Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1722: Tsundere Lao Luo-Li

Feeling the meaning in his eyes, Tianshan Tong's grandmother was furious: "The kid is looking for death!" With a flash of body shape, he pressed a palm to his heavenly spirit cover, and his unrelenting move was obviously a real anger.

Song Qingshu only felt that the strong wind was blowing, and he dared not to be careless in his heart, so he hurriedly slapped him with luck. Song Qingshu's figure shook at the sound of a boom, and Tianshan Tong's grandmother turned upside down and flew back.

The two of them stepped on the ground to take advantage of the benefits of the thick soil, and the other took advantage of the air superiority, and this move was evenly matched.

"It has long been heard that Tianshan Liuyang Palm has a trick called'Yangge Tianjun', which can make a powerful blow when shot in rage. I saw it today and it really deserves its reputation." Song Qingshu couldn't help but admire.

"Which old monster are you?" Tianshan Tong Grandma looked at him suspiciously.

Song Qingshu suffocated his breath, and said depressed: "I don't dare to be old in front of my grandmother." Yelu Nanxian, who was next to him, was in a pretty bad mood recently. Today, he encountered such a thing again, and his face looked like ice, but this When I heard what he said, she thought that she had suspected that Tianshan Tongma was an old monster at first, but she didn't expect that Feng Shui would take turns, but she could not help but laugh at the absurdity that she suspected that someone else was an old monster from her mouth.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother looked at him carefully, and shook his head as he watched: "Our Xiaoyao School is originally mysterious, and the world knows very little, let alone knows so well about our Xiaoyao School's martial arts. Moreover, you are so young that you can be evenly matched with this one. What is it that is not the reincarnation of the old monster!"

Song Qingshu explained with a smile: "I also knew about the noble school by chance. As for martial arts, when did the rivers and lakes begin to spread that the older the martial arts, the higher the martial arts?"

Tianshan Tong's grandmother snorted coldly: "The young man is so arrogant, I will try to see if you have this capital." At first, she thought that the other party was a martial arts junior. The opponent is by no means easy, so there is no reservation about the shot.

Yelu Nanxian on the side only felt that there was a flower in front of him. Tianshan Tong's grandmother had already crossed a distance of several meters and appeared in front of him. He couldn't help being shocked, thinking that he really didn't have a chance to meet a master of this level.

I saw that the two of them had already fought several tricks in a blink of an eye, and soon the general who sent the marriage was shocked and took a few steps back. Yelu Nanxian secretly sighed. Although this Xiaobei Shen Wugong is high, it is far from Tianshan Tongmao. In this way, there is still a big gap between the figures of Megatron for decades.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu stepped back a few steps, and a look of surprise flashed across his face: “The ability to stack the three palms together is similar to Xiao Feng’s Threefold Waves of Jianglong. It seems that martial arts have the same goal by different means. "

"Xiao Feng's eighteen palms of the dragon can reach this level?" Hearing his words, Tianshan child grandmother couldn't help being stunned. She had survived the name of North Qiaofeng and South Murong. "This seat has not been down for decades. , I didn't expect the rising star of martial arts to be so powerful now."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Although there are many differences in palm techniques, the principles are similar."

"If you have a chance, I have to go to see and see," Tianshan Tong's grandmother turned around, "but you can say after you clean up!" After finishing speaking, he attacked again.

Song Qingshu's expression also became dignified, and the opponent's Tianshan Six Yang Palm suddenly changed from what it was just now, but the zhenqi from one hand to yang, and the other hand from yin to soft. The key is that the yin and yang of the two hands will also switch between each other. , It is hard to guard against.

The two fought for a while, and Tianshan Tong's grandmother coldly snorted: "If you don't make real effort, don't regret it in the hands of this seat." After speaking, he accelerated the offensive again.

