Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1748: Prince's wedding

Qin Hongmian's eyes widened instantly, and Li Yuanhao's voice was mimicked so vividly by him. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that it was another person pretending to be.

"It's about to dawn, we have to go back to the palace as soon as possible, otherwise we will be seen at that time, and the influence will be a little bad." The guard outside replied, "Your Majesty just asked his subordinates to call at this point in time?"

"Oh, wait a minute." Song Qingshu reacted quickly and followed his words, and at the same time felt relieved. You must know that Qin Hongmian is now the princess of the Heavenly King after all. Li Yuanhao just killed the Mu brothers. If he insults his wife again, once it spreads out, it will cause an uproar.

"Yes!" The man outside walked a little further, apparently to leave enough private space for the emperor thoughtfully.

Song Qingshu said to Qin Hongmian: "You lie down and pretend to sleep first, I will send Li Yuanhao out first."

Qin Hongmian nodded and lay down and shrank under the blanket. Song Qingshu took a look, walked over and pulled the quilt down a bit, so that her fragrant shoulders were half exposed, and then she made her hair a little bit thick. It was messy, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Qin Hongmian's chest fluctuated sharply, and he didn't know how to face it, and finally turned his head away, looking out of sight or worrying about it.

Song Qingshu arranged everything and pulled Li Yuanhao out from under the bed. After unlocking the acupuncture points, he hypnotized him again with the soul-moving method for a while, and then hid quietly behind the screen.

Li Yuanhao woke up quietly, feeling that he had experienced a very wonderful and pleasant night yesterday, but I don’t know why, he always felt a little empty. He turned around and glanced at the woman on the bed. With the appearance of, he couldn't help but feel a strong desire to conquer.

Seeing the flushed rosy skin of the lady on the bed, Li Yuanhao swallowed and couldn't help but walked to the bed again. He stretched out his hand and wanted to play with it. Song Qingshu behind the screen frowned, just as he was about to react. , The guard's urging voice came from outside the door: "Your Majesty, it's almost dawn."

"Got it!" Li Yuanhao looked depressed. After all, he is a generation of heroes, and he can distinguish the importance of the matter. After all, he gave up his plan to come forward, "Beauty, wait for me to spoil you next time."

There was a burst of contented laughter, he sorted his clothes and walked out of the room, completely unexpected that his memory had been tampered with.

After Li Yuanhao left, Song Qingshu came out from behind the screen: "Madam, he has already left, and he will probably not come back in a short time..."

After a pause, he continued: "What happened just now is really true. I hope Madam will forgive me for any offense..."

Qin Hongmian interrupted him directly, and issued an order to chase away his guests: "Okay, I don't want to talk about it anymore, you go!"

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile. There are so many things that have been experienced tonight, and they are too weird, it is difficult to explain in words: "If this is the case, Madam will have a good rest."

After speaking, he turned and walked out. Suddenly Qin Hongmian's faint voice came from behind: "Wait a minute!"

Song Qingshu turned around and said, "What's the matter, ma'am?"

Qin Hongmian had turned his face away at this time, his face was red and white, and it took a long time to say: "Tonight, don't talk to Wan'er." She didn't know how to face what happened today. Wanqing knew, what would she think of her mother? And then the relationship between everyone will become weird.

Song Qingshu was startled, then smiled: "Well, this is the secret of the two of us, and I will never tell anyone else."

Qin Hongmian always felt that his words sounded weird, but he didn't know what was wrong, so he turned his back again under annoyance.

"Goodbye, ma'am." Song Qingshu said goodbye.

Who knew Qin Hongmian immediately replied: "Don't come here anymore, I don't want to see you again!"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "But Li Yuanhao will come again, what will you do when I don't come to help?"

"I..." Qin Hongmian wanted to refute subconsciously, but opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything. She also knew very well in her heart that if she didn't rely on Song Qingshu's Great Soul Transfer Method to pass the test, she would be dead for a long time. ; And there are unfathomable Li Qiushui and Ding Chunqiu hiding in the dark...

Song Qingshu suddenly said, "If Madam can't get through the trap in my heart, why don't I perform the soul-shifting method on Madam once, so that Madam completely forgets what happened today?"

Qin Hongmian hurriedly shouted: "No!" She was stunned as soon as she said it. It would be better to forget this matter intellectually, but why didn't she want to forget it.

Noticing the other person’s smiling eyes, she hurriedly explained: “Don’t get me wrong, I’m just worried about what you will do when you move my soul.” The state of Li Yuanhao just now was so heart-stuckling, it’s not just being confused. Well, it's better to be sober.

Song Qingshu spread his hands together: "I obviously didn't say anything."

Qin Hongmian couldn't bear his eyes and turned around again.

"If this is the case, then I will leave," Song Qingshu finally comforted: "Madam, don't think about it, get a good night's sleep, and you will feel better when you get up tomorrow and see the morning sun."

The other party did not respond, he smiled, and quietly left Jietan Temple with a light effort.

After returning to the hotel, Song Qingshu just remembered that he hadn't seen Mu Wanqing yet, but he was too embarrassed to see her at this time.

