Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1778: Watch the fire from across the bank

Tianshan Tong's grandmother was really anxious at this time, and the other party checked her pulse to check that. No wonder people in the rivers and lakes said that he was a greedy and lustful prodigal, and he really saw it today.

Her roar quickly attracted the injustices who were searching for them. At first, Song Qingshu admired them for their quick pace. Later, she thought about it. He was here with the Tianshan child grandmother for so long to be delayed for so long. Regarding the story of the race, although the opponent's effort is far worse than his own, he has been chasing after him. At this moment, he can still catch up.

"Smelly boy, let's see where you go!" The unfair man and others chased after him, seeing that Song Qingshu was only a young man, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At such a young age, martial arts can't be much higher.

As for the opponent's high light skills, he didn't take it to heart. The light skills are very good in the world. Wugong is too common, such as the cloud in the crane among the four villains, and the surname that I encountered a few days ago. Young son.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother thought that these island master Dongzhu were really abominable, but then suddenly felt that they liked a lot. Although reason told her that these people's martial arts were far inferior to that bastard, they could always cause him a little trouble.

Seeing that **** is in trouble, she herself would be very happy.

However, she had a good calculation, and suddenly the smile on her face froze, because the other party pointed at her with no ethics: "Hey, hey, don't you bother looking for the Tianshan child grandmother, she is the Tianshan child grandmother." , Go find her, go find her..."

Hearing what he said, Tianshan Tong's grandmother only felt qi and blood surge, and almost no blood came out.

As for the injustices, a group of people heard the words "Tianshan Tongmao", and they stopped their body in fright. They looked at the girl beside him in surprise: "You said she is... she is..."

Song Qingshu lightly leaped to a big tree branch, with a playful expression: "You such a large group of people discussed dealing with her, but they all caught her and didn't recognize her. It really makes people laugh."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother glared at him fiercely: "Smelly boy, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

"I'll just say what can you do? Come and bite me?" Although Song Qingshu didn't look in the mirror, but he knew it, and he must be very awkward at this time.

Tianshan Tong's teeth creaked, and if she hadn't lost her work now, she would definitely rush up and bite.

"Nonsense, she is a little girl who doesn't know much about martial arts, how could she be Tianshan child grandmother!" The unfair Taoist recovered a little from the shock and immediately realized the key point.

Song Qingshu shook his head and sighed: "You are really stupid. You have been bullied by Tianshan Grandma for a long time. You have swallowed your breath for so many years. Why did you dare to resist this time?"

"That's because we found that Grandma Tong is likely to be ill..." The voice of the injustice stopped abruptly, and he looked at the little girl aside in disbelief, "Could it be that she..." There was a terrible conjecture in his heart, but that conjecture It's so unbelievable that I dare not say it.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "You guessed it, the martial arts practiced by the Tianshan child's grandmother is called "Bahuang Liuhe", and I will rejuvenate every 30 years. During this period, her martial arts will be scattered and become the level of her childhood. After every day of practice, she will increase her skill for a year, and after a few months, her martial arts will return to the same level as before, and you will die without a burial place."

Seeing the overcast and uncertain appearance of the other side, Song Qingshu added, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "Why, didn't Murong Fu tell you? He also knows it."

The unfair person really changed his face: "Murongfu, who was killed that day, has never mentioned it!" Then he looked at the little Luoli who wanted to step forward and didn't dare to approach: "Are you really an old lady?"

Tianshan child grandmother Yu Wei is still there. Before the Wanxian Conference, they scolded old godly women and old thief women happily, but now in front of her, how can they dare to make any trouble?

"Huh, you people are very courageous, do you want the antidote to life and death this year?" This is the end of the matter, Tianshan child grandmother will naturally no longer make unnecessary denials. Of course, the effort has been put away at this moment. Her milky voice was replaced by her usual old and majestic voice.

It's nothing more than an injustice. He is a master invited by Wu boss, not a person from 36 holes and 72 islands, and there is no life and death symbol on his body, but the other people with him are like dirt on their faces, all knelt on the ground like sifting chaff. The other side is forgiving.

The injustices were shocked. None of these people were his opponents when they were alone, but if they work together, they may not be able to beat them. If they are instigated by Tianshan Tongmao's three words, then they will try to please Tongmao, their own little Fate can be dangerous.

At this point, the cruelty in his heart was also aroused: "I heard that the old lady does not need a second trick to kill, but I want to know it." As soon as the voice fell, he waved the whisk and rushed towards the other party.

He has always been smart. He just heard what Song Qingshu said, and combined with everyone's previous guesses about Tianshan Tong's grandmother, he knew that the little girl in front of him was probably not martial arts, but only he believed it was useless, and his companions must also believe it. The companions have been frightened by her for a long time, and they have long been scared, so they can only prove it with facts.

Seeing the other party rushing over, Tianshan Tongmao's expression also changed. Although the martial arts of the Unfair Taoist is good, but for her on weekdays, picking up a pine nut can kill him, but now she has lost her skill, how to deal with it. It is a big problem.

But after all, she has decades of cultivation and eyesight. Although her skill is much worse, her skills are still there. Soon she used the Tianshan Zhemei hand to smash the whisk he swept away, and took advantage of the situation to pinch the opponent's wrist. At Yuan acupoint, the unfair Taoist only felt his hand numb, and his five fingers holding the whisk involuntarily relaxed a little.

At this time, he was shocked, thinking that it is no wonder that it is rumored that Tianshan Tongmao didn't need a second move to kill people. The moves are really subtle and tricky, and they are beyond imagination.

However, he immediately noticed the abnormality. He had already accepted his fate and was waiting to die, but he didn't expect that the opponent's little hand was actually bounced off by his body guard. Originally, he didn't even dare to think about this situation, his own hand. Thank God for not being bounced off by the opponent's true energy, how could he bounce off the opponent's hand by himself.

He took back the whisk, and this time he no longer made heavy moves but instilled internal strength, intending to win with internal strength. As expected, the little girl instantly became confused.

He was overjoyed in his heart, and hurriedly exclaimed: "The old witch really lost all her power. Let's go on it together. Grab her and ask her for life and death talisman!"

Those island owners, Dongzhu, were a little hesitant at first, but they saw that the unfair people can actually force them to be so embarrassed by the Tianshan child grandmother who respects them as gods. They are all refreshed, and there is still a little bit of fear before, one by one. Called and rushed over, as if seeing the dawn of relief.

"Hey, I forgot to ask your name last time. If you tell me what it is, maybe I will help you." Song Qingshu sat on the tall tree, looking at the Tianshan child grandmother in a panic, and couldn't help but smile. stand up.

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