Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1780: It's not that the enemy doesn't meet

"What's wrong with you?" Song Qingshu asked hurriedly when he noticed the abnormality of Tianshan Tongmao.

Tianshan Tongmao's face was pale, and without answering his words, she pushed him away, then staggered to the side of the unfair man and ran away.

The Unfair Taoist has already been sealed off, and seeing her running towards him is a little confused, but at this time he has already accepted his fate. Since his skills are not as good as humans, he must kill him.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother walked to him and lay down. In his doubtful eyes, she stretched out a knife and slit his throat, then leaned down, leaned over to the gurgling blood and sucked it up.

"Ah~" The injustice screamed. He didn't expect this kind of development. In fact, he was cut through his throat. He was doomed to death, but he could still linger for a while, but that breath was also caused by the Tianshan child's grandmother. The move was shocked.

Song Qingshu was also dumbfounded, what's the situation? The real vampire?

As for the remaining few island masters, all of them were scared to death. Sure enough, Tianshan Tongmao had finished sucking the injustice. Maybe he felt that his blood had lost his aura, and then he found another island owner to draw a gourd in the same way.

There were screams, and the other island owners who had not been sucked by her were originally the heroes, but at this moment, they were either so scared that they fainted, or they fainted.

Smelling the stench in the air, Tianshan Tong's grandmother frowned: "I disturb my appetite." Just as soon as the voice dropped a few hidden weapons, she shot at those people.

"Enough!" Song Qingshu stretched his fingers, and directly dropped the hidden weapons. He stepped forward and pulled the Tianshan child grandmother over. Before he started to scold him, the other party threw him away and sat down cross-legged. The index finger of the right hand pointed to the sky, and the index finger of the left hand pointed to the ground. There was a "hey" in the mouth. Two pale white air spurted out of her nostrils, and the white air entangled her around her head. It became a cloud of white mist, covering her face, and then she could only hear her whole body crackling, like popping beans.

After a long time, the popping sound gradually faded, and the white mist gradually faded. Seeing that the mountain boy’s grandmother kept inhaling the white mist through his nostrils that day, she opened her eyes and slowly stood up. .

Song Qingshu rubbed her eyes and felt a little dazzling. She only felt that the expression on her face was quite strange, but I couldn’t tell the difference, but after thinking about it, I would understand. The magic of this arrogance is my unique power. Here, after rejuvenation, every day of practice will increase one year's skill, and the whole person is equivalent to one year old, so there are subtle changes in expression and appearance.

Thinking that the beautiful little Luoli in front of him would become an old woman in a few months, Song Qingshu's expression was extremely weird, and she thought it was a violent thing.

However, he quickly cleared up his mixed feelings and looked at the other party with a cold expression: "What were you doing just now?" Although he liked the appearance of this beautiful luoli very much, if the other party is a murderous demon, even a vampire. Exist, I am afraid that all his good feelings have to be cleared.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother faintly replied: "I have a weird problem. If I don't drink the blood at noon every day, my whole body will boil, I will burn alive, and when I am dying, I will be crazy..."

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, vaguely remembering that in the original work, she practiced the Bahuang Liuhe solitaire practice that did have great side effects. Rejuvenation and rejuvenation can be said to go against the sky. Naturally, it is incompatible with the law of nature and will invite a series of weird problems.

"Is it the problem of your cultivation technique?" Song Qingshu didn't take her to answer, and directly grabbed her hand to get the pulse, and she really felt restless in her body, especially the Sanjiao Jing of Hand Shaoyang, it was a mess.

"I want you to take care of it!" Tianshan Tong's grandmother pulled her hand back directly and snorted badly.

"No wonder..." Song Qingshu muttered to himself, the three-jiao meridian of Hand Shaoyang is responsible for endocrine. If these meridians have problems, the normal growth of human will be affected. So it is no wonder that Tianshan Tongmao has not been able to grow into a normal adult body shape. It's such a petite luoli form.

"So you have to drink blood to practice qigong every day to suppress the restless qi in your body?" Song Qingshu asked with a frown.

Tianshan Tong nodded. She didn't want to talk to each other, but this matter has been bothering her so that she sighed with deep sympathy: "Yes, and it must be fresh blood, otherwise I will be full of blood. Qi boiled and died."

The few remaining island owners, Dongzhu, heard her words as soon as they woke up, and suddenly fainted again.

"Don't kill or drink blood in the future." Song Qingshu said coldly.

Tianshan Tong snorted: "You think I want to share their smelly blood. Usually, there are all kinds of sika deer and red-crowned cranes in the Lingjiu Palace. When the time comes, I will grab one and give me some blood. Their smelly blood is much better."

Song Qingshu's expression eased a bit when she heard that she was only bleeding and didn't kill a lot on weekdays: "You can just stop killing during this period of time."

Tianshan Tong's grandmother gave him a white look: "Then you give me the blood to drink every day?" She originally said casually, but thinking of the other party's unfathomable internal strength and cultivation, the whole body of blood must be the best of the best, if it is Drinking his blood must be a great tonic... Thinking of the excitement, she couldn't help licking her lips.

"Don't even think about it!" Looking at the bright red lips of the little girl in front of him, Song Qingshu thought to the future generations that there was a sentence circulating on the Internet, a drop of essence and ten drops of blood, it must be impossible to drink her own blood. Make up... Give her a drink...

Song Qingshu looked at the little girl with pink makeup and jade in front of him, and hurriedly curbed his thoughts, and despised herself too much.

"Don't let me kill and don't give me your blood, are you making me die?" Tianshan Tong's grandmother sneered again and again.

Song Qingshu looked weird, thinking that I had an alternative plan, which satisfied you and me. Of course, he knew that once this evil plan opened his mouth, the other party would definitely fight himself.

"Cough cough~" Song Qingshu condensed his thoughts and said hurriedly, "rest assured, with me by your side, you can suppress the true energy that is rioting in your body at any time." He is not telling lies, you must know that he is best at yin and yang. Tianshan Tong Grandma's body is obviously yin and yang imbalance, and it can be considered as a match. Of course, now he only has the confidence to suppress, but he doesn't know how to cure the other party's problem.

"Can you be by my side for the rest of my life?" Tianshan Tong's grandmother snorted coldly, apparently a little uncomfortable, turned around and wanted to leave, who knew that after taking a step, she would "ouch", clutching her ankles and sweating straight down, she only remembered her feet just now. It's swollen, and it's already swollen like a steamed bun.

"Don't be aggressive, you will become a pig's hoof after walking this foot." Song Qingshu directly squatted down and pulled her foot over and placed it on her thigh, intending to activate the meridians for her.

"What are you going to do?" Tianshan Tongmao's face flushed, and she subconsciously wanted to withdraw her feet, knowing that women's feet in this world are quite private parts.

Song Qingshu gave her an angry look: "I really think I'm a little girl, why is an old woman ashamed?"

Tianshan Tong's grandmother was speechless for a while, and the other party seemed to have some truth in what he said, but why was it so weird?

At this moment, there was a sweet smile not far away: "Yo yo yo, didn't the elder sister have a deep affection for the younger brother? How come you have a skin-to-skin relationship with a handsome young man so quickly."

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