After another two days, news suddenly came from the palace that the Mu brother’s sister was abolished as a queen and entered the cold palace. The Mu brothers knew in advance that her sister had fallen out of favor in the deep palace for many years, and they knew in advance that she was about to be killed. The news of waste, so the idea of ​​collaborating with the enemy and treason emerged.

When this news came out, the melon-eating people who thought that the Mu brothers would not treason before became uncertain, and many even applauded Li Yuanhao's wise martial arts.

"It seems that regardless of the dynasty, the melon-eating people are the easiest to instigate." Song Qingshu was full of emotion.

As for Lin Pingzhi, he was rewarded by the emperor for reporting the Mu brothers' rebellion. He not only restored his freedom, but also rewarded him with a large number of gold and silver jewelry.

Knowing that Lin Ping was safe and sound, Song Qingshu just breathed a sigh of relief, but another incident immediately hung his heart. It turned out that a messenger came from the palace, telling the princess to marry the prince after two days. Let the future princess enter the palace.

"Big Brother Song, why is this happening?" Yelu Nanxian panicked when she just relaxed some time ago, but now that the marriage is still inevitable, Yelu Nanxian panicked.

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice: "I think it is the recent domestic turmoil in Xixia. Li Yuanhao used this to stabilize the court and at the same time paralyze the prince group, lest they have an overreaction, so he made a big fuss about this marriage."

Walking over and holding Yelu Nanxian's somewhat cold hand, Song Qingshu said apologetically: "I really didn't expect such a variable, it was my miscalculation."

Yelu Nanxian shook his head: "If it weren't for Brother Song, I would have been involuntarily married to the prince. How can I live happily and happily like this."

Seeing her strong face and laughing, but there was a bit of depression in her voice, Song Qingshu hurriedly comforted: "Don't worry, I won't let you marry Brother Ning. I'll elope with you."

Hearing the word elopement, Yelu Nanxian's face turned red slightly: "What elopement is so nasty."

Song Qingshu gently hugged her flexible waist: "That's just the last step. Let me first think about whether there is any way to maximize the benefits. The key is that time is a little tight..."

Yelu Nanxian's heart moved, raising her clean chin, her starry eyes were bright and charming: "Would you like to try your previous method in Liao and replace Li Yuanhao directly?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "I did think about it this way, but I need an opportunity to go to the palace and be familiar with the things around Li Yuanhao, and I need to cultivate some confidantes before I can smoothly change the day."

"Opportunity..." Yelu Nanxian said suddenly excitedly, "I have a solution!"

"What way?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but become curious as she looked at her as if she was radiating light.

"Didn't you mention that Li Yuanhao is good-sexy?" Yelu Nanxian pursed his lips and smiled.

"That guy is indeed very good-looking." Song Qingshu nodded. In fact, almost all the men with great talents in the past dynasties have such a widow's disease, but it is not a black spot.

Yelu Nanxian suddenly turned around in the same place, the skirt flying up like a fairy among the flowers: "Big Brother Song, how do you think I look like?"

Song Qingshu looked up and down, and couldn't help but sighed: "It seems like the moon is covered by light clouds, and the wind is flying back like snow."

"Hate~" Compared to Luoshen by her lover, Yelu Nanxian couldn't help being a little bit ashamed no matter how confident she was.

Song Qingshu's expression suddenly changed: "Could it be that you plan to use the beauty trick?"

Yelu Nanxian smiled slightly: "As soon as Li Yuanhao killed the Mu brothers, he actually dared to take the world's bad faith to violate the Mu family's female relatives. Presumably he must be extremely good-looking. When he sees a beautiful woman, he is prone to become hot-headed and make some impulses. If he saw that the princess was beautiful, guess what he would do?"

Song Qingshu thought of Li Yuanhao's state that night. Most of it would be tempted to see Yelu Nanxian so beautiful. In addition, the prince was destined to be abolished, so he wouldn't have so much scruples...

"Actually, with Song's ability, even if I really marry the prince Ning, you have the ability to keep me unscathed, but Ning is destined to be an abandoned prince. It is really not worth the effort to spend on him," Yelu Nanxian blinked. After blinking his eyes, he said slyly, "Li Yuanhao is different. He is the emperor of Xixia, and he is definitely rewarded by spending time on him! Isn't Song Big Brother lacking an opportunity? Let me be this opportunity."

Song Qingshu's heart moved: "This is a good way, but it's too risky."

"Could it be that Brother Song is not sure to protect me well?" Yelu Nanxian was calm and calm.

"It's not a problem," Qin Hongmian had protected her not long ago, so how could she not be able to protect her? However, Song Qingshu still shook his head and said, "But there is nothing perfect in the world, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

Yelu Nanxian sighed quietly: "Big Brother Song, you still don’t understand my thoughts. Although I don’t want to see the Shaomin princess, she strategizes for you in the rear. There is also the queen who sits in Liao for you, but only I'm useless, but I always need your protection. I don't want to be like this, and I want to do something for you."

Song Qingshu embraced her with pity: "I don't need you to do anything for me..."

"But I need it!" Yelu Nanxian bit her lip, "Otherwise, I won't have the confidence to quarrel with your confidantes in the future." Thinking of all the things that Zhao Min had been bullied before, her teeth itchy.

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