Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 173: Pretend to be a tiger and eat a pig

Chapter 173 Pretends to be a Tiger and Eats Pigs

Except for He Tieshou, the one with the most fighting spirit now is probably the crane in the cloud. He saw Blue Phoenix on the side with white skin, big chest and thin waist, and he was already salivating. He looked at He Tieshou, and he was secretly surprised: Could it be Do Miao women look so coquettish? Seeing that the room fell silent, he laughed and said, "Master He, you robbed me of the flesh of my mouth before, so how about paying Yun Mou this surnamed Lan this time?"

When Zhong Ling on the side saw Yun Zhonghe talking with a pair of eyes thiefly turning to himself, he subconsciously shrank behind He Tieshou, He Tieshou patted her little hand, and smiled: "Our blue master is not only coquettish, but also coquettish. The whole body is poison, can Mr. Yun manage it?"

"As long as it's a woman, when she gets into my Yun's bed, she promises that she is dying and happy." When Yun Zhonghe said this, all the women present were blushing and cursing secretly.

Qu Feiyan angrily rebuked: "Duan Yanqing, Ding Chunqiu, you dare to intervene in the Sun Moon God Religion, aren't you afraid that the Eastern Hierarch will visit in the future?"

Although Ding Chunqiu and Duan Yanqing think that the East is undefeated in their hearts, the most important thing for people in the arena is a face problem. If others know that the East is undefeated, the two will be scared to flee. You don’t need to mix it up, so it’s hard to ride a tiger, so I have to bite the bullet and say:

"No matter how great the Eastern Leader is, he can't control me in Xixia Yipin Tang."

"Yes, although the Oriental Undefeated Sunflower Collection is powerful, the old man's Huagong is not vegetarian."

"Really?" At this moment, there was a cold snort from outside the hall. Ding Chunqiu and Duan Yanqing only felt shocked. They looked up in surprise and saw two young men walk in, one dressed in red with handsome faces. With a wicked smile on his face, the other was dressed in Tsing Yi, with a wooden sword on his back, and looked suave and romantic.

"It's you?" Seeing Song Qingshu's face changed drastically, Yun Zhonghe quickly whispered in Duan Yanqing's ear.

"Master!" "Master!" Lan Fenghuang and Qu Feiyan were overjoyed when they saw Dongfang Muxue.

"The Eastern Undefeated?" When Ding Chunqiu and the four evil men heard the scalp numb, they took a step back subconsciously, and He Tie's face was also pale. She didn't expect the Eastern Unbeaten to appear here.

"Boss old monster, your tone is not small, but this seat wants to learn your master's Huagong." Dongfang Muxue walked towards the main hall of the main hall without anyone, whether it was the four villains or Ding Chunqiu, they all avoided it. Lan Fenghuang wittily invited her to the seat dedicated to the leader of the Five Poisons.

Ding Chunqiu murmured secretly, and had to sneer: "The Eastern Guru just laughed. How can my Huagong be compared with the Guru's Sunflower Collection. This time I just came to discuss with the Lan Guru and use the poisonous experience."

"Oh?" Dongfang Muxue said faintly, lying on the seat, "Since you have the courage to intervene in the affairs of the Sun Moon God Sect, don't want to step out of this threshold alive today." Chapter 173 Tiger eats pig

Song Qingshu secretly squeezed a cold sweat on the side. Now Dongfang Muxue is internally injured, and she can perform at most 10% or 20% in martial arts, let alone the other party. It is either Ding Chunqiu or Duan Yanqing, she may not be able to. Get it done. However, he also understands Dongfang Muxue's plan. Being soft is not Dongfang's undefeated character. If it arouses suspicion and makes them aware of Dongfang's injuries, these monsters rushed forward, and the two of them might be in danger, so it is better to use false statements to intimidate them. The other party did not dare to act rashly.

