Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1762: No cliff?

Ding Chunqiu's fist and kick skills are not very clever, but he is most afraid of the ability to use poison, and the extremely vicious method of transforming kung fu, so the Tianshan child grandma is also a bit of a rat avoidance device.

However, her Tianshan Zhemei hand is the best capture skill in the world, and Ding Chunqiu was embarrassed by a few moves.

Ding Chunqiu only felt that the crowds in front of him were all the shadows of his hands, knowing that he would be restrained before long, and after fighting for more than a dozen moves, he hurriedly shouted and took the opportunity to jump out of the battle circle.

Tianshan Tongmao is jealous of his great technique of transformation, and she would not attack if she didn't clarify the truth. What's more, she cared more about the other person!

After she forced Ding Chunqiu back, she looked to the side for the first time. At this time, because of her own reminder, Li Liangzuo regained her confidence, and at the same time she was no longer merciful when she shot. Li Qiushui suddenly turned left and right.

"Little bitch, today next year will be your anniversary!" Tianshan Tong's grandmother gave a grin, and stopped talking to Ding Chunqiu, and rushed directly to Li Qiushui.

Ding Chunqiu's eyes rolled around, trying to take the opportunity to run out, but he was stopped by the four maids of Meilanzhuju with swords, plus the help of the people from the 72nd Cave of 36 Islands. It was Ding Chunqiu's martial arts. Higher, still can't escape.

Li Qiushui's martial arts is not as good as Tianshan Tongmao. What's more, he was seriously injured at this time, and he was beaten by more? As soon as he fought a few strokes, he was slapped on his chest with a palm of his opponent, and his ribs suddenly broke.

If it wasn't for Lingbo's microsteps to be magical enough, she wouldn't know how many times she had died in this short period of time.

Another blood spurted out, and Li Qiushui felt that his strength was gradually exhausted, and now he might really want to explain it here.

Li Liangzuo laughed and said: "The toffee hurry up and get caught. Even if the gods come today, they won't be able to save you. If you surrender, I might be able to spare you a life." He was indifferent to Li Qiushui's innocence. Gong and Ling Bo Weibu were very interested. They wanted to capture her and ask them out. Besides, the other party had been in charge of Yipintang for many years, and he must still have a lot of secrets in his hands, which are worthy of careful questioning.

Although Li Qiushui's voice was still charming and charming, he chuckled: "I'm afraid you a junior can't do this. Even if you want to spare my life, that **** Wu Xingyun won't agree."

Hearing her words, Li Liangzuo's heart sank instinctively. He also knew the grievances between the two, Tianshan Tongmao would never let her go. Despite this, thinking that he would be the emperor soon, he still couldn't keep up with his promises, and felt a little unhappy in his heart.

Song Qingshu in the distance had to admire Li Qiushui, even in such a situation, he still tried to divorce the relationship between the enemies, and achieved the effect with a few words.

"Don't listen to him instigating divorce, I don't know how many times the martial arts of my Lingjiu Palace beat her, then I will tell you how many times." Although Tianshan Tong's grandmother is a bit reckless and violent, she has lived for nearly a hundred years after all. Li Qiushui's intention.

Li Liangzuo smiled slightly: "Tong grandma is too serious, how can I fall into her trickery." As for whether it is really a trick, only he knows.

At this time, Tianshan Tongmao, Li Liangzuo, Helian Tieshu, Duan Yanqing and other masters all besieged Li Qiushui. Even in his heyday, Li Qiushui could not resist, let alone being seriously injured at this time?

Soon there were a few more heavy blows on the body, Li Qiushui's vision became a little blurred, and suddenly a thought came up in his heart: If Wuyazi was here, I would never sit back and watch me being bullied like this...

However, she soon thought that what she had done in recent years was good enough not to fall into the ground. How could she help?

Although I always thought that I hated Wuyazi, he didn't expect that the first man he thought of when he was still alive...

"Take it to death!" Tianshan Tongmao pinpointed a flaw, and slapped her opponent's forehead with a palm. Her Tianshan six sun palms were very strong and fierce. Once compacted, the stone would be smashed, let alone human flesh and blood. Body? She hates Li Qiushui to the extreme, so she must be brutal to kill her. Isn’t the other party most concerned about her beautiful appearance, then this palm will blow her head to the ground, and it will be ugly for her to reach the Yin Cao’s house. ghost.

"Emperor Grandmother!" Not far away, Li Qinglu couldn't help but see this scene, her eyes split, but unfortunately she was entangled by Li Yanzong and couldn't come by herself at all. As for Li Ganshun and others, they have long been controlled by Li Liangzuo's men, and they are even more powerless.

Looking at the opponent's rapidly falling palm, Li Qiushui could only close his eyes in despair, but after a while, the expected sharp pain did not come, but the whole person fell into a warm embrace.

She opened her eyes and found that she was being held in her arms by a white-robed man. Although the other party was wearing a mask, the exposed skin could be seen as a crown of jade, plus long hair fluttering, her figure was light and light. , Really a little bit of the air of censorship.

At this time, Tianshan Tong's grandmother was swallowed by thunder. She looked at the two with trembling, her fingers trembling: "Lingbo Weibu... Junior Brother, is that you?"

Li Liangzuo and others on the side were surprised when they heard the words: "No cliff?" Just now the opponent rushed directly into the battle of several masters, abruptly snatching Li Qiushui out at the very moment, and their group's attacks failed one after another. , This level of skill looks at the whole arena, I'm afraid it can be counted with one hand.

Not far away, Ding Chunqiu's eyes widened, wondering if Wuyazi had been beaten off the cliff by himself, how could he suddenly appear here? But the light work of the other party at that moment was indeed Lingbo's microsteps, and it could be seen that the immersion skills that had been used for decades were not able to be used.

Looking at the other person’s dusty air is really a bit like Wuyazi, plus Li Qiushui and him are husband and wife, and Tianshan Tongmao is his senior sister. For a moment, Ding Chunqiu even wanted to take refuge immediately. Tianshan child grandmother.

The masked man did not stay at all, and ran out holding Li Qiushui. Li Liangzuo and the others wanted to intercept, but unfortunately his Lingbo microsteps were too subtle, even better than Li Qiushui, all kinds of deadly attacks. They hit the air one after another.

The man took Li Qiushui a few leaps and disappeared into the distance of the palace. A group of people chased after a few steps and immediately gave up. The speed of the man was so fast that it was impossible to catch up.

"No, he's not Wuyazi!" Tianshan Tongmao finally came back to her senses. She liked Wuyazi for a lifetime, but how could she not recognize it? It's just that the opponent's Lingbo Weibu was so amazing, she wanted to think about it. I couldn't think of anyone in this world other than Wuyazi who could have this accomplishment, so the first reaction was to admit that he was wrong, but he calmed down and immediately realized that there are many differences between the other party and Wuyazi.


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