Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1719: Post station storm

Song Qingshu was startled, but he didn't expect such an answer, and kept murmuring in her heart. Does she know my identity or is she deliberately playing tricks?

However, no matter what it was, it was clearly rejected now, and it was naturally inconvenient to look for Yelu Nanxian in full view. He could only ride a horse and walk in front of her listlessly, thinking that she had to find a chance to tidy up her.

Unfortunately, in the next few days, Yelu Nanxian stayed alive, and didn't give herself a chance to approach her at all. Later, Song Qingshu became more and more convinced that the other party was deliberate.

The speed of the send-off team was not fast. It took only a few days to walk for more than 100 miles. The sky was getting darker this day. Looking at the faintly visible station in the distance, Song Qingshu wondered how he had to go to see Yelu Nanxian today. Even if Ye runs into her boudoir!

Because it was getting late, the sending party decided to rest at the inn. Yelu Nanxian still did not get out of the carriage, and directly let the carriage to the backyard, and then prohibited other people from approaching the yard.

As if noticing Song Qingshu’s embarrassment, the official of the Ministry of Rites approached and said: “The general should not be offended, most of the princesses are in a bad mood.” He was actually very curious about the general escort. He had never seen him before in Shangjing. After the parachuting, everyone was speculating about his background, and how could he let the nobles in the palace directly appoint him.

After getting along these days, Song Qingshu knew that the official of the Ministry of Rites was Xiao Yuduwu, and his name was a bit confusing, but he was also used to it. The names of these people in Liao were like that.

"Master Xiao said and laughed, how dare I blame the princess?" Song Qingshu disguised his appearance at this time, and there was no fear of being discovered his true identity.

When entering the station, Song Qingshu suddenly moved in his heart, turning his head and looking aside, only to see a petite girl, about eight or nine years old, but with a beautiful face and bright eyes.

"Really a beauty embryo!" Song Qingshu couldn't help but marvel, knowing that this world is no better than later generations. Most ordinary people are a little malnourished. In addition, it is common to get married and have children very early, so generally children are thin and small. It is rare to see such a little girl with pink makeup and jade. Song Qingshu thought carefully about the little girls he had seen before. It seemed that only Miao Ruolan could match this girl.

But Miao Ruolan is the kind of innocent and innocent beauty. This girl is so young next year, but she looks a bit beautiful as a big girl. It's really a bit... I don't know how to describe it.

"I didn't expect the mountain village to have such stunning beauty." Xiao Yu Duwu also noticed the girl and couldn't help sighing.

Hearing the frivolous-evil in his tone, Song Qingshu was speechless for a while, thinking that people in this era really have no scruples, and evil thoughts can be born to such a small luoli, but when I think of many women in this world He became a biological child at the age of, so it's no surprise that he is used to it.

"Looking at her like this, she should be the daughter of the post leader here. Why don't I tell him later and let her serve the general at night, and the general will take her back to be a concubine, and their family can be considered as a concubine. "Xiao Yudu moored to his side and deliberately lowered his voice. He deliberately attracted this mysterious general, so he planned to borrow flowers to present the Buddha. Anyway, he was not his own daughter, so he didn't feel distressed.

The girl in the distance was lowering her head and sweeping the floor, but suddenly a cold light flashed in her eyes, but it was a pity that the angle was wrong, and Song Qingshu and the others did not notice.

"Uh, no need." At this time, Song Qingshu was speechless for his proposal. You must know that he, who came from the world famous after generations, is really not used to some things that are accustomed to this world.

Worrying that Xiao Ru would try to deal with the little girl, Song Qingshu went on to add: "Now that we have to do our job, we still don’t want to be extravagant, and the princess is in a bad mood these past two days. If we let her know and blame it, we absolutely I can't eat it and walk around."

Thinking of Yelu Nanxian's current state, Xiao Yan fought a cold war, and hurriedly said, "Thank you for the general reminder. Let me go. I would like to ask the army to have a drink."

After drinking with Xiao Yu, the night was already late, Song Qingshu pretended to be drunk and returned to the room. After waiting for a while, he estimated that most of the people were already asleep, and then quietly went to the backyard to touch it. Now Yelu Nanxianyi He had no choice but to take the posture that the vice-born would not enter, but he thought about his martial arts, and he didn't worry about being discovered by the accompanying guards.

As he walked all the way to the backyard, he couldn't help but frown. It was too quiet here. After looking around, he didn't see where the guards were. At first, he thought it was a secret whistle, but he took a closer look. Still nothing found.

At this time, the sound of fighting came from the fairy house in Yelunan, and Song Qingshu's heart slammed: broken!

Hurriedly ran over there, and before arriving, I saw Yelu Nanxian holding a long sword from a distance, and the whole person fluttering around the house like a fairy, while several people were working together to besiege her.

With sharp eyes, Song Qingshu recognized that one of them seemed to be the leader of the station, and instantly understood what was going on. Most of the killers came first to kill the real station guards here, and then pretended to be them.

As for the guards of the sent-off team, most of them were caught in Mongolian sweat medicine. The food and the like have been monitored by special personnel. If you use the poison that sees the blood to seal the throat, you must not be able to hide it from them. Good Mongolian sweat medicine and the like.

Noting that Yelu Nanxian didn't fall behind the assassins in the battle, Song Qingshu didn't immediately show up to help.

The long sword in Yelu Nanxian's hand is like a round of cold moonlight, and the whole person is well-founded for advance and retreat. The few people can't get close to her body. Seeing Song Qingshu secretly nodded: "Her sun and moon divine sword has become more refined. It's pure, he is indeed a leader among the younger generation." He didn't even realize that his comment was completely the attitude of an old senior, completely forgetting that he was actually a young man.

Seeing that they couldn't attack for a long time, the few people looked at each other, nodded secretly, then abandoned their swords and fists together, and attacked Yelu Nanxian.

"Seven injuries boxing!" Song Qingshu recognized the boxing technique, and couldn't help being surprised. We must know that since the Golden Retriever King Xie Xun made a big stir in the Kongtong School, the Kongtong School has become quite low-key. Basically, they rarely appear in the arena, and even many people have forgotten that there is such a big faction in the arena.

Qishangquan is most famous for hurting others and hurting oneself first. After practicing with seven injuries, all seven will be injured. The sacrifice is so great, and the power is naturally not trivial. As soon as a few people hit the Qishangquan, Yelu Nanxian became a little cramped and had to He rushed into the yard and used his light power to deal with it in a wide environment. The slender legs in the up and down fly filled Song Qingshu's eyes.

It’s a pity that those assassins obviously didn’t have the thought of pitying Xiangxiyu. Seven wounds fisted with strength. Many big trees in the backyard broke when they were touched. Even a few stones in the yard were beaten by the punching force. Fei, Yelun's fairy face changed slightly, knowing that he would be seriously injured if he was hit once, and his expression could not help becoming solemn.

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