red and one green, gradually disappeared into the woods.

The Western Regions, the sea of ​​stars, the secret room.

Sitting on the middle chair is an old man with a goose feather fan in his hand, his face is red and his face is red.

Runny, full of white hair, three strands of silver beard under the chin, and childlike hair, really look like the fairy figures in the picture.

"Hahaha, the use of poison in the Five Poison Sect is really extraordinary, but unfortunately it is still not as good as my old constellation..."

Opposite a woman with phoenix eyes with spring, long eyebrows into the temples, she is very beautiful, but the front of her left hand is covered with a dark poisoned iron hook. Compared with the slender hand of her right hand, she is very seductive and weird. It is He Tie Shou of the Five Poisons.

"The concubine body has always heard that the old immortal of the stars is supernatural with poison, and with admiration, he came to visit from a long distance, and the old immortal greeted others with such things as the heart-refining bullet, the green phosphorus needle, and the invisible powder." He Tieshou The words are gentle, pretending to be coquettish.

"Hey," Old Star Immortal Chunqiu said with a dry smile, "You are visiting sincerely, why do you have to use the green silkworm poison, which is one of the two major poisons of the Five Poisons? If it weren't for the old immortal's knowledge in poisoning, I'm afraid. What a mess of Little Wawa."

He Tieshou calmly replied: "Oh, my concubine heard that the old fairy is very interested in the poisonous things in the world, so how dare he use ordinary poison to smear the eyes of the old fairy? This is the most powerful green silkworm. Gu Po was respectful, and he didn't expect that the old fairy was superbly accomplished, and it was easy to deal with it. According to the concubine's personal opinion, the name of "Xi Du" in Baituo Villa Ouyang Feng should be the most suitable for the old immortal. "

Ding Chunqiu showed his face, and He Tieshou’s words were scratching his heart. He always felt that he was the number one in poison in the world, but he knew that the reputation of Western poison fell on Ouyang Feng. He had long thought about it. He set off for Baituo Mountain Villa and competed with Ouyang Feng, only to give up after hearing that the other party had gone to be an official in the Kingdom of Jin.

"Girl He is absurdly praised, Ouyang Feng still has some skill. I don't know what is going on when the girl comes to Xing Su Hai on this trip?" The expression became more pleasant while speaking.

It turned out that He Tieshou heard that Yuan Chengzhi was killed by the Eastern Invincible and wanted to avenge him, so he began to fight with Blue Phoenix for the position of the leader of the Five Poisons. In recent years, the power of the He family is higher than that of the Lan family. In retreat, the Eastern Undefeated sent Qu Feiyan over. Although Qu Feiyan was young, as the only disciple of the Eastern Undefeated, his martial arts was not weak. He Tieshou no longer had an advantage in martial arts, but he used poison. It was no match for Blue Phoenix, and it gradually fell into a disadvantage.

He Tieshou was also considered a genius from the He family. Knowing that in the long run, he has only one way to go, so he decided to seek external support. Ding Chunqiu is one of them, and He Tieshou hopes to use him to restrain Blue Phoenix in the use of poison.

Hearing what the other party wanted, Ding Chunqiu was quite moved, thinking in his heart: "In recent years, I have encountered a bottleneck in the use of poisons. I have long heard that the Five Poisons are good at using poisons. Many places may be able to comprehend by analogy, especially the ones they teach. Golden silkworm Gu poison is one of the top ten poisons in the world..."

However, these Ding Chunqiu did not show this on his face, his expression was indifferent, and he seemed to be lacking in interest: "The stars and the sea are more than a thousand miles away from the Five Poisons. The old man does not have this time to help you fight for power. Chapter 169 Xianxian Sink and sink the hook

Profit. "

The performance of the other party did not surprise He Tieshou. She smiled and said: "The concubine naturally dare not let the old fairy go for a trip. After the work is done, she will offer something to ensure that the old fairy is satisfied and satisfied. Back."

Ding Chunqiu saw her coquettish demeanor, with spring in her eyes, and there seemed to be a hint of dissoluteness in her words, she couldn't help but frown, "I have always been a bad lady, besides, I'm old enough to be your grandfather..."

He Tieshou knew that he wanted to go wrong, his face flushed, and he cursed inwardly: This old man is not repairing, and his mind is full of nasty things.

"Old Immortal misunderstood, what the concubine said is the most yin and cold thing in the world-ice silkworm."

"Ice silkworm?" Ding Chunqiu was taken aback, but he was always using the poisonous master, and soon remembered the relevant records: ice silkworm, sexually yin, highly poisonous, produced in the wilds of the North, and zhe leaves for food, silk Extremely tough, the sword is unbreakable, as the string of the piano, far better than anything, and it will melt when it meets the fire.

"Yes, the concubine is willing to offer the ice silkworm both hands." Seeing the expression on Ding Chunqiu's face, He Tieshou knew that the other party had already moved.

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