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile. In order to conceal his identity, he really did not want to show his original skill. Originally, his cultivation base could handle most situations with just a few punches, but Tianshan Tongmao was obviously not an ordinary opponent. Feeling the danger, she hurriedly displayed the eighteen palms of the dragon descending, and her palm strength was fluctuating and vomiting, just in response to her six-sun palm in Tianshan Mountain where Yin and Yang alternated.

"Hey, Jianglong Eighteen Palms?" Tianshan Tong's eyesight was so harsh, and she quickly recognized his palms, "You just called yourself Xiao, do you mean Xiao Feng?"

Yelu Nanxian on the side also looked at him in amazement, thoughtful in his heart.

Song Qingshu replied, "If I really were Xiao Feng, would I flatter myself like that just now?"

"That's true," Tianshan Tongmao nodded, "but there is no expert in the Beggar Gang who can use the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong to this level, you won't be Guo Jing, right?"

Song Qingshu laughed: "If it is, it will be fine, I would rather have a beautiful wife like Huang Rong."

"Lang-dang invisible!" Tianshan Tong's grandmother looked cold, and the attack became fierce again.

Song Qingshu was depressed for a while, thinking that he was really wronged. You must know that this was just a common discourse in the society in the past life, but in this world where ethics prevailed, it seemed a little frivolous, and finally realized the kind of "the wrong one is not me," It's the feeling of the whole world."

Tianshan Tongmao made a fierce attack but gained very little. Knowing that the eighteen palms of Jianglong are the treasure of the Beggars, it is difficult to take advantage of the six palms of Tianshan. .

Song Qingshu only felt that the sky was full of hand shadows, as if he had been sealed off no matter where he was hiding. He couldn't help but be shocked and realized that this should be the Tianshan Zhemei Hand. Although it is not as powerful as Liuyang Palm alone, it is far more sophisticated than that It.

You must know that this Tianshan Zhemei hand condenses the essence of Tianshan Tongmao's martial arts, and it is also one of the most profound martial arts of the Xiaoyao School. It contains swordsmanship, knives, whip, marksmanship, grasping, axe, etc. The tricks of ordinary weapons and swords are extremely complicated and complicated. What's more buggy is that this Tianshan Zhanmei hand is never fully learned. The higher the internal strength of the cultivator, the more knowledge, and any martial arts tricks in the world can be transformed into these six ways to zhemei. Hands.

Song Qingshu had previously learned about Shaolin's **** techniques such as Nianhuazhi and Duluoye. Compared with the Tianshan Zhemei hand, it is not a level of martial arts at all.

He used Jianglong's eighteen palms to deal with it, and quickly became stretched, and was almost locked in the veins several times. You must know that being locked by a character like Tianshan Tongmao means that your life and death have been controlled by her.

Of course, it’s not that Jianglong’s Eighteen Palms is not good, but her **** has the effect of empty-handedly on the world’s palms, weapons, etc., and there is a faint natural restraint. Of course, if the user is not the Tianshan Tongmao, change to another one. It is also difficult for those with a slightly poorer cultivation base to achieve this kind of suppression effect.

Finally Song Qingshu accidentally hit her arm with her tail finger, and her arm suddenly numb. How could Tianshan Tong's grandmother let go of such an opportunity, taking advantage of this moment of effort, the petite body bullied her body into it, and surrounded him all around. Instantly sealed his whole body hole.

"Ah!" Yelu Nanxian exclaimed, obviously not expecting this change.

"Don't worry, you can't die." Tianshan Tong's grandmother gave her an angry look, "You just wanted to kill him?"

Yelu Nanxian's face flushed, and she didn't know how to deal with it. Tianshan Tong turned her head to look at Song Qingshu: "The young man is good at martial arts, but it's still a bit worse than this one. If you ask me, I can consider forgiving you. She died, and made an exception to accept you as a disciple.” She was talking, akimbo, she should have been very imposing, but she was petite and exquisite, and she looked like a pretty little girl. There was really no deterrent.

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