Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1738: I couldn't clean it even if I jumped into the Yellow River

"I have known Wanmei for a few years, and I have always been a very good friend with her." Song Qingshu secretly sighed, Qin Hongmian was really cold enough, and looked like a thousand miles away.

Qin Hongmian snorted: "Is that right? Why haven't I heard her mention it."

Song Qingshu breathed, thinking that you are like an ice cube all day long, and fierce to your daughter. It is normal for her not to be close to you, and these selfish words will not be said to you.

Qin Hongmian suddenly sneered: "Don't tell me your name is Duan Yu, right?"

"My surname is Song, and my name is Qingshu." Song Qingshu couldn't help but roll her eyes. She is really incompetent as a mother. This is a matter of what year, and the information database has never been updated.

"Song Qingshu?" Qin Hongmian said softly, "Why is this name so familiar."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "I am a sensitive person, and it is not convenient for Xixia people to come here this time. It is just to propose marriage to his wife. To show sincerity, I dare not hide it. I hope my wife will keep it secret."

Qin Hongmian snorted: "Why, are you famous?"

Having been making things difficult for her, Song Qingshu became a little impatient, and replied faintly: "Slightly less famous."

Qin Hongmian frowned and looked at him up and down. She vaguely remembered where she seemed to have heard the name, but she lived in the empty valley all the year round and was not so well informed about outside news, so she couldn't remember: "I'm sensitive, so I won't let Xixia people know? Then what kind of relatives are you here to mention? Do you know that Wan'er's father is the King of Xixia?"

Song Qingshu's face seemed to be smiling, "Is Mu Yuqi really her father?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Hongmian's expression changed.

"Madam knows what it means." Song Qingshu didn't approve of what she had done, either directly following Duan Zhengchun, or marrying Mu Yuqi and helping her husband and her son. Now it is nothing like this.

But this has nothing to do with him, and it is not good to criticize it directly. Song Qingshu took out a pair of emerald green and transparent jade mandarin ducks, a piece of fine-quality Hetian jade, and a huge night pearl: "This is a meeting gift for the lady below. "These gifts are all selected from the Liao State Treasury, and each is considered a priceless treasure.

Who knew that Qin Hongmian was angry, and he smashed these things on the ground without even looking at them: "Who cares about these things?"

Seeing that these priceless treasures were about to fall into pieces, Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and wrapped them with a gentle force in advance, so as not to hit the hard floor, then flipped his wrist and several treasures reappeared in his hands.

He did not put them down, but used his infuriating energy to control them ups and downs in the palm of his hand, as if he was locked in the air. He did not deliberately show off his skills, but was suffering from a headache: obviously Qin Hongmian was suffering from his early love. Injured, he was extremely repulsive to men, and he became the fish in the pond.

I blame Duan Zhengchun for being so merciful everywhere and making a lot of mess!

However, Song Qingshu soon realized that he was nothing more than him, and that there were several other daughters among the confidantes, so he was not embarrassed to scold him again.

"Huh?" Qin Hongmian trembled while Song Qingshu was thinking about it. Apparently, she was a little shocked by the unbelievable skill that the other party suddenly revealed.

"This is the lost dragon catching technique?" Qin Hongmian's voice trembled a little. Obviously, as a member of the rivers and lakes, he has a natural sense of awe for various magical skills.

"A technique I created is similar to the skill of capturing dragons," Song Qingshu suddenly moved in his heart, "If Madam is interested, I can teach you."

I'm really stupid. Qin Hongmian's ex-boyfriend is Dali Prince, and her current husband is Prince Xixia. They are all under one person in each country and above 10,000 people. She is also born in the wealthy Qin family. What kind of treasures she has never seen , I actually use those vulgar things to please her, it is simply inexplicable.

"Okay, okay," Qin Hongmian took two steps forward excitedly, but soon realized his gaffe, hurriedly stopped his figure, and coughed unnaturally, apparently for the little daughter who had just revealed subconsciously. The posture felt deeply ashamed, "Such stunts are the secrets of various schools and schools, how can I make the son embarrassed."

"Don't be embarrassed, don't be embarrassed." Song Qingshu smiled extremely happily, and finally found a shortcut to please her, "You are Wanmei's mother, both from your own family, so what can you say?"

Qin Hongmian opened her mouth, always feeling that it seemed inappropriate to "sell" her daughter in this way, but as a person in the world, she couldn't resist the temptation of martial arts, and she still had learned such a magical skill in her heart. You can find Duan Zhengchun's other lovers to settle accounts, especially the **** of Mantuo Mountain Villa, who has a huge power and high martial arts under her command, which makes her go down every time.

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Song Qingshu understood the principle of hitting the iron while it was hot, and immediately began to explain the principle of capturing dragons like her.

Now that the other party began to talk about the mantras of exercises, Qin Hongmian did not have the time to entangle other distracting thoughts, and began to memorize them carefully.

