Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1764: Misfits

Li Qiushui smiled softly: "I thought En Gong was so strong in martial arts, and he was mostly an old man with a long beard. I didn't expect to be such a young and handsome man."

Song Qingshu was praised so much by a person of this level, but after another thought, Li Qiushui has always liked handsome and beautiful young people. Wouldn't he like me?

I have to admit that Li Qiushui combines purity and seductiveness at this time. He is like a goddess of heaven and a fascinating witch. This kind of temperament is really unique. If he met such a charming woman without knowing it, he would not Mind if something super-friendship happens.

But it hurts to know her identity. Thinking about her age at this time, and her turbulent past, especially her relationship with Li Qingluo, if there is any desire or desire, it would be too much. .

"I thought you were an old woman, but I didn't expect you to be like a little girl." Song Qingshu deliberately named her age, and then said, "I have something to leave first. Be careful."

Li Qiushui covered his mouth and smiled and said: "The son is interested. Now the jungle is densely covered and the transportation is convenient. If this is still caught, I am not worthy of the son's rescue."

"That's good," Song Qingshu said, "you can find a safe place to retreat and heal your injuries."

Li Qiushui nodded: "I know this. I have been operating in Xixia for so many years. It's still easy to find a place like this. The son is kind today, and I will be rewarded when I recover.

"You don't need to be grateful to me, you can only say that you have a good granddaughter." Song Qing Shuben wanted to say that she had a good daughter, but she always felt that it was too obvious. Li Qingluo didn't necessarily want her mother to know the relationship between the two, so she had to be so ambiguous. Having said that, if Wang Yuyan didn't give him the guidance of the past, there would be no him today. Therefore, he has always been full of affection for the weak girl in the hazy cage, so he loves the house and Wu, so he rescued Li Qiushui.

Seeing his disappearing figure, Li Qiushui was startled, has a good granddaughter? Could it be that he and Qinglu...

Li Qiushui couldn't help being overjoyed. Her granddaughter looks refined and her eyes are higher than her top. She asked her if she was interested in someone and didn't say anything, which made her think about recruiting relatives for her contest, but it was delayed because of the assassination of the Mongolian prince. Up. Unexpectedly, she unexpectedly caught up with such a character silently, it was really a match made by a talented and beautiful girl.

He is so anxious to go back now, is it to save Qinglu? I really don’t want to kill me. With the help of such peerless experts, why worry about it? But looking at the state between the two, it should still be in the ambiguous stage now, am I going to help them...

After all, Li Qiushui stayed with the granddaughter Li Qinglu for a long time, and didn't realize that the other party was referring to the granddaughter far away in the south of the Yangtze River. As a result, this beautiful misunderstanding occurred. As for the series of things that happened, it is something to be said.

Let’s say Song Qingshu rushed all the way to the palace. Just to save Li Qiushui, he could only temporarily leave Yelu Nanxian in the palace. Although she was hiding in a safe place, she had been away for so long, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

After arriving in the palace, I found that the dust had settled in the main hall. Li Ganshun and even Li Qinglu were gone. Even the grandmother of Tianshan and the people in Lingjiu Palace were missing. Only Li Liangzuo and his confidant were left there. Busy, it seems to be discussing some procedures of enthronment.

"I don't know what happened to Li Qinglu." Seeing some blood on the hall, Song Qingshu's heart shuddered. Although it's hard to say any friendship with Li Qinglu, if such an important character in the previous book just disappears like this, it is really letting people go. Can't help but sigh.

Soon I found her at the place where Yelu Nanxian was hiding. Seeing her safe and sound, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Before she could speak, the girl had already threw a scent of fragrance into his arms: "Big Brother Song, you'll be fine. it is good."

Seeing her nervous look, Song Qingshu laughed dumbly and raised a warm feeling. There is a person in this world who has been thinking about your safety and worrying about how good you feel.

"Silly girl, how can I have such a high level of martial arts?" Song Qingshu gently wiped the tears on her face, his tone full of compassion and love.

"So many masters chasing you," Yelu Nanxian gradually burst into laughter when he saw him return safely. "All of them are top masters in martial arts legends. Even characters like Li Qiushui almost died on the spot, like Ding Chunqiu. The old devil said he would die if he died, of course I couldn’t help but worry."

Song Qingshu was startled: "Ding Chunqiu is dead?"

Yelu Nanxian nodded and explained what had happened in the hall just after he left. It turned out that he had rescued Li Qiushui. Ding Chunqiu saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately waved his tail to beg for mercy. Tianshan Tong's grandmother agreed on the surface and accepted his surrender.

Ding Chunqiu breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that he could be as good as Li Liangzuo, and he could not help but relax his vigilance. Who knew that Tianshan Tong's grandmother suddenly made a move and directly shattered him with the six palms of the Tianshan Mountains. Heart pulse. It turned out that Tianshan Tong's grandmother had already heard of his conspiracy against Wuyazi, and when she thought that the person she was thinking about had turned into bones decades ago, she became angry from her heart and came directly to the other side and return her body. , Let Ding Chunqiu also taste the taste of being revenge.

"Old Monster Ding actually died like this?" Song Qingshu felt that it was reasonable after the accident. Although Tianshan Tong's grandmother looked like a little luoli with pink makeup and jade, she had a violent temper in her bones, and she was thinking about it. Mu thinks that Wuyazi has become her demon for so many years, and knowing that Wuyazi actually died in a plot, how could he let Ding Chunqiu be spared.

However, Song Qingshu was still a little bit sighed when he thought of a relatively familiar character. Although Ding Chunqiu was vicious, he hadn't conflicted with himself over the years, so it was hard to say how annoying it was.

"What happened later?" Song Qingshu then asked.

As the two of them walked outside the palace, Yelu Nanxian said: "Li Qinglu's two fists are hard to beat four hands, and he was soon overpowered. Li Ganshun and his men had already lost their morale and were naturally wiped out. Li Liangzuo said. Suspected of participating in the prince’s rebellion, Li Qianshun and his confidant were thrown into prison. As for Li Qinglu, she just put her in confinement without saying how to deal with it."

"This is not surprising. After all, Li Qingluyan is famous. The whole Xixia said that she was'Duanlixiuya, Wushuang Wuyi'. When several princes in Mongolia met her by chance, they never forgot about it. That's why we have the previous ones. Xixia recruited relatives, but Xu Liewu was assassinated, which caused the recruitment of relatives to be stranded. No matter how courageous Li Liangzuo was, he did not dare to do anything to her at the risk of offending Mongolia." At this time, a team of palace guards came to face him, and Song Qingshu hugged him. With Yelu Nanxian's waist, he flew out of the imperial city with light effort.

"By the way, I'm also wanted." After the two left the palace, Yelu Nanxian smiled bitterly. It turned out that Li Yuanhao was theoretically with her when he was killed, but no one knew her whereabouts afterwards, which naturally made people suspicious. She also participated in this coup.

However, considering her special identity and not wanting to engage in hostility with Liao in such a sensitive period, Li Liangzuo did not want her publicly, but sent someone to investigate her secretly.

"It seems that you can't go back to the Liao State Embassy. Let's find another place to avoid the wind." Song Qingshu thought for a while, and finally thought of a good place, "I will take you to a place!" (https :)

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