Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1783: Sell ​​granddaughter

Li Qiushui was startled, a little unclear, so there was a dead end before him, why did he say there was no dead end? But seeing him calm and relaxed, he pressed the doubts in his heart and followed.

"Is the son's embrace very warm and comfortable?" But she was unwilling to be so idle along the way, watching the Tianshan child's grandmother snuggle in the other's arms, and then said with a smile.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother really couldn't be irritated, and hurriedly shouted with her teeth and claws struggling: "Smelly boy, you let me down!"

Song Qingshu looked speechless: "How do you go with your feet like this, and you also listen to your sister's instigation, you have lived in vain for decades?" He has already figured out the temperament of the two, so he hits the point directly.

Tianshan Tong's grandmother was startled. The first half of the sentence was nothing but the second half of the sentence really hit her heart. She gradually calmed down: "Bitch, you don't have to arouse me, there are free human sedan chairs, why should I be as hard as you? Work hard to walk on your own."

Li Qiushui ignored her. Instead, he looked eager to tears: "The son is really partial. He has been protecting her. You must know that she is the master sister, and I am the younger sister. Shouldn't the son help me?"

Song Qingshu heard goose bumps: "I told you not to talk to me in this tone. I really can't stand it."

Hearing his words, Tianshan Tongmao laughed happily, and even looked at him with a pleasing eye. On the contrary, Li Qiushui's face was blue and white, and he was obviously choked up.

Song Qingshu's footsteps were fast, and Li Qiushui's light skills were not weak. In addition, he was already close to the top of the mountain just now. A few people have already reached the top of the mountain with time, because it is located in the northwest and Dulong Peak is not low in elevation. It was already white, and it was all covered by snow.

Looking at the surrounding silver clothes, Song Qingshu only felt relaxed and happy. The depressed moment during this period was wiped out: "This Dulong Peak is not famous, and there is such a beautiful scenery on the top of the mountain. These years, it is too hard to run around. , When you’re done in the future, it’s really a beautiful thing to take a few confidantes across the river north and south to appreciate the great rivers and mountains."

At this moment, she felt a tremor from the little girl in her arms. Song Qingshu looked down and saw that Tong's face turned blue. It was obvious that her dress was too thin, and now she has no internal strength protection body, so naturally she can't stand this mountaintop. In the cold wind, but her temperament has always been so strong, she naturally does not want to be softened in front of outsiders.

Turning her internal force slightly, a rush of enthusiasm was immediately transmitted to the Tianshan child's grandmother. She felt that her body was warm as if she had been irradiated by the sun. Naturally, she knew that it was due to the man next to her. Still no words of thanks.

"My son, there is no way ahead. Are we going to stay here for a few days?" Li Qiushui looked around and even looked down on the edge of the cliff. The clouds in the sky were still deep. The feeling of not bottoming out made her a little dizzy.

"In my opinion, it's better to just rush down the mountain. Those island owners are just a mob, no way can stop the son." Li Qiushui couldn't help adding.

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I don't want to confront them head-on."

"Why?" Li Qiushui suddenly looked strange, "It's not because of my big sister, love the house and Wu? But these people have betrayed the Lingji Palace and are no longer counted as the masters' subordinates."

Song Qingshu said lightly: "I care about myself, and I don't need to explain to you."

Li Qiushui didn't even bother, and smiled slightly: "I feel that the son is a bit disgusted with my attitude, on the contrary, he is much better with the master sister. Can I ask why this is?"

At this time, Tianshan Tong's grandmother also raised her head curiously. In fact, she also had such a faint feeling.

Song Qingshu frowned and didn't answer. Li Qiushui looked at the way he was holding the Tianshan child grandmother, and suddenly giggled: "I understand, the son likes that kind of innocent girl, but don't be fooled by my senior sister. , She is not the kind of innocent girl you think, but an old lady in her nineties."

Tianshan Tongmao instantly said angrily: "Aren't you about the same age? You're obviously an old witch, who still scratches her head every day to make a fool of men, I pooh!"

"What is a similar age? I am obviously eight years younger than you. Eight years old is good, we are not a generation at all." Li Qiushui said triumphantly, and suddenly said quite playfully, "You have this body shape now. I’m not sure if I’m eight years old."

Seeing two women who had lived for almost a century quarreling over the difference in age, Song Qingshu couldn't help but get a black line. It seems that for women of any age, age is their opposite scale.

After fighting with Tianshan Tongmao for a while, Li Qiushui stopped paying attention to her and turned his attention directly to Song Qingshu: "My son, it's easy for you to like a pure girl. I happen to have a granddaughter, which is Xixia. Princess Yinchuan, you should know."

"In addition, I also have a granddaughter from the Jiangnan Wang family. She is well-known and well-loved, and she is also both talented and beautiful. I will make the betrothal to you whichever you like. If you like them all, you can also let their sisters and two daughters serve the husband together..."

The Tianshan child grandmother on the side really couldn't listen anymore: "Bah, are you an elder like you? Selling out the happiness of your granddaughter for your own selfish desires is simply a pimp."

Li Qiushui disagrees: "What is the happiness of betraying a granddaughter? It is always difficult for a woman to find a wishful man in her life. It is even more difficult for a woman to find a hero who is both civil and martial and upholding. The key is that people are also a kind of talent, with a kind heart... I don’t know how many women are in deep boudoir dreams. I seek happiness for my two granddaughters, but where are I pushed into the fire pit? But it’s no wonder that you, an old virgin, never Being a parent naturally doesn’t know how to consider it for the offspring.”

Tianshan Tongmao: "..."

Song Qingshu was also a little dizzy by her series of titles. Seeing that she didn't miss any chance to harm the Tianshan child grandma, it was also a while: "It's alright, those people are about to catch up."

At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance. Li Qiushui and Tianshan Tongmao followed their prestige. They saw people everywhere, including Murong Fu, the sword **** Zhuo Bufan, and others. Obviously they had discovered the injustices on the mountainside. The corpse, they dare not place orders again, they should use the crowd tactics.

"They're on the top of the mountain!" Someone yelled out when they saw the three people on the top of the mountain sharply.

Seeing so many people gradually encircling, Li Qiushui was also a little discolored. Although she was high in martial arts, she is now seriously injured. Before, she could make full use of the terrain and light work to get rid of this group of people, but now she is blocked here. On the road to nowhere, if she is head-to-head, she will most likely drink hatred in the hands of this group of rash.

"My son, what should I do now?" Li Qiushui leaned against Song Qingshu with a guilty conscience.

Song Qingshu walked directly to the edge of the cliff: "Can't you just jump down?"

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