"Madame, did you remember?" Song Qingshu changed his previous restraints at this time, looking for a chair by himself and sitting down very leisurely, and at the same time pouring himself a cup of tea. No matter what, he is also passing on the practice, not putting on the pretense of master. It's already very good, what's the tension?

"Yeah, remember." Qin Hongmian nodded, the formula is not so profound, and Song Qingshu's simple and profound explanation, it didn't take long for her to remember it firmly.

Watching her keep trying, Song Qingshu secretly nodded. Although Qin Hongmian's martial arts qualifications are not that high, it is far superior to the average martial artist. The main reason why martial arts is so ordinary now is that he lacks the guidance of famous teachers. What they learn is just some unfamiliar martial arts.

Thinking that Duan Zhengchun could get her heart with a set of Wuluo light cigarette palms, Song Qingshu was slandered. You must know that Duan Zhengchun's martial arts are at best second to third rate in the whole rivers and lakes, and Wuluo light cigarette palms are what he knows. The kind of martial arts that is not good, it should be said that with the exception of Duan's Yiyangzhi, there are not many martial arts he can get on the table.

After practicing for a while, Qin Hongmian couldn't help but wipe the fine sweat from his forehead: "Why can't I move things successfully after practicing for so long."

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile: "Madam, you are too impatient. Although this kung fu technique is important, internal strength is more important. Madam's skill is not enough, so I practice it with half the effort."

However, he was also worried that Qin Hongmian would lose interest, and he would be in trouble next, so he immediately added: "But I can let Madam experience the feeling of catching the dragon first. Madam will remember this feeling of aura. Practice day and night, you should be able to get twice the result with half the effort."

"How to experience it?" Qin Hongmian was startled.

"Madam, please let go of your mind and body first." Song Qingshu got up and walked over.

Who knows that Qin Hongmian instinctively flashed back and looked at him warily: "What do you want to do?"

Song Qingshu was taken aback, noticing her guarded expression, and then he realized that the other party had misunderstood, and couldn't help but smile: "Madam is worried, I just want to enter a ray of true energy for Madam to help Madam succeed in capturing the dragon for the first time. This way I remember that feeling, and it’s convenient to practice in the future."

"This..." According to Qin Hongmian's original temperament, he would never agree to a stranger touching his body, but he was really unable to resist the temptation. Of course, it was mainly for learning to deal with the **** of Mantuo Villa. On the one hand, she thought of the relationship between this man and her daughter, she could be regarded as her junior, and she could not be said to be a strange man.

"Since Madam has no objection, then I will start." Song Qingshu knew that she was still hesitating, so he quickly cut the chaos to decide for her.

Walking behind her, she stretched out her finger to point at the Pohu acupuncture point on her back, and an internal force was injected into her body. Qin Hongmian hadn't kept such a close distance with the man for a long time, and felt the masculine and hot breath of the man behind. She couldn't help but her heart jumped, and she felt a little panicked for some reason.

"Madam, please restrain your mind and guide this breath to flow through the meridians just taught you." At this time, the man's calm voice came from behind.

Qin Hongmian woke up in shock, and ignored other things, and directly started to move according to the formula just now. The reason for the unsuccessful internal force just now is that she only feels that her internal energy is full and her condition is better than ever. She transported the internal force to the palm of her hand according to the path of the acupuncture point just now, and suddenly felt a suction force coming, and she hadn't reacted yet, three feet away. The teacup has been sucked into his hands.

"I succeeded, I succeeded!" Qin Hongmian turned around happily. At this moment, she was in a trance, as if returning to the time when Duan Zhengchun taught her Wuluo's light smoke palm. The joy at that moment was exactly the same as it is now.

"Duan Lang~" A blur of Qin Hongmian's eyes flashed, and he subconsciously wanted to jump into the arms of the man behind him.

Song Qingshu only felt a refreshing fragrance coming from him, and then he felt the other person rushing into his arms. At this moment, to be honest, he was confused in his mind, and he really didn't know what was going on.

It was reasonable to say that with his martial arts, even if he faced a man whose martial arts was ten times higher than Qin Hongmian, he would not be able to hide, but this time it was really unexpected, and he did not expect Qin Hongmian to behave like this. , There were too many thoughts in his mind for a while, before he thought of a name, a gentle and plump body carried a scent of fragrance into his arms.

"It seems that she is really ill due to love. The longing for Duan Zhengchun for more than ten years has been so intense that she sometimes feels a little trance?" Feeling the tender body in her arms, Song Qingshu's whole person changed. He looked like an innocent boy, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

If it were other women, he naturally didn't have this kind of entanglement, but when he thought of the relationship between Qin Hongmian and Mu Wanqing, he was overwhelmed.

At this moment, a shocked voice suddenly came from the door: "What are you doing?"

Song Qingshu looked up, only to see a glamorous girl with bright eyes standing at the door looking at this side incredulously, who was it if it wasn't Mu Wanqing?

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