Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1750: Has the bride changed?

Hearing what the other party said, Yelu Nanxian's lips raised slightly. It was obvious that his plan had achieved initial success. Of course, it was the greatest recognition of a woman's appearance to make countless emperors interested in the harem.

Slowly raised her head. Today, she has been carefully dressed up, and she is truly beautiful and incomparable. Qunfang was eclipsed by her. Li Yuanhao looked at her and was stunned for a while, forgetting the next process.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?" The little **** on the side hurriedly reminded in a low voice.

Li Yuanhao finally came back to his senses and laughed loudly: "It is rumored that Princess Chengan of Liao is a martial artist at a young age and is still the most outstanding beauty on the grassland. At first sight today, he really deserves his reputation. ."

The following officials of the Ministry of Rites looked at each other. If Yelu Nanxian is an envoy to Xixia this time, the emperor’s boasting is no problem, but the point is that they are here to be with you, your daughter-in-law, so there is no such thing as a father-in-law who just stares at each other. Looking at your daughter-in-law, and then complimenting her for her beauty?

However, Li Yuanhao has always killed and decided, and coupled with the killing of the Mu brothers a few days ago, he doesn't know how many officials and court officials were involved. Now they dare not talk too much.

The next thing is that Li Yuanhao kept chatting with Yelu Nanxian about the family affairs, and he almost held hands to ask questions. The officials next to him fell silent.

According to the usual etiquette, the prospective princess would leave the palace soon after entering the palace and begin preparations for the wedding, but Li Yuanhao did not intend to let anyone go. He didn't let him go until it was getting late. She opened her mouth and left her in the palace overnight in the name of the concubine, saying that the concubine should take a good look at the granddaughter-in-law.

A group of people looked at each other. Who didn't know that the princess had lived in the palace for a long time, and never did not care about things. How could he suddenly leave the princess in the palace for the night? Song Qingshu is even more like a mirror in his heart. He knows what the concubine is more than Xixia officials. How can a person like Li Qiushui take care of such trivial matters?

"I'm afraid this is not in compliance!" Although everything is planned, Song Qingshu, as a general to marry off, still has to do what he should have.

"The guest is up to you. I don’t care what the rules of your Liao Kingdom are. When you arrive in Daxia, you must follow Daxia’s rules, and what I say is the rules." After being tempered in the sea, he naturally carried an inexplicable murderous aura. As soon as this sentence came out, the temperature in the entire hall seemed to drop a bit.

Xiao Ruo on the side hurriedly played a few words to round the field, letting go to ease the atmosphere, and at the same time secretly pulled the sleeves of Song Qingshu, and signaled him not to say anything. Song Qingshu was originally pretending, so he took the opportunity to go downhill. Open up.

However, the reaction of the Xixia mission made Li Yuanhao realize something. In the end, he said, "What you said makes sense. If that's the case, let the princess go meet the concubine now, and leave the palace later. "

After speaking, he asked the **** on the side to lead Yelu Nanxian towards the harem. Song Qingshu was shocked. Now everyone is full of eyes, how can he follow the emperor's inner palace, in case Yelu Nanxian has something wrong in the deep palace. , He has no time to rescue.

She seemed to know his worry. When passing by him, Yelu Nanxian said in a secret message: "Don't worry, I know how to protect myself. If I really encounter danger, I will send an agreed signal for you to rescue me. of."

Song Qingshu was a little relieved now. You must know that with Yelu Nanxian's martial arts, as long as you don't encounter Li Qiushui, there are probably not many masters in the entire Xixia Palace that are opponents, even if you encounter masters like Ding Chunqiu and Duan Yanqing, It's okay for her to protect herself.

Of course, what made him more assured was that Li Yuanhao was still in the hall at this time. If the other party left with him, no matter how many reasons, Song Qingshu would not dare to let Yelu Nanxian leave.

About an hour later, Li Yuanhao also left. Song Qingshu was hesitating what to do next. It didn't take long for the **** to lead the costumed princess to return to the Liao State Embassy, ​​but everyone was dumbfounded. Although the princess looks pretty, how can he compare to Yelu Nanxian's beauty and beauty?

Song Qingshu hurriedly stepped forward to hold the eunuch, and asked sternly: "Who is this, where did you hide our princess?"

The **** calmly said, "Isn't this your Princess Chengan?"

"Nonsense!" Xiao Yan on the side was also anxious. If there is something wrong with the princess that affects the negotiation between the two countries, he will not have enough heads to cut.

The **** snorted, "Master Xiao, since the emperor said she is Princess Cheng'an, she is naturally Princess Cheng'an."

Xiao Yu even heard that there was something in his words, and couldn't help being startled: "What do you mean?"

The **** said with a smile, "Why did you marry the princess?"

"Naturally, it is to turn fighting into a jade silk, and forever make the good of the Qin and Jin Dynasties." Xiao Yu Duwu's face is a little unsightly, after all, this marriage is a bit unglamorous, and there is always a feeling that the opponent's soldiers are forced to offer women to ask for peace.

"Since it's asking for peace, then obviously you should know who is in charge of my Daxia?" The **** said with a smile.

"Naturally know, of course it is the current sage." Xiao Yu Duwo arched his hands in the direction of the inner palace.

"That's not enough," the **** spread his hands, "Since the master is the master, should the princess marry the master or a prince?"

"This..." Xiao Yu was speechless for a while, and he was really moved a little bit. You must know that the prince is not the emperor after all, and he may not be the emperor in the end. Moreover, the position of the queen is now empty, and the princess married him. It is possible to be a queen, the existing queen is better than the future queen, and Li Yuanhao is already old, and he might be the queen mother in a few years, which might be more beneficial to the Liao State.

Despite his intentions, Xiao Yu Duwo was keenly aware of the danger: "But the prince's side..."

"I don't have to worry about Master Xiao," the **** replied, "As the saying goes, the king is the minister and the father is the son. The prince is both his majesty's courtier and his majesty's son. He only has to obey orders."

Song Qingshu secretly cast his lips on the side, Xixia people have always been tightly guarded against Sinicization, but they did not expect that they would take the initiative to quote some Han people's remarks for the sake of their righteousness.

"In that case, we can't say anything, everything is up to your Majesty's arrangements." Song Qingshu said at the right time. This was originally his plan. He didn't want to spend time with the eunuch. Yelu Nanxian was still waiting for him to protect. It.

Xiao Zhen gave him a surprised look, but after all, he didn't say anything. He couldn't help pulling Song Qingshu aside until after he left the palace: "Brother, for our Daliao, I really wronged you."

Song Qingshu was startled, a little inexplicable in his heart, not knowing what he meant, he was anxious to re-enter the palace to see the situation of Yelu Nanxian, deal with it at will, and hurriedly said goodbye.

Seeing him leaving in a hurry, Xiao Yan was stunned: "Abandoning his family for the sake of the big country, Master Xiao is really admirable. Now he must be sad and drunk, so I won't bother him. "


I was too busy the first two days and I couldn’t spare any time, so I’m sorry, I will try my best to make up the previous ones in the next.

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