Suddenly noticed that Ye Erniang put her hands behind her back and seemed to be moving. Song Qingshu was shocked and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Ye Erniang, you don't need to secretly let go of the sad and crisp breeze. If the dignified Five Poisons teach even this bit of poison, you can deal with it. No, you can close the door for good. On the contrary, it's the old monster Ding, you have to be careful."

Duan Yanqing and the others were shocked. He didn't expect that his killer's grief and crisp breeze was also in his expectation. Seeing that the other party had been prepared, he quickly signaled Ye Erniang to cover the mouth of the bottle so as not to poison the people on Ding Chunqiu's side. Undermined one's own combat power.

"Yun Zhonghe, I put you a yard last time, but I didn't expect that you didn't want to repent, so you are not afraid of taking the oath and thundering?" Song Qingshu turned his head and stared at Yun Zhonghe and asked.

"I'm pooh, I was careless last time, this time it's not so easy to get your way." Yunzhonghe said with a dry smile, everyone in the court could hear the sternness in his words.

"It turned out that it was Song Shaoxia who defeated Chongxu with a sword on the top of the Jade Emperor and defeated the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains. When I saw it today, it was a young hero." Duan Yanqing secretly cried. He had seen Chongxu and Zuo Lengchan's martial arts, although not as good as himself, But the difference is not too far, Song Qingshu can easily defeat the two, wanting to come to martial arts is still better than himself. An undefeated oriental has made people desperate, and one more super master... Duan Yanqing thinks that next year may become his death anniversary, but after all, he is a peerless murderer, knowing that there is no retreat, but rather aroused With the fierce aura in my heart, secretly used his skills, ready to fight to the death.

Ding Chunqiu noticed Duan Yanqing's face and also had an estimate of Song Qingshu's strength. He thought in his heart: I didn't expect that in the Central Plains, in addition to North Qiaofeng and South Murong, there were such masters in the young generation.

"Oriental leader, I want to ask you for personal affection. How about letting these people live?" Song Qingshu noticed the fierce light in Duan Yanqing's eyes and turned to look at Dongfang Muxue with a smile.

Dongfang Muxue saw that Song Qingshu cooperated with herself without prompting. The scene of pretending to be a tiger and eating a pig was quite interesting. She quickly suppressed a smile and said pretendingly, "Why?"

"The leader must know that the emperor sent me to set up a sticking place to recruit masters of the world, but unfortunately, all the time I have been caught are small fish and shrimps. There are no real masters. Old monster Ding and Mr. Duan are masters who dominate the side. If you can join the stick, I think the emperor must be overjoyed. I don't know what the two think?" Song Qingshu turned his head and looked at the two Ding Duan when he said the last sentence.

"Duan Chapter 173 Pretends to be a Tiger and Eats Pigs

A certain person has already served in the Xixia First Product Hall, how can he be in trouble. "Duan Yanqing hummed coldly, not allergic to the sharp sense that things had turned for the better, and temporarily let go of his desperate thoughts.

"The old man is used to being free, but he is not used to being a slave." Ding Chunqiu squinted his eyes and slapped the goose feather fan in his hand leisurely, and said calmly.

If the two of them hadn't cared about being invincible in the East, they would have been violent when they heard Song Qingshu said. It turns out that in order to find the magic of the North Ming, the Undefeated Oriental went to the Miaofeng Lingjiu Palace and the Xixia Palace, and fought against Tianshan Tongmao and Li Qiushui. Ding Chunqiu, as the foundation of the Xiaoyao school, certainly knew his two teachers. How abnormal Shishu Wugong is. Seeing that both of them are defeated by Dongfang Undefeated, I know that there is really no chance for them to face Dongfang Unbeaten.

As for Duan Yanqing, Xixia Yipintang was created by Li Qiushui. As a veteran figure in the Yipintang, he naturally knew how unfathomable the martial arts of that concubine was. That time the East Undefeated and Li Qiushui fought at the Xixia Palace, but he witnessed the whole process in the palace. For a long time, the unpredictable martial arts of the East Undefeated kept awake at